Proof Strategic Troops are Best



Strategic Troops vs Regular Troops – Which is better to use?

This has been a question we've all been wondering for a while now, so myself and two players in our alliance decided to see which troop type was better to use, strategic or regular.

All tests were run with T3 troops (less rss to replace for testing purposes).  Every round was 1000 each of Infantry, ranged, cavalry.

3000 troops each march.

Strategic vs. Strategic - no hero

Both of us are in war mode, no hero was used, we have equal research done.

My troop loss – 14.9%    On a 375k march I would have lost 55,875 troops

My troop kills – 16.3%    On a 375k march I would have killed 61,125 troops

Regular vs Regular – No hero

My troop loss – 12.9%   On a full 375k march I would have lost 48,375 troops

My troop kill – 14.2%        On a full 375k march I would have killed 53,250 troops

So, lets assume this is a kvk attack and 40 points for T3 kills.

Strat vs StratPoints scored2,445,000Points given2,235,000Regular vs RegularPoints scored2,130,000Points given1,935,600


The kill ratio is bigger on Strat T3 than it is on Regular T3, because more troops were killed by both sides (shown by the points and KRs)

936 strategic total kills vs 813 normal total kills

Regular vs Strategic

55 66

Now this is interesting.  In the previous two test I won, because I have a stronger hero than my opponent, but this time I lost because Strat Troops are much stronger than Regular troops.  She also lost less troops attacking regular T3 than when she attacked the same troop type in the previous reports.  So if you are fighting in a kvk and the person doesn’t have strat T4 unlocked yet, attack with strat T4.  Lets see the opposite of the above attack.

Strategic vs. Regular

77 88

This time I attacked with Strat and she defended with Regular T3.  As you can see the reports are almost identical on troops killed vs lost.

We both came to the conclusion that we are ok with losing a few more troops using strategic troops to attack with because the increase kills is worth it especially in a kvk. Strategic troops are stronger and weaker at the same time, but the increase in kills vs the losses in our opinion is worth it.

There you have it everyone, strategic are best.

Feel free to blow up the comments section below..



p.s. HUGE thanks to General Bow for running these tests.