New Super Wonder Style KvKs Are Here!

wonder thug

We love it whenever MZ makes legitimately cool updates to Game of War. Today is one of those days, thank goodness.

For the longest time the community has been asking MZ to add more features revolved around fighting.

Super Wonder Style KvKs

new kill event

The longer someone holds the SW the more kvk points they receive.

This should add quite an interesting dynamic to the kvk this Thursday. We are not sure of the point system yet, but it's likely alliances will now have to fight non-stop to ensure they earn enough points for their kingdom to win.

We are really hoping to see some epic battles come out of this.

Wonder Strategy

To me this is a smart move by MZ to get players more familiar with how Super Wonder battle are fought, and thus eventually get more players involved with the SW. A LOT of players do not understand the planning and execution details involved with it.

We have an article coming out soon from the famous LM on planning and executing for the SW 😉

New Point System

In the past, kill event points were earned by how many points MZ decided each tier of troop and trap were.

Now, points are awarded by the amount of power loss.

The easiest way you can see how much power the enemy lost and how much power you in a battle is by reading the battle reports (see the green circles).

Nerf Report 1b power loss

Potential Surprise

If anyone thinks their kingdom will be particularly intense during this event, let us know in the comments.

We may have a surprise in store for you.

