Zeroing Billionaires in KvK Kill Event (more analysis added)

zeroing players in kill events

How To Zero Billionaires in a Kill Event

With more players reaching 1 Billion+ in power fairly fast these days and with more kingdoms being completely dead, newer kingdoms like mine, K400 (6 months old), have had to adapt our game play to beat older and often dead kingdoms.

The first thing we do between the top 5-6 alliances in our kingdom is search for players between 1-4 billion that are either sitting in monster or research gear. Once we have selected a target the top alliances will decide who will be the rally leaders and which core "missiles" will be used.
For those who don’t know a "core missile set" is, it is all one troop type i.e. (Ranged, Calvary or Infantry attack)

Requirements for Missile Core Sets

These missiles should have a Strategic (Troop Type) attack + Strategic Troop Attack between the following ranges:

  • Infantry: 1600%-2500%
  • Calvary: 2000% - 2600%
  • Ranged: 2300% - 3300%
Did you know our membership includes core gear articles that show you recipes for epic missile cores that the pros use for attacking, defending, and securing the wonder? Click here to sign up and not miss out.

Pro Tip: We will also have an alliance or member with Horseman cores to bail us out if we end up losing all of our heroes, but that is usually not needed.

The Pure Strategy for Zeroing During a Kill Event

If we can’t get a scouting report ahead of time we will just assume even mix and for this example this guy had 89 Million troops.

We always decide that the best core missile goes last since he will have the advantage on the troop mix after the first two missiles hit.

It is very important that missiles hit in the same order rotation each time until the guy is zeroed to ensure that after the first two hits the remaining rallies are attacking the target's off balance troop type.

It is also a requirement that each rally member can rally in 60 seconds.

Below is a table of all of the rallies:

Chris T. battle reports spreadsheet


Analysis of Spreadsheet

As you can see from the first three rallies, the first two kill the same number of troops (He was exactly evenly mixed). The first two attacks were calvary and range missiles. Then for this rally I had the stronger overall missile (infantry) and you can see that having more Calvary after the first two missiles hit made my infantry missile even more effective. (See the kill loss ratio in the first three rows). As you can see in that column the pattern is consistent until we hit what we like to call the "Tides change point" (Rally 18). Here we start to not lose as many troops and each rally becomes even more effective. You can also see that in Rally 14 someone mixed troops instead of making it all Ranged and it hurt the rally (63.81%) when it should have been in the 100s. This happens when members run out of troops or people log off. It is important to try and have as many people participate as possible to spread out the losses. After rally 22 the guys alliance started pulling their reinforcements and you can see our kill loss % rose dramatically.

Check battle reports after your rally and pay attention to troop count.

Christian T. Battle Report Kill Event

Here you can see that rotating in circular order ( Infantry, Calvary then Ranged) always keeps his troops over weighted and thus giving the next rally leader the advantage. In this case the over weighted troops are calvary. Pro Tip: It is also important to look at the kill loss ratio. If it's over 50% you are wearing him down and if it's under that it is usually a lost cause. Also if you see dips in power destroyed you may need to have one guy hit twice to get the off balance troop mix again.

More Key Info on Kill Event Rallies

It took four alliances and around 50 people to pull this off in the span of an hour and a half.

The same strategy applies to mid range players. But there are some differences if you are a 100-500 mill rallying a 500 mill -1.5 billion. Watch the helps in their profile to make sure they are offline. Best way is to write down the helps and check again in 15 minutes. Also since your rally reduction won't be all the way researched you will want anti scout on before you send your rally so the enemies cannot scout you to see what troops you are rallying. Read a related article on the Top 5 Useful Tips for A KvK KE.

More Screenshots:

Chris T. map screenshot Chris T. battle report Chris T. battle report Chris T. battle report Chris T. glorius victory

Pure strategy contributed by Christian Tyckson - "Christian lives in Texas and enjoys zeroing people in GOW."