Build a Perfect Trap With Only $200

trap account game of war

Setting up the Perfect Solo Trap Account

We've reached out to some of the best players we know and accumulated the following information on how to build the best trap account on a budget of only $200. At this point in the game, it's nearly impossible to stay within this budget, but a low cost trap is still a feasible option. To maintain this trap it could cost up to one pack a week depending on how fast you need to rebuild.

This article was updated for accuracy on 11-25-15.

The success of many Game of War players has lately been attributed to trap accounts. We have connections with many of the top players and many have created new trap accounts in the last couple months in addition to their billion power accounts. We even know some spenders who get happy when they are zeroed because now they can make a trap account. HA!

Trap accounts with millions of T1 are pretty much impossible to rally even if the attack has good gear. Everyone is afraid to lose millions of points in a kvk by hitting a wall of T1.  Although, this is a costly tactic and takes a lot of speed ups to retrain just one hit. What if you want to be a trap account that doesn't require you to spend a lot of money and still have fun playing the game?

New players or veteran players can just as easily use this tactic.  I recommend using a Stronghold 21 and hero level 55 for this type of trap account.

Step 1: Upgrade Buildings

Start out with a Stronghold 21 or build up one to level 21.  This can be done on one Gold pack or you might have a level 21 farm.  Whatever the account, don’t worry about building up all the farms, just focus on the buildings mention below.

Level these buildings to 21:
$100 trap

Step 2: Research (nothing strategic)research_restorative_bottom_left

Research up through T4 Troops. This is pretty much a must now to survive with March increases and the cores available.

Research all traps to T3 and Trap Attack to level 9. Trap Defense level will be determined by the style of trap you choose.

Warning: Do not research any strategic troops or traps, otherwise your power will be too high.

Optional: Research to level 5 in the crafting tab without gaining a ton of power and have at minimum level 5 Cores. Level 5 Cores with 4-Pieces only adds 738K Power. It's a good safety net to have.

Step 3: Train Troops


Build a couple Barracks (2 or 3) up to level 15 and Villas (15-16) up to level 10 to speed up your Troop Training.  Don’t max them out, we will be destroying them shortly.

Train 2.4M T4 equally among all types

Train 27M T2 equally among all types

Build full T3 Wall Traps mixed regular

Step 4: Re-format Your Buildings

After training the Troops you need, set up your buildings with the following:


Watch Tower






The Academy is optional, but can be expensive to rebuild if things change and more Research is required. A Market Place is also optional if you intend to send Resources to other members within your Alliance. A level 1 Hall of War is sometimes nice to have to get the attention of an entire Alliance very quickly.

With 20 Hospitals in total, you will have 20 x 40,000 = 800K Troop coverage.

The total power on your account will range between 315 – 325 Million depending on how much research you do. Spenders will solo these all day long. You can adjust your Troop count and gear (better gear reduces the required troop count) to achieve the desired power level.

Have tons of Resources in your Stronghold of each type, 400M of each will work.  You’re going to need it and it will also entice enemies to hit you with solo marches.  So here is how this works.

Step 5: Gear Up & Embed Gems

The best Gear set-up available to Solo Traps:

Helm: Shogun's or Kunoichi
Armor: Colossus
Feet: Haunted Kunoichi
Weapon: Shogun's or Haunted Kunoichi
Accesories: Phoenix Chaos or Colossus Vambrace
Gems: Rose, Hallows, Health/Defense/Minotaur

Step 6: Check Your Boosts

These are the target boosts for any Solo Trap.

Troop Type Attacks: 275%+
Troop Attack: 450%+
Troop Health & Defense: 900%+

Debuffs aren't overly important on defense, but they also don't hurt to have.

Step 6: Check Your Boosts

These are the target boosts for any Solo Trap.

Troop Type Attacks: 275%+
Troop Attack: 450%
Troop Health & Defense: 900%

Debuffs aren't overly important on defense, but they also don't hurt to have.

Pro Tip: Troops in your hospital are not counted in your total power

Pro Tip: Use two devices.  One so you can watch when they are sending and the other is the one you are actually fighting on.

Recommendations On Additional Strategy by T1ny Tim

1) If you demo the academy and replace it with another hospital, you can have more troops. You can also build it back up if you decide you want to become a larger trap with T4 later on, or some other research that’s epic for traps comes out that you may want. But for the purpose of KvK your academy does nothing.

2) Do you need a marketplace? Could have another hospital yet again, which again means more troops. With my trap account I didn’t have a marketplace, and if I wanted to give someone Resources that’s what my farms were for.

3) Also the embassy isn’t utilized at all in the above plan, and it can’t. Because just like with the traps, when they first hit they will hit straight traps and T4s. People normally fill you up with T4s because they get points and don’t lose them because your T1/3s take the hit. So again you could replace it with another hospital.

4) At this point if you were to make the above 3 changes you are removing power that doesn’t help you in KvK and adding power that does, which means more kills and more points, as you can go up to 900k troops as you have 880k beds +20k. This would add ~2M more power (+3M from troops -1M because hospitals give less power then the buildings they replace).

Tweedledum Article Recommendation

If you want to learn more about how to build a trap that gives away the least amount of points possible, check out Tweedledum's trap guide.

Article 1: What are Trap Accounts and Why Are They Important?
Article 2: The Two Types of Trap Accounts
Article 3: The Latest Requirements For A Flawless Trap Account
Article 4: 5 Advanced Trap Account Strategies
Article 5: Build A Perfect Trap With Only $200
Article 6: Best Trap Account Builds
Article 7: 7 Ways to Spot a Trap Account
Article 8: 4 Piece Cores Strategy for Traps
Article 9: Comparing Troop Attack vs. Trap Attack for Trap Accounts

Game Strategy article contributed by PaintLicker