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Adventure Xpress Tricks and Guides

Adventure Xpress Tricks and Guides

Adventure Xpress is about role playing puzzle match game wherein you will play as a messenger in a fantasy and full of bandits as your primary challenge. Your goal in this game is to fight your way through different villains to ensure that your letters will be delivered without delay. And that is why we are here, to help you survive in your quest as long as doing it with a better score results. So let start it:

1. Keep your runes safe. This is by denying enemy attacks. You will find that some enemies will attack your rune board. You will see them with mark corresponds on specific runes and they will begin to flash. If you let them exist for too long, that enemy will attack the runes, locking them and rendering them immobile. You can still free them upon making a match. You can also stop an enemy from locking your runes by making a match corresponds on affected runes to remove them from the board. So meaning to say, you will start making match with the targeted/locked runes by your enemies.

2. Match four or even more runes. You already learned that you are able to protect your runes from enemies attack by making match on it. But then you are able to get a bonus runes from making more than three matches. As you match four runes, you will get one of those horizontal or even vertical blasting runes that can clears the entire row or even column upon successfully matched. If you are able to make five runes, you will get the bomb runes that explode in an area around itself. There is also a possibility for you to combine these special runes to activate very powerful rune effects such as three column/row blast. So you better try as many special runes as possible.

3. Take advantage with elemental flow. This is based on most role playing game but not in matching game. In Adventure Xpress, you will find that there are five elements such as light, grass, dark, water and fire. For every element there is advantage over it that come like this grass is strong against water, water is strong against fire, fire is strong against grass while dark and light is strong against one another. With this flow, you should always ensure that you are in advantage over your opponent. You can tell your opponent’s element by simply looking at their name plate wherein you will see a little icon on it. From it, you can make a matches over their weaknesses to gain double damage against your opponent.

4. Take advantage with critical. Aside from elemental properties, there is also critical chances in game. You will see that every weapon that you equip has a stat on it named “Runes to Crit” with a corresponding number. This number is actually the amount of runes you need to match in one turn so you are able to get a critical chance for your next move. Upon having a critical chance, your total damage for that turn will be doubled. This is perfect especially to work with elemental advantage for quadruple damage inflict.

5.  Take advantage with combos. Aside from elemental property flow and critical, there are still way to empower your damage and this is with combos. I believe that setting up combos is difficult to do in game especially that you can only move runes one place at a time and every time you do the enemy takes a turn. But if you are lucky and smart enough, you can pull off a very big damage against your opponent. Another way to is to take a low rune to crit weapon so you are able to get as many critical chances s you can. Definitely the low base damage on weapons won’t matter at all since you are going to multiply it with combos.

6. Do extra damage using magic. As you level up in game, you will have access to powerful magic to help you in battle. The first spell that you are able to cast is the Fire spell wherein you can inflict damage against your opponent. Not as strong as you can make from combos and critical but definitely this is additional damage. To cast a spell you need to first to fill up the charge by making a match of runes under the corresponding spell. So for the fire spell, you need to match fire runes. Another spell is the grass that you can do to save your life by stunning your opponent to gives you a free turn. Aside from charging your spell, you can also spend magic potions to instantly charge your spell from the beginning of the battle.