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Tiny Troopers: Alliance Strategy Guides and Tricks

Tiny Troopers: Alliance Strategy Guides and Tricks

For those who wish to play Dragon Warlords but they can’t because the game is exclusively for Android only, you can download Tiny Troopers: Alliance as a good alternative of base-building strategy game. The game also has touch of Tiny Troopers with some new twist from the classic game formula. Personally we love this kind of game being a massively multiplayer real time strategy game, we can easily share some guides and strategy tricks for playing this game. And that is what we want to share here to let everyone be guided and get their edge in this very competitive based game. So let’s start it:

1. Start building up your resources. The best thing you can do as you arrived in game is to start empower your resources. Yes it is really cool to engage battle especially for first time player. But if you are looking forward to play this game effective from the very start up to the end, you should start working out with your resources. There are lots of reason why you should forget attacking first or improving other features of the game aside from resources. When you say building up your resources, you will put up everything including your resources to improve your resource-related buildings while skipping other features of the game like attacking, defending etc. Yes you will find attacking as a good reason to play the game, actually that is your primary reason why you wish to play the game. Yes you can easily win the matches even without a depth strategy or by simply attacking other players that come to be beginners alike. But if you are expecting to love this game and play it seriously, you must start it seriously as beginning phase is the most important part of the game. It is better to start your game building up resources, since you have two days protection from the time you arrive in game. So there is nothing to worry about, plus even you consume the two-day free protection still you don’t have much resources to protect. This is another reason why it is not a good idea to build up defense too since you have nothing to defend with. In two-day protect, you are not able to receive attack and also to attack other players or your protection will be removed. Upon attacking other players, you can win against it but as you continue making progress, you are spending too much resources and if you don’t have stable resources, it will only result for you to consume all your available resources. So as you continue making progress, you must ensure that you are improving your resources so you can deploy more power units in the latter part of the game. Now that you have decided you will start working with your resources, meaning to say you will put all your potential to it. You can build up your resource producing buildings and silos first and then upgrade it to maximum level. You can complete single player missions as a good source of resources that you need to work out your buildings.

 2. Build up your offense. After having a stable resources, you can now work out your offense which is the very best thing to experience in playing Tiny Troopers: Alliance. This is actually the reason why you are playing the game. Since you already have a stable resources, you will never find building up your offensive thing a very big problem after all since all you have to do is to spend resources plus your strategy. After maximizing your entire resources, you can work out by upgrading your military system as well as unlocking all kinds of units you can deploy and include in your strategy. Definitely the more units you can use, the more complicated and interesting your arsenal can do. Plus, with wider visions, you can handle wider circumstances. In this end, everything will still rely on strategy although you will find it easier having a better arsenal to deploy. With strong offensive unit, this can also let you earn resources as you are able to ransack other players resources. As a good strategy in attacking other players, you must minimize the number of units you send in game as long as you are able to win the battle. Yes at first you can consider power by number strategy but as you continue making progress, you really need to use different strategy that don’t involve too much in numbers but a strategy on how you will handle your unit and use their advantage over one another. In attacking, you can have two goals, first is to loot their resources and then just ignore everything or you can go for winning and destroy everything. Just ensure that in picking an opponent, you have lots of resources you can steal with so it will correspond on how many units you will deploy. Basically the larger that amount of resources you can steal with a certain players, the higher the defensive units you will encounter. From here, it is better to know your capabilities and don’t be too greedy in seeing higher amount of resources to ransack.

3. Time to build up your defense system. Since you already have resources as well as you already attacked other players, you need now to improve your defense system so you can defend your resources too from revenge as well as potential enemies who wish to ransack your resources. With lots of resources, you can easily improve your defense plus you need to work it out with strategy. There are lots of ways to empower your defense based on what you have as well as your personal strategy. The best way to get a good idea on working with is to imitate the strategy of other players you encounter that challenged you well. So if there is someone you can’t figure out the defensive system he have even after doing a dozen of try, definitely that defensive system is effective and you can do the same idea on you. Technically, it is better to build up a few routes to the heart of the base. You can place a decoy building which is the least important building you have to intentionally stop the opposing troops and let your towers handle them in more time/chances to attack them. Definitely the most important buildings which is the headquarters or anything that you wish to protect should be placed at the middle of your base.

4. Join alliance. Now that you have a concrete resources, offense and defense system you can now join an active and large alliance. Yes you need to play with active players. Having an alliance, you can take part in the weekly alliance wars and win some cool prizes. It is a good idea to play with active players wherein you can share a talk with them regarding with different Tiny Troopers: Alliance discussions such as cheats, guides and even their personal strategy of winning the game.