Which Are More Popular? Flash Games Or Online Games?

This has been a terrible question in everyone's heads that whether the most popular thing on the internet is either flash games or online games, apart from porn of course heh. Well although there have never made a scientific research about it but i have been apt to think of it logically, thinking of every possiblity and judging from everything that they are about and It related to.

Well, i am going to share it with you all so you can tell me if im right or wrong. Flash games are the type of games which everyone can play and do play in whatever they can find freetime and whenever, such as on laptop, waiting for plane to show up or on train, bored as hell, on phone, or maybe in house, waiting for one's boyfriend to pick her up. It can be played even in the slightest and minorest of times. Also the fact that they are extremely easy to play, no knowledge is required apart from the knowledge that you have to use a computer, no installation required, no wait time, no search time as they are spread around the web like spiders. But are online games like that? No siree. Online games are generally the most complicated games that has ever invented on earth. You have to first, find it then buy it, and you cant even copy it as it is online, you need an original cd key so pirating is almost impossible. You get into the house and install it. It generally takes ages. Then its not over! You are yet ready to play. First you need to update all of your game cause there have been thausands of bugs reported so the game masters had to make bugfixes for all of them and release patches. Which makes you wait for another couple of hours to be able to play the game. Then you check in with your original cd key and create your account. Finally you are in the game. There are alot of things that you need to choose, server, class, race, stats, all sort of things like that. Which, a newcomer probably fails at doing so.

And after that you are thrown into a pool of spells and abilities and quests which you know nothing about. Well you start to learn and it takes more and more time as you endeavour it more and it takes even MORE time. Its hell of a work. But you know, there are still so many people that do this, it is a match for flash games. This can be only because that some people actually love complicated things, when other people love simple things. For example my sister hates those online games, says they are wadte of time and memory. I cannot agree with her. But i know that people are divided into two in a perspective, about this matter. Those who love simple entertainment and those who can be entertained only through complicated means. I am not going to judge whether is good or bad. But it is obvious that the first likes to play flash games and the latter likes online games, assuming they are all gamers alerady. In fact, i cannot call flash game players, gamers because nothing is ever required to play them. They are so easy! However i should be counting them as customers who use the web for those games so that is what is important. Well, also that it is easy to measure the quantity of players that play online games through the accounts and stuff. At least something average. But it is almost impossible to figure out how many people, how frequently play flash games. There are no registry for it. They are completely anonymus.

So now i came to this point, i give up trying to figure it out. If you ever figure it out please do tell me! And i will tell everyone else! You will be doing the public a great favor by doing so.