TwoDots Tips, Tricks, & Cheats -

TwoDots Tips, Tricks, & Cheats


TwoDots is the sequel to the addicting app game, Dots.  This new free app is available for both Android and Apple iOS devices and will have you coming back to play each day, guaranteed!  TwoDots is similar to the original Dots game, complete simple but increasingly difficult puzzles to advance.  TwoDots adds new challenges and items that will keep you engaged in this puzzle game.

There are over 135 new levels in TwoDots that you can play through without being timed or having to worry about deciding quickly.  If you’re feeling competitive, you can compare scores with your friends and even challenge them to see who is the better player!

As you advance in TwoDots, the levels will become increasingly more difficult and advanced.  Once you get past level 50, things really start to get tough!  That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some tricks, tips, and cheats for TwoDots that will help you on your adventures.


Infinite Lives Cheat

If you’ve gotten stuck and used up all of your lives in TwoDots, exit out of your game completely and go to your Settings menu.  Under the Date &  Time section, move your clock forward two hours then start playing TwoDots again.  You’ll have all 5 lives again!

Start Fresh With A Better Board – No Lives Lost

The initial layout of the board can determine how well you do on that level.  If you don’t like how the board looks right off the bat, don’t make a move.  Just exit out of the level to your map.  When you re-enter the level, you’ll get a new board layout without losing a life!

Try to Make Squares

Once you have a good starting board, try to make a square right off the bat.  This will set you up better than any other shape pattern you can make.  Making a square usually helps prevent from leaving yourself with a bunch of mismatches which will make things difficult.

Make Moves at the Bottom of the Board

Making your moves at the bottom of the board will allow new pieces to come onto the board giving you more opportunities to find matches.

Get Rid of Anchors by Making Squares

Whenever you make a square that has a different color in the middle, the square will clear and the middle dot will explode.  Try to make squares near anchors so you can take advantage of the explosion that will follow!

Always Watch What Will Happen to Your Dots

This may sound obvious but each level has different items that may cause dots to fall irregularly, not straight down.  Be sure to keep an eye out for this type of blockage so you can plan around how the dot will fall.

Cause a Reshuffle if You Are Out of Moves

If you have an undesirable board of dots and cant make any good moves, use up your moves to cause a reshuffle.  This should give you another chance to use the remaining dots.

Keep an Eye Out for Patterns

Certain patterns like two same colored dots in between two sets of same color dots can provide a good opportunity to make a square.  Always be looking for these types of patterns to earn the most points!


Hopefully these tips and cheats will help you score higher in TwoDots.  If you have any additional strategies or tips you’d like to share, please leave them in the comments!