Inside Out Thought Bubbles Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide to Getting High Scores

Emotions are a crazy thing, and sometimes you just need to sort them out – inside out, that is! In Inside Out Thought Bubbles, you’ll be clearing through the multiple emotions. Along way to guide you are characters from the hit film Inside Out! We’ll help you get through the “motions” with our Inside Out Thought Bubbles cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!

1. Bank those shots!

On levels where there are multiple vertical tiers of bubbles, try to aim for the highest part you can see. Bank shots off of walls to angle your shots higher. If you manage to pop a chain of bubbles that are connecting bubbles below, all of them will fall off and you will save yourself some moves, which means more points in the end!

2. Take advantage of Joy’s emotion power!

Each of the emotions has a special power that charges up when you pop thought bubbles that match their color. Joy’s special power is a super joy bubble. Wherever it lands, it transforms nearby thought bubbles into joy bubbles! Try to look for weak links in chains that have nearby joy bubbles. A carefully placed joy shot can take out an entire section of bubbles! This rule generally applies to all of the emotion’s powers – they are special shots that spread their emotion to other bubbles.

3. Always look for small links!

Before you commit to a shot, study the layout of the thought bubbles. Look for specific openings in the chains – remember that any bubbles that aren’t connected to another bubble going upward, they will fall down once they lose their link. The key to getting high scores is to pop as many bubbles as you can with single shots.

4. Watch the ads for free power ups!

Occasionally you will get an offer to watch an advertisement. If you do, you’ll be rewarded with a random power up. If you’ve got some time to spare it doesn’t hurt to watch these advertisements as it’s the one of the two ways to get power ups without having to pay real money, the other being opening chests on the level select screen. Power ups must be bought with gems which are the premium currency of this game.

5. Take your time!

Above all, just take your time. You have no time limit of any sort, and your score is based on accuracy and precision rather than speed. Aim for the objective by using as little moves as possible and you’ll get a score bonus at the end depending on how many moves you have left over.

The little voices inside our heads are telling us that’s it, for now! If you have any other tips or tricks to share with us, let us know in the comments below!