Dragon Mania Legends Cheats, Tips & Hack for Gems, Gold, & Food - AppGameCheats.com

Dragon Mania Legends Cheats, Tips & Hack for Gems, Gold, & Food

Dragon Mania Legends is a game developed by Gameloft and focuses on you breeding dragons to get them in prime condition to do epic battles in an effort to help you reclaim your land. In this game, your homeland is Dragolandia, but there are Vikings in the area trying to take it over, so your job is to use the dragons to stop this from happening. With over 100 different dragons to create and choose from, you can literally create any type of creature you want to help you attack and defend your city.



You can play Dragon Mania Legends on both Android and Apple devices, which is great since you can either choose to download this game via Google Play or iTunes. If you are downloading this game for Android, you will need to have Android OS version 4.0 and up and this game will take up 23 MB of room on your device. Dragon Mania Legends is rated at a medium maturity level and is currently on version 1.0.1c. If you are playing Dragon Mania Legends on your iOS device, you need to be running iOS version 6.0 or later and can be played on your iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone, and it will take up 86 MB of room on your iOS device. You can get this game in English, Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, and Turkish. Both the Android and iOS versions have in-app purchases you can make, which mostly have to do with gems and starter packs.

In-App Purchases

When it comes to the in-app purchases, Dragon Mania Legends emphasizes getting as many gems as possible, since gems are how you upgrade and build items throughout Dragolandia. You can purchase a pile of gems for $1.99 or a starter pack for $1.99, which are the cheapest in-app purchases found in the game. You can also go up to a sack of gems for $4.99 or a bucket of gems for $9.99. The price goes up from there since you could purchase a chest full of gems for $19.99 or a Dragon Master Pack for $29.99 and even a cave full of gems for $49.99. Believe it or not, you can also purchase an island full of gems, but that costs $99.99, which is just insanely expensive. So as you can tell, there are many different gem packs and amounts you can get, but it can very easily add up to hundreds of dollars if you are not careful.

Dragon Mania Legends Hack for Gems, Gold, & Food – iOS & Android

While playing Dragon Mania Legends, you’ll want to make sure you have plenty of gold and food for your dragons.  Players can spend their real money to purchase gems but most would rather just play the game for free.  That’s why we’ve added the hack tool for Dragon Mania Legends to AppGameCheats.

The Dragon Mania Legends hack tool will allow you to add unlimited amounts of gold, gems and food to your account for free.  The hack is easy to use and works for both Android and iOS devices.  You can download the tool here at AGC.

After you download the hack for Dragon Mania Legends, it will automatically install onto your device.  You’ll then be able to access the options menu which is pictured below.


After downloading the hack tool, you first need to select which kind of device you’re using to play Dragon Mania Legends.  Select either iOS or Android.  Next type in the amounts of gems, gold and food you want to add to your account.  This hack tool uses a proxy and an anti-ban script to ensure your account doesn’t get banned for using the hack.

When you’re ready to begin the hack, just tap the “Start” button.  The Dragon Mania Legends hack works quickly and usually takes less than 30 seconds to finish.  When the hack is complete, open your Dragon Mania Legends app and you’ll see the gems, gold, and food in your account.  Enjoy breeding your dragons and protecting Dragolandia with unlimited gems, gold and food!

Dragon Mania Legends Cheats & Tips

Get a Farm and Upgrade it ASAP: When you first start off in Dragon Mania Legends, it’s important that you focus your attention on getting your farm and then upgrading it as soon as you possibly can. You will have up to 3 dragons when you start the game that all need to be fed and fed regularly, because feeding them is how they grow and become powerful beasts. You will notice that after level 4, your dragon will start eating a ton of food, which can get expensive if you have to buy the food and don’t have the resources to get it from your own farm. If you do not invest your resources into your farm, you will soon find out you are spending a lot of money purchasing food for your dragon(s), which keeps you from focusing your attention on purchasing other items. The older your dragon gets, the more different foods it can eat, which will help it evolve into a powerful killing machine. Do anything you can to upgrade the farm and make sure you are maximizing your farm to become the primary way your dragon will get food so your money can go to other items you will need.

Pet Your Dragon As Much As Possible: When it comes to one easy trick in Dragon Mania Legends, petting your dragon as much as possible has to be the easiest thing ever. Petting your dragon gives you gems and coins, which are valuable assets you can use to purchase and upgrade items in your city or for your dragon. There is a limit on how many times you can pet your dragon, which is three times every 120 minutes, but make sure you are doing the maximum petting you can for as many hours as you are awake.


Always Know The Attacks During Battle: Some people simply just don’t pay attention when it comes to battles in games, but in this game you really do need to pay attention to what is going on around you during battle. You want to always know how your attacks are impacting the enemy Viking and make sure you are using your dragon to attack at the perfect time, because timing impacts whether or not the hit does damage, and if so, how much damage per hit. Sometimes if you move a little to the left or right, the hit might end up making critical damage or it might miss the Viking all together, so be aware of how the attacks from your dragon impact each enemy. You want to make sure you pay attention to how the Viking reacts to each dragon and each hit, since some might be more immune to the attacks than others. This will help you level up quicker and it will also help you figure out which dragons can do which attacks and have which powers.

Keep The Game Running In the Background: You might think that having games running in the background serves no purpose, but for this game that is not true. You can earn a lot of coins by just having the game running in the background on your device, and this works for both iOS and Android. What happens is that the dragons in the game will shed a certain amount of gold at regular intervals, so if you are logged in and the game is running, you will be able to collect the gold coins without even having to play the game. These gold coins add up after a while of you having the game on in the background and of course it will max itself out after a certain amount of time each day. This is an easy way to earn gold without having to do missions or play the game, and it can help you upgrade and level up faster.

Breeding Rare Dragons Takes Patience: When you are breeding dragons, you might think that it will only take one chance to get a rare dragon, but this is not true. It takes a lot of time and patience to breed rare dragons, and you won’t come up with the rare dragon on the first attempt most of the time. You will probably need to breed at least three or four times in order to get the rare dragon, so don’t let it get you down if you have trouble the first few times trying.

Never Waste Food: Food is a hot commodity in this game, so it’s important that you do not throw food at your dragon or fill up your dragon past the top of the food meter. You want to feed your dragon one fruit at a time, especially once you get past level four, and then stop once the meter is full. There is no reason to waste food, especially if you do not have your farms upgraded to the max yet and are still purchasing food for your dragon. You also don’t want to just waste food from the standpoint of there might come a time when that piece of fruit could come in handy, but if you waste it then it might not be available when you need it the most.

Dragon Mania Legends Review

Dragon Mania Legends is a really fun game where the whole premise revolves around you fighting and breeding your own dragons on your own homeland of Dragolandia. You start off with these little dragons that you have to pet and feed and then you will turn them into beasts as you unleash them into the world to fight your battles. This game is really fun because you can build so many different habitats for your dragons and also create farms where you can grow the food to feed your dragons, all the while breeding the dragons to create super dragons. There are so many different types of dragons in this game that you could literally just spend hours creating dragons and breeding them to make rare dragons, which is exciting and it will put a smile on your face because you feel like you have created this beautiful creature to help you along your journey.

In Dragon Mania Legends, unlike the other Vikings in the area, you mostly think of dragons as a pet and peaceful creature, but you have to train these dragons to become epic war fighters, which is how you get your homeland back from the other evil Vikings. Your dragons will earn you gold and money, which can be used to build more farms or other buildings, and you can also purchase other dragons if you want the full experience of the game. What is really neat about this game is that the battles are mostly 3 against 3, so you have just enough battling going on but not too much that you can’t keep track of who is fighting who. The three on three action is also good because it allows you to easily remember what elements your dragons possess, so you are more likely to know the best attacks and combinations to win the battles. Some games there are too many creatures going into battle and it’s hard to figure out or remember which creature is better than another, and it can get confusing really fast, but not in this game.


You can get bee dragons and smoke dragons as well as melon dragons in Dragon Mania Legends, so this game is a lot different from other breeding games out there, and it also increases the chance you will be able to breed a rare dragon. When you play this game, you just will be astounded at how many dragons and combinations of dragons there really are, so this game has every other dragon-breeding game beat in that area. The cutest looking dragon has to be the Salamander dragon, because it looks like a Salamander as far as the tongue goes, but it’s really a powerful dragon. The combinations you can come up with alone provide you with hours of fun and entertainment, plus these dragons all can be upgraded and leveled-up to become super powerful creatures for your own enjoyment. The good thing about all of these combinations is that you don’t need to purchase any of the dragons because you can breed the dragon yourself, although it does take time and a lot of work, so some people get impatient and just rather purchase the dragon, especially if it’s a rare one.

Overall this game is just really fun and the battles are pretty epic, especially once you figure out the elements and the hierarchy of the elements. Your dragons will destroy Vikings one by one until there is nothing left, and then you will get to claim the city for yourself. The graphics during battle and just overall will amaze you, plus it’s fun to build up your city and farm your food to feed your pets. While the gameplay is similar to most other dragon-breeding games, what will blow you away is the detail in the graphics and the animations, as well as the design and thought that went into how each type of dragon should look. If you enjoy dragon-breeding games, mostly just because they are fun to play around with, then you will love the epic levels of rare combinations you can make in this game.


Gameplay: The gameplay of Dragon Mania Legends is really good and there is no issue with lag or errors or connection issues. When you are engaged in battle, you can see every detail on every dragon and Viking, and there is so much depth to the characters and their special skills that you will be blown away. It’s hard to find a game that uses the 3D animations and designs the way they were intended, but this game leaves you breathless sometimes as far as how easy and simple it is to play, but also so complex that you would think it would be a difficult game to master. The gameplay gets a 9/10 based on the quality of the battles and the ease of use. The arena battles are also easy and fun to do and will leave you feeling like you are the king of Dragolandia.

Graphics: When it comes to graphics in Dragon Mania Legends, there is literally no dragon-breeding game that even comes close. The combinations of dragons and the rare dragons have so much detail on them and you can tell someone really put a lot of thought into how each of these dragons should look. Graphics gets a 10/10 because it’s just so amazing to see weird animal combinations put together and how it all comes together to form this beautiful creature. The battle scenes are also amazing and everything is done in 3D to keep you captivated throughout all aspects of the game. The best part is seeing the dragons as eggs and then watching them grow up with help from you and the food you farm to feed it. If you are an animal person then you will really appreciate the thought and detail put into the animation and graphics of this game.

Music: The music in this game is really inviting and fun, easily a 9/10 because it’s just as creative as the dragons within the game. You won’t get distracted listening to the sounds and the special effects during battle, but it also won’t bore you to death and leave you feeling like you are missing out on something.

Overall: As far as an overall rating, Dragon Mania Legends gets a 10/10 because of the graphics and the detail and thought that went into designing each and every one of these dragons. There are over 100 of them and so many rare dragons that you can breed that you have limitless possibilities and so many different fighting options to consider. What is even more special about this game is that you can teach your dragons special skills and these skills can come in useful during battle, but also can be upgraded as you progress through the game to make the skills even more damaging to your opponent. This is one game that you will fall in love with and will be captivated by for hours on end, so much so that you will want to stay up all night taking care of and fighting or breeding your creatures.