Paradise Island Cheats & Hack for Island Bucks & Piastres -

Paradise Island Cheats & Hack for Island Bucks & Piastres

Paradise Island is another city-sim type of game where you build your very own city, or Paradise Island as the title would suggest, and have to upgrade and maintain buildings. You can find this game on both Android and iOS. Straying away from the average city-sim type of game Paradise Island is set on a tropical island where your goal is to try and create a tourist trap to make yourself as much money as possible. Keep your guests entertained with a variety of different attractions like hotels, gambling, and other forms of entertainment like clubs or restaurants. The new twist on a very common type of game makes it stand out and has very few things to complain about in general.

Consider this game something akin to any of the Tycoon games combined with a city-sim type of game. Creating your island and expanding to further your profit keeps this game relevant when other games might tend to fall off after a certain amount of play time. Just like any Tycoon game there are several different things you can place to gain attraction and keep the guests you have interested. Housing, clubs, casinos, and plenty of different gift shops and stands are available for you to place. You can see what is most profitable and put two or more of the same building to keep things running smoothly and create more chances at profit. As buildings come, so do repairs and they will cost you some of your hard earned money. The game doesn’t just allow you to go away and not tend to anything else in your island. You have to be aware of what needs repairs because without them the buildings will not run or allow people in. Not tending to repairs right away will cause you to lose out on potential profit and that will slow down your entire process entirely. Repairing buildings isn’t completely bad and that is obvious because of the need to have them repaired for them to work. You can find treasure within the buildings when you repair them and that could entirely pay off the money spent to repair it. This gives an incentive to do this and not postpone them even more.

Alongside creating new buildings and trying to rake in the profit there is also the option to expand your island entirely to fit more buildings on your island. Not only does this allow you to have more buildings and make more money but you can decorate the island with things like flowers, trees, and fountains. These are entirely aesthetic and just make the island look nicer than a cluster of buildings. Increasing the island size is very important for you to do when you get a bit further in the game. Making more money and having more open space will earn you more money and make things a bit easier on the eyes.

The game has quite a few features that seem a bit new to this genre and that’s refreshing. Just like most mobile games nowadays there is an option for you to link your Facebook account and post images of your island for everyone to see how much progress you’ve made. Along with that you can compete with friends and see how you compare to them. The leaderboard allows you to see how you’re doing and motivate you to beat your friend’s scores. If that isn’t something that interests you then there are other ways the game manages to keep you wanting to play and keeping the game interesting. There are a total of 130 different achievements that you can choose to focus on or to get while just playing the game at your own pace. This is good for somebody who tends to enjoy games that have actual goals and helps guide people that may be a bit lost in what to do. It gives the game a bit of structure and also rewards you at the end for completing them all. The grand prize is something you can work towards but it shouldn’t be the only thing you do. Finding a good balance between getting achievements and just playing for yourself is a bit part of keeping the game fun for you.

The graphics are well done and seem very sharp upon closer inspection. What sets this apart from a lot of games that are at times graphically intensive for some phones is the option to lower the graphics and turn them from high to low. You don’t lose all that much from doing this and it can help out with battery life if you’re running low or if your phone is just having a hard time with the game in general. Force closes have yet to happen and the game holds up quite well compared to a lot of other titles that have issues like this with even less features than Paradise Island does.

Paradise Island Hack for Island Bucks and Pisastres

If you are currently playing the build it game Paradise Island, you quickly might be realizing that you need a lot of island bucks and pisastres to help you build up your city. The bad part is, it costs real money if you want to get these items from the app store, and most people hate paying for that.

If you want to get island bucks and pisastres for free, you need to check out our hack tool, which we have made that gives you unlimited amounts of these items.

Check out the picture below, which shows you how easily the hack tool is to use, with a simple options menu that guides you on where you need to input the values of each item you want to add.


Simply download the free Paradise Island hack tool on our website, which should take about 30 seconds, and then you will notice it automatically installs. You then will need to select either iOS or Android depending on which device you are using to play the game. At that point, simply enter the amounts of island bucks and pisastres that you want to add to your account.

Press “Start” to begin the hack tool, which takes about 40 seconds to finish, and then just load up teh game as you normally would. You will notice that the island bucks and pisastres are added on to your gaming account ready for you to use. This hack tool lets you avoid having to ever pay for island bucks and pisastres in the game again.

Paradise Island Tips

One thing to keep your eye on is the Pirate Chests that spawn on the map. There is a specific place, north of your island alongside the dock, where you will find money to help you along the way. The amount of money you gain is based on your level/current XP. At low levels it doesn’t give too much, a measly $250 at level two, but at higher levels it’s great money that you don’t even have to work for. Note that these chests only spawn once every five hours so try not to miss them. If you’re that into this game you can try to find one of them and take down the time, come back a few minutes early and wait for the chest to spawn. Making sure you don’t miss one will keep your money quite high and it gets you to come back to play the game which is a good idea on their part. There is another chest that spawns on the south side of the island but you need a key for that one and it’s a bit more confusing to explain. Don’t worry about that one for the time being and wait until you have keys to try and unlock it when the time comes.

For meeting certain goals and doing specific tasks you can earn awards that grant you a certain amount of money and XP. You’ll notice that each award has four or five different levels to it and they progressively get harder as you complete them. For instance there is one that rewards you for building 40 different sections or road on your island. That seems easy enough but it goes up and gets more and more difficult. Starting at 40 that specific challenge goes to 400, 1,000, 1,800, 3,000, and all the way up to 4,500 sections of road needing to be built. The larger challenges aren’t something to really aim for at a lower level and a lot of them will just come naturally as you try to make your island as good as possible. There is a list of all the 300+ awards you can gain on the wiki that has lots of information to help you play this game at a higher level.

In general there are a few buildings that can be very profitable and it helps to look at what is making you all your money and making more of them if you can. Cafes and different food stands tend to be a good source of money because food and drinks are kind of a necessity for the people on the island. These small stands are cheap to repair and cheap to buy which makes them good to place around the island not have to worry about breaking the bank. Basically you need to make sure that the average money earned before you need to repair the building is higher than the repair cost itself. Making sure of this will ensure profit and leads to you making more money instead of losing it all slowly. You can always upgrade your buildings but be weary of which ones you upgrade because at times it could be a big waste of money and time spent.

Paradise Island Review

I tend to enjoy city-sim games and Paradise Island is just as good as some PC games I’ve played that are similar to it. The scenery and gameplay is very well done when it comes to mobile gaming and I for one am impressed by it. The option to tone down the graphics is nice for people using an older phone or trying to conserve battery. The developers tend to make games like this and they have basically got this genre down and have very little when it comes to improving the game itself. The UI is tolerable but has a bit of a touch delay at time and seems a bit messy when clicking precisely. The menus are well done and didn’t confuse me upon first playing the game and that isn’t something a lot of games can say.


Did I mention the game is ad free? No need to buy an ad free version or to pay anything when playing this game at all really. This is a game akin to Farmville and that can be a good thing and a bad thing. A large portion of this game is a waiting game when you upgrade things or wait for more money to do things on the island. There isn’t a lot of strategy involved in the game and that can lead to boring gameplay at times. That being said this isn’t a game that you’ll be playing like 6 hours a day trying to improve your island really – you’re meant to upgrade and take care of things and then set it down. Just ignoring the game for a bit and then coming back to it in a bit will keep the game more fun than sitting there and playing it with very little to do. A very basic thing to say is that this game takes a little less planning then some people would imagine a city-sim would. Buy an expensive building and it will make you a lot of money. There is no need for planning really and that does make this game a bit boring when you think about it.


While every game has its good and bad parts to it Paradise Island does a pretty good job making a name for itself as a city-sim/Tycoon like game. You can build your island around you coming back to the game and choose buildings that have a shorter time cycle to ensure there will be something for you to do when you come back to the game. It’s quite a fun game and I do think I would recommend it to people who enjoy games of this genre. The main thing is to just do what you need to and walk away from it. This is a game where you may be able to put a few hours in at the start but that won’t last for all that long when you find yourself waiting for money or upgrades to finish up. The game feels very much like a Facebook game and that is a good and bad thing at times. Overall I like this game and will most likely keep playing it and slowly upgrading my island hoping to earn more rewards along the way.

Paradise Island Ratings

Artwork and SFX: The graphics are well done and you will rarely experience lag when playing this game. You can always turn the graphics down and that makes the game a bit different from other games I’ve played on the mobile market. There isn’t much lost when the graphics switch but it does greatly improve performance. The music in the game is a typical island like music that is very rhythmic and soothing on the ears. It obviously fits the title of the game quite well and I think they did an amazing job in that aspect. The sounds used sound like any other game you’ll play. Very basic sounds for placing buildings and such is fine by me. They didn’t try too hard and make things cluttered and messy when it cam to sounds and nothing seems to be too abrasive. I give Paradise Island a 9/10 for its brilliant artwork and SFX on a mobile game.


Gameplay: Upon first playing the game I played for about two hours in total and decided it was time to set the game down. The game starts off with a lot to do in one sitting and it slows itself down to waiting and having to save for expansions or upgrades on buildings. This is done well and keeps the game from getting old really quick by allowing you to just play for hours on end and have tons of money. Everything within the game is very fluid and I feel like this is one of the better city-sim games done for mobile gaming. I give the game a solid 8/10 for its gameplay and features.

Addictiveness: As stated I played for about two hours when I first started and then I would come back every so often to collect money and make sure nothing needed repairs. The game can be addictive but it doesn’t feel innately so. You can be addicted and come back at the end of every cycle and time things so you know when to come back or you can just play and come back whenever you have free time. There are two types of people when playing this game and I believe I am the latter of the two. I won’t be getting too into this game simply because I don’t have that kind of time to spend playing. It certainly can be addictive and does a good job at bringing you back to play more. Paradise Island gets an 8/10 for its addictiveness.


Overall Paradise Island is a great game for those who loved the Tycoon series of games and are still into city-sim type games. I’m going to give it an 8/10 after playing it for a few hours and understanding the game a bit better. Give it a try and see how you like it, just be sure to take your time and not to expect everything to be handled for you.