Fantasica Cheats & Hack for MobaCoin, Luna & Ally Points -

Fantasica Cheats & Hack for MobaCoin, Luna & Ally Points

Would you like to experience a mix of trading card play as well as the all well known tower defense game? We have found the game for you. Brought to you by Mobage Incorporated, with its most recent update on July 2 of 2015, so you know that the producers are actively working to improve their game. Fantasica is available for iOS devices and Android devices who have a compatibility of 5.1.1 or later. This means that all iOS devices, even iPhone, iPad, and iPod touches can download Galaxy but you might need to download the latest update in order to get your device onto the latest version of iOS so that you will have the compatibility with this game, but people who have kept up with the iOS updates will have no problem getting Fantasica even without updating it for 2 versions now.

Fantasica is only available to players who know english well enough to play the game, meaning that anybody outside of the United States or anyone who does not any english will not be able to play the game. Fantasica is in its version 5.3, so it’s been through quite a few updates and only has gotten better since the beta. Fantasica isn’t particularly large either, so it shouldn’t be a problem on your phone space, as it is only going to take up 42.5 MB of space on your phone. Anybody who wants this game, should be able to download it even if you need it in a different language. In order to download the game on each device, it will require you to simply go to the app store in order to download the game.

First of all, Fantasica is an odd fantasy online game that involves both using all of your trading cards as well as being able to defend a tower. Fantasica uses heroes from the card that you receive in order to summon the hero. The hero is then summoned through the card and onto the battlefield. From there, the hero goes on to stop a bunch of waves of monsters in order to stop them from hitting the tower. The more cards and the better cards that you are able to collect, the better your defense will be and the stronger your tower defense will be. After you use a card in a tower defense, after you have completed the map and all the waves are done and destroyed, the cards and heroes that you use in the map that you complete will gain experience and be able to level up and gain extra bonus stats. On the non-trading card part of the game, the towers that you will defend with your heroes will be firing off at the waves of monsters such as goblins, wolves, killer bees, and more.

In Fantasica, all of the heroes will be divided into three separate sub categories among the whole category of heroes. The melee heroes dish out a ton of damage but lack in the ability to hit any flying monsters that pass by, making a full collection of melee monsters infeasible due to the flying monsters that occur a little bit later in the game. Melee Heroes aren’t just slow and hard hitting, they are fast and hard hitting, making anything on the ground susceptible to the melee heroes. The ranged heroes have a ton of fire rate, but lack in a ton of damage. While they lack in damage, they do have a bigger range when it comes to how far away you can attack, or the range of your hero. They do have the ability to hit flying monsters as well as ground monsters, but as I have said before, they don’t do a ton of damage and lack in damage compared to melee heroes. On the other end of the ranged heroes, the magic heroes do a ton of damage, but they suck when it comes down to firing range as well as a very slow attack speed. They can also attack both flying and ground monsters, but as I have said, each hero has their advantages and disadvantages. While it is not even a choice when it comes to having heroes to attack both ground and flying monsters, melee heroes are a must need in order to kill the ground monsters and then it is largely based off of preference when it comes to deciding between magic heroes and ranged heroes.

When the actual battle begins, you have the ability to place down your heroes, but you can’t place down your whole collection. You are limited by the amount of hero points that each card has that you want to place. On each hero card, you will find an amount of hero points that the card requires to be played. These class points will get higher over time throughout your adventure through the game so you will be able to place down more heroes, but that means that the enemy will also get stronger during this time.

There are a couple of main modes in Fantasica. One of those features are quests. These quests are just missions that you will need to kill off a bunch of approaching enemies, which means that after you do so, you will be completing a chapter. Then after you have completed all of the chapters in the quest, you will get to face off against the chapter boss at the end of the tunnel. The bosses are significantly hard, but they are a needed aspect in the game. Bosses are just a different monster that has a bit more health. After you defeat the monster, you are allowed to move on to another set of chapters.

One of the other modes is known as the training mode, which is what the word is. They help train your heroes through making the individual heroes do a quest on their own and have to fight off against monsters that you will get to travel with them on the way. You will be able to obtain a certain amount of treasure whenever you go through training mode. You can’t endlessly do training mode until you hero becomes super strong because there are a certain amount of training points that are given to you per day and are refreshed per day. One of the treasures that you receive involve monster cards. These monster cards are your ticket to fighting against other players online. You can use these monster cards in order to send your single wave of monsters against someone online like a duel.

Fantasica Hack for MobaCoin, Luna & Ally Points

You might be sitting at home playing Fantasica? If you are, then you know that mobacoin, luna, and ally points are essential to the game. You can get these items through the app store, but it will cost you real money, and this gets expensive really quick. Due to how popular the game is, we have decided to add a Fantasica hack to our database, which gives you unlimited mobacoin, luna, and ally points.

Look at the image below to see how the Fantasica hack tool works. Just enter the amount of mobacoin, luna, and ally points that you want to add to your account using the options menu.


Simply download the Fantasica hack right here from our website, which takes about 20 seconds to download. You will notice it automatically installs afterward, which should take about 30 seconds or less. Then, select either Android or iOS, and you can then enter the amounts of mobacoin, luna, and ally points that you want to add to your gaming account.

Tap “Start” to begin the Fantasica hack tool, and this takes less than 40 seconds to complete. After that has finished, you can simply open up the app on your device, and you will notice the mobacoin, luna, and ally points have been added to your account.

Fantasica Cheats and Tips

In order to make a couple more friends in Fantasica, you will be able to trade ids with each other in order to add each other to the game. By adding someone strong to your friends list, you will be able to use their heroes when it comes to fighting off the monsters in the battle. If you get someone strong from someone else’s party, that battle will be a lot easier. You also have the ability to trade with other users who add you. You can select which monster or monsters that you are willing to trade for the monster that you want from your friend. This trading system is a little bit outdated because the only thing you can do is offer the trade without any context or anything like that.


Another tip for Fantasica is to make sure that you are logging in every single day so that you can receive your free daily card as well as the bonuses that rack up for consecutive days logged in to the game. This means that if you log in for several days on end, you will receive better rewards every day after that. So as long as you are logging in every day to receive your rewards, you should be in pretty good shape in terms of how good your cards are as well as how much cash that you have.

In the first week that you download the game, you will have the ability to use your allies’ heroes freely, but after that, you will have to see which allies have been online recently and the game will only allow you to use those heroes that are available. So make sure that the friends that you are making are consistently online as well as really good at the game in terms of leveling their heroes.

During trades, if you don’t quite know the market, you will be able to see which cards that people are selling or buying, so you can get a pretty good grasp on how prices go in Fantasica. Although there is no specific price for each card, there are general prices that go by rarity of the card. If you don’t know how to get to the profiles of the players to find out the prices of cards, you can go online on the internet in order to find a couple of trading price guides that will guide you through the price of the important cards that you might buy or sell, but lower, more common cards won’t be listed unless the guide is extremely in depth.


In Fantasica, once you get a good team of heroes to face off against for your battles, you should be looking to level them up until they become a lot stronger. You can level them up by simply grinding for them but it costs a bit of time and it is quite boring in the long run.

There are artifacts in the game that you might receive throughout the game when you play it. After you receive all of the artifacts that belong in one set, you will be able to make a monster that you can use against other players online. This monster is significantly stronger than the ones that you find in training.


Fantasica Review

Fantasica is good when it comes to the gameplay of it all and how the game actually works as well as the uniqueness of it, but it does lack a bit in the strategy department because the monsters only head down a certain path which make the game pretty dull. There is no reason to level up the heroes that you don’t use in every single battle because the stronger heroes will do well and consistently do well throughout the game, gaining more experience over time and thus, be unreplaceable with another hero that you might find off of the ground. However, you might make a decision to trade off a hero for a better hero, so there is a bit of flexibility in that department.

In the actual duels against your opponent, the only thing that the game lets you do is decide which monster cards you get to send out. Without any kind of strategy to keep yourself versatile in who is actually better in strategy, those who simply buy their monsters through real money will have the biggest advantage. All in all, it makes for a boring game in that specific department, but the rest is still fresh.


Another aspect of this game is having friends who can assist you through giving you their best hero for you to use so that you will be able to use that hero without sacrificing one of your own. Their hero is free when it comes to class points, so you will be able to summon one of your friend’s allies.

I said waves before, but that was just so that it was easy to understand. For the battle, they give you a single wave that has a ton of monsters in it and then players will have to deal with that one wave before they are able to win the battle. This allows mobile gaming to be easier, but at the sacrifice of a little bit of gameplay. It is more the style of mobile games because mobile games need to be more quick and short than regular games due to people needing to finish games a lot quicker than if they were on a computer. Having a single wave that comes and attacks your tower makes it more of a sort lived experience. Having waves upon waves attacking you makes you feel like you want to know how big the next wave is going to be and really adds to the anticipation of the game.


I would rate Fantasica a 7/10. The artwork on each hero and monster is pretty easily distinguishable and unique. I think that the artwork is easily what separates this game from other games that are similar in playstyle to this one. Although the characters may look pretty animated, it is better than trying to make them look life-like because I am positive that they would simply look really silly trying to draw out some tiny humans.

Music and SFX
I would rate Fantasica a 7/10. The music is pretty decent and adds somewhat to the action of the game, but it doesn’t really have any kind of music after that is enjoyable, so it is mainly just the music that is played during the actual battle rather than during the main screen. The sound effects are also decent, but not like exceptional. The game does offer a bit of excitement when it comes to the sound effects but they are a bit whimpy.

Story and Originality
I would rate Fantasica a 6/10. The storyline is a bit odd in the fact that you are trying to defend a tower for the whole time. It gets a bit dull and doesn’t really have a significant story line other than trying to be the best and having the ability to beat other players online. It seems decently original considering the combo that is used in this game. It is pretty unique in the way that the game is a combo of both tower defense and cards, a combo that you might not expect.

General Gameplay
I would rate Fantasica a 9/10. I think that the gameplay is definitely unique and interesting and I also enjoyed the online portion of the game where you could face off against other people, but it isn’t perfect with the pathing of the monsters and how they have to follow a path to get to your tower.

I would rate Fantasica a 8/10. I could definitely see the game as being addicting for people just because people want to beat other people and be the best at the game when it comes to getting the best monsters as well as the best heroes to beat out each other. I think that this game is definitely headed in the right direction with trading and everything, but if there were something like a general exchange to do business, it would definitely improve the game pretty significantly.

Overall Rating
Overall, I would rate Fantasica a 7/10.