Welcome to part two of our comprehensive guide to Chillingo's extraterrestrial gene-splicing freemium hit
Pixel People.
Pixel People is all about splicing genes. To unlock all 150 professions, you need to jam two jobs into a test tube and hope a handy new worker pops out.
In this guide, we show you how to unlock every single profession. There are also four special jobs listed at the bottom, which appear as you play through the game.
Oh, and you'll unlock the first building in each list of workplaces when you first splice those genes together. Handy, right?
Check back with
Pocket Gamer soon for guides to animals and other general tips. Or see the complete building list right here.
Update (February 14th): Added Romantic special, and Wedding Singer, Jeweller, Chocolatier, Matchmaker, and Dating Advisor jobs.
Update (March 26th): Added all the new jobs and specials introduced in the latest update.

MayorDefaultTown Hall

MechanicCar Designer + MechanicSpaceport

EngineerMayor + MechanicUtopium Mine, Garage

SheriffMayor + MayorSheriff's Office

ArchitectMayor + EngineerTown Hall, Building Firm

LandscaperAssistant + ArchitectNursery

DeputyAssistant + SheriffSheriff's Office, Police Station

GardenerLandscaper + DeputyNursery, Greenhouse

Mechanical EngineerMechanic + EngineerConstruction Yard, Grage

BotanistFarmer + FarmerGreenhouse, Nursery

Park RangerSheriff + LandscapePark

FirefighterMechanic + Police OfficerFire Station

FarmerEngineer + GardenerFarm, Market

DoctorEngineer + NurseClinic, Hospital, Gene Pool

NurseHomemaker + GardenerClinic, Homemaker, Hospital

Police OfficerSheriff + SheriffPolice Station, Bank, Court

VetPark Ranger + DoctorAnimal Shelter

HomemakerFarmer + GardenerMarket, Farm, Greenhouse

ZoologistBotanist + VetResearch Facility, Animal Shelter, Aquarium

PlumberEngineer + AssistantCentral Square

FishmongerFarmer + PlumberLake, Market

Animal TrainerSheriff + VetAnimal Shelter

MilkmongerFarmer + Animal TrainerMarket

ArtistArchitect + DreamerGallery, Arcade

PhotographerMechanic + ArtistPhoto Studio, Wedding Planner, Gallery

DentistDoctor + ArtistDentist's Office

RadiologistDoctor + PhotographerHospital, Dentist's Office

CookHomemaker + FishmongerFast Food, Diner

ChefArtist + CookRestaurant

ZookeeperAnimal Trainer + Park RangerPark

Construction WorkerMechanical Engineer + DeputyConstruction Yard

Car DesignerMechanical Engineer + ArtistGarage

AtheleteConstruction Worker + FarmerStadium

GreengrocerFarmer + SalesmanFarmer's Market, Ninja HQ

Interior DesignerArchitect + ArtistGallery

Olympic SwimmerAthlete + FishmongerSwimming Pool

PainterArtist + Construction WorkerConstruction Yard

Hotel ManagerHomemaker + SalesmanHotel Utopia, Spa

ValetCar Designer + Hotel ManagerHotel Utopia, Theatre

PilotValet + MechanicAirport

Flight AttendantPilot + WaiterAirport

Aerospace EngineerMechanical Engineer + PilotObservatory, Space Admin

Art DealerArtist + SalesmanGallery

IndustrialistSalesman + SalesmanEnterprise

JockeyAnimal Trainer + ValetStable

Marine BiologistVet + Olympic SwimmerAquarium

Real Estate AgentArchitect + SalesmanBuilding Firm

SoldierPolice Officer + ExplorerBunker

WaiterCook + AssistantDiner, Restaurant

PhilosopherDreamer + DreamerUniversity

DetectivePolice Officer + PhilosopherPolice Station, Forensic Lab, Law Firm

LawyerSheriff + SalesmanLaw Firm, Court, Publishing House

MarineSoldier + Olympic SwimmerBunker

JudgeLawyer + SheriffCourthouse

SecretaryMayor + DeputyBank, Enterprise, Financial Center

WriterSecretary + DreamerTV Station, Cafe, Publishing House

PoetWriter + DreamerCafe, Art Gallery, Library

ParamedicPolice Officer + DoctorFire Station

LifeguardOlympic Swimmer + ParamedicSwimming Pool

ModelPhotographer + LifeguardFashion Studio, Photo Studio

Swimsuit ModelModel + Olympic SwimmerFashion Studio, Swimming Pool

ReporterDetective + WriterNews Agency, TV Station

Ballet DancerAthlete + ArtistDance Studio

Martial ArtistBallet Dancer + SoldierDojo

Sushi ChefChef + Martial ArtistSushi Bar

Food CriticCook + ReporterNews Bureau

ActorDirector + ModelTheatre, Film Studio

GeneralMarine + SoldierBunker

Flight ControllerArchitect + PilotAirport

CalligrapherWriter + ArtistGallery

CameramanPhotographer + MechanicTV Station, Photo Studio

CheerleaderAthlete + Ballet DancerStadium, Dance Studio

CoachAthlete + AthleteStadium

CourierMailman + SalesmanPost Office

DirectorCameraman + CameramanFilm Studio, Theatre

FloristFarmer + BotanistFlower Shop, Nursery, Farmer's Market

Grave DiggerFarmer + SoldierFuneral Parlor

MailmanReporter + ValetPost Office

MinerGrave Digger + ExplorerUtopium Mine

Cattle RustlerJockey + Animal TrainerStable, Stadium

Postmaster GeneralMailman + GeneralPost Office

Stunt DoubleActor + Martial ArtistFilm Studio

ProgrammerMathematician + EngineerIT Services, Arcade

Game DesignerProgrammer + ArtistArcade

MathematicianPhilosopher + ScientistUniversity, Financial Center, IT Services

ScientistPhilosopher + EngineerResearch Facility, Gene Pool

PhysicistScientist + MathematicianUniversity

AstronomerPhysicist + DreamerObservatory, Space Admin

AstronautPilot + AstronomerSpace Admin

GeneticistScientist + DoctorGene Pool

CryptozoologistZookeeper + DetectiveResearch Facility, Tavern

AccountantSecretary + MathematicianFinancial Center, Bank, Pharmacy

EditorWriter + WriterPublishing House, Library

LibrarianWriter + PoetLibrary

HistorianPhilosopher + LibrarianMuseum, University

ArchaeologistHistorian + ExplorerMuseum

Super HeroSoldier + GeneticistHero Mansion

Atomic HeroRadiologist + GeneralHero Mansion

Ancient HeroPreacher + Weather ReporterHero Mansion, Astro Church

ChoreographerBallet Dancer + DirectorDance Studio

PharmacistDoctor + SalesmanPharmacy

CSIDetective + PhotographerForensic Lab

Forensic ScientistDetective + ScientistForensic Lab

PhysiotherapistAthlete + DoctorSpa, Clinic, Arena

CoronerGrave Digger + DoctorFuneral Parlor

Anti HeroGrave Digger + Super HeroHero Mansion

WrestlerAthlete + ActorArena

ClownComic + PainterCircus

PalaeontologistArchaeologist + CryptozoologistMuseum

GeologistMiner + ScientistObservatory

Break DancerBallet Dancer + RapperDance Studio

CaptainFishmonger + SheriffLake

Weather ReporterReporter + GeologistNews Bureau

ComicActor + PoetBar

Disc JockeyJockey + ChoreographerRadio Station, Dance Studio

First MateCaptain + DeputyLake

BuccaneerCaptain + ExplorerTavern

PreacherPhilosopher + DreamerAstro Church

RapperPoet + Disc JockeyDance Studio

ReceptionistSecretary + ModelHotel Utopia, Enterprise, Dentist's Office

SongwriterPoet + PoetRadio Station, Restaurant

TaxidermistVet + CoronerPark

VocalistSongwriter + ActorRadio Station, Recording Studio, Bar

AssistantMechanic + MechanicTown Hall, Law Firm

FootballerAthlete + CheerleaderStadium

ShepherdAnimal Trainer + MilkmongerStable

WinemakerFarmer + DreamerFarm

BakerCook + HomemakerCentral Square

CarpenterShepherd + HomemakerCentral Square, Circus

JanitorPlumber + Construction WorkerCentral Square, Diner, Fast Food

NinjaMartial Artist + SoldierNinja HQ, Dojo

RefereeCoach + JudgeStadium, Arena

Secret AgentNinja + DetectiveNinja HQ, Hero Mansion

SenseiMartial Artist + PhilosopherDojo

Deep Sea DiverMarine Biologist + ExplorerTavern, Aquarium

WatchmakerHistorian + MechanicCentral Square

Time TravellerWatchmaker + ExplorerTavern

TailorModel + ArtistCentral Square, Fashion Studio, Weddings R Us

RingmasterAnimal Trainer + ClownCircus

OraclePhilosopher + PreacherFortune Teller, Astro Church

MatadorAnimal Trainer + WrestlerCircus

MagicianAccountant + AccountantCircus, School of Magic

BartenderWinemaker + SalesmanTavern, Bar

BaristaBartender + WaiterCafe

WizardMagician + ScientistSchool of Magic

ApprenticeWizard + AssistantSchool of Magic

System AdminProgrammer + ProgrammerIT Services

GenieMagician + MagicianTavern, Fortune Teller, Circus

Wedding PlannerWinemaker + BakerWeddings R Us

CentaurMutant + JockeyAltar

Wedding SingerRomantic + VocalistWeddings R Us

JewellerRomantic + MinerWeddings R Us

ChocolatierRomantic + BakerFlorist

MatchmakerRomantic + EngineerDating Agency

Dating AdvisorJeweller + ChocolatierDating Agency

PoliticianBureaucrat + GeneralMission Control

Civil ServantBureaucrat + SecretaryMission Control

OfficerCivil Servant + AssistantMission Control

Insurance AgentSalesman + BureaucratClinic, Hospital

Federal AgentSecret Agent + PoliticianForensic Lab

ConductorMusician + SheriffConcert Hall

DrummerMusician + WatchmakerBar

BassistGuitarist + DeputyBar

GuitaristMusician + SongwriterBar

PianistMusician + ProgrammerConcert Hall

ViolinistGuitarist + BassistConcert Hall

GamerProgrammer + Sports StarTech Par

BasketballerSports Star + GreengrocerRecreation Center

BaseballerSports Star + CarpenterBaseball Diamond

Soccer StarSports Star + ActorRecreation Center

Tennis PlayerSports Star + Sports StarRecreation Center

GolferSports Star + BartenderGolf Course

CaddieGolfer + PhilosopherGolf Course

Racecar DriverSports Star + ValetGarage

MascotCaddie + CheerleaderRecreation Center

Figure SkaterJack Frost + Ballet DancerWinter Par

SkierFigure Skater + Mountain ClimberWinter Par

Mountain ClimberJack Frost + MinerWinter Par

Ice FisherFishmonger + Figure SkaterWinter Par

Pizza GuyFoodie + CourierFast Food

SommelierFoodie + WinemakerRestaurant

Ice Cream SellerFoodie + Jack FrostIce Cream Stand, Winter Park, Diner

Celebrity ChefSommelier + ChefRestaurant, Sushi Bar

ButlerSommelier + ValetHero Mansion

Cosmetic SurgeonSocialite + DoctorHospital

CardiologistCosmetic Surgeon + RomanticHospital

BouncerSocialite + BodybuilderDisco

Party AnimalSocialite + Animal TrainerDisco

GamblerParty Animal + MathematicianCasino

CroupierGambler + ValetCasino

InvestorGambler + IndustrialistTech Par

BodybuilderStrongman + ModelGym

Gym InstructorBodybuilder + GuruGym

Sumo WrestlerBodybuilder + Sushi ChefDojo, Arena

SamuraiSumo Wrestler + SoldierDojo, Sushi Bar

GymnastGym Instructor + AthleteGym

BoxerGym Instructor + Martial ArtistArena, Gym

AcrobatGymnast + RingmasterCasino, Circus

ProfessorGuru + ScientistUniversity

Talkshow HostGuru + ActorBroadcast Station

News AnchorTalkshow Host + ReporterBroadcast Station

EntrepreneurGuru + ProgrammerTech Par

Travel AgentTour Guide + PilotTravel Agency

Tour GuideHitch Hiker + SalesmanTravel Agency

CyclistHitch Hiker + CourierRecreation Center, Gym

SkateboardCyclist + SkierRecreation Center

Tree HuggerHitch Hiker + GuruFlower Shop

Star CommanderTravel Agent + AstronautSpace Admin

Mounted PoliceCyclist + SheriffSheriff's Office

TouristTour Guide + Travel AgentTravel Agency

Conspiracy TheoristEaster Bunny + CryptozoologistSecret Hideout

CatcherBaseballer + Police OfficerBaseball Diamond

StatisticianMathematician + ReporterBaseball Diamond

VentriloquistCarpenter + ActorTheatre

MasseusePhysiotherapist + StrongmanSpa

ChemistScientist + BartenderChemical Plant

HazmatChemist + Stunt DoubleChemical Plant

Investment BankerSalesman + GamblerHedge Fund

MimeActor + LibrarianCarnival

OptometristAstronomer + DoctorClinic

SurferSkateboarder + Olympic SwimmerBeach House

ButcherCattle Rustler + CookFast Food

Hockey PlayerWrestler + Figure SkaterWinter Park

Sports FanAthlete + StatisticianArena

LumberjackCarpenter + StrongmanLumber Mill







Sports StarSpecialN/A

Jack FrostSpecialN/A





Hitch HikerSpecialN/A

Easter BunnySpecialN/A