Hellraid: The Escape is a dark and dingy puzzler, made by Shortbreak Studios to celebrate the upcoming Techland game,
While that next-gen game is a co-op slash-em-up, this is a more cerebral affair, with
The Room-style puzzles littered throughout dungeons and torture chambers.
It can be tricky. So if you get stuck, consult this guide to find out exactly how to get through, and get out.
Oh, and in this guide we'll use the word "focus" a lot. That simply means to double tap on a section that is sparkling with gold to zoom in, so you can manipulate the environment.

Walk to the end of the chamber to find this spinning dial. Focus on it, and pull the arrow head down carefully - and with good timing - so it sits in the gap in the outer disc. Now wait (with your finger still held on the screen) until the gap on the second disc lines up and pull the arrow into the next gap.
Do it one more time and the nearby door will open. You'll also add the mechanism part to your inventory.

Go into the room you just opened and look at the board on the wall. Move the closed eye tiles to cover the open eye squares as shown in the screenshot above and pull the lever. You won't get stabbed to death, and a door will open behind you. Win win.

Also, there's a box inside this room containing a lever handle. Pick it up and exit the room.

Go back to the start of this chamber, next to the crypt, and you'll see a gate surrounded by three levers. Focus on the gate, and then move the lever handle from your inventory into the open slot on the right.

Position the levers as shown in the screenshot above - with the left two facing inwards, and the right two pointing out - to open the gate.

Now go in, and make a beeline for the spinning dial at the end of the room. Quickly focus on it, drag the arrow head from your inventory to the dial, and then complete the same puzzle as before.
Only this time, a ceiling covered in spikes is trying to murder you. So, uh, be quick. But keep your cool or you'll mess it right up.

Go inside the room you just opened. Look in the cage and drag the bones out of the way with a finger to find a golden key. Pick it up.

On the other side of the room is a locked chest. Focus on it, pull back the tile to reveal a keyhole, and use your new key to unlock the chest. Pull up on the lid and then grab the mirror from inside.

Go back into the main chamber and enter the door we opened earlier. Focus on the mirror and tilt your iOS device so that the beam of light points at the shambling zombie. Keep it on him until he explodes into a shower of flesh. Now point the light beam up so it's out of the way, as you'll immediately die if you touch it.

Go focus on the stand that has no mirror, and drag the mirror from your inventory to the stand. Now go back to the first mirror and tilt your device so the light beam bounces off the mirror you just plopped down.

Reposition the second mirror so the light bounces off to the third. Then reposition the third mirror so the light beam strikes the gem above the doorway. Now back out and the door will unlock. Enter it to finish the third chapter.