Hellraid: The Escape is a dark and dingy puzzler, made by Shortbreak Studios to celebrate the upcoming Techland game,
While that next-gen game is a co-op slash-em-up, this is a more cerebral affair, with
The Room-style puzzles littered throughout dungeons and torture chambers.
It can be tricky. So if you get stuck, consult this guide to find out exactly how to get through, and get out.
Oh, and in this guide we'll use the word "focus" a lot. That simply means to double tap on a section that is sparkling with gold to zoom in, so you can manipulate the environment.

Look to the left of the crypt to see a crumbling wall. Focus on it, and tap on the bricks to dislodge them, revealing a secret room. When you've made a sufficiently big hole, back out and walk through into the chamber.

Pick up the golden cross from the table. Then, in the centre of the room, focus on the ground and pick up all five of the small stones.

Go back into the first room and look through the bars at the far end to see a lever. Open your inventory and tap on the stone to see it float in front of your eyes. You can now swipe up to throw the stone. Aim at the lever and swipe up to hit it, thus opening the gate.

Do the same in the next room to the lever on the right side. Be careful, though - if you walk into or hit one of the hanging chains, the skeleton will kill you. If you stay quiet and hit the lever, a trap will smash the skeleton to pieces.

There are two levers in the corridor to the right of the skeleton - one on the left and the other on the right, hidden behind some jars. Pull both to retract the wooden bars at the end of the corridor.

Now look through the bars to see a wooden platform, covered in pots. Throw small stones through the bars to smash the pots, which makes the platform rise up and the bars fall down. If you run out of stones, return to the secret room from earlier to get a fresh handful.

Once the bars have retracted full, step inside, open the small chest, and take the golden crown.

Return to the main room and find the locked door at the far end of the central corridor. Place the golden crown on the head of the statue on the right, and the golden cross in the hand of the state on the left, to open the door. Step through to complete this second chamber.