Minecraft - Pocket Edition is all about building ridiculous architectural wonders by finding raw resources in the world and crafting them into handy tools and building materials.
You can turn some wood and stone into a hardy pickaxe, or melt sand down into glass. You can make bookshelves, or dye wool, or forge a golden apple, or cut rough cobblestone blocks into posh stone bricks.
In our handy charts below, and on the other pages, you can find out how to make everything in the world of
Minecraft, and how to find the right materials.
Crafting -
Smelting and Stonecutting - Raw Materials
SmeltingOnce you've crafted a furnace, tap on it to enter the smelting menu. This lets you make new objects by melting down certain materials. Here's how to use it.
Tap the top-most box, and then choose one of the highlighted materials from your inventory on the left of the screen. Then, tap the box below and pick one of your fuels.
You need to provide enough fuel so that the material completely melts (represented by the arrow that changes from grey to white) before your fuel is used up. You can put in a lot of fuel, and you can collect any leftovers when the smelting process is over.
In our smelting guide below, you can make the objects in the left-hand column by melting down the material in the right-hand column.
Blocks and items
OutcomeDescriptionRecipe (add fuel)
Brick - used to make brick blocks

Glass - used to make windows

Stone - decorative building block, used to make stone slabs

Diamond - used to create strong weapons and tools

Gold ingot - used to create strong weapons and tools

Iron ingot - used to create strong weapons and tools

Lapis Lazuli - used to dye wool blue

Red dye - used to dye wool

Charcoal - used to make torches, and is also a fuel

Green plant - will be used to dye wool green

Emerald - currently useless

Redstone - used to craft certain tools
OutcomeDescriptionRecipe (add fuel)
Cooked beef - restores health

Cooked pork - restores health

Cooked chicken - restores health

Baked potato - heals more hearts than a raw potato

Cooked fish - restores hunger

Cooked salmon - restores hunger
FuelThese are the various items you can use as fuel, when smelting items. The number on the right shows how many seconds the fuel will last for.
Wooden slabs7.5
Wooden tool (ax, sword, etc)10
Wooden planks15
Wooden structures (stairs, crafting table, etc)15
Coal block800
StonecuttingThe stone cutter item lets you turn cobblestone into all sorts of different blocks and bricks. This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers the basics of making bricks, stairs and slabs.
Bricks - decorative building block

Brick stairs - compact brick staircases

Bricks slab - used for making long staircases

Sandstone - decorative building block

Sandstone slab - decorative floor tile

Sandstone stairs - compact sandstone staircase

Cobblestone slab - decorative floor tile

Cobblestone wall - decorative wall

Stone bricks - decorative building block

Stone bricks slab - decorative floor tile

Stone bricks stairs - compact stone staircase

Stone slab - used for making long staircases

Stone stairs - used for compact staircases

Clay - decorative building block

Crafting -
Smelting and Stonecutting - Raw Materials