Zombie Diary: Survival Tips and Tricks
Killing hordes of zombie is fun, but if you don’t have the right equipment for the job, then killing these hordes can be a pain. Luckily here at the Android Entity we just not only give you the latest news, and reviews, we also give out tips, tricks and cheats to help you gamers out.

- Login daily, even if you are not going to play the game, logging in daily will give you easy money to buy that much needed weapon, and if you login on the fifth day you will receive 5 crystals.
- Buy the “Desert Eagle” early. Yes this hand gun may be slow with fire rate, but it packs a might wallop. When you have enough money buy this gun first.
- Save, sure it is hard to do especially when you want to buy ammo for the “Desert Eagle” , and when you want to buy other guns such as Micro Uzi or the FN P90, but believe me there are other guns that are more powerful and have a faster fire rate that are in the store, such as the AK47 , M4A1 , and the Flamethrower just to name a few.
- Achieving, achievements can also earn you some easy money. Killing 100 or 1000 can earn you 1000 and 5000 coins respectively. And killing bosses and 10000 zombies and earn you 10 crystals.
- Do missions, doing missions is an automatic no-brainer. doing mission will also earn you some cash, and one crystal
- Do the Training Ground mission the green icon that looks like a target, now this is like “shooting ducks in a barrel” shooting different zombies will earn you some cash, Slow Walkers are worth 10 coins , the cheerleader 8 , the bucket head professor 25, and the suit and tie zombie is worth 30 coins. And you can play this as often as you want.
- Now if you are really desperate and if you don’t want to follow the tips provided , well you can buy coins and crystals at the store but you will have to buy it with your own money.
Well there you have it folks 7 tips to help you out. If you have any tips and tricks that you would like to share please post them in the comment box below. Have fun and Happy Gaming Gamers.