Trial by Survival Guide and Tips

Beneath the wonky controls and in-game purchases, Trial by Survival is a fairly good game. You just need to know what to do to survive long enough to enjoy it. After all, it is everyone’s favorite enemy, the ever-horrifying zombies that plague the world, so how wrong can it get? If you can come out alive from the first 5 days of your survival trial, you are well on your way in reaching the top of the leaderboards. I hope this guide is useful for all of you who are enjoying this game as much as me.


Sun Tzu once said that preparation is more important than the actual battle, and you better believe it because if you go searching without proper equipment, weapons and perks, you will end up as zombie food. In this game, there is no one else to rely on except yourself (unless you purchase Glitch), so make sure you always have full health before jumping into a location. Any time you get injured, always spend your hard-earned parts to repair your armor first. There is no point in saving up your parts to buy an awesome weapon only to use it once and die on your next hunt.

As you earn enough parts to buy shotguns, handguns and rifles, you might be tempted to bring two guns, but do not do that unless you have a ton of ammo, and you don’t mind obtaining less parts from your search. This is because certain objects in the game can be smashed with a melee weapon to produce parts. Also, while it can be fun to switch between guns, you will soon find that ammo is scarce and your consumption is significantly higher than what you can find.

When you get enough experience points to buy your first perk, I strongly suggest the one that increases defense while your melee weapon is equipped. As this is a survival game, defense and armor are the two most important things, and you will want to be holding on to a melee weapon every single time you go out into the wild. For your second perk, it is recommended to get the one that will give you more parts, as that is your premier currency for repairing armor and buying and upgrading weapons.

Trial By Survival

Chop them heads

When you are finally ready to venture into the unknown, always be wary of your surroundings so that you notice the slightest of movement at the corners of your screen. When you see them coming, stand still and wait for the circle around you to turn green. That means that you have aimed, and your first shot or swing will be a sure hit.

Once you have made contact with the first zombie, retreat backwards while attacking. As ironic as that may sound, if you can master that tactic, you have won half the battle. The zombies walk much faster than you when they notice your presence, so in order to avoid getting injured, you need to constantly backpedal while swinging your melee weapon or shooting their heads off. However, be careful not to back yourself into a corner or into another pack of zombies.

When you get a moment to spare, always reload your guns. If you are a quick thinker and your fingers are agile, don’t be afraid to put a mine on the ground before the horde arrives or throw a grenade in their direction. Improvisation helps in any emergency situation.

Terrors in the night

In their latest update, the game introduces Night Searches, which allows you to play the game at night (this feature is only available if you have purchased anything from the shop) without having to wait for the timer. However, as far as your patience can withstand, try not to go out at night. I’m sure your parents have told you that before! It’s dark and you can’t see very far, so more often than not, you will be ambushed while walking no matter how meticulous and careful you are.

Arena mode

Scavenging other players may look like something the developers put in to entice you to spend real cash, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can collect Scavenging Coins from the Arena, and I highly suggest anyone to try the Arena as sort of a practice session that provides an interesting benefit to the story mode as well. I once scavenged a player that had 700 parts!

It also ties in well to the overall progression of the game as you unlock weapons in the arena by killing enemies with those weapons in the story mode. As I mentioned, it is a nice way to practice being out there moving around and getting used to the controls and the way they move and which weapon is more effective to your liking. There is no harm in dying in the Arena, so you can jump in as many times you want. If you want to be good at this game, like anything in life, practice makes perfect.

Lastly, look out for smoke coming out of a location in your map. That is a safehouse, and it appears randomly at random locations. If you are in reach of it on your next turn, the safehouse will provide a huge amount of resources. Trust me, in this game, it is equivalent to winning the lottery.