The Pro Evolution Soccer 5 walkthrough guides you through issues concerning attributes, the formation and the control. Every of mentioned subject matter was described in the entirely comprehensive method. Everything is supported with the large part of the text. It was checked and tested paying special attention to as much as possible.
The form of the guide is aimed at players who possess basic information about football. If somebody has problems with understanding of basic issues then he (or she) may need to use tips placed on the training menu of the game.
I am greeting entire Polish ISS/PES/WE scene.
There are two groups of attributes in general: basic and special. Basic attributes are reflected through values in the range 1-99. And special ones are awarded in the form of stars. Possessing the big quantity of the special attributes usually means the world reputation player.
Three attributes have the range 1-8. These are Consistency, Condition, and Weak foot accuracy.
Basic attributes increase/fall off in the Master League mode. Values change too in relation with the current player form.
Height - the player's height, influences head play. The height is also important for goalkeepers. The height has no influence on other attributes.
Dominant foot - the leg preferred by the player, R - right, L- left. If e.g. Weak foot frequency has the value at least 8, than dominants foot will be shaping on the level 9. It means that the preferred leg will have the bigger priority this way.
Favoured Side/Foot - favorite pitch side/leg.
Position - the player's preferred position. It has small importance for the position engaged on the pitch.
Attack - offensive abilities assigned to strikers and wingers.
Defense - defensive abilities assigned to defenders, defensive helpers and goalkeepers.
Balance - it marks how the player stands on legs, it is hard to knock over the player with the high attribute, important for attackers and defenders, there is no importance in air duels.
Stamina - stamina, it decreases fast if the player is in the weak form, player who runs on e.g. the entire length of the wing loses it fast, when stamina is less than the half of the maximum value also the Speed top falls down, if the attribute is small the player will be tired more often during the match and the part of technical attributes will fall down the value.
Top speed - the player's maximum speed.
Acceleration - the time, which is necessary to reach the maximum speed, the bigger value the faster he gets it.
Response - the reflex, the time in which the player reacts on passes, extra attribute for the goalkeeper, the attacker is reacts faster on e.g. perpendicular passing and attains the ball, but also more often happens caught on offside.
Agility - the agility, the maneuverability, it shows how the player is changes the direction of the run, reacts to feints etc.
Dribble accuracy - accuracy and the better technique in the dribble.
Dribble speed - speed of the dribble, in other words: the more speed the less difference between the run in normal moving with the ball and the dribble.
Short Pass accuracy- accuracy of short passes.
Short Pass speed - speed of the ball sent with the pass, the ball more difficult to intercept.
Long Pass accuracy - accuracy of long passes.
Long Pass speed - speed of the ball sent with the high pass.
Shot accuracy - accuracy of shot, also important at executing penalties.
Shot power - power of shot, also important at free kicks.
Shot technique - technique of shot, the more the player is able to shoot (more reliably and powerful) from tough shooting positions; the shots are more often spectacular.
Free kick accuracy - accuracy of free kicks, basic attribute of the executor of kicks.
Curling - how the player is able to spin the ball, good for executors of free or corners kicks.
Header - how good and how accurate player can head, it comprises both shots and passing.
Jump - the height of the jump, connected with header creates the pretty good mixture, the extra attribute of the goalkeeper - how far he is able to take off.
Technique - control of the ball, how the ball "glues" to player's feet, the ball is often whipped back from the leg if the player has a weak attribute, he also badly catches passes, it also describe speed of the reaction to the next movement after the catch.
Aggresion - doggedness of the player, the defender with high attribute executes more brutal moves, goalkeeper is more prone to off to canters during free or corner kicks and the attacker is able to pick the defenders' group alone.
Mentality - the mentality, the player with the high attribute will be losing condition more slowly and when team is losing he is playing better.
Kepper skills - goalkeeper's abilities, we choose the goalkeeper according to this key, player with the attribute on the level 90 may be a good goalkeeper.
Team work - cooperation with team in general, the player will be more prone to pass more relevantly at the high attribute, to predict actions and will be faster adjusted to the style of the game and to the line-up, extremely important if we want to play faultless/on the high (although not necessarily!).
Consistency - stability, important at the game in season, the player will be maintaining high physical efficiency with the high attribute.
Condition - general shape, the player wins shape back faster in the season game, bound with Stamina and Consistency.
Weak foot accuracy - accuracy with weak (opposite to Dominant foot) leg.
Weak foot frequency - frequency of using weak (opposite to Dominant foot) leg.
Dribbling - enriches general possibilities to dribble, computer dribbles more often when plays with that player.
Tactical dribble - the computer more often dribbles with the ball and stops it to pass to the player standing on the better position.
Positioning - better arranging oneself on the pitch in order obtaining the ball after the pass, for CM players: Off the ball.
Reaction - attackers: they reach the ball faster near passes e.g. perpendicular; it increases the probability of being offside.
Playmaking - the player lines up considerably better according to other player who possesses the ball in order to receive the better pass.
Passing - it increases accuracy/brilliance of perpendicular passes, the assistant.
Scoring - it increases the probability of scoring, the player is more often put with the face to the goal that is he is able to run the center or the perpendicular pass faster.
1-1 Scoring - it increases the ability to shoot the goal one on one, additionally better chances of shots from lobs.
Post player - it improves possession of ball in rivals' penal field, additionally better direct passing and cooperation with team.
Lines - the player lines up exactly to the line of defense to fast run to the front, and to escape from defenders actually.
Middle Shooting - the ball doesn't usually gain the higher height on the distance shots than the 2.44 meter.
Side - it improves the game on flanks. The player e.g. in spite of the central position in the formation will pass to wings in order to assist there playing of the ball.
Centre - it improves the game on center. The player e.g. in spite of the wing position in the formation will pass to center in order to assist there playing of the ball.
Penalties - penal significantly accurate.
1-Touch pass - more relevant passing with "first touch".
Outside - the player more often passes with the exterior of the foot.
Marking - better covering and lining up in comparison with opponent players on the pitch.
Sliding tackle - better, more relevant slides performed by the player.
Covering - it improves lining up in the defensive line, in order to fill in lack.
D-Line control - the player is more capable to of doing the offside, players with the attribute more often stick exactly in the line.
Penalty stopper - better abilities for the defense of the penalty.
1-on-1 stopper - goalkeeper will better grab ball from attackers legs, better reflex at close range.
Long throw - it considerably increases the distance of the throw-in.
Injury tolerance - resistance to minor injuries, A - big, B -average, C - small.
Described in a test manner, available only in the view of team of Japan. They serve in no case for describing the player's quality. They are probably attributes, which will be added, in the next versions of the game.
GK ability - the goalkeeper's general abilities.
GK jump - the quality and the distance of goalkeeper's take-off.
Penalty save - ability for the penalty defense.
GK throw accuracy - accuracy of hand's throw.
GK throw power - power of hand's throw.
GK catch - ability to catch the ball.
GK coach - review of the situation.
Sliding tackle - the bigger value the better slides.
Intercept - ability to intercept the ball.
DF marking ability - ability to cover up players.
Ability to clear - accuracy of knocking the ball out to the front from the defense.
The formation isn't the most important thing necessary for luck (i.e. to achieve success). Of course it is capable to decide of the success of the game but also can be insistent, no through bad arrangements, but through opponent being pain in the ass who delights working out your formation and stops the game over and over in order to arrange next, comical strategy. And therefore I appeal to you: if you think that you will be favorites in the game arrange some offensive strategy and try to play with it through the whole match. The culture of playing requires it from us a little bit. I tested all formations and strategies - really, each of them is capable to manage with the opponent without any problem. Experience and the review of the field is the key here. We will obtain interesting effects even playing with the 3-2-5 system.
Let's back to Team work attribute. It is so important that it isn't possible to skip it and in order to understand every aspects of the formation it is necessary to take advantage of it skillfully. I will base the example on the 4-4-2 formation. If I choose the other one it will be marked. Team work is often mistaken with Positioning and Playmaking although they are based on similar principles.
Team work is causing some confusion on the PITCH but it is bringing measurable effects in case of good mastery of the situation by the player. And one more: notice that it doesn't have to be quite necessary to gain success. It is worth too check which team have the average value of the attribute, and if they are playing well.
They're five of fields under the surname of the player. One of them is always marked. It means the shifting zone in the formation. The more red it is the further formation is moved. If we are playing it for the right goal the most red zone will mean: players are moved to offensive. It is being operated with: L1 + R1 (offensively) / R2 (defensively). It is possible to check it in the time of performing the throw-in. More about this option is in the further part.
Starting the match you probably noticed on the radar, that players, which don't possess the ball at a given moment, are more concentrated (contrary to players which possess the ball) on the pitch's width to the center or moved to the ball direction. It is obvious thing. Let us do math: the pitch has an average of 70 meters of the width, with 4 defenders we have zone of 18 meters for every defender. If the defense is located on the width of the penalty field it will result in 10 meters for the player. You don't have to be anxious about centers then, since there are yet wing halfback. After all we are defending the goal rather than wings, thickening the field only will help us.
If our player gets the red card his place won't be replaced with somebody else in the formation. We have to do it manually.
Word about the form. It is presented in the form of arrows. The more upwards the better. If they are pointed up, some attributes grew (although it can't be seen in the window) and the weaker player with such a form can be really good. It's contrary with arrows down. The horizontal arrow is pointing the normal value of attributes (that is the player is such what his attributes point to). It is worth testing it in Match Mode -> Exhibition where we are able to choose the suitable form. The player with the weak form is shooting poorly penalties and is losing fast his stamina.
For the red arrow values are changing from 6 to 12 units of the attribute. For gray from 6 to 12. Near the yellow cross (light minor injury) the value will fall down from 18 for 32.
In every submenu of the formation we are able to view players' (L1/R1, on the right-hand side from surnames):
Additionally (L2/R2, pitch's pictogram):
We are making substitutions here. This strange hexagon is able to help us within comparisons. ATT - the attack, TEC - the technique, STA - stamina, DEF - the defense, POW - strength of the shot, SPD - speed. We can see the dissimilarities also on the attributes screen. We are making substitutions with X. If we have made the substitution already but it wasn't yet performed we are able to cancel it proceeding same way we did the substitution.
On this screen we are able also to see cooperation of players with the Team Work attribute. Pressing once we will see attribute values referring to players of the same team. Pressing the second time we will see lines with colors corresponding to values of cooperation. Shifting after players' surnames with we will notice dark field appearing on the pitch's pictogram - it is pointing the best positions (Position in the review of attributes L2/R2) for players. It is possible to see players also from the substitute's bench.
We will set the formation here. Default is team's default formation.
Position Edit
We are able to arrange the player's exact position here in the formation.
Select role
We are able to arrange more exact positions in relationship with the formation. The side defender is able to be CB or L/R B, CMF can act as DMF or OMF etc.
Automatic sort
The computer is arranging players automatically to the formation according to their abilities.
Auto-sort opp. team
Opportunity of an automatic arrangement of opposite team's player's in the first line-up based on their current form.
It is about zones, I was writing about at the beginning. Manual - means that we will be arranging manually; Auto-defense - the computer will be arranging defensively; Normal - balanced arrangements; Auto-attack - formation advanced to the front more often.
Defense system
Normal - every defender without assigned covering will be covering the player who will enter to the defense zone. Sweeper - we are choosing the player who will be acting as the sweeper, that is he will be filling in lack in covering, usually covers nobody. Line defense - players are trying to line of defense always being complete, Mark settings aren't working.
Team strategy
Back Line - the line of defense will go out far away to the front. Zone Press - a few players will be using pressing. Offside Trap - the defense will try to offside. Counter Attack - players will be lining up with the face forward not paying attention to the place of the ball on the pitch.
But - means that tactics will be executed aggressively but condition will be falling fast. B - means that tactics will be executed restrainedly. C - means that tactics will be executed without bigger amounts of strength.
List settings
All above-mentioned options from the menu Team are located here.
During the match L2 + O,X,/,[] turn on/turn off strategies. The strategy arranged by the player is located under every button.
The computer is matching the strategy for the player during the match, but we are able to turn on the single one from arranged earlier with R2.
Formation A/B
Formation arrangements A/B.
Copy to... A/B
Current arrangements will be copied do A/B.
No strategy
We are playing without the strategy.
We are playing "normally", arrangements are balanced.
Right Side Attack
More players will be gathered on the right side of the pitch.
Left Side Attack
More players will be gathered on the left side of the pitch.
Opposite Side Attack
If we are running with the ball on the right flank players will be trying to gather on the other side of the pitch.
Change Sides
Left is passing to the right and vice versa, only halfbacks and attackers, excellent for disorientation of opponent.
CB Overlap
The defender or "free player" is helping us additionally during the attack in attack line (we choose the player).
Zone Press
Stronger pressing, remark: defenders (also and other players in the formation) are running to the player possessing the ball in opposite team in order to take it away and in the same time they are capable to be more easily outplayed, and then "gaps" in the line of defense are created, which are very easy to be used.
Counter Attack
Attackers and offensive halfbacks during defensive actions are staying in the front, they aren't moving back to the defense.
Offside Trap
Moving over the line of defense to the front of about 5-10 meters for two seconds, executed wrongly results in serious consequences.
Formation A/B
We are arranging formations for ourselves on the higher menu and during the match we can change it, it isn't working when Semi-Auto strategy is on.
We are arranging here whether the player during the attack (during possessing the ball by the team) is supposed to go out far away and to which direction or to move back rather.
How much the player is supposed to become involved into defensive actions (High/Normal/Low).
Mark settings
How to cover players: Zone mark - covering with the zone, players are trying to be in the one line. Covering - the player is trying that ball will not to go through his line of the play; he isn't concentrating especially on watching or for covering the zone. Man mark - individual covering, player is covering opposite player (Normal/Aggressive).
Edit position
We are able to arrange the player's exact position here in the formation
Select role
We are able to arrange more exact positions in relationship with the formation. The side defender is able to be CB or L/R B, CMF can act as DMF or OMF etc.
Select kicker
Executors of constant fragments of the game: FK: L - from 30, R - to 30 meters to the goal CK: L - on left, R - on the right side of the goal. PK - executor of penalties.
Select capitan
We are choosing team's captain. Option without any importance on course of the match.
We have prebuilt strategies here. It will be enough merely to choose the formation and something from this menu. I am advising to watch well pitch pictogram (attack/defense/position in the formation) at the choice of the arrangement.
Saving or loading the formation.
Direction of played ball is perpendicular to the grass. The quality of executed throws depends on attributes - they are characterized below.
Center, additionally immediately after releasing hold on the direction left or right - spin, strength of the passing.
O ~ R2
Center, additionally immediately after releasing hold on the direction left or right - spin, strength of the passing - higher than previous.
up + O
Centre, more flat than first, in the English style, it is not different from the first type considering the force, spin, strength of the passing.
down + O
Centering on the ground, strength of the passing.
Passing to the nearest player.
MENU Select a kicker: Free kick accuracy - the most important thing, only refers to accuracy, Curling - ability to spin, L- pass accuracy - doesn't matter, Shot power - doesn't matter, Shot Accuracy - doesn't matter, Dominant foot - in dependence on the player's preference (certainly e.g. it is more goodly to center right-foot being on the left side).
It's good to choose as executors players with good Free kick accuracy, Curling, Long pass speed. Additionally it is good to consider star at Outside. To center on good one with Heading and Jump and on high player of course. Stars at attributes Positioning, Post player and Scoring Ability also count.
It is very good to spin the ball in the goal area line i.e. on sixth yard and additionally nearby to short bar. Goals look showily from the center to the line of the penalty field; it is very rarely a success. It is possible to spin into the goal directly.
Executed single
Shot, additionally immediately after releasing direction left or right - spin, strength of the shot, 24-32,33 meters.
up + []
The very light shot, strength of the shot, spin, about 24 meters.
down + []
Shot, the bomb for the goal, strength of the shot, spin, from about 33 meters.
(any kind of the center)
Passing to the nearest player.
Perpendicular passing to the nearest attacker.
Centering to the selected direction.
It is possible to use centers described in the corner kicks without any problem too.
Executed double
In order to include the second player in the action it is necessary to hold on to L2 through the half second. We will be able every next holding of the button to choose the side on which the assisting player will be stand or to exclude him from the action.
Apart from combinations described with single executing we have the possibility for execution of extra movements here.
L1 + X
Pulling out the ball by the assisting player with simultaneous shooter running - chance to perform the shot with [].
L1 + /
Passing executed by the supporting player to the nearest player.
L1 + O
Centering in the selected place, executed by the supporting player.
Change of the direction of the strike
(any of shots) ~ L1/R1
Change of the direction of the kicked ball. L1 - to the left side, R2 - to the right side.
(any of centers) ~ L1/R1
Change of the direction of the kicked ball. L1 - to the left side, R2 - to the right side.
I am recommending testing this trick on the training because of the considerable difference in the send/changed direction.
Behaving of wall at the defense
Everyone in the wall is jumping.
Everyone in the wall is standing still.
Some players are running toward the ball during the shot.
It is possible to combine above-mentioned keys: O + X and O + [].
MENU Select a kicker: The explanation refers only to direct shots: Free kick accuracy - the most important thing, refers to accuracy only, Curling - ability to spin, Long Pass Accuracy - doesn't matter, Shot power - it is deciding of strength of the shot, if the player is shooting from over 35 meters it is playing the significant role, Shot accuracy - only at indirect throws, Dominant foot - if you have only one player who well executes free kicks than this parameter isn't important, when you have Beckham and Giggs it is obvious that dominant foot may be a key.
You should choose as executors players with the good attribute Free kick accuracy. It will be also helpful additionally when spinning Curling and star by Outside, for strong shot Shot power. There is no absolute importance at this fragment of the game Shot accuracy.
There is no such thing like e.g. R1 + down ~ /. It's no need to add X and /. Shots with these keys are the same as without them. This is an error of Konami (the same is in Training Menu/Controls). Old method from PES 2 for shooting free kick exists but it is more difficult to perform because of the modified system of shots. How to do that? Striking from the margin of the line of the penalty field press as short as possible center (you may use even R2). The ball will fall into the goal at big luck. It is possible to shoot from this position under the wall also: down + O (strength in relationship on the liking: more power=quicker). It is possible to try in this way also to shoot for the long bar, where the goalkeeper is standing. It is sometimes possible to mislead him.
If you are shooting with spinning add somewhat bigger strength (about 1/10 bar). In my judgment players with good Curling slightly spinning the ball kicking without putting pressure of spinning. The ball is flying to the direction in the same way as shooting with inner part of the foot. The difference is able to be half meter with twenty meters distance to goal. Remember, that the quality of spinning doesn't depend only on attribute, but also on the part of the foot, which we are spinning. With inner we will spin considerably more than outward. This second style is actually without importance - the change of direction is minimal. Roberto Carlos' style (determined on the menu of the edition with number 3) lets double-sided spinning the ball at the kick. If we are executing the free kick from the right side of the goal we are taking right-foot with good Curling and we are arranging the direction of the ball by the wall from the right side. Similarly from left. With free kicks executed from wings of the penalty field it is possible to try to center, but best is low: up + O, the indicator of strength should not exceed the 1/4 of bar.
(cursors) - arranging of the direction of the throw-in.
X - short throw-in.
O - long throw-in, additionally we are using strength of the throw, Long throw is counting.
/ - throw of the ball played perpendicularly to the nearer player.
There are six points on the goal: the left/bottom, the left/top, the right/bottom, the right/top, the center, and the center/bottom. The success depends on Shot Accuracy, Shot Power, the important attribute is star at Penalties. The advantage of shooter will be the arrow upwards (down just the opposite). For goalkeeper it will be: Response, height and additionally star at Penalty stopper. Looking at the foot of the player it is possible to sense his intentions.
(direction: the left, right, the left/bottom, the right/bottom, the bottom) + []
Shot for the goal in the selected direction.
Shot at the center of the goal.
(direction: the left, right, the left/bottom, the right/bottom)
Parade with goalkeeper, without the direction defense of the center of the goal, hold before shooting, it isn't necessary to additionally push as it is in other games.
If we will press nothing with shooter, the player will shoot after a while to the center. In the time of running to the ball, we will obtain the flight of the ball to the suitable side holding the suitable direction.
Winning is the target but in order to do it is necessary to know basic issues of the control. How many? Best all. I know it isn't possible to know everything but all kinds of passing and partly shots are real basics. It is necessary to learn differences between types of pressing - especially knowledge about speed of the run of players in particular modes is a must. Certainly knowledge of the basic range of feints will be useful. Learning to control doesn't come easily, the time and intentions are here the key. Option of the training with the possibility of repeating actions is the outstanding form for mastery of almost all passes.
Playing PES5 with the keyboard isn't the quite bad idea. It is possible to perform almost all combinations. Certainly we won't perform passes with the analog. The keyboard can sometimes the block up the cache. Unfortunately there is no remedy for that.
However we will perform everything what is being found below with the suitable pad with two analogue buttons.
All symbols are described for the form arranged towards the attacked goal. The player is facing the right side and he is attacking the goal on the right-hand side also. Some combinations are described differently but it is marked in the given place suitably.
These are particular buttons and schemas of pushing them:
X, /, O, [] - buttons on the pad.
L3, R3 - buttons of knobs of the analogue control.
LEFT ANALOG, RIGHT ANALOG - knobs of the analogue control, also the direction is usually given (in parentheses).
+ - performing of the combination of buttons, simultaneous pushing in two or more buttons.
~ - releasing of button pushed earlier, after the sign the next button given in the example is pushed usually.
~ + - holding the button pushed earlier and pushing the next one, given in the example, sometimes this symbol is occurring after oneself, then it is necessary to push and to hold buttons.
2x, 3x - number of pushing the given button.
Regardless of the state of the ball
directions, LEFT ANALOG
General movement, basic speed of the run; Agility.
R1 (holding)
The sprint, player who is less maneuverable, very small control over the ball, if the Technique attribute is high enough the control is appropriately better; Top Speed, Agility, Technique.
the player's change, working in relationship on arrangements of the control (manual, s-auto, fix).
Being in possession of the ball
R1 ~+ (right)~(right)
During the sprint: releasing the ball right ahead.
R1 ~+ R2 ~+ (down/up)
Releasing the ball in the sprint, running with R1 push R2 and then direction; Technique (length of the releasing).
R2 (holding)
Run, slower than R1, ball more near the leg, impossibility of the shot; Technique, Agility, Dribble Speed.
R1 (alone!)
Stopping with the ball.
(any kind of the run) ~ (release everything)
Temporary, light trot with the ball, running even with R1 release everything, the player, will be almost "walking" in the direction led recently.
(standing with the ball) ~ R1 + (left/right)
Slipping the ball to the selected direction, using R2 we are obtaining stronger releasing; Technique.
R1/R2 ~ R1 + R2
Slipping the ball right ahead; Dominant Foot (leg).
Regardless of the state of the ball
R2 (hold) + directions - in the time of the center for example: chance to move player to arrange him better in the attitude to the heading ball, extremely useful at any contacts during performing the passing or the shot with the head.
R1 + R2 - aborting the run to the ball, if we are running to the ball and we know it will leave off the pitch we are able to use this trick, good also to mislead people, it is possible to use this trick too in order to abort the direction of the run when we sent the ball perpendicular to the attacker no relevantly.
X + (alternatively suitable direction)
Direct passing on the ground to the nearest player; S-Pass acc. (accuracy), S-Pass Speed (speed), Passing (brilliance), Playmaking (positioning).
X (hold on to the 1/6 second at least) + (alternatively suitable direction)
Direct passing on the ground to the more far-away player, the longer hold the further passing; S-Pass acc. (accuracy), S-Pass Speed (speed), Passing (brilliance), Playmaking (positioning).
RIGHT ANALOG (direction) + R3
The direction and strength of the passing on the ground, for stronger we push the analog the ball fly further and faster, 64 directions; Pass Accuracy (accuracy), Pass Speed (speed).
X ~ R2
Passing and running out to the front with the passer, instead of R2 we can use L1;1-Tch Pass (accuracy of the passer), Acceleration, Top Speed, Response.
L1 + X
Passing1-2, push and to press fast then: /- giving of the ball in the perpendicular passing, X - giving the ball to the player directly, O - giving the ball in the air; 1-Tch Pass (accuracy of the passer), Acceleration, Top Speed, Response.
O + (alternatively suitable direction)
Passing by air, in the defense kicking to the front, at side of penalty field: center on: center - with no direction, others - according to direction (when we are attacking the "right" goal for example); L-Pass, L-Speed.
L1 + RIGHT MANUAL(direction) + R3
The direction and strength of the passing in the air, for stronger we push the analog the ball fly further and faster, 64 directions; L-Pass, L-Speed.
L1 ~ R2 + (alternatively suitable direction)
Passing in the air, centering from the side line, strength of the passing, higher than ordinary L1, press R2 when the animation of the center starts; L-Pass, L-Speed.
2xO + (alternatively suitable direction)
Centering in the air, lower than previous, good for centers on e.g. headlong; L-Pass, L-Speed.
3xO + (alternatively suitable direction)
The center on the ground, the same possibilities from wings gives /; L-Pass, L-Speed.
L1 + O + (alternatively suitable direction)
Passing in the air, in the defense kicking to the front, directions and center ways identical with above-mentioned; L-Pass, L-Speed.
L1 + 2xO + (alternatively suitable direction)
Centering in the air, lower than previous, good for centers on e.g. headlong; L-Pass, L-Speed.
L1 + 2xO + (alternatively suitable direction)
The center on the ground, the same possibilities from wings gives /; L-Pass, L-Speed.
/ + (alternatively suitable direction)
Perpendicular passing on the ground to the nearest player; S-Pass acc. (accuracy), S-Pass Speed (speed), Passing (brilliance), Playmaking (positioning).
/ (hold on to the 1/6 second at least) + (alternatively suitable direction)
Perpendicular passing on the ground to the more far-away player, the longer hold the further passing; S-Pass acc. (accuracy), S-Pass Speed (speed), Passing (brilliance), Playmaking (positioning).
L1 + / + (alternatively suitable direction)
Perpendicular passing in the air, the ball will fall down in front of the player's legs, short; L-Pass, L-Speed, Passing (brilliance).
L1 + / (hold on to the 1/6 second at least) + (alternatively suitable direction)
Perpendicular passing in the air, the ball will fall down in front of the player's legs, long, the longer hold the further passing; L-Pass, L-Speed, Passing (brilliance).
[] + (alternatively suitable direction)
The shot, directions on the pad (attacking the right goal e.g.: up(left), down(right), without direction/ahead(center), hold []in order to achieve the suitable height/power of the shot, in dependence on the height of the reaching ball we are able to perform different shoots, on the own half knocking out to the front; Shot acc. (accuracy), Shot power (power), Shot technique (quality), Scoring (additional accuracy), 1-1 Scoring, Middle Shooting (accuracy from the distance).
[] ~ R2
Light, spinned, technical shot; Shot acc. (accuracy), Shot technique (quality), Scoring (additional accuracy), Dominant foot.
[] ~ R1
Shot with low lob; Shot acc. (accuracy), Shot technique (quality), Scoring (additional accuracy).
L1 + []
Shot with high lob; Shot acc. (accuracy), Shot technique (quality), Scoring (additional accuracy).
(standing or going with the ball) L1 + [] + (alternatively suitable direction)
Shot with very high lob, a'la Alessandro Del Piero @ Euro 2004: Italia - Sweden; Shot acc. (accuracy), Shot technique (quality), Scoring (additional accuracy).
(posture with back to the goal) L1 + [] (alternatively suitable direction)
The next lob, if we are reversed to the goal we are able to risk such a very difficult and at the same time very well shot; Shot acc. (accuracy), Shot technique (quality), Scoring (additional accuracy).
(posture with back to the goal) ~ [] + (alternatively suitable direction)
The next lob variation, if we are reversed to the goal we are able to risk such a very difficult and at the same time very well shot; Shot acc. (accuracy), Shot technique (quality), Shot power (power).
X (holding)
Pressing, attempt of the catching of the ball in the standing position; Defence, Agillity, Acceleration.
[] (holding)
Pressing with two, you control one without the pressing and call the player closest to the ball; Defence, Agillity, Acceleration.
X + O (holding)
Same as above, but you control player with pressing, good to taking in "pincers"; Defence, Agillity, Acceleration.
R1 + X (holding)
Pressing, attempt of the catching of the ball in the standing position; Defence, Agillity, Acceleration.
R1 + [] (holding)
Doubled pressing with sprint; Defence, Agillity, Acceleration.
Slide, catching of the ball in the ground floor. Useful for locking the shot, knocking out from under the attacker's legs or from the side/goal line; Defence, Sliping.
The catching and the change of the posture in the selected direction without stopping with the ball; Agillity, Technique.
R1 + (adequate direction)
Catching with releasing.
R1 (hold)
Catching in dependence on the ball height, it is possible to shot at once, i.e. [], it is possible to combine together with above-mentioned.
Letting the ball through between legs, when the ball is flying on the earth towards our player, R1 to push earlier a little bit before the ball reaches player.
The catching and turning round towards the goal at the same time.
Very good, most often using, necessary good timing; Dribble Acc., Dribble Speed, Technique.
Turning around with the ball along with stopping, to the direction of the enemy's goal; Technique.
(stopping the ball R1/R2) ~ (2x up/down)
Feinting the movement
(right) ~+ (up/down)
Feint with balance of the body during the run.
[] ~ X 2xRIGHT ANALOG (up/down)
Feint, feinting of shot, in dependence on attributes and right/left legged executed in the adequate direction, it is possible to steer the feint: after pressing X hold on to the direction opposite to the direction of the run for 90 degrees, with R3 it isn't necessary to push the direction of the feint - the direction is determining by the knob.
[] ~ [] ~ X
Feinting of shot, with this time double, depends on above.
[] ~ [] ~ [] ~ X
Feinting of shot, very effective, depends on above.
O ~ X
Feinting of center, depends on above, control as above.
L1 + RIGHT MANUAL(direction) + R3 ~ X
Feinting of center, depends on above, control as above.
(ahead) ~+ (up/down) ~ (release last)
Feint with both legs, only for having the attribute Both Foot Feint (non-existent in this version anyway it isn't known why), hold the ahead, push the direction, release the direction, the consistent direction for left-foot, opposite for right-foot; Technique > 84.
(ahead) ~+ (up/down) ~ (release last) ~ R1
Above-mentioned feint, performed with releasing the ball right ahead, perform very fast; Technique > 84.
Dodge with the ball and pulling the ball to the direction chosen with the cursor.
(up/down) ~back
Performing above-mentioned and then dragback with the ball.
R2 + (back)
Dragback. Because of using R2 the player has to be arranged straight towards the gate.
(up/down) ~ (up/down)
Dodge with the ball to one and to the other direction.
Toss of the ball forward, directions independently of the player's position on the pitch, performed with the ball stopped earlier is guaranteeing the higher toss.
RIGHT ANALOG (a 90-degree turn right/left)
Zidane spin/roulette in dependence on the direction of turn; Technique.
2xR2 or 2x RIGHT ANALOG (opposite to the run)
The next feint, it is not working with the sprint.
(running with the sprint release the held direction) ~ 2xR2
The feint, stopping with the ball and turning round to the goal.
(running with the sprint necessarily holding any direction) push 2xR2
Sprint with releasing the ball.
2xL1 or 2x RIGHT ANALOG (in accordance to the direction of the run)
Next feint, it is not working with the sprint.
(running with the sprint necessarily holding any direction) push ~ 2xL1
Sprint with releasing the ball.
(running necessarily keeping any direction) ~ 2xL1
Sprint with releasing the ball.
2xL1 ~ (during execution of the third feint push the adequate direction) ~ (during execution of the forth feint push the direction opposite to previous) ~ (first pushed direction)...
Spectacular feint.
3xR2 or 3xL1
Flip Flap; Ronaldinho, Ibrahimovic, Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo.
With the ball in hands:
Passing to the nearest player.
Distant kick to the front.
Same as above.
Releasing the ball from hands.
Without the ball:
Leaving with goalkeeper from the penalty field towards the ball, necessary good timing.
/ + L1
The change of the cursor for the control of the goalkeeper, working only if GK Cursor ON in Player Settings.
Knocking out from the goal field:
Passing to the nearest player.
Long kick up to the front.
Every of assumptions presented below don't have to be met at the given moment of the action. There are no guidelines determined completely, they are only probable. Dependence is resulting from:
There are four basic movements of players: the passing, the catching, the shot, taking back the ball. Mastery of every element in the basic mark doesn't guarantee high victories - it is helping only at playing the ball. The rest is lying in the player's competence, especially taking advantage of the attribute Teamwork and knowledge of the own and the enemy's formation.
We are able to pass to every of eight available directions. Certainly not every will be so accurate as the attributes are pointing for it. There is principle that five directions are most accurate. The rest will depend on the high attribute Passing acc. Passing of the first ball (and in the run or the sprint) are usually less accurate, about the 1/4 value of the attribute. Let us not forget about the long passing - is very easy to intercept, but extremely effective.
It is possible to pass to any place in the penalty field provided that the player is located in the given zone - the ball will always be directed at his direction. If nobody is in zone the computer will take the nearest player in other, adjacent zone. If nobody is in the penalty field, the ball will usually be played to the center of the pitch.
Three positions of the player are most accurate. The rest depends on the attribute Shot technique. Every shot performed at the posture of the player changed of 90 degrees in the attitude to the goal, will be marked by the weak kick of the ball (small speed). It will usually be wide too, and not infrequently high. In this position we can take good shot only with [] ~ R2.
The technique of the shot is describing the moment of the kick and the height of the sent ball. You also should know that the moment depends on player too, who pushing the key of the shot is sending the height indirectly - especially at shots from the first ball. For example, when the ball being centered for the attacker is pointing the chance to kick (not head!) from the first ball, we will notice then that the player will try to execute the shot in dependence on the ball height. Almost same situation we find when heading.
There are two speeds of the shot bar existing. The first is essential and is occurring in all situations apart from of the ones mentioned in second. This one however is showing up when: shooting from first ball, as well as when the player can't perform any movement, because he is in the first phase of the catching the ball. It lasts about 1/5 second.
It is necessary to mention "Driven Shot". It is specific kind, possible only to perform when giving the shot from the first ball. In order to perform it, it is necessary to push [] at the moment when the ball is falling. Intention realized well, will be resulting in the very strong shot, kind of the lob.
If we stop the ball with R1 or R2 and we perform the shot from this position, it will have features as performing [] ~ R2 - controlled shot.
Very effective move, although initially hard to learn. There are two variations of this combination. One of them relies on the passing and running away, other on passing, running away and giving back the ball with one of methods. The most simple is X ~ R2. It can serve not only to exchange passing, but also to creating "chaos" and immediate attacking - a few passes performed in this way will be enough to create combinative attack. X ~ R2 and L1 + X are identical moves.
Nuances of the formation and the strategy
Two hypothetical formations, completely not suiting to oneself. It is possible in theory to bet bigger chances on "blues", however we don't stay behind rivals thanks to few tricks in the strategy. It is the demonstration of course of one match when using the following formations along with the discussing on more interesting pitch behaviors.
Simple 3-5-2 formation. Advantage: tightening of the central field of the game, usually effective locking the rival on the own half. Disadvantage: three defenders are not giving full covering of the line.
Line up Team strategy: Back Line A, Zone Press A, Offside Trap A, Counter Attack A.
Offensive 4-5-1 formation. Support of wingers for the attacker, giving the opportunity of the full maneuver in the counter-attack. Advantage: immediate transition to the attack, outstanding possibilities in the positional attack - even play with eight players. Disadvantage: too small tightening of the center of the field sometimes.
Line up Team strategy: Back Line B, Zone Press B, Offside Trap C, Counter Attack A.
Initial set up of players. Let us take note on two defensive helpers at "reds" - they will be accompanying us during the meeting nearly through the whole time. Let us look at the line of defense both of team. On 40 meters of the width at "blues" are four players; at "reds" only three defenders have to fulfill their tasks.
On time of executing of the corner kick the shift to the attack of four "reds" players is occurring. One of wingers is executing the throw. Three players are waiting for the counter-attack in the center of the field: CF, LWF and RWF. Their only chance of the escape will be disperse to wings and the individual sprint to the direction of the goal and possible subsequent center. Two "reds" DMF will try to underwrite opponent's actions supporting own defenders usually on wings.
Theoretical advantage "reds" in the middle of the field isn't giving the certainty for lack of the place to "blues" for playing the ball. Tightening the formation in the width is the effect of the arrangement Back Line A. The problem is, that at the given moment three attacking "blues" are ready for immediate run to the ball. It will be sufficient to run them with the high perpendicular passing. But because we arranged for team "reds" Zone Press A, thanks to pressing we are inclining enemies to retreat the ball into the range of their defense.
Two interesting facts: "reds" defenders are individually covering "blues" attackers; "reds" LMF is being kept an eye by "blues" RB.
Line of "reds" defense arranged dangerously high is theoretically guaranteeing the ball return to the "blues" half. But don't forget about three attackers, one error of the defense and the attack will be taken in the very big area.
Situation almost similar to previous, but on the other side of the pitch. With moving the formation "blues" are presenting "reds" in the way: positional attack.
What manual, s-auto, fix mean?
Manual - the player's exchange will be executed manually, especially at lack of possession of the ball. S-Auto - the player's exchange will be executed automatically; the tolerance depends on the quantity of arranged lines. Fix - explained below.
How to play the one player?
Set up in Player Settings option Fix, as shown below:
Additionally buying from PES Shop Player camera you will gain the chance to watch player actions from the third perspective. R2 - call for ball, L1 - you are able to rotate the camera along with the player.
Why am I receiving the message Game Over in Master League?
Because you ended the season with the negative financial outcome or you possess in your team less than sixteen players.
The game is hanging up for when entering the match.
You installed the unofficial patch probably, re-install the game.
What does it mean when dots, which indicate players sometimes, flicker on the radar?
When two players - every from opposite team - is standing side by side.
Whether the ordinary training on the pitch in the Master League mode is improving teamwork?
No. It gives nothing.
Why when I am starting the season in Master League I am beginning it with unknown players?
This game relies on it. You are beginning with weaklings and you are finishing with excellent team.
Game is difficult.
Reduce the level of difficulty for yourself in match options. One more remark: it is easier to play on the level of six stars than five.
Game is easy.
Easy, but only with the computer. Play with the living opponent or in the online mode.
I have the key but I don't know where to take the password from.
Register on the Konami site. You will find the link to the registration page in the menu of the CD-ROM startup.