This guide describes World of Warships, the newest game created by, which is a simulator of battles between powerful warships. It will help you in understanding the basic mechanics of the gameplay and will allow you to control the massive ships from the times of Second World War faster, easier and more effectively. This guide should be useful both for novice players who will find information about the basic elements of the game, such as interface, starting advice and money management, and for intermediate players interested in increasing their knowledge about different warships and game styles.
The guide to World of Warships contains:
The guide has been created based on 0.4.0 version of the game.
Patryk Greniuk ()
You should start your adventure with World of Warships by going to the official website of the game - The website will automatically detect the language of your operating system and will switch to the adequate language version.
Once the page finishes loading, click the "Play for free" icon in the upper right corner of the screen. You will be moved to the page from which you will download the game client. It has the size of only few megabytes. After downloading the file, install it. The download and installation of the whole game will start automatically. Depending on your internet speed, it can take from one to more than a dozen of hours. In the meantime you can create an account which will be required to start the game. Click the "create account" button which can be found above the "Play for free" icon. In order to login you can also use the account from other games of the company - World of Tanks or World of Warplanes.
Game client that is ready to play should look similarly to the one shown on the picture above. Once all the required files and updates are downloaded and installed, the "Play" icon in the bottom right corner of the screen should become active. From the client you can also change the language of the game.
The last phase before starting the game is logging in directly to the server. To do it, you must enter the email address and password used during the registering. Currently only one European server exists so you don't have to make any decision. If you haven't created an account yet, you can do it now by clicking the "Register" word. Once you fill all the data, press the "Connect" icon and the game will start.
Despite the fact that new gameplay elements are unlocked in World of Warships gradually as you obtain new account levels, you might feel a bit lost when navigating through your port. Finding a specific option might take you some time and frustrate you. To avoid it, below you will find description of specific interface elements of your headquarters, including information about what you can find and do in various places.
In the upper left corner of the screen you will find an icon that allows you to change the settings of the game client (two modes symbol). Right from it there's a drop-down menu that allows you to manage your account. Here you can check your current level, buy premium account or trade premium currency for the standard one. Below the beam with settings you will find icons that show active missions. There might be up to three of them active at once. After completing one of them you will receive a reward, usually in the form of money, and a counter will start. After a specific number of hours new mission will appear in the same place.
In the upper middle part of the screen you will find navigation menu. The first tab from the left is the "Port", place where all your ships are displayed. In the "Module" tab you can buy new upgrades and consumables or develop new parts for the currently selected warship. "Exterior" tab allows you to buy a camouflage or equip the ship in signal flags. In the "Tech tree" you will find all the ships available in the game divided into nations, tier and type. The last tab allows you to get to the profile statistics menu.
Below the navigation menu, on the left side you will find an icon that allows you to create divisions. Thanks to that you can create a group not only with your friends but even with randomly assigned players. On the right side you can select the battlefield. Currently two modes are available - cooperation and random battles. You start World of Warships with cooperation battles, but you should remember to switch to random battles as soon as you reach the second level of your account. In the middle you will find a large icon that starts the battle with the currently selected warship.
In the upper right corner of the screen you will find a precise amount of premium currency, credits and free experience points that you have, and the currently selected warship. Additionally, there you will see information about warship class, its tier and the number of obtained experience points. There's an icon of the ship captain there as well. The red circle represents the amount of free experience points that he has. By clicking them you will move to a separate page where you can manage the abilities. You can also change the captain there. At the bottom you will find few dropdown menus in which you can check detailed statistics of a selected ship.
At the bottom of the screen you will find icons of all the ships you have. If next to them you can see stars with "x1.5" sign, it means that for the first victory in that day you will receive 1.5 more experience. Here you will also see the number of free slots in the port and the possibility to buy additional warships slots. It is wise to wait with buying new slots for some sale as one slot will cost 150 doubloons. In the left bottom corner you will find a chat icon.
The battle screen in World of Warships is not complicated. In addition to describing all its elements, this chapter will also focus on advice on how to make controlling the ship more easy and effective.
In the bottom left corner of the battle screen you will find basic information about your warship. In addition to its name and hit points you will see its currently selected speed there. It can be increased or decreased with W and S keys. Right from it autopilot icon can be found. It can be also activated with the M key. It allows you to set a destination to which you intend to sail. The computer will automatically set the course. The circle with your ship image is very important. You should focus especially on the icons showing cannons and its current rotation. When they are turned towards the place that you aim at, they will be lighted in green. You can lock them in specific direction with the Ctrl + X key combination.
In the bottom middle part of the screen you will find icons representing the current equipment of the ship, starting with selected ammunition type on the left side and the consumables on the right. At the top you can see the load state of each main battery. After shooting, a counter appears there that shows the number of seconds until another bullet is loaded. Pressing the Z key after the shoot will make the camera follow the bullets.
In the bottom right corner of the screen you will find a minimap. It's one of the most important elements of the interface. From it you can read the location of allied and enemy warships divided into various types, and plane squadrons. It is wise to keep attention to in which direction various ships are turned. The range of your main artillery is important information as well. It is represented by a dashed circle. The minimap can be made larger and smaller with the plus and minus keys. If you want to receive additional information, you can click and hold the ALT button. However, the new info will appear on the main screen, not the minimap.
After pressing the M key, a larger version of the minimap will appear. From it you can observe the whole battlefield and use the autopilot option. To plan a more complicated maneuver you must hold the shift button. Additionally, you will spend most of your time on this screen when controlling the aircraft carriers and giving orders to various plane squadrons.
Don't forget to switch from cooperation battles to random battles immediately after reaching the second level of the account. You will fight against human opponents and thus receive much more experience and money for a battle;
Try to play using all warship types - destroyers, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers. Not only you will learn which type suits you best, but you will also learn the advantages and weaknesses of all warships;
Don't decide on a specific American or Japanese tree at the beginning of the game. Play with ships from both nations, they are very different. You can make up your mind which nation suits you more once you reach tier V-VI ships;
Don't spend free experience points on airships but on upgrades for them.
When controlling a cruiser or a battleship, don't sail straight towards enemy base. Keep close to allied ships that attack enemies from the sides.
Remember about distributing captain's ability points. If you're not sure which abilities will be most useful for you, use the propositions from this guide.
In the beginning phase of the game it is hard to decide which warship types to develop. You don't know which ships are best and which suits you the most. The best solution would be simply testing all the warships of each nation. Sadly, not everyone has time and money for that. Below you will find a short description of all warship types.
An almost mandatory ship that you should have in your port as quickly as possible is American tier III cruiser - St. Luis. It's a perfect training ship that will help you learn how to aim and hit the enemy. As you develop your skills you should research and buy new cruisers, both American and Japanese. Playing them is interesting and no matter on what you prefer to focus in World of Warships, you should have few good cruisers in your port.
If you decide to develop destroyers' line, then you must ask yourself the question on what you want to focus. If on torpedoes, you should definitely select the Japanese line. If you expect a fast, versatile ship, then Americans will suit you better. You should target Minekaze (tier V) in case of Japan and Clemson (IV tier) in case of USA. After fighting few battles with those ships you should know whether you want to keep going down the selected line.
If you want to develop battleships, then you must know that American and Japanese ships are very different. USA has much smaller cannon range, even by few kilometers, they are slower but compensate that with agility. In case of Japan, very early you will receive a ship with cannon range above 20 kilometers. Despite appearances, it might be a disadvantage for beginners as it will make it harder to hit the enemy. If you're not experienced in aiming, then you should select American line. After the very bad tier III battleship South Carolina, you will obtain better ships called Wyoming and New York. After playing around dozen of battles with those ships you can remain in this line or start learning the Japanese battleships.
If you choose to develop aircraft carriers line, then, no matter if you select American or Japanese ones, you must consider the fact that it's a completely different game. Most of the time you will spend on the large map that shows the whole battlefield and your actions will be limited to giving orders to few airplane groups. It makes the game less dynamic and requires you to have better tactical sense. If you decide to develop such ships, then you better focus on Japanese tree. Their carriers have greater amount of plane squadrons, this makes the game less boring. Additionally, you will have an opportunity to train controlling many groups of fighters and bombers at once.
Similarly to most free-to-play games, at some point of the game you will start lacking funds for new upgrades, vehicles and equipment. Because of that, it is wise to start saving money since the beginning of the game and avoid spending it on unnecessary things. The easiest way is of course buying the premium account which greatly increases the amount of credits you earn. Second option is buying one of the premium warships which also have an earning bonus and additionally very small repair costs. However, not everyone wants to spend real money. If you want to avoid spending actual money, then below you will find few tips and advice on how to save yourself from the lack of credits.
In case of World of Warships, company decided not to send inexperienced player on deep waters. By wining successive battles you will obtain new levels until you reach level eight. Each new level offers you new options and possibilities. You gain them quite fast, after less than twenty days you should reach the highest level and be able to perform all the activities. It is best to ignore the account level and simply play new battles, the levels will be gained by their own. Below you will find a list of all levels, the bonuses they give you and the possibilities they unlock.
Cooperative battles
Random battles
100 000 credits
Daily missions
200 000 credits
Free experience points
3000 free exp
Ship commanders
750 000 credits
Ship upgrading
1 250 000 credits
Signal flags
1 day of premium account
Ship concealment
2 000 000 credits
One of the most important things that require discussing is the sailing and ship controlling process. It might seem to be the simplest part of the game, but the reality is quite different. Learning to sail on expert level is the hardest thing in the game. You must consider dozens of various factors such as speed, maneuverability, armor or map shape.
First thing you must consider is the speed and maneuverability of your ship. If you control a slow and not agile battleship, you must carefully plan your route. You won't be able to correct your course during the half of the battle. Decide to sail in one side of the map, preferably the one where there is more free space and there are no islands from behind which destroyers might attack you. You should act oppositely when controlling the destroyers. Select the places with large amounts of small isles behind which you can hide after firing the torpedoes. You're in the best situation when controlling a cruiser which is fast and agile enough to change its route in the key moment of the battle. However, similarly to the battleship, you must avoid being attacked between the islands. When controlling the aircraft carrier, you must remember that your warship has very little maneuverability. Sail towards the part of the map that is most distant from the enemies. Select one of the corners of the map, preferably the one with an island behind which you will be able to hide.
When sailing on long distance, sometimes it is better to use the autopilot. It is especially helpful in case of battleships, and in case of aircraft carriers it is practically mandatory. When pressing the "M" key, a map screen will open, you can mark the place to which you intend to swim on it. If you intend to prepare more advanced maneuver, you can set few checkpoints by holding the "shift" key. However, remember for the created lines to have as small angles as possible. This will allow you to avoid stopping your ship before each turn and losing speed. When controlling the cruiser or a destroyer, you shouldn't use the autopilot as it would make it harder for you to aim and avoid enemy fire.
Some words should be said about ship speed as well. Not always setting the turbines on maximum power is the best option. The aircraft carrier, for example, should remain safely hidden behind an island for the most of the time and move only in order to change its position or run away from the enemy. The maximum speed will be useful when you intend to reach a shooting position you're interested in, but during the shooting itself you can lower the speed to 1/2 or 3/4. This will give you more time to aim and shoot more salvos. It's important especially in case of battleships fighting weaker armored ships. Sometimes it is even more profitable to stop than not be able to shoot few salvos due to an island blocking access to enemy. The only ship type that should maintain the maximum speed constantly is destroyers. In this case you will lose the speed by sudden maneuvers anyway. In their case the speed is also the only defense from enemy attacks.
Now, let's get to sailing while shooting with enemy. It's a very important aspect of the game, which is often completely ignored in the fever of the battle. Most of all, you should avoid enemy bullets. It can be done in few ways, depending on what warship type you control. When controlling a battleship, you can't perform quick maneuvers, so you should try to do one thing - position yourself in as large angle towards enemy as possible. However, it must be such angle that will still allow you to attack using all the cannons. You must absolutely avoid positioning yourself parallel to enemy. It would end with massive damage received.
Other tactic should be used when controlling a destroyer. You should maximally utilize your warships' agility. When sailing towards the enemy, position yourself frontally towards him, so that your ship's silhouette will be the smallest and the enemy will have hard time trying to hit you. Once you get close enough, quickly turn one of your sides towards the enemy, shoot the cannons and torpedoes, and then turn back towards the enemy. It would be best if you could hide behind some obstacle during the torpedoes reload. If it's not possible, try to observe the enemy and, after he shoots the salvo, immediately turn in one of the sides.
To deal some damage to your enemy, you must hit him. It might seem trivial, all one need to do is aim at enemy ship silhouette and pull the trigger. Such attempt will work on close distance, but if enemy ship is 15 km away from you and the bullet is flying for eight seconds, you must think greatly ahead. You must consider the direction in which enemy ship is sailing, its speed, and even type, which will tell you a lot about probable enemy behavior.
In case of aiming, the most important thing you must consider is distance between you and your enemy and how fast the enemy is moving. After switching to sniper mode (shift key by default) you must aim some distance in front of the ship itself. Your bullet may fly for even few seconds. It is wise to shoot first from one cannon and check if you have aimed properly. If yes, then you can unleash the whole salvo. Sadly, there is no universal rule for aiming at long distance. You must simply train a lot until you're able to instinctively approximate where you should send the bullets. Playing on St. Luis cruiser is a very good idea, it has large amount of fast reloading cannons. It allows you to send few dozens of bullets in one minute. There is no better shooting training than that. From my own experience I might add that you should aim high-explosive bullets slightly above enemy ship and at water line or slightly above it in case of armor piercing ammunition.
Once you learn how to hit enemy ship, you should focus on its specific parts. High explosive ammunition should be aimed at the bow and the stern of the ship, more or less up to the place where the first main artillery turret is located. The armor is rather thin in that spot, you should deal large damage. A good idea in case of HE ammunition is also shooting at the cannons, quarterdecks and chimneys. You won't deal large damage, but there is a large change to damage some important module or set the ship on fire. When shooting with armor piercing ammunition, you should aim only at ship's hull, preferably at water level. If you use small caliber cannons, then aim similarly to as with HE ammunition, at the front and the back of enemy ship. If you have high penetration and enemy is positioned side towards you, you should try to hit the so-called citadel. Citadel is the part of the ship in which the vital rooms are located, such as machine room. Usually, citadel is located between the first and the last turret of the main artillery, more or less starting from the water level to the half altitude of the hull. If it's possible, you should shoot under the ship's chimneys or at the hull on water level. If you penetrate the armor and hit the citadel properly, you will deal the maximum damage of your ammunition. Few such shots are capable of taking down even a battleship.
Once you properly aim your cannons, it will be time to shoot. Despite appearances, at this point you still have more than one option. By clicking once, you will shoot from a single turret. It's useful when giving the first shot at enemy who is far away. It allows you to see whether you have aimed properly and where had the bullets landed. By holding the left mouse button you will shoot with a sequence fire, successive turrets will activate more or less every half second. Such fire mode is useful when shooting at enemy close by, when the bullets aren't flying for too long. It allows you to adjust bullets flight in real time.
Third shooting mode is a simultaneous fire from all cannons (twice clicking the left mouse button). It should be used only if you're sure you have aimed correctly. After giving the salvo you are helpless for from few to more than a dozen of seconds. This mode should be also used against destroyers and fast cruisers. After shooting a salvo you can suddenly change your position or swimming direction.
Torpedoes are a special weapon type. They deal massive damage and can cause flooding, but it is very hard to hit target with them. First thing you should take interest in are two shooting modes - wide and narrow. They differ in dispersion of torpedoes in a single salvo. Wide mode should be used when shooting "blindly", on large distance, or when enemy is agile and can escape quickly. Narrow mode is used for shooting at very slow warships such as battleships and airship carriers when they are very close.
When you change torpedo aiming mode, next to the rotation range a gray field will appear. It's a helpful pointer that aims itself at the closest opponent and shows how to shoot the torpedoes to hit him. Of course, it's a very simplified tool that only helps in aiming. All enemy needs to do is slightly change his course for the torpedoes to miss him. Despite that, it's a useful tool early in the game while you're still learning to aim and shoot.
Selecting the ammunition type is one of the most important decisions made during a battle. On ammunition type it depends how effective will your attack be, what sort of damage will you do and how much hit points will you take from enemy ship. You can choose from two ammunition types - high explosive and armor piercing. Each of them should be used in some specific conditions. You shouldn't be afraid of constantly changing ammunition type during the battle. It all depends on the class of the ship you are aiming at, the distance to it and even the specific ship part you're aiming at. Below you will find description of various ammunition types including their effectiveness against all ship types. At the end of the chapter you will find information about torpedoes.
High explosive (HE) ammunition is the default and most frequently used type. Those bullets have low penetration, low damage dealt to ship's hit points, but high damage to various ship modules. Each hit with such bullet also has a chance to set enemy ship on fire. There might be more than one fire on a ship simultaneously and all random damage done by them is added to your score. By shooting with this ammunition you can be sure that, once hitting the enemy, you will deal some damage. However, usually it will be low damage.
HE ammunition is used in few specific situations. Most of all, it should be used when shooting from long distance. On such distance you have low chance to penetrate the armor, but you can set enemy on fire or destroy some important module. High explosive ammunition should be also used when shooting at the bow (front) or the stern (back) of the warship. The armor is set there under such angle that the HE bullets will ricochet. Your cannon's caliber is very important as well. The lower it is, the more often you should use HE ammunition.
Second type is armor piercing ammunition. It is used less frequently, only in specific situations. AP bullets deal high damage (usually twice as much as high explosive ammunition) and have higher penetration. However, they don't damage most of the modules, only a direct hit will temporary deactivate them. Proper aiming is very important in case of this ammunition. Not only must you hit the proper place on the ship, but at the right angle as well. You should avoid shooting at enemy warship positioned front or back towards you. Virtually every bullet will bounce off from the armor and you won't deal any damage. Shooting at the side of the ship will be most effective, in place where the bullet will have as little armor to penetrate as possible.
Check two things before loading armor piercing ammunition: your artillery caliber and the class of the ship you will be shooting at. It is not recommended to use AP ammunition if you have low caliber cannon. The lower the caliber, the smaller the penetration of the bullet. You should also remember that various ships differ in armor thickness. The general rule is as follows: destroyers and aircraft carriers have the weakest armor, and then there are the cruisers and finally battleships that have the best armor. Of course, there are exceptions from the rule. You should remember not to use AP ammunition against a ship that is from higher class. For example, by shooting the AP bullet from a destroyer, you have very low chance for penetrating enemy cruiser or battleship. You can try your strength only against destroyers and aircraft carriers. It's different in case of battleships. Their cannons have so large penetration that it is possible for their bullet to fly back to fro enemy ship. Because of that, you shouldn't use AP bullets against enemy destroyers. However, they will be perfect against cruisers or other battleships.
Torpedoes are special ammunition type available only for some warships (mostly destroyers and cruisers). Before using them, you must check what model you have. Most important information to learn are maximum range and speed. The range is vital as it determines from how far away you can shoot the torpedo.
After hitting, torpedoes might cause additional effect of flooding. It works similarly as fire and is regularly taking away small amount of hit points from enemy ship. To get rid of the hole in the hull one must use Damage Control Party and wait for a long time.
Each bought ship lacks any upgrades. Sometimes it makes playing such ship very unpleasant. In this chapter the general process of upgrading a newly bought ship is described. Here you will find information on what you should select in first order and what the recommended upgrades for various ship types are. Of course, it will be general advices and it will be a very good idea to think it all over in any specific situation by your own.
When buying upgrades for your ship, you should consider what you need the most. Usually, the best choice will be to buy new hull in first order. It will increase maximum hit points and very frequently also the amount of main artillery, additional artillery and anti-aircraft artillery cannons. In second order you should spend the obtained experience on upgrading the speed and maneuverability of the ship. Only after upgrading that you should invest in additional upgrades like fire control or seeing range. In some cases, especially when you're upgrading a battleship, you should start by increasing fire range. It will be especially crucial in case of American battleships.
Slot 1 (available for tier I+)
Main Battery Modification 1
125 000
-20% to the risk of magazine detonation
-20% to the risk of the main battery becoming incapacitated
-20% to main battery repair time
Torpedo Tubes Modification 1
125 000
-20% to torpedo tube repair time
-20% to the risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitated
Air Groups Modification 1
125 000
+10% to aircraft gun effectiveness
AA Guns Modification 1
125 000
+20% to AA mount survivability
Secondary Battery Modification 1
125 000
+20% to secondary battery survivability
Slot 2 (available for tier V+)
Main Battery Modification 2
500 000
+10% to main battery loading time
+15% to the main battery traverse speed
Torpedo Tubes Modification 2
500 000
-10% to torpedo tube repair time
+20% to torpedo tube traverse speed
Gun Fire Control System Modification 1
500 000
Increases main battery firing accuracy
Flight Control Modification 1
500 000
Accelerates aircraft servicing
Air Groups Modification 2
500 000
Increases survivability of fighters
AA Guns Modification 2
500 000
+20% to AA mount maximum firing range
Secondary Battery Modification 2
500 000
+20% to secondary battery maximum firing range
Increases secondary battery firing accuracy
Slot 3 (available for tier IX+)
Main Battery Modification 3
3 000 000
Decreases main battery loading time
Torpedo Tubes Modification 3
3 000 000
Decreases reload time of torpedo tubes
Gun Fire Control System Modification 2
3 000 000
Extends firing range of the main battery
Flight Control Modification 2
3 000 000
Increases aircraft speed
Air Groups Modification 3
3 000 000
Increases survivability of attack aircraft
AA Guns Modification 3
3 000 000
Increases AA effectiveness
Secondary Battery Modification 3
3 000 000
Decreases secondary battery loading time
Slot 4 (available for tier III+)
Damage Control System Modification 1
250 000
-3% to the risk of flooding
-5% to the risk of fire
Propulsion Modification 1
250 000
-20% to the risk of the engine becoming incapacitated
-20% to engine repair time
Steering Gears Modification 1
250 000
-20% to the steering gears repair time
-20% to the risk of the steering gears becoming incapacitated
Slot 5 (available for tier VI+)
Damage Control System Modification 2
1 000 000
-15% to flooding recovery time
-15% to time of fire extinguishing
Propulsion Modification 2
1 000 000
-20% to time for reaching full power
Steering Gears Modification 2
1 000 000
-20% to rudder shift time
Slot 6 (available for tier VIII+)
Target Acquisition System Modification 1
2 000 000
+20% to maximum acquisition range
Concealment System Modification 1
2 000 000
-10% to detectability
World of Warships offers large variety of consumables that can be used during battle. Some of them are available only for specific warship types and each is available in two versions - standard and premium, available for premium currency or for much higher credit price. Below you will find a description of all consumables types with advices for using them.
Immediately repairs all damaged modules, holes in the hull and extinguish all fires.
Most important consumable. However, it should be used wisely as reloading it takes 90 seconds. You shouldn't waste repair for one or two damaged modules. Only exceptions are the engine and steering wheel which, if destroyed, makes you helpless. Second case when you should use the repair as quickly as possible is the fire. However, you should wait until you receive all enemy bullets as immediately after extinguishing a fire you can be set on fire again.
For 28 seconds, it replenishes a constant, usually smart amount of hit points every second. Repair party is available only for the battleships.
This item should be used as fast and as often as possible. The only thing you should remember is for your health to be not higher than 4/5 when you use the repair party. If you will have more hit points, then you will simply not fully use the repair and waste part of it.
Creates a cloud of smoke which hides you from enemy sight. It makes it impossible to hit you. The item is available only for destroyers.
Smoke generator should be used mostly for tactical retreat, after releasing torpedoes or when enemy has advantage in numbers. You must remember that it is possible to sail from the cloud and lose the protection. Also, it doesn't work on close distance.
Increases engine maximum power for 120 seconds, thus accelerating the warship. The item is available only for the destroyers.
Similarly to the smoke generator, the engine boost should be used mostly for quickly changing position on the map and running away. A good idea is to use this item, quickly sail towards the key point of the map, shoot all the available torpedoes, and escape immediately.
Increases the range of detecting enemy torpedoes and ships for 40 seconds, including the ones hidden behind a smoke cloud.
This item should be used in two situations. First, when you get very close to enemy smoke cloud, and second, when you're getting close to a narrow passage between islands and you're not sure whether the enemy destroyers have released torpedoes towards you.
Captains are a specific gameplay element of World of Warships. Not only are they the warship commanders, but they also gives you various, pretty useful bonuses during the battle. They receive experience with each battle and from time to time they gain new level. For each level captain receives one point that can be spend on "learning" new ability.
Captains can get up to 20 experience level. You start from level 1, so there are 19 promotions available. Due to that, the general amount of skill points is 19. You must manage them wisely, spend them properly and pick only the skills that will be most useful. Below you will see an example "build" of captains for each warship type - destroyers, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers. Of course, there is no best single path, depending on your play style you can select different skills. The ones below are the most universal ones, they will fit majority of ships of a specific tree.
In case of destroyers, the skills that increase your speed, agility and survival chances on the battlefield are vital. You can't forget about your main weapon as well - the torpedoes.
Situation awareness
An indicator is displayed when your ships is detected by an enemy ship or aircraft.
Torpedo Armament Expertise
-10% to reloading time of torpedo tubes.
+1 additional charge to all consumables mounted to a ship
Last stand
The ship remains able to partially move and maneuver while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated
Concealment Expert
- 10% to detectability of destroyers.
Basics of Survivability
-15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing and recovery from flooding
High alert
-10% to reload time of the damage control party consumable
Cruisers are the most universal warship types. When selecting skills for the captain of a cruiser it is best to focus on two aspects - firepower and agility.
Basics of Survivability
-15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing and recovery from flooding
Incoming fire alert
Indicator of long range incoming artillery fire
High alert
-10% to reload time of the damage control party consumable
Advanced Firing Training
+20% to firing range of guns with caliber up to 155mm
+20% to AA defense firing range
Jack of all Trades
-10% to reload time of all mounted consumables
Last stand
The ship remains able to partially move and maneuver while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated
The main objective of captain's skills is neutralizing the biggest weakness of this ship class - low speed and vulnerability to torpedo and bomb attack.
Basics of Survivability
-15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing and recovery from flooding
Fire Prevention
-7% to chance of fire
+1 additional charge to all consumables mounted to a ship
Last stand
The ship remains able to partially move and maneuver while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated
Jack of all Trades
-10% to reload time of all mounted consumables
+20% to acquisition range of torpedoes
Expert Loader
-30% to reload time when the shell type is switched.
The captain of aircraft carrier should focus on skills that will give bonuses to the planes. You shouldn't waste any points on artillery or maneuverability.
Expert Rear Gunner
+10% efficiency to self defense armament for aircraft with rear gunners
Situation Awareness
An indicator is displayed when your ships is detected by an enemy ship or aircraft.
Fire Prevention
-7% to chance of fire
Dogfighting Expert
Improves the combat fighting performance of your fighters
Aircraft Servicing Expert
+5% to aircraft survivability
+10% to servicing time for all aircraft
Air Supremacy
+1 fighter
+1 bomber
High alert
-10% to reload time of the damage control party consumable
Signal flags are another gameplay element distinctive for World of Warships. You receive them by obtaining various achievements and medals and they are used to temporary increase your ship's abilities. You will unlock the ability to use them by reaching 7th account level. Below you will find a table containing all the available signal flags, information on how to obtain them and when to use them.
You can equip your warship in 8 various signal flags at once. The only exceptions are the aircraft carriers which can be equipped with only 4 flags. However, you shouldn't fill all the slots, unless you have many of them and a very important battle is ahead of you. You should remember that the flags for receiving a specific medal will add only once a day to your inventory.
-decreases the damage you take from ramming another ship by 20%
+ 50% damage increase while ramming another ship
These flags are received for obtaining the Die-Hard medal awarded for destroying another ship by ramming it.
The bonuses offered by this flag will work best in case of cruisers and you should install this flag mostly on them. You can also equip the Hotel Yankee on the battleships, however, the low speed will make it harder to ram the opponents. You definitely shouldn't equip this flag on destroyers and aircraft carriers.
-20% to flood repairing time.
This flag is received for obtaining the Unsinkable medal which is awarded for receiving flooding damage that exceeds 40% of your total hit points and surviving the battle.
Juliet Yankee Bissotwo works best on battleships which are most vulnerable to torpedo attack. They are the cause of ship flooding. It works well also in case of larger and slower cruisers.
-100% risk of magazine detonation;
The flag is given for obtaining the Detonation medal awarded for receiving magazine damage that will cause an explosion.
This flags will work best on cruisers and battleships where magazine explosions can make the game much harder. Additionally, it is wise to leave this flag for higher level warships (tier VI+) where such explosion will be much more painful than on first ships.
-5% ship repair cost after the battle;
The flag is given for obtaining the It's just a flesh wound! medal awarded for destroying enemy ship after your own has been already destroyed.
The bonus given by this flag will be useful on every warship type. However, you should wait with using it until obtaining the high level ships. As you should know, the higher the tier, the larger repair costs. -5% to repair cost can be very useful on tiers VII-VIII.
+20% credits earned in battle
The Zulu flag signals are given for obtaining the First blood medal awarded for destroying the enemy ship as first in a battle.
The flags give most profits on premium warships which already have a bonus to earning. If you don't have any premium warship, then select some other well earning ship, preferably from tier IV-VI.
+5% to maximum warship speed
The flag is given for obtaining the First strike medal awarded for destroying two enemies in less than 10 seconds.
The Sierra Mike flags will work best on destroyers as the speed will be greatly increased. It is also profitable to equip them on cruisers and to a limited degree on battleships. It's completely pointless to use them on aircraft carriers.
+20% to HP regeneration speed after using Repair Party consumable.
India Delta signal flags are given for obtaining the Dreadnought medal received for obtaining more than 120% of your total hit points of damage. Additionally, you must survive the battle. The medal can be obtained only when controlling a battleship.
Repair Party is available only for battleships class so the flag can be used only on battleships. It is wise to wait with using it until you obtain battleships of at least V-VI tier.
+5% to maximum range of secondary battery;
Increases the accuracy of secondary battery;
-5% to loading time of secondary battery cannons.
You receive this flag for obtaining the Close Quarters Expert medal awarded for damaging the enemy ship with the secondary battery and then destroying it. The damage done by the secondary battery must be not smaller than 20% of your Hit Points.
Mike Yankee Soxisix flag works best on ships with large amount of secondary cannons. It will be cruisers and battleships, however, before equipping the flag you should check the amount of cannons and decide whether you want to use this pretty valuable flag.
+50% Experience Points obtained in battle.
The flag is given for obtaining the Confederate medal which is given for damaging at least 6 enemy ships during one battle. You must take at least 20% hit points of each of the ship.
It's one of the most precious flags available in the game, so you should use it wisely. It doesn't matter what ship class you're using it on, as long as it isn't a premium ship. Also, it's a good idea to wait with using this flags until you get ships of tier VI and above, when researching new modules and ships starts taking much more time.
-20% to fire extinguish time.
India Yankee flags are obtained by receiving the Fireproof medal given for receiving fire damage exceeding 40% of your hit points and surviving the battle.
India Yankee signal flag works best on large, slow warships such as battleships and some cruisers. You shouldn't waste it on destroyers and aircraft carriers, unless you're playing on the highest tiers.
Destroyers are the lightest, smallest and fasters ships that you will control. They have a very good power to weight ratio, thanks to that they reach their maximum speed of around 35 knots very quickly. They have a very good maneuverability as well. They are perfect as scouts and support for larger units. The main weapons of such units are torpedoes. They can deal massive damage with them, sinking even a powerful aircraft carrier or battleship with a single salvo. Sadly, they have many weaknesses as well. The most important ones are small amounts of hit points and the lack of armor. Because of that, a destroyer can be destroyed with one or two salvos from a cruiser or a battleship. Additionally, the destroyers lack any secondary artillery and the main artillery is very limited. It's rare for a destroyer to have more than 4-5 cannons.
Destroyers are the only warship type that in addition to the standard Damage Control Party can use two other special consumables - Smoke Generator and Engine Boost. First one allows you to hide and make you less visible to enemy ships. Second temporary increases your maximum speed and acceleration.
The difference between American and Japanese destroyers is very large, especially on first few tiers. Americans have much worse torpedoes, their range isn't larger than 5-6 kilometers. Only the last of American destroyers - Gearing, has impressive range of more than 16 kilometers. Japanese have torpedoes with much better range. On tier V, with Minekaze ship, their reach is 10 kilometers, and the best destroyer, Shimakaze, has 20 kilometers of range. Situation is completely different with artillery. Americans has much better artillery, not only if it goes for quantity, but also caliber and fire range. In summary, the destroyers line that you should choose for destroyers depends on how you want to play. As Japan you will have to focus on using torpedoes while as American destroyers you will mostly perform quick attacks with your artillery slightly backed up with the torpedoes. The latter will probably be the better option for beginners, so American destroyers will be probably better to start with.
The first ship type you will control will be a cruiser. Cruisers are the most universal ships in the game. Each of them has some advantages and weakness. To play well as them, you must learn and properly use the characteristics of your ship. In general, cruisers are quite fast, they can sail with speed of around 30 knots. However, they don't have good maneuverability. They have good fire power, but they might have trouble with shooting far away enemy ships or well armored battleships. They have very weak secondary artillery. Some cruisers additionally have one or more torpedoes launchers. It can be very useful on short distance. The amount of secondary artillery positions varies and depends only on specific ship model. In general, you shouldn't have much trouble with enemy airplanes.
The differences between Japan and American cruisers aren't large. Americans have more anti aircraft main artillery cannons. However, it has smaller caliber, thus dealing less damage, and additionally it has smaller range. The difference are well visible with torpedoes, Japan has better ones. American ships are more agile than their Japanese counterparts, despite the fact that maximum speed is the same in both cases.
Battleships are your team's main offensive power. Very strongly armored and with impressive firepower, they are the core of your fleet and they decide about breaking the frontline. Sadly, large caliber cannons load their bullets slowly. Because of that, you must decide about shooting wisely and you don't have the ability to change the ammunition type quickly. A thick armor is a good protection against armor piercing ammunition, but doesn't work well against high explosive ammunition which can easily set you on fire. Additionally, large weight makes the battleships slow. Usually, their maximum speed is smaller than 20 knots. Turning around can take even few minutes and kilometers. At the same time, battleships have the most hit points and a special item that allows repairing some damage three times per battle. Despite the slow moving speed, battleships aren't an easy target for enemy airplanes as they usually have large amounts of anti aircraft weapons. This ship type requires a specific way of playing, but, if controlled wisely, it can be very useful on the battlefield.
When comparing American and Japanese battleships, since tier IV, that is Myogi and Wyoming ships, one can see large differences between the trees. The differences will remain until the last ship, making playing those nations very different. Japan battleships are much faster than the American ones, they can sail even with the speed of 30 knots. However, they are much less agile. They have much greater range, sometimes even more than 20 kilometers. It's at least few kilometers more than in case of American battleships. It's an important advantage, but only an experienced player can utilize it. Range won't matter if you won't hit enemy ship. Americans have much better anti aircraft defense. American battleships, despite the fact that Japanese tree has more advantages, will be the better choice for beginners. They will allow you to learn the maps, enemies and aiming better.
Aircraft carriers are a specific type of warships. Controlling them sometimes change the game into a strategic one. You will control few squadrons of airplanes. You will be giving them orders to start, attack or retreat back to the aircraft. It is all done from the map of the whole region. Your main objective is to support other warships in attacking enemy. The aircraft carrier himself is very slow, badly armored and, because of its size, is a perfect target for every enemy. Because of that, you must remain hidden all the time. Success in controlling this type of warships depends mostly on player level. To fully utilize the possibilities given by aircraft carriers, not only must you control the situation on the map perfectly, but also know places where you can hide your ship and learn all the ship types available in the game. The knowledge what ship has what antiaircraft weapons is vital for a successful attack. Once you learn all those things, playing as aircraft carrier will become not only enjoyable, but will also give you large amounts of credits after each battle.
When wondering whether to choose American or Japan aircraft carriers tree, you should consider few facts. Most of all, Japanese usually have one or two squadrons more than their American counterparts. Those planes aren't in any way worse than the American ones. Sadly, large firepower is paid by a lack of defense. The amount of antiaircraft positions is too small to survive an attack of larger enemy plane formation. The situation is opposite for the Americans. They have smaller firepower, but better defenses against enemy planes. The decision on which tree to choose should depend mostly on whether you prefer offensive or defensive game.
Premium ships are special type of warships available in World of Warships. They can belong to any class - destroyers, cruisers, battleships or even aircraft carriers. What makes them unique is the fact that they are not available in normal way, through the development tree. They can be obtained only by spending real money, by winning them in a competition or by receiving them as a gift during some event. They are fully developed since the moment you get them.
Premium ships have slightly worse statistics than their regular counterparts, but have many other advantages. Most of all, their repair cost is much smaller. Usually, they also have a bonus to received credits. Because of that, after each battle you earn much more than when controlling a normal ship. Some premium ships, especially the ones on lower tiers, have bonus to training captains.
St. Luis
Hit points
29 500
Main battery
14 x 152 mm; range 10,4 km; damage 2100-3000; 7,5 shoots per minute.
Secondary battery
18 x 76,2 mm; range 2,5 km.
8 x 7,62 mm; range 0,9 km; average damage per second 8.
Maximum speed 22,4 knots; turning radius 450 m; time of steer changing 8,4 s.
St. Luis cruiser is a very specific and unique American warship. It's on tier III, but has great firepower. Almost no other ship is a challenge for him. Additionally, it is well armored. Sadly, at the same time it's slow and not too agile. Playing him is more like controlling a battleship than a cruiser. The fact that he is at the beginning of the tree and that he has large amount of weapons makes him a perfect training ship. Thanks to quick reloading time, you can shoot one salvo after another and thus train aiming. When using rapid fire, you can adjust the place where you shoot whenever it is needed. St. Luis is a mandatory warship for anyone and the number of battles used with it shouldn't limit only to until you unlock all modules and develop the next warship.
In first order you should develop a better hull St. Luis (B). This will give you antiaircraft cannons and increase the amount of main artillery cannons by 4. In second order you should develop the best fire control system, and finally upgrade the weapons.
You can install two upgrades in St. Luis. First one should be Main Battery Modification 1 and the second should be Damage Control System Modification 1. This will increase your resistance to enemy attacks.
Maintain medium distance from enemy, preferably 7-8 kilometers. This will allow you to use your large fire power and, at the same time, enemy won't be able to hit you.
St. Luis weapons are installed in such way that, in order to use all of them, you must be positioned with your side towards enemy. If it will be a single enemy, then you don't need to worry, you will deal with him easily. However, if you're fighting two or more enemy warships, then it will be better to retreat.
Watch out for enemy torpedo planes. You have no anti-aircraft defense. Luckily, St. Luis is quite agile, if you notice the threat early enough, you will easily avoid the attack.
Don't turn your side towards St. Luis. The amount of his cannons will quickly sink you. Use the fact that 90% of his cannons can be found on his sides, try to swim towards him from the side of his bow or stern. It might be hard, but will pay off.
Try to avoid using armor piercing ammunition. St. Luis is very well armored for a cruiser. Using the high explosive ammunition will be much better idea. You should aim at the quarterdeck and the back of the ship. You can set it on fire or damage the propeller.
St. Luis lack anti-aircraft defense. It is a perfect target for all aircraft carriers.
Premium cruiser
Hit points
16 500
Main battery
6 x 152 mm; range 6,3 km; damage 2100-3000; 7,5 shoots per minute.
Secondary battery
4 x 120 mm; range 2 km.
4 x 37 mm; range 2 km; average damage per second 4.
Maximum speed 20,4 knots; turning radius 350 m; time of steer changing 9,2 s.
Albany warship is an American premium cruiser. The ship was given as a gift during the 17th birthday of It's a unique ship that has many advantages and weaknesses unusual for cruisers. Most of all, it's very slow, its maximum speed is only 20 knots. However, it has very small turning radius, it allows him to avoid enemy torpedoes. It has nice firepower for a tier II ship, not thanks to the caliber or damage of the batteries, but to high rate of fire. The greatest advantage of Albany is low repair and consumables cost, it makes the ship a good earning one. He has a collector's value as well.
Since Albany is a premium cruiser, it doesn't require developing any modules. As for the upgrades, you can install Main Battery Modification 1, but even that would be unnecessary expense.
At the beginning of the battle, decide in which direction you want to sail. Maximum speed won't allow you to change the flank during the battle.
You have low range of the batteries, so keep close to the islands to avoid being constantly exposed to enemy fire.
Use mostly high explosive ammunition. Your batteries have low caliber so the armor piercing ammunition won't penetrate enemy ships anyway.
Aim mostly at enemy quarterdeck. It will give you chance to set enemy on fire.
Aim mostly at the quarterdeck and the back of Albany. This will give you chance to set the ship on fire or critically damage its drive.
If you're positioned side towards Albany, you can try to shoot the armor piercing ammunition at its hull, under the chimneys. You might hit the citadel.
Watch out for the fast enemy cannons. They shouldn't deal large damage to you, but they can easily set you on fire. Wait with using the Damage Control Party until you get out of Albany range.
Aircraft carrier
Hit points
36 500
Secondary battery
2 x 127 mm; range 4 km.
27 x 10 mm; range 2,1 km; average damage per second 135;
16 x 40 mm; range 3,5 km; average damage per second 72;
2 x 127 mm; range 5 km; average damage per second 6.
Available plane squadrons
2 fighters squadrons; 1 bombers squadron or
1 torpedo bombers squadron; 2 bombers squadrons.
Maximum speed 16,9 knots; turning radius 640 m; time of steer changing 17,6 s.
Bogue is the second American aircraft carrier you will obtain. It has all the characteristic traits of ships of this line - very small mobility, good anti-aircraft defense and medium amount of plane squadrons. First battles might be frustrating, but you should consider them as training. Don't give up after few battles, after some time you will learn to take advantage of situation and attack specific enemy types.
When developing Bogue aircraft carrier, first you should focus on buying better hull. It will give you additional anti-aircraft defense position and more planes. Then, buy one of two upgrades that give you new plane squadrons - Mk5 mod.3 or Mk5 mod.2. Finally, upgrade the planes.
If you decide to upgrade Bogue aircraft carrier, for the first slot you should select the Air Groups Modification 1 which will increase attack success rate. Second, select the Flight Control Modification 1, it will increase the speed of your planes. In the last slot you should install the Damage Control System Modification 1.
At the beginning of the battle you should sail towards one of the corner of the maps, preferably to a place that will give you cover from enemy attacks. Because of small speed, you should use the autopilot for that.
Think about what gameplay style you prefer and select the adequate scheme of plane squadrons. If you want to protect your ships, then focus on fighters. If you want to actively attack enemy ships, then focus on bombers. Bombers will be better choice at the beginning, they will let you train firing torpedoes and avoiding enemy fighters.
Before starting the first battle, learn about all the ships you can face during the battle. Focus on their anti aircraft defense. By doing so you will learn which ship you can attack and which you should avoid.
When controlling a destroyer or fast cruiser, you can try to get behind enemy ships and attack the aircraft carrier. Torpedoes and high-explosive ammunition will be best for the attack.
Observe the sky, watch out especially when you will notice a bomber squadron flying towards you. If you see them, immediately turn by 90 degree.
If you have anti-aircraft battery, you can mark enemy airplane squadron and make it harder for them to drop the torpedoes.
Hit points
Main battery
3 x 120 mm; range 9,4 km; damage 2000; 5 shots per minute.
Torpedo launcher
2 x 2 torpedoes; range 7 km; reload time 42 seconds.
2 x 6,5 mm; range 0,9 km; average damage per second 2.
1 x 40 mm; range 2 km; average damage per second 2.
Maximum speed 35,8 knots; turning radius 470 m; time of steer changing 3,5 s.
Wakatake is the first in the series of Japanese destroyers which has all the characteristic traits of the whole line. Low amount of hit points and the lack of armor will force you to avoid direct battle and being hit by any bullet. Avoiding is possible thanks to the large speed, almost 36 knots, and good maneuverability. Torpedoes, which are part of Wakatake equipment, are its advantage. They can be sent up to 7 kilometers away, it allows you to remain away from enemy units. Sadly, reloading takes 42 seconds. The main weakness of this ship, as of the whole line of Japanese destroyers, is the main cannons. There are only three of them and they deal small damage. You should consider the detection range, which is only 6.1 kilometers. It means that you can fire the torpedoes at enemy and remain unseen for him. The ship can be considered as a test whether you like to play the whole line of Japanese destroyers.
Only two upgrades are available for Wakatake. None of them gives you large bonuses, so it doesn't matter in which order you will develop them.
If you intend to play with Wakatake for longer, you can install two upgrades that will make the game easier - Torpedo Tubes Modification 1 and Propulsion Modification 1.
Try to avoid using the main artillery when you are not detected. Until you use it, you're almost invisible to enemy ships.
Remember that torpedoes are your main weapon. Their range and damage can let you destroy a powerful battleship with only one salvo.
When you're under enemy fire, swim with zigzag, this will let you avoid most of enemy bullets.
Shoot Wakatake only with high explosive ammunition. You will deal large damage and will have some chance to damage an important module.
When fighting in close distance, aim at the back of the ship. You can damage Wakatake drive by doing so and thus immobilize it. Without the propulsion, the destroyer is helpless and destroying it shouldn't take more than few dozens of seconds.
When controlling a cruiser or battleship, don't sail towards this destroyer. Try to keep distance of at least few kilometers.
Hit points
54 100
Main battery
8 x 356 mm; range 21,2 km; damage 5700-10200; 2 shots per minute.
Secondary battery
8 x 127 mm; range 4 km;
14 x 152 mm; range 4 km.
8 x 13,2 mm; range 3 km; average damage per second 14;
8 x 13,2 mm; range 2,1 km; average damage per second 24;
12 x 25 mm; range 3 km; average damage per second 22;
8 x 127 mm; range 5 km; average damage per second 24.
Maximum speed 30,4 knots; turning radius 770 m; time of steer changing 18 s.
Kongo battleship is one of the most well known ships of World War II. In World of Warships it's a tier V ship. It's a ship that has most of the characteristic traits of the line of Japanese battleships with the exception that it is having good anti-aircraft weaponry. The main advantage of Kongo is the range of those cannons, it's 21,2 kilometers. No ship of the same tier can posses any threat from such distance. Sadly, to use this advantage you must aim very well, it can be hard without some experience. You should also notice the very long time of steer changing - 18 seconds. Because of that the ship is very vulnerable to enemy torpedo attacks.
In case of Kongo you should start with developing and buying engine upgrade. It will give you 5 additional knots of maximum speed. Second update should be the hull, and the last one fire control system.
Kongo battleship has three upgrade slots. In first one you should install the Main Battery Modification 1, it will increase the resistance of your weapons. In the second slot you should select the Gun Fire Control System Modification 1, it will increase the accuracy of your batteries. In the last slot you should equip the Damage Control System Modification 1 thanks to which you will be on fire less often.
Remain away from enemies. Your main advantage over your enemies is that you can shoot them and they cannot shoot at you. It is best to keep more than 15 kilometers of distance between you and your enemies.
Use mostly high explosive ammunition. Armor piercing ammunition won't be effective from so large distance.
Remember to aim ahead of enemy. The bullet will fly for around 7-8 seconds.
Try to keep the cannons turned towards the enemy. Turning them to other side will take few dozens of minutes. Because of that, it is important to keep the proper direction of sailing.
When you are shot at by Kongo battleship, try to reduce the distance between you and him. You should do it while hiding behind islands.
Use high explosive ammunition against Kongo. The only exception is when Kongo is positioned with his side towards you. Then you can shoot him with armor piercing ammunition - aim the back and front of the ship.
If you have the batteries above 350 mm, you can shoot at the side of Kongo with armor piercing bullets. You will have chance to hit the citadel.
World of Warships is a game available only on personal computers. It has rather small system requirements. The game is optimized for network playing where gameplay fluency is more important that the visuals. The minimum system requirements allow running the game even on older computers. However, if you want to play on maximum graphic settings, then a much more powerful hardware is required. Internet speed connection is the most important factor in case of World of Warships. 1024 Kbps is the absolute minimum below which you shouldn't even bother with trying to play. Keys and buttons are fully configurable in the game settings.
Singleplayer: No
Offline cooperation (split screen/hot seat): No
Internet cooperation: Yes, the possibility to create divisions
Multiplayer: Yes, two teams with 12 players each
The guide has been created on a personal computer with below specification:
On the above computer the game worked with no trouble on high graphic settings. The framerate never dropped below 60. Sometimes the game became less fluent when the ping was larger than 130.
Yes, playing World of Warships on laptop is possible as long as the minimum system requirements are met.