In the beginning you have to choose difficulty level and what kind of food your cell would be able to eat - plants or maybe meat? You can also make some changes in it's appearance - but you can change it anytime later in the game.
When you're done - name your planet and let's go.
In the first level it's all about running for food, fighting other cells and finding additional parts of body. Try to devour plants/meat as much as you can - it stimulates your organism's development.
Fighting, moving and picking up items - you do it all using the mouse. Point the place you want to go and press the left button to just move there. If your cell on it's way finds something - it will automatically attack, eat or pick it up.
Additional parts for the creator are very important - you cannot finish this stage without them. You can find them inside other cells (attack them or look for their ripped parts) or inside the meteor parts. You can obviously stick every element found to your cell.
If you want to change something in your creature - it's time to start mating ritual. Call your partner and look for the sonic waves showing you it's location. Find him'her and you should turn on the creator.
When you're done choosing what kind of food your creature would eat - it's time to fight for your survival. First stage takes place in some water basin - so all you have to do is find or fight for your food.
Carnivore has a pretty tough life as a cell. Look for red, meaty balls - by eating them you stimulate your cell's development.
Besides meaty balls carnivore can eat other creatures. In the beginning it's pretty difficult, because other beings are much more bigger, stronger and faster than yours. So concentrate on meaty balls.
But when it's sufficently big - you can try chasing and eating them. But still watch out for the bigger than you ones
Herbivore creatures' lifes are a little bit easier. Eat everything that's green. There is plenty of these things in the water - so development of herbivore creature is much faster. But watch out for other creatures.
Remember - other herbivores are your rivals. So try give your creature better organs, responsible for movement. It would be easier to catch your meal before others.
If your problem are carnivores trying to get you - put some needles or other defence organs into your creature.
You can both give your creature two types of mouth or special, omnivore kind - to make it an omnivore. It would be able to eat every kind of food then.
Keep a close watch at your creature's health meter. If it almost empty - go search for some meat balls (if you are a carnivore) or vegetables (if you are an ominvre) - you will not only repair your health, but also stimulate your creature's developement.
ALWAYS keep away from creatures bigger than you are. On higher difficulty level dealing with them means suicide, on lower - terminal wounds. Run away from them - remember that.
You can defend in many ways. Notice, that during your creature's developement additional option would be added to the editor - thorns, poisoning or electrocuting your enemies. Always try to make set these things in a way, that would harm your foes.
You can change your creature only after you call your partner. Creator will turn on then.
In the top side there is a hammer button, to the left you can see the list of bodyparts, which you can add to your creature. Find out what they do and how they can help your creature. If you're being attacked often - add some thorns; when your enemies are fatser that you - add some flippers.
You have to "pay" for the bodyparts using "money" - you can see how much you've got by checking number in the left bottom corner of the screen. The more you eat - the more points you get. You can get additional parts by defeating enemies or opening scattered meteor parts.
You can change kolors of your creature using the brush menu. There are plenty of patterns and colours to choose from. You can modify your creature colors for free, but they doesn't affect gameplay.
Remember - you can modify the way your creature eats to make him omnivore! Depending on what kind of food your species eats - it gains unique bonuses later.
You can find out more about mentioned abilities in First decisions and basic informations chapter.
In the beginnig of the second stage you have to spend some time in the creature creator. Notice, that in the right hand side panel there plenty of your creature's abilities and features depending on kind of food it eats. Familiarize yourself with them.
Every kind of creature has four abilities symbolized by corresponding icons. Herbivores have some defensive and diplomatic abilities.. Carnivores are predators, so their abilities are mostly offensicee. Omnivores combine both - they can fight, but theu have got no problem in making new friends.
First of all - you will need some legs. You can remove things that allowed to move in the first stage - you won't need them anymore. And you will get some points back.
If you want, you can add it additional mouth to make it omnivore.
You would be able to change it later - but keep in mind that this is the last stage you control the creature and soon you would have to make some final and irreversible changes.
Start creature stage by discovering your surroundings. As you can see - it's pretty different from the last stage. You can spot plenty of skelethons here. By picking it up, you add additional organs to the creator.
First of all - food. If your species is herbivorous - you have to look for it in the woods. But if it prefers meat you will have to hunt and kill other species. You can find more in chapter Different types of food.
Look at the DNA point meter in the bottom of the game's screen. In the last stage your creature was growing when you collected particular amount of points. Now it won't be growing - it will be developing brain. Reaching every next point level will give you ability to add another creature to your stock.
Practically it looks likt his - after your brain is capable of being able to join other creature to your stock - you have to get near the other being from secies and encourage it to join you (find more about it in chapter Making friends). Your comrade would help you making friends both in making friends with other species and fighting.
Having companions is very important because all this stage is about migration - moving from one nest to another. The more companions you've got - the better..
First migration begins soon after you get the first brain development level. Take one companion with you and follow the white dots one the minimap.
How to encrease the amount od DNA points? Make friends with other species or just attack them. More DNA point means more elements for the creator. In left top side of the screen you can find number of points you will get after performing attack or friendship.
You have to remember, that your behaviour affects later part of the gameplayi. Your species will get unique abilities depending on wheter it's attitude is aggessive, peaceful or something in between.
Every organism has to eat, even your creatures. Ways of fighting hunber are different and depend on what kind of food your creature is able to eat.
It lives a pretty easy life. Walking among bushes and eating fruits. There is pleny of them for every herbivorous species.
Troubles comes out when you want to get fruits growing on the tall trees. Then you have to either look for the fruits among small bushes or make your creature taller and give it some hands to grab them.
Carnivore lives a tougher life, than his herbivorous friend. First of all - he has to hunt for his food. No matter how big your party is - ALWAYS look for your dinner among weaker species.
Different species act differently. If they are nervous - they would behave nervously. But when you encounter firendly species - when you attack them they would either run or look in awe at what you are doing.
With a little bit of luck you can find some carcass too.
Omnivore eats just everything. It's only up to you what kind of food your species is going to eat.
Very often you just cannot avoid some fights. It's mostly realm of the carnivores, but even the herbivore sometimes has to show it's claws.
Depending on types of organs your species has got you can use maximally four different kinds of attacks on different levels.
After you choose your target select the attack you want to perform. It's the best to first use the strongest. Every attack has some reloading time - during which you have to use different attack.
Carnivores can make a loud growl (button in the middle of the screen), scattering their enemies.
Fighting often means you have to kill all creatures from selected species. It's good to attack Alpha being first - they are stronger and more powerful. Then you can eliminate normal beings and in the end - the smallest.
Remember to attack use all companions you've got - and very important to keep them in perfect condition.
If you want to kill just for food - look for beings wandering alone. And keep in mind, that exterminating the whole species allows you to use their nest.
Making friends with other species is another way to get the DNA points. Even more - you can use your friend's nests to in case you want to heal yourself.
Depending on organs you have got - you can perform at most four different techniques, that would help you impress other species. Each one of them has different levels of advancement.
You can dance, sing, charm of pose before other species. You have to do the same thing the selectec being is doing. If it's singing - you have too. It's all about showing common features.
Notice, that when you try to impress someone - an impress bar appears on screen. It's your task to fill the left part of it, when the other being is going fill right hand side of it. You have to fill your part in the same time your rival does it. Otherwise - you failed..
The face icon below the impress bar shows your want-to-be-friend's attitude. It's hardest to make friends with tougher and hating you individuals. However - it's worth trying - you get more DNA points in case you make them your friends.
If your species is herbivorous - you can also "negotiate" using siren's call (big button in the middle of the bottom bar of the screen) - use it before you start your efforts. You can use your teammates too - the bigger is your party, the better. As a omnivore you can call your friends - it works exactly the same way, as the siren's call.
To make the whole species your friends - you have to impress about 3-4 of it's specimens (you can find it out by looking in the left, top corner of the screen).
In extactly same way you can add new companions to your pack. have to prepare your creature. First of all you have to get your creature a first level of the brain. To do so - destroy nearby species or make them your friends. Getting sufficent number of DNA points shouldn't be hard - it's the beginning of the game after all.
After you get the first class brain - use mating ritual to enter the creator. Now matter what you do - after you finish you would see your species leaving nest to search for the new home. You would have to follow them soon. Make sure you've got companions and keep going - follow the white dots on the map.
Your journey takes some time - but you cannot forget about eating. Also try not to drift away from your patch.
As it's shown on the picture - during our way you can find some places, where you would reborn in case of death. Visit and click on them (it's very important to click on them - without it your visit is worth nothinh) - to set there a reborn point.
Besides hostile creature there are also other kinds of hazards. For example - epic monsters. Enormous creatures destroying jest everything. Even if they don't eat you - they can just crush you to death. Avoid at all cost.
The other problem are the creatures lurking in the water. If the way of your migration leads through some water - try to cross it only in the most shallow spot. Otherwise you will be eaten by an enormous fish.
Migrations take place till the end of the stage. To start a new migration you just have to reach another level of the brain developement.
In this stage you can do more things, but it's good to keep a few things in your mind.
If you want to make firends - add your creature organs allowing them to dance, look, sing, etc. etc. better.
Carnovire should invest in some brutal and fighting organs. It's not a bad to add him some parts making him more resistant.
You have to give your creature hands (they are essential in the next stage) and straight sillhouette (it helps herbivores to get food from taller trees).
You can acces the creator only after you start mating ritual, usually near your nest.
This is the last stage, when you just can change your creature's core appearance!
After the short cutscene it's time to make some clothes for your tribe.
Clothes doesn't affect the gameplay very much. But it doesn't means - you can ignore it. In the beginning just give your tribe anything - you can adjust it later.
More informations about this part you can find in chapter Creating a tribe.
Once again you have to fill the bar in the bottom of the screen. You can do it by conquering the other tribes or making them your firends. You can find their location on the minimap.
There is only one resource you have to worry about - food. There are a few ways to get it: conquering and plundering other tribes, collecting, hunting or farming. Every each of them would be described later.
If you start a war with other tribe - you have to deal with deaths of your companions. To replenish your village's population - use the village's main buliding. However - number of inhabitants is always limited. You can raise it by conquering or making friends with other tribes.
Younger specimens cannot go to job, you have to give them time to grow up. It luckily doesn't takes long.
Your creatures have to eat. Always try to have some food in your village. Feeding works independently, but you can send individual units to eat.
Watch out for the wild animals only - they would try to steal your food. Always try to leave some guards in your village.
Your acting in this stage would affect the abilities you get in the later stages of the game.
Foof is the only resource in this stage. You can get it in a few ways.
If your species are carnovorous - the best way to get food are the hints. Every creature that doesn't belong to your tribe can be eaten.
If your village is set near water - you can fish. You just have to build fishing hut.
You can domesticate other creatures. If you command on of your tribe members to domesticate some animal - you would have to give it some food. If you do it - the creature would go to your village and will be giving you eggs you can eat.
Domesticated animals can be killed and eaten if you desperately need foof at the moment.
If you've got good spears - you can try to hunt down some epic monsters. It's pretty hard to kill one, but plenty of food (about 200-250 units) should recompensate your efforts.
Herbivores and omnivores can just pick up the fruits - look for red fruits. If you find it - send 2-3 creatures. You can create special sticks to make your harvests faster.
It's the least efficent way of getting food. If you notice, that no one is guarding food in the enemy village - you can send your creatures to steal it.
Plundering takes place after you defeat enemy tribe - you just get all his food.
Your allies would support you by sending some food. You can find out more in chapter Tribal pacts.
It's the first stage you can build. Select the village's main buliding to choose what you want to build.
Food and healing - if you want to heal your units in the middle of the fight and make collecting more efficient - check this section.
Instruments - these building allows you to make insturments; instruments helps you make friends with other tribes.
Weapons - just weapons. It helps you to fight.
Create buildings you need the most. And keep in mind that you cannot have them all at once, there isn't enough space in the village.
ALWAYS give your creatures the best available weapons. I don't recommend giving your creature mixed kind of weapons - it's just hard to control your units. The best way is to create a homogeneous army - personally I recommend spears.
Just step out of it and kill your enemy. Don't let your enemy to destroy your village's main buliding.
Your main task is to destroy enemy village's main bluilding. To do so - first kill all of it's population.
Use your chief. He is stronger than others. He often becomes the main target for your enemy, but you don't have to worry about him - even when he dies the rest of your mates would still fight efficient.
After you destroy enemy's village don't forget to take his food to your village!
Tribal pacts can help you in developement of your civilisation and sometimes even during wars with other tribes.
To become friends with other tribe you have to create some kind of diplomatic corps. Select your chief and 3 to 6 normal creatures. Give them insturments and go to chosen tribe.
When you talk to selected individual from chosen tribe, he would show you what kind of instrument he would like to hear. Give them what they want to get their favour.
Do it required amount of times to succed.
But what if you want to make friends with a tribe that doesn't like you? Well, the best way is to give them food. To hand them 15 units, press right mouse button on the selected village's pile.
Making friends with other tribes gives you: developement of your civilisation and your allies would send you food.
In this stage you don't modify your creature. You just design your tribe's clothing. Most of the elements give you additional bonus to fighting, resistance, social skills, speed and collecting. Look through the different objects' statistic to select ones that suits you the most.
Actual statistics are always shown on the right hand side of the screen.
You can unlock new creator's elements by conquering or making friends with other tribes.
First of all you have to build a town hall. It's appearance ABSOLUTELY doesn't matter, so create whatever you want.
After you build your own hall it's time for your main land vehicle. Depending on your deeds in previous stages - you can create combat, religious or economic vehicle..
Well, it's appearance doesn't affect the gameplay, but you have to keep in mind, that every vehicle is described by 3 factors you adjust by adding new elements. You can find out more about it in chapter Buildings/vehicle creator.
Each building costs money. If you decide to sell it, you will get back only half of it.
In the end a new kind of view would be introduced to you. Familiarize with it.
Each city has got a selected areas, where you can build your structures.
Your main taks is to conquer other cities in the region. You can do it by attacking, buying or forcing them with your religion.
To do so - you need money. You get them from the geisers (send there one of your vehicles to build a refinery)...
...factories in your city (find out more about it in chapter City management) and trade. More about trade - chapter Kinds of cities.
Your activities in this stage heavily depends on what you've been doing in previous stages. If your tribe was aggressive - it's would be hard to change it now.
The way you behave in this stage affects the space stage (it's the last one).
There are three kinds of cities.
Well - it's the city of warriors. It makes combat vehicles, capable of attacking enemy units and bulidings. Attacking other city combines with destroying all of it's structures, excluding the town hall.
This kind o city produces propaganda vehicles. Just drive one nearby the enemy city and it would try to control it's population. When all population is under your control - the city becomes yours and the buildings are intact. Enemy vehicles just explode.
The most interesting kind of city. It allows you tu buy other cities. You just have to create a trade route by sending there your vehicles. Then you gave to wait till vehicles make a laps - and buy the selected city for certain amount of money. You can find out more about in chapter Conquering cities.
The bad thing about economic city is, that it's vehicles cannot attack anything.
You manage every kind of city in exactly the same way.
Every city needs citizens. To increase city's population you have to build flats - each one gives you 15 citizens. They're important, because they increase limit of units you can create. Even more - when your people work in factories, they generate money for you.
You can biuld workplaces in the city. Thanks to one factory your income can increase at least by 400 sporylions per minute. But remember - factories decrease happines level, making your city vulnerable to enemy propaganda vehicles.
To stimulate citizens' happiness you have to build entertainment buildings. Watch the happiness indicator to see, if these constructions are needed or not.
It is not only important what you are building in the city - it is also important where you are building it.
You have to keep in mind, that buildings are connected with green and red lines. Green means - it causes happines, while red - sadness. Try to locate your constructions in a way allowing you to maintain the satysfying happines level.
Tak a look how does it look like in a game:
There is a third way of connection - blue one. This indicates cash flow - 400 sporylions per minute.
A good player is able place buildings in a way that helps him gain resources he needs right now. Buildings once bought you can relocate as much as you want - so try to experiment with their configurations.
Notice thate besides creating building and vehicles - you can also plant trees, compose anthems and change outfits of your species. You can do it - but it doesn't affect the gameplay.
You can conquer cities in different ways. How you do it depends only on what kinds of cities you've got.
So - if you've got som military cities - just build lots of combat units and send them to destroy the enemy. To capture enemy city you would have to destroy it's buildings and damage the city hall. It takes some time.
If the city is defended by cannons and units - destroy them first, then attack civilian structures. And watch out for citizens attacking you with grenades - unfortunately, you can do nothing about it.
Capturing cities using religion doesn't differs much from military approach. Create propaganda units and send them to enemy city.
You can buy other cities only by using your economic city. To do so - create vehicles and send them to the city you want to buy to create a trade route.
Since then - your vehicles would travel from your city to another, filling the special bar.
When it's full - you can buy the city. It's cost may vary.
You can negotiate it's price - but watch out. If your offer is correct - the city is yours, but it is insufficient - you would have to wait for bar to be refilled once again.
Build about 2-3 defense turrets - they should do the trick. And have some boats in case of water attack - ships have greater attack distanse than the turrets.
There is a thing called "diplomatic panel" - you can see it near the map. It show your relationship with other nations (ones with more than 2 cities). Giving them gifts you can make them like you more. Or make them more angry by your territorial expansion or attacking their allies. Each of your deeds changes the statistics, co watch out not to make them attack you.
It's hard have friends without giving them money and pay them compliments. But after some tame they would allow you to attack a city you choose..
Before you construct your buildings you have to design them. Design absolutely doesn't affect gameplay, so just have fun playing with the creator.
Vehicle design is much more complicated than buildings. First of all - keep in mind that each kind of a city has it's own kind of vehicle. But, well - designing always look the same.
It doesn't matter how the vehicle looks like - there are three important parameters you can change by adding different parts.
Starting from the top:
Durability - how much damage can it take, be it is going to explode.
Attack power/religious force/economic power - it just says how good is your vehicle in things it's is meant to do.
Speed - guess what - it describes it's speed.
You can constantly modify your vehicles to adjust them to changing situations. After you modify the design - every built vehicle would be changed. New creator parts and elements can be unlocked via conquering cities.
First of all you would have to desing your spaceship. To be honest - it's appearance doesn't matter, so just do whatever you want.
Next thing, after the custscene, would be performing a small test. To finish it, just visit 7 cities the game ask you to visit and fly through funny balls floating over them. Use the [+] and [-] buttons (or mousewheel), to adjust ship's altitude.
In the right bottom part of the screen there is a view on a toolbox. Choose a scanner to find the species your boss is looking for.
Follow the white radar signal, coming from your vehicle.
When the frequency of beeping increases - this means you are near the target. It's going to be highlighted by a yellow arrow. Click on in with left mouse button to gather informations about it.
Now you have to capture a few specimens. To do so - new ability of your ship would be activated.
Take the animal to the nearby city (don't drop it) and prepare for the next task. You have to use the laser to eliminate sick individuals. Fly around the planet to locate some.
When it's over - buy the interstellar drive. It will allow you to travel to other planets.
Well - once again it's all about filling the bar in the bottom of the screen. This time - with every "bar level" passed - you get one allied spaceship more to fleet (find out more about it in chapter Other civilisations).
Over the progress bar there is another, green one. It indicates your distance from the center of the galaxy.
You don't have to get there to finish the game. There are a few other ways to do so.
Conquering other solar systems
This way is only worth trying, when your species was previously mostly aggressive. Sending your troops to attack other solar systems is a great enterprise, but it allows you to expand your empire relatively fast. You will find more on this topic in chapter Planet conquest.
Buying other solar systems
It's the good way if you want youri ncome to be coming from trade and if you want to buy other planets. It requires plenty of money and time, but you are not going to risk an outbreak of war. More in chapter Buying other solar systems.
Finding and trading treasures
Searching planets you can find plenty of mysterious artifacts. Collecting and selling the is the most sluggish way to finish the game, but it allows you to avoid conflicts and can help you buy all of the spaceship's upgrades. More in chapters: Trade and Planet exploration and hazards.
About missions
Both your empire and other civilistations can offer you great variety of missions. Some of them require you to kill sick creature, others - abductiong selected individuals. You can earn lots of money this when, especially when working for the same client. You can read more in chapter Missions.
Traveling to the center of the Galaxy
There is plenty of ways to get inside the center of the Galaxy, but in all cases it's very, very difficult. Learn more about it in chapter Center of the Galaxy.
Your spaceship is not invincible - pay attention to the green bar in the right bottom corner of the screen.
And it has energy. Energy is necessary to trave from one solar system to another and using various devices, for example lasers.
Keep an eye on these bars. In the beginning the energy disappears almost instantly. Health bar is important during fights. When you notice, that you one of them is disapearing - refill them at your homeworld, one of your colonies or other civilisations..
When you visit one of these places - choose a refill option from the menu.
Species with negative attitude towards you will want you to pay a lot for this kind of services. Your allies and colonies - a little bit less, and your homeworld - would refill your bars for free.
You can increase your ship's energy and durability by buying some upgrades.
In this stage you would be getting lots of quests.
These quest have different targets. Some are based on searching ruins (just like your first mission), others - examining and abducting other species etc. etc. But most of them would require you to travel to other planets.
For example - your first task is to visit ruins of some mystical ancient ruins (nearby the crashed spaceship).
Soon the hostile spaceships would arrive. Use your laser and mini-rockets to destroy them.
After you finish your job always return to your client. It will earn you money, repair your ship, refill it's energy and allow you to buy new upgrades.
Sometimes your boss might send you with mission to create a new colony on one of the nearby planets. Go there and use the colonisatrion to do your job. Always do it nearby the geysers.
Only when setting up the colony for the first time you will get the colonisatron for free. Next ones you would have to buy. Visit other civilisations and try to check out - which one offers you the best price. Keep in mind that you can set up the colony only on the systems without the sentient lifeforms.
Inside the colony you can build some structures (the same way you did it in the civilisation stage).
There are different types of planets - some has fertile soil and luxurious vegetation, while other are just brick floating in space, even without water. Every planet is classified by it's fertile level. There are four: T0, T1, T2 i T3, where T0 means just rock, while T3 - paradise.
On T0 planets you can set up small colonies, where you can refill your energy and durability bars. T1 allows you to mine spice. T2 allows you to build 2 colonies (which equals to more spice). And on T3 - three colonies.
So - the best planets for colonisation are the T3 planets. Problem is, that they are almost always inhabited.
The only solution is to colonise T0 or T1, and then upgrading it to T2 and T3.
To upgrade planet you have to enhance it's atmosphere, and then stabilise it's ecosystem.
For example: you want to upgrade T1 planet to T2. To do so - buy an atmosphere generator.
Then you would have to visit T2 or T3 planet and take some animals and plants. Radar in left bottom corner of the screen would help you finding them.
When you have everything: go to selected planet, you want to upgrade. Start the atmosphere generator and wait till it finishes upgrading the atmosphere. When it's done - it would disappear. Put then all of your planets and animals on the planet. This should do the trick.
Do the same, if you want to make it T3.
It's necessary to contact other civilisation. To talk to them first you would have to find them. After you get close to a habitated planet - you would be able to start your negotiations.
There are different species in the Galaxy, each with different life philosophies. Some loves religion, other want just more money, another - explore planets. Your kind also has it's attitude - it depends on your deeds in previous stages. Depending on your attitude - your interlocutors would act differently.
When you get yourself an ally - new option would appear. You would be able to ask him to attack hostile empire or to lend you his spaceship. Sometimes he would even send you some money.
In return you would have to sometimes to fulfil his wishes - he would ask usually for help in defending something.
When you start war, attack other civilisation - you can soon expect retaliation. Your enemy will start to constantly attack your planets and will attack you when you're on his territory. And forget about recharging your health and energy bars in his cities.
Some of you enemies would even ask you for money or otherwise they will attack you. In my opinion it's better to don't pay and just defend your planets.
Trading is necessary. It might help you conquering other civilisations and even be fun itself.
You can trade with your own homeworld, colonies, allies and civilisations with neutral attitude for you. With money you can buy different things to your ship. Different civilisation would offer you different prices. But before you spent your sporylions - try to find out the best offer. Sometimes it's possible to save even up to 1,5 million (!) on one (!) ship's element.
Nie wszystkie elementy odblokowane sa od razu. By uzyskac do nich dostep, musisz zdobywac odznaki, przyznawane za konkretne osiagniecia - odwiedzenie 800 ukladw slonecznych, ustanowienie 3 traktw handlowych itd.
Trade can even provie you an ENORMOUS income. First of all, you can sell artifacts you find. Read more in chapter Planet exploration and hazards. Keep in mind, that crystals, scrolls and figures you find have different value for different empires.
Secondly - you can trade so called "spice".
Most of the colonised planets are the source of the different kinds of spice - in different colours as you can see. Visiting your planets you always collect what your civilisation has harvested. You can sell these spices to other civilisations, who cannot harvest it.
For example - you've got red and yellow kinds of spice. Take some to your loading bay and visit civilisation, which's got only blue. You can sell your load for 50 000 sporylions. Buy then some blue spice, which you can sell in your colonies - earning about 60 000.
To check what is harvested in selectec solar system, or planet - just point on it with your cursor.
When you are visiting some solar system and you notice semicircular beacons near some planet - this means there is something interesting on it's surface.
You can find there valuable items and even the money. Pick it up using your tractor beam.
There are different kinds of artifacts - fossils, scrolls or tools for your spaceship.
But watch out - sometimes these cemircircular beams are just a space pirates' trap. Always have your weapon system ready in that case. Lava seas can be dangerous too - getting to close to them would damage your spaceship.
You ship can be also damaged by the storm - don't fly into the clouds!
Conquering planets might be useful and effective - but only when your species was aggressive since the first stage. It would just give you lots of useful weapons systems.
To conquer a planet - you would have to fly to a selected planet and destroy it's cities.
First - you would have to destroy enemy fleet - so it won't bother you. Then you would have to take out defensive turrets.
Then - destroy all buildings. When the citizens would come out with the white flag, you can chooose - spare them or kill.
Conquering planet means conquering the whole solar system it belongs to.
If you are keeping good relationship with selected civilisation - you can start trading with them. It is the first step to buying the whole solar system where selected planet belongs to.
When the trade route is set - you would just have to wait till the selected civilisation would allow you to buy their planet. It works exactly the same way as buying the cities in the civilisation stage.
Missions can provide you nice income and can get you to the end of the game. You can find them at your colonies, homeworld, allies and empires with neutral attitude towards you.
They've got different targets and often are limited by time.
One of the way of finishing the game is getting to the center of the Galaxy.
To be honest - it is very, very difficult task. First of all you have to prepare your spaceship for the journey. The best way is to use the black holes.
Get yourself a key to the space-time tunnel. It costs at least 1 500 000 sporylions.
Then get yourself LOTS of energy and best weapon systems you can afford. If you've got allies - ask them to join you. When you're ready - start searching for the black hole that will take you to the center of the Galaxy. It might take some time - so better be patient.
The real trouble starts when you get close to the center of the Galaxy. There lives the most powerful warrior race - the Groks. They won't refil your energy bar or repair your spaceship. Befriending them is almost impossible. Getting close to their territory means - they would attack you. That's why you need plenty od powerful weapons.
Getting to the center of the galaxy is a serious task. War with Groks might be long and exhausting - but if you still want to do it - I wish you good luck!