Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 1 FNG
Go forward to the table and pick up your rifle.

Turn to the right and move to the rifle range.

Stand in station number 1.

Use the L1 to aim your rifle. Shoot the target on the ceiling.

Now shoot the target on the floor.

You will be asked if you would like to reverse the aiming controls. If you do then you repeat the last two steps. Now you shoot the next three targets from the hips.

Now you shoot a target through a sheet of plywood.

Next you will be shooting the targets as they pop up.

Now you need to go back to the armory to get your side arm.

Now press the Triangle button to switch back to your primary weapon.

Then switch back to your sidearm.

Walk over to the watermelon.

Press the R3 button to attack the watermelon with your knife.

Now go to the door to exit the shooting range. The door is to the right of the watermelon.

Captain Price is to your right when you exit the shooting range.

When you get to the next building the door will open.

Walk forward to Captain Price. You need to run the cargo ship course.

Turn to your right and walk up to the ladder.

Walk forward to the crates and pick up the flash bang grenades and the MP5.

Turn to your right and walk over to the rappel line.

When youre ready to go, press and hold the Square button to use the rappel line. You have 60 seconds to run the entire course.

Run to your right and shoot the targets through the window on your left.

Continue to your right, go through the door to the left.

Go forward and through the door to the right.

Shoot the target at the bottom of the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, turn to the left and go to station 3.

Throw a flash bang grenade through the door.

Now shoot the targets in the room.

Turn to the left and go through the door.

Shoot the targets through the door.

Turn left and go through door.

Throw a flash bang grenade through the door.

Shoot the two targets that pop up.

Turn to your right and run out the door.

Turn to your right again and hold the L3 button to sprint to the finish line.

Turn to the right and run to the desk.

Captain Price will brief you on your first mission.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 1.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 2 Crew Expendable
Once youre on the deck, shoot the crewmen through the windows.

Go to the right to a door.

Go forward and through a door to a right.

Go down the stairs.

Go through the door to the left.

There will be crewmen at the end of the hallway to the left.

A squad mate will go in a room to the right and silence the sleeping crewmen.

Go to the end of the hallway. Then go out the door to the deck.

Turn to the left and go down the stairs on the right side of the deck.

Now your squad will make its way down the deck to the stern of the ship.

Kill any crewmen you come across.

When you get to the stern of the ship, your helicopter will kill the crewmen on the bridge.

Climb the stairs and then head to the left side of the deck.

There will be a door to the right.

Captain Price will open the door. Go down the hallway to the right. The one to the left is a dead end.

Follow the hallway until you can go left.

Go down this hallway until you can go down stairs to the left.

Turn right at the bottom of the stairs.

Follow this walkway to the corner.

Turn to the right. Go forward to the next corner.

Turn to the right yet again. There will be some armed crewmen. Kill these crewmen to clear the hallway.

Follow the hallway to a T section.

Turn to the left. Follow the hallway to a door on the right.

Captain Price will throw a flash bang through the door.

When you go through the door turn to the right and aim down. There will be some crewmen to kill.

Go down the stairs to the right.

Head forward and a bit to the left to a short set of stairs down.

At the bottom of the stairs turn left and go down the middle of the hold.

Go forward to the T section.

Turn left and climb the short stairs up.

Turn to the right and move forward to the door.

Price will kick the door open.

Go through the door and up the stairs to the left.

Turn to the right and kill the crewmen on the catwalk on the right side of the cargo hold.

Follow the catwalk to the other end.

At the end go down the stairs to the right.

At the bottom kill the crewmen attacking your squad.

Go down the stairs that are a bit to the right.

Go up the stairs on the other side of the middle of the hold.

Turn to the left. Move forward to the door.

Captain Price will throw a flash bang grenade through the door.

Once the grenade goes off, run through the door and kill the crewmen in this section of the cargo hold.

Move forward as you kill the crewmen. At the other end of the hold on the left side is a cargo container with the package your after.

Go inside the container and grab the cargo manifest.

Now run back to the door you entered this room.

When you go through the door the ship is hit by a missile from a mig. When you get back on your feet turn to your right.

Run down the stairs and then back up the other stairs.

Turn to your right and head forward to stairs going up to your left.

At the top of the stairs go to the left and follow the catwalk to the end.

Go through the door.

Turn to the left and go down the hallway until you can go right.

Follow this hallway until you come to a short stairs to the left.

Go to the left and then up the stairs to the left.

At the top of the stairs go to the right.

At the T section, go to the right.

Run through the door.

Turn to the right and head for the stern of the boat.

At the stern of the boat, turn right and climb up the deck to the helicopter.

When you get to the helicopter, press the X button to jump in to the helicopter.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 2.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 3 Blackout
This mission starts with a lengthy cut scene. After the cut scene, move forward. Shoot the guards at the dock.

Keep following the path.

Go under the bridge and turn to the right.

Go to the shack.

Place claymore mines in front of the door to the shack.

Kill any remaining guards.

Keep following the path. Enter the second shack on the right.

Inside go to the left to a door.

Go out the door and in to the field.

After the conversation between Captain Price and Kamarov, turn to the right and head for the hill.

Go up the ramps to the top of the hill.

At the top of the hill go to the left.

Follow the path down the right side of the hill.

Your little squad will stop at a break in the fence.

Snipe any soldiers that you can see. They will come from all over the area.

When the area is cleared, turn to the left and start back down the road.

Enter the burning shack through the door.

When you are inside, go to the right.

Turn to the left and go through the hole in the wall.

Go through the door in the wall to the left.

Go out the door to the right.

Go to the shack and switch to your grenade launcher by hitting left on the D-pad.

Shoot the soldiers coming down the hill.

Once the way is clear, go to the right.

There will be a break in the fence, crouch at the hole and sniper the enemy soldiers below in the town.

Once the other squad is cleared, turn to the left and head back up the hill.

Enter the power station through the gate in the fence.

Go to the right and towards the back.

There will be a hole in the fence. Gaz and Kamarov will have a conversation.

After the conversation, rappel down from the power station.

Once at the bottom of the cliff, head to the left.

At the house snipe any soldier you can find.

Enter the house on the left side.

Shoot any soldier that comes out the door on the right in the back.

Go through the door in to the next room.

A soldier will come through the door. Also a soldier will be outside the window to the left.

Go through the door the enemy came out of.

Cross the room to the next door.

To the left of the door will be some enemy soldiers.

Go out the door and head left up the hill.

Go up to the door on the right.

Enter the door after Captain Price opens the door.

Go down the short hallway to the left.

Kill the guard standing next to the wall at the end of the hallway.

In the room where the guard was, turn to the right and head to the door.

There is a small hallway to the left in the next room. Kill the guard that is down that hall.

Climb the stairs.

Shoot the guard that is through the door to the left.

Turn left and there is a guard behind the table.

Head down the hall to the left.

To the right is a room with a guard in it.

Inside is Nikolai. He will get up and be handed a rifle.

Go back to the previous room. Go out the door next to the table the guard was hiding behind.

Go down the stairs.

Go forward and turn right at the corner of the house.

Turn right at the next corner of the house.

Go through the hole in the fence.

Run through the field to the helicopter.

At the helicopter, jump in the helicopter by pressing the X button.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 3.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 4 Charlie Don't Surf
When your feet are on the ground, move forward.

Head left when the soldier drags barbed wire across the road.

Run a bit to the right as you come out of the alley.

Run to the door on the left side of building.

When the two soldiers with you breach the door, enter the building through the door.

There will be two enemy soldiers in the room.

Take the door to the right of where you entered the building.

Go down the stairs and through the door to the left at the bottom.

Take the first door to the right of where you entered the room.

There should be around five soldiers in the room.

In the back and to the left should be a door.

Go up the stairs to the left and exit the building at the top of the stairs.

Go south west to a stone wall.

Go through the courtyard and the narrow area between the buildings.

When you get back to the alley, turn left.

When your back to where the soldier dragged the barbed wire, go to the left of the wire.

First squad will be under attack. Straight and a bit to the right will be some enemy soldiers.

Once the soldiers to the right are dead, turn to the left and start killing the enemy soldiers down this road.

Several soldiers will appear when you pass the bulldozer.

When you get to the intersection, turn left and go through the fence.

As you come around the corner, you will see a broken wall. Enemy soldiers will come through the hole.

After the soldiers are dead, move forward to the wall. As you get to the wall a truck with a turret will come from the right.

Cross the road but be careful, on a roof of a building that is to the right and straight ahead will be teeming with soldiers.

While killing the soldiers that appear on the roof go to your left to an alley.

At the end of the alley, turn to the left and on the second story of the building ahead will be some soldiers.

When you reach the broken wall, like four soldiers will charge towards you.

Go to the left at the broken wall, past an alley to the right.

At the open area, turn to the right.

Move forward to the building.

Move to the door. A squad mate will attach a breaching charge to the door.

After the breaching charge is set off, enter the building.

Go to the door that is forward and a bit to the left.

Move down the hall and take the door to the left at the end.

In the room off this room will be like three soldiers.

Once the soldiers are dead move to the door to the right.

Move through this room to the door.

Move forward until you get to the passage between computers.

Follow this passage until you get to the door to the left.

There will be several soldiers in this room. There will be some on the second floor.

Once the enemy soldiers are dead, move to the right and towards the back.

When you get to the wall turn to the left and follow the wall to a door.

Follow the hall to a double door to the left.

One of your squad mates will open the door. In the room head forward a bit and then turn left and head for the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, go through the door that is in front of you.

Outside the windows to your right enemy soldiers will charge in to the parking lot.

Once the soldiers are dead, head to the left to a door.

Turn to the left and head for the double door.

Go to the right through a door and up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, go through the door and head to the left.

When you reach the wall, turn to the right.

Move forward until you reach a door to the left.

Follow the hallway until you reach the corner of the hall.

Follow the hall to the right until you reach a door to the left.

A squad mate will shoot the hinges on the door.

Once the door is open run in to the room.

The roomed will be cleared and Al-Asad is not here in the TV station.

The squad will get new orders. This will bring Jackson to the end of mission 4.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 5 The Bog
Follow the road straight ahead.

Keep following the road until the road goes down.

The squad will be ambushed. The soldiers will be in the destroyed building to the right.

You get ordered to kill the soldiers in that building. So move forward and then turn right.

Enter the building and turn right.

Climb the stairs. Kill any enemy soldiers that get in your way.

At the top of the stairs, go through the door.

There will be like four soldiers here.

Follow the hall to a door to the left.

There will be like two soldiers in this room.

Turn around and there will be more soldiers in the upper floors behind you.

Once the apartment building is cleared, head back down stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, go through the door to your right.

Go to the left inside the room.

Follow the hallway until you find a door to the right.

There will be enemy soldiers outside.

Once the soldiers are dead, pick up the javelin rocket launcher.

Go in to the building to the left of the javelin.

On the right side will be stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor aim the javelin at a tank and when you get lock-on shoot the tank.

Repeat on all the tanks.

Once the tanks are cleared run back down stairs.

Move forward to the chain link fence in the stone wall.

Follow the alley until you get to a passage to the left.

The passage will wrap around back to the left.

Keep moving forward around the building that is in front of you.

After the building the passage narrows and then wraps back around to the right.
When you get to the open area you find the missing tank.

There is also a swarm of enemy soldiers.

After you kill enough soldiers, Jackson will get new orders to take out a ZPU. Head to the right of where the enemy soldiers where came from.

As you move down this road look for a door to the left.

Across the road from this building is the ZPU. Kill the soldiers in the building and on its roof.

When the way is clear, go across the street.

When you are inside the building, go to the left.

Go outside through the door.

Kill any remaining soldiers around the ZPU.

Walk up to the ZPU and hold the square button to plant the C4.

Once the C4 is planted head back to the street.

Press the R1 button to set the C4 off.

Now Jackson needs to secure the southern sector of the bog. Turn to your left and move straight ahead.

Keep going straight towards the fence.

By the fence will be a glowing yellow symbol.

Go near the symbol and hold the square button to plant the IR beacon.

After the beacon is set Cobra attack helicopters will come in and kill the soldiers.

After the Cobras clear the area, keep the fence on you left and follow it back to the tank.

This will bring Jackson to the end of mission 5.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 6 Hunted
Once back on your feet move forward towards the rest of the squad.

There is a path down to the left of the crash site.

When you get to a fork in the path, walk down the left path. The right one is a dead end.

Run under the bridge as the trucks go by.

When you leave the tunnel go to the left.

Enter the door after Captain Price does.

Take out the gunmen when Price tells you to.

Leave the building and go to the right.

Jump the fence.

Run in to the field.

Lay prone by holding the Circle button, when Price tells you to.

Stand up after Price says it is clear.

Run for the buildings straight ahead.

Take cover behind a bale of hay.

Enemy soldiers will storm through the field from behind you.

Turn to the right and enter the basement.

Make your way to the back of the basement.

In the back on the left side of basement is a set of stairs up.

At the top of the stairs follow the hall to the left.

Turn to the right and move to the door.

Kill any soldiers that enter through the door.

Go in to the next room and then out the door.

Go down the stairs to the right.

Turn to the left at the bottom of the stairs.

Move forward to the building with the large open door.

Turn right and move forward.

Some soldiers and two dogs will attack you.

Move forward and take cover behind the wall to the right.

Move up to the shack and pallet wall.

Something like ten soldiers will charge the squad.

When the way is clear make you way to the chain link fence in the back.

When you reach the fence the helicopter returns.

Move forward down in to the water.

When you are in the water, go to the left.

At the end of the wall, trucks will cross the bridge. The helicopter will also make a pass over the stream. Stay to the right next to the wall.

After the helicopter has passed you, move forward and then to the right in to the field.

As you make your way in to the field, head for the right side.

Hide behind the bales of hay.

Move between the buildings on the other side of the field.

Enter the greenhouse on the right side of the buildings.

Outside the greenhouse, several soldiers attack the squad.

When the way is pretty clear go out of the greenhouse.

Enter the shack that's kind of straight and to the right.

Move to the door that is forward and to the left.

Shoot the soldiers as they continue to come from the building thats in front of you.

Move forward to the building when you can.

Now leave the building, move forward and then to the left when you can.

The helicopter and several soldiers will attack.

Enter the barn that is right in front of you.

Inside kill the soldiers.

Once the soldiers are dead, grab the stinger missile launcher.

Go back outside and aim at the helicopter. When you hear a beeping sound, fire the missile.

Once the helicopter is down, go back in the barn.

In the back and to the right is a ramp up.

Go out the door.

Next go down the stairs.

When you reach the bottom of the stairs, turn to the left and go in to the trench.

At the end of the trench a truck will pull up. An AC-130 will clear the truck and soldiers from your path.

You may have to shoot some soldiers that survive the AC-130's attack.

Continue through the vehicles. This will bring Soap to the end of mission 6.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 7 Death From Above
In this mission you are a turret operator in the AC-130. If you switch to one of the other guns will show them to be blinking. So don't shoot them. The first target to shoot will be a moving car heading for the church.

Shoot the enemy soldier as they swarm the area.

Another car will be in the field.

When youre told to head for the next village, shoot any cars and soldiers you see.

You will then move to the LZ, shoot the soldiers near the buildings.

On a hill away from the SAS squad will be three soldiers with RPGs. Shoot them and the car that pulls up.

Look for any soldiers that are remaining. Once the area is cleared some helicopters will land to pick up the SAS squad.

This will bring the AC-130 to the end of mission 7.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 8 War Pig
As soon as you control Jackson, you will be under attack.

As you clear the area War Pig will move up and protect the left flank.

War Pig will take the first road to the left. After it passes the arch it will stop and ask you to clear the area in front of it.

Once you clear the way a bit the tank will move forward.

Move towards the corner, the second door on left will have some soldiers.

In the back on the left is stairs up.

Go up stairs and at the top will be like a couple soldiers.

In the room to the right will be another soldier.

Back in the hall and down the hall to the right is another room with a soldier.

This should move the tank forward. Go back downstairs and outside.

Move down the street, the building on the left will have around ten soldiers to kill.

The building on the right will be about the same.

The second building on the right will have like fifteen soldiers.

Once the way is pretty clear, enter the building and go in to the room to the left.

Turn to the right and go through door.

Turn to the right again, and go through another door.

To the left is stairs up.

There may be some soldiers hiding up here. Kill them to move the troops forward.

Once the building is cleared you will get a message about flanking the enemy. So go back downstairs. Go to the left and out the door.

Go left to the corner of the building.

Around the corner to the left will be more soldiers.

Take out the two soldiers in the windows on the second floor to move a squad to the building.

Run to the door.

Go up the stairs on the right side.

At the top of the stairs turn to the left and follow the hall to the room to the right.

Inside will be a big hole in the wall.

Shoot the enemy soldiers outside the building.

An enemy tank will start to drive by, War Pig will shoot the tank through the building across the street.

Drop down to the street, and then turn right.

At the end of the street go through the gate in the wall.

Go down the passage on the right side of small courtyard.

This will lead to a big open area. A Seaknight helicopter will land for you squad to be extracted.

This will bring Jackson to the end of mission 8.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 9 Shock and Awe
For most of this mission Jackson is manning a gun turret on the Seaknight.
After you fly over the allied tank column, shoot anything you come across.

After the overpass to your left will be an Anti-Aircraft nest.

As the helicopter goes to the left two tanks and several soldiers will come in to view.

On the building to the left, is another AA nest.

A bit down the road will be a tank and howitzer.

As the helicopter turns there will be a tank heading the way you just came.

There is also a tank down the street to the right.

The helicopter will head back the way you came and then land. As the helicopter is landing there will be a tank between the two you killed earlier.

Some of the soldiers in your helicopter will disembark. The helicopter will be sent to help a recon team. As you fly over the hill the green smoke is the recon team.

The copter will fly to the left and a couple soldiers on roofs will have RPGs.

On the street like four soldiers will run by.

The copter will land and you will jump out.

Outside the copter take either gate in the wall to the left.

Turn to the right once on the street.

Move down the street, killing the soldiers as you go.

At the end of the street, go to the left.

At the end of this street is a building on the right.

There will be some soldiers just inside the door and in the room to the left.

Move forward and in the back on the left is stairs up.

At the top of the stairs is the recon team. Once you regroup with the recon team jump out the window.

Once on the ground the enemy will swarm form the buildings in front of you.

Once the enemy soldiers are dead, move forward.

Turn to the right and head for the gate in the wall.

Move through this courtyard and to the gate in the next wall.

Run in to the helicopter. You will be ordered to take the gun turret again.

After your Cobra escort is shot down, your copter will circle the area. Enemy soldiers will start swarming the downed Cobra.

Your copter will land nearby and you will jump out of the Seaknight.

Move forward down the street.

A couple of enemy soldiers will come out of the buildings on either side of the street.

Run to the Cobra and hold the Square button the rescue the pilot.

Run back to the Seaknight helicopter.

The Seaknight will take off. As you retreat the nuke will explode.

The Seaknight helicopter will be knocked to the ground by the explosion. The screen will look a little skewered.

Start crawling forward.

Near the end of the copter you can stand up.

Once outside the copter, stand all the way up. Then walk straight ahead until you drop.

This will bring Jackson to the end of mission 9 and his life.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 10 Safe House
Move forward to the gas station.

Keep going past the gas station to its left.

Head to the right up the hill a bit.

Then you will go to the right back the way you came.

When you get to the house, soldiers will come from the church on your left.

More will come from the house.

Soap will get permission to call in air support. Press right on the D-Pad and target the house on the right.

Move away from the house as the Havoc clears it.

After the Havoc is done enter the house and search it for any remaining soldiers. When the house is clear go back down stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, go left to the door.

Target the house across the street with the Havoc.

Once the Havoc is done, go inside the house and clear the rest of the soldiers out.

Now go to the side of the church. The house up the hill and to the left will be guarded, take cover next to the church and take out the enemy soldiers.

Target the building up the hill and call in the Havoc.

After the Havoc is done, enter the house and clear out any remaining soldiers.

From the room on the left on the second floor you can target the next house for the Havoc to attack.

Go back downstairs and outside. Once the Havoc is done enter the house and kill any remaining soldiers.

When the house is clear, head back outside to the road.

Follow the road up and around to the left.

Straight ahead is another house for the Havoc to help clear.

When the havoc is done, enter the building and clear out the remaining soldiers.

Go back outside, there is a gate on the right side of the house.

Go down in to the hay field and then to the left.

Soldiers will attack when you get near the first gate in the field.

Target the house on the right for the Havoc.

Enter the house. Kill any remaining soldiers.

Go back outside and to the house on the left.

Captain Price will open the door.

Inside is Al-Asad. Price will question him about the bomb. Then a cell phone will ring.

After the phone call Price will execute Al-Asad.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 10.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 11 All Ghillied Up
Once in control of Price, move forward.

Enter the shed.

Go in to a prone position.

Follow MacMillan through the field.

Shot the guard when MacMillan tells you to.

After MacMillan takes the other guard down stand up and follow MacMillan through the field.

Follow MacMillan between the buildings. Take out the guard near the car, when MacMillan tells you to.

Run to the car.

Turn to your right and run to the fence.

Jump the fence. Move to the tree.

MacMillan will tell you to freeze. There is a lookout in the bell tower and a patrol is coming from the north.

Move a little closer to the tower and MacMillan will ask if you have a shot at the lookout.

Shoot the lookout. Move a little more forward so you can see the guard on the ground.

Follow MacMillan to the car and then to the door.

Go through the church to the right.

On the left will be a door to the outside.

Run through the cemetery to the stone wall.

Take cover behind the right side of the wall.

Once the helicopter leaves the area, stand up and follow MacMillan through the wall.

Run through the field until you come to a white pole fence.

Jump the fence. Shortly after the fence MacMillan will tell you to get down.

There is an enemy armor column coming your way.

Avoid the soldiers.

When the way is clear, start crawling slowly.

After a bit you can stand up and run to a tank.

Move to the caterpillar that is to the left.

There are two guards throwing bodies in to a mass grave. You can sneak past them or shoot them.

When you get near the cargo containers, MacMillan will tell you to stay in the shadows.

Follow MacMillan between the containers. When you get to the end of the containers you are following, MacMillan will run out and kill the guard.

Go down the path to the left.

At the end of these containers MacMillan will sprint across to the other side of the path.

After he kills the patrol, he tells you to move up. Go past the end of the container and turn right.

Move to the container that is falling down.

Go to the left through the cargo container.

Once out the other side of the container, run through the patch of grass.

Enter the cargo container and walk up to the doors.

When MacMillan tells you to run, hold down the L3 button to sprint. Sprint to the vehicles in the field.

MacMillan will say go again and he will go prone.

Lie down and crawl under the truck.

Crawl to the end of the trucks.

When MacMillan gives the go command, crawl out from under the truck and stand up.

Run to the jeep that is in front of you.

When MacMillan goes around the front of the jeep, follow him.

Sprint for the cargo containers.

Turn around and run for the stone wall.

Step out from the wall and take the sniper on the left side of the building out.

Run to the apartment building.

Run up the stairs to the window and jump through the window.

Move forward and MacMillan will run and jump out a window.

At the bottom of the make shift stairs, go to the left.

At the end of the building turn a bit to the right.

Go for the passageway through the building.

When you leave the passage, go to the left and avoid the dog.

Go forward to the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, go to the left.

Then go through the door to the right.

Run across the old cafeteria to the door.

Go up the stairs that are in front of you.

At the top of the stairs, go to the left.

When the wall to the left ends, walk to the left and into the hall.

Go down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, go forward and then to the right when you can.

At the end of the open space in the middle is a set of stairs.

Go through the doorway to the right.

Go to the left.

At the end of the platform, drop off to the ground.

Continue to the left until you reach a door in a cement structure.

This will bring Price to the end of mission 11.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 12 One Shot, One Kill
Hold the Square button to grab the sniper rifle.

Wait for MacMillan to tell you to take the shot.

After Zakhaev is shot zoom back and shoot the helicopter pilot.

You will drop the sniper rifle. Turn to your right and move forward.

In the back right corner will be a rope to rappel down.

Go forward and turn to the right.

At the end of the building on your right, go to the right a bit and then wrap around the wall back to your left.

Run to the car.

You will get a message that your ride will be waiting for 20 minutes. At the bottom of the hill, go to the right.

There will be enemies swarming from all over. About the only strategy for this would be to run and gun. In other words just keep moving and shoot anyone that gets in your way.

When the building to the left ends, go to the left and through the gate in the wall.

Enter the door on the right side of the building.

Go down the hall and take the hall to the left.

MacMillan will open the door on the left at the blockade.

Go to the right inside the room.

Run to the window.

Climb through the window. Climb through the window on the other side of the alley.

Run in to the next room and turn around.

The dog will catch up to you. Press the R3 button to melee the dog.

Go through the door and then to the left.

At the end of the hall, go a bit to the right and then through the door to the left.

Cross the hall and through the hole in the wall.

Go to the right in the room.

Then go through the door to the left.

Turn to the left and shoot the soldiers.

After the soldiers are dead, shoot the rotor on the helicopter.

As the copter crashes at you, run to a side to avoid the copter.

After it is no longer moving, MacMillan is under the rotors.

Hold the Square button to pickup MacMillan.

Turn to the left and go through the gate in the fence.

Run to the car and drop MacMillan in front of the car.

Three soldiers will come from the front and two will come from behind.

When you get the Alls clear signal, pick MacMillan back up.

Go to the left.

When you get to the short stairs, down drop to MacMillan.

Enemy soldiers will come from in front of you.

After they are dead, pick MacMillan up.

Head towards where the soldiers came from.

Run for the building and enter it before the helicopter kills you.

Run to the end of the hall and go through the door to the right.

Go in to the burning room.

Go to the left and up the ramp.

At the top of the ramp go through the door to the left.

Go to the left through the door.

Go straight through the next door.

In the hallway, go around to the right and back to the left.

Go to the door that is on the right.

Inside the room drop MacMillan.

In the hall to the right are two soldiers. One is to either side of the door.

There are also two dogs in the area.

Go back and grab MacMillan when the area is clear.

Go straight ahead until you can only go right.

Go straight through both doors.

Go to the left and through the next door.

Go left down the ramp and through the door to the right.

Run straight from the door towards the building you see in the background.

Go through the door to the right.

Head to the left and then the door to the right.

Go through the opening to the left.

Turn to the left and go through the door to the right at the end of the hallway.

Go to the left and around the left side of the pool.

Go through the broken wall and drop to the ground.

Drop MacMillan as soon as you land on the ground.

Towards the right are two soldiers walking your way.

After the soldiers are dead pick up MacMillan and run for the ferris wheel.

To the right of the ferris wheel is a glowing yellow spot.

Put MacMillan down in this spot.

MacMillan will give you the rest of his claymore mines. Set the claymore mines in some places to take out the soldiers.

I would suggest setting the claymores behind the cars. So that when the soldiers try to creep from car to car they will get some going away presents.

Then he tells you to find a good spot to snipe from. I would suggest that you set up your sniping area near him on the hill.

Snipe the soldiers as you see them. There will be two waves.

When the helicopter lands, pick up MacMillan and run for the back of the helicopter.

This will bring Price to the end of mission 12.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 13 Heat
Move forward until you reach the cliff.

Go to the right down the street.

When the church is on your right, go on the ground in front of the church.

Look down the hill for the enemy soldiers.

The soldiers will swarm up the hill. Once you kill enough Price will order you to go to the minigun. Turn to your left.

Move to the street.

Cross the street and up the hill to the car.

At the top of the hill, turn to the left and run to the helicopter.

Enter the helicopter and press the Square button to use the minigun.

Hold the L1 button to spool the minigun. R1 fires the minigun. Turn to your left and soldiers will be coming from the path in front of the church.

After a wave of soldiers, two helicopters will approach.

A second wave of soldiers will come after the helicopters are downed.

Drop the minigun.

Turn around and move up the hill.

To the right will be the tavern. Go inside and up to the second floor.

In the windows will be the detonators. Walk up to one and hold the Square button to pick up the detonator.

Then press the R1 button to detonate the explosives. Do this 3 more times.

Go outside the tavern and go farther up the hill.

At the top of the hill go forward and to your right will be a break in the fence.

Go down the slope and in to the field.

When you are in the field, run to the fence.

Keep running to the second fence.

Once past the fence turn to the left and run in to the barn.

Grab the Javelin rocket launcher.

Go back outside the barn. Go straight towards the village.

Aim the javelin and target a tank.

There are two tanks in front of the farm and two to the right as you come out of the barn.

After the tanks are destroyed, go back in the barn and grab your gun.

Go back outside and take cover behind the fence to your left.

You will get a message that air support is available. Press down on the D-Pad and target the field in front of the farm.

After you call in the air support, You will get a message about there are too many Sam sites in the area. You have 4 minutes to reach the new LZ that is back where all the fighting started.

Run back to the tavern. Once at the tavern go to the right a bit and then forward towards the downed helicopter.

When you can, go left towards the car and then to the right towards the church.

Go down the path in front of the church.

Run down the hill towards the gas station.

Once at the gas station take cover behind whatever is closest.

Kill the enemy soldiers until the helicopter arrives to extract you.

Once the helicopter arrives, run in the back and you will turn around to watch the back as everyone else gets on the helicopter.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 13.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 14 The Sins of the Father
Once in control of Soap move forward.

Move to the corner.

Turn to the left.

Move to the T section.

Go to the right and climb the junk wall.

On the left side is a dumpster.

Climb on the dumpster. Aim at a guard in the tower.

When Price gives the word take the guard on the right out.

Then take out the guard on the left.

Go around the building and kill any remaining guards on the ground.

A cut scene will begin after the guards are dead. After the scene a convoy will drive up. When price gives the word, open fire on any soldier but Zakhaev's son.

After the firing starts Zakhaev's son will drive the jeep in to your tower.

After you stand up, head to your right.

Go straight for the ramp up.

Drop down and move forward to the corner.

Go to the left.

At the T section, go to the right.

Move to the end of the path.

Turn to the right and go through the door.

Go to the left.

Turn to the right and go through the door.

Outside go to the right.

Enemy forces will be waiting for you at the village.

Run and gun the soldiers. There are also some dogs here.

Once Zakhaev's son gets to a point in the back he will run to the left. There will be an alley to the left between the buildings.

At the corner, run to the right.

Go left when you can.

At the T section, go to the left.

There will be an opening in the fence to the right.

Press the X button to jump through the fence.

When you are in the courtyard, move forward until you reach the second right.

Move forward until you can go left.

At the corner go left.

Move forward to the stairs at the next corner. Then go to the right.

Wait by the wall to the right for the helicopter to take out the gunners in the building.

After the gunners are dead, run for the building.

Go up the stairs on the left side of hall.

At the top of the stairs, go around to the right.

Go through the door and turn to the left.

You will be attack by soldiers from the room on the left.

Go in to the room on the left. Turn to the right and go through the door.

Go to the right and then through the hole in the wall on the left.

Go down the hall to the left. A soldier will come from the door.

Go through the hole to the right.

Go to the right.

Go through the door to the left.

Go through the door on left side of wall.

Move forward and go through door to the left.

Go up the stairs to the third floor.

The helicopter will take out the soldiers on this floor.

Once the way is clear, go forward and take the door to the left.

Go through hole in wall and then through the second door on right.

Climb up the debris to the fourth floor.

Go through the door.

Go through the door on the right side of the wall.

Turn to the left and go around to the stairs.

At the top of these stairs, turn around and go to the next set of stairs.

Make your way around to the outside.

Walk up to Zakhaev's son and watch him take his own life.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 14.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 15 Ultimatum
Turn to you right and follow the road.

A truck full of enemy soldiers will drive up to your squad.

Continue following the road. When you near the house, a squad of soldiers will attack.

Follow the road to the side door to the house.

Turn your night vision goggles on by pressing up on the D-Pad.

Enter the house through the door.

Turn to the left and wait at the bottom of the stairs for the clear signal.

Climb the stairs and go through the door to the right.

Go through the arch to the next room.

In the room turn to the right and move forward to the stairs.

Climb the stairs. Turn around at the top of the stairs.

Straight ahead is a guard in a chair. Either shoot him or use your knife to kill him.

To the left of the guard in the chair is another guard.

Move back to the hallway, two guards will come out of the door by the stairs.

There will be another guard in the hallway to the right.

After all the guards are dead you will get a message that Griggs is not in this house. Go back down stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, turn to the left and move forward to the door.

Walk out the door and turn to your right.

Switch to your silenced gun and shoot the guard.

To the right around the corner will be another guard.

The squad will come out and go to the house on the right.

Go inside the house when Price opens the door.

Go to the right and straight for the stairs up.

At the top of the stairs turn around and go near the door.

The squad will breach the door and kill the soldiers inside.

Enter the room and walk up to Griggs.

Hold the Square button to cut Griggs loose.

Go back down stairs and then outside.

Once outside, turn to the right.

Move forward to the fence.

After the fence, turn to the right.

Move towards the gate in the fence.

Lay prone when the squad does.

After the helicopter passes, stand up and run in to the fenced area.

Turn to the left and run to the tower.

Plant C4 on the tower legs by going near the glowing yellow C4 charges and holding the Square button. You need to plant 2 charges. You have 2 minutes.

Run from the tower. When you get to a safe distance, blow the tower.

Walk towards the way the tower fell to a fence.

Turn around and follow the squad to a section of the fence.

Gaz will cut the fence.

Go through the hole Gaz cut in the fence.

Follow the road to a wall.

Jump over the wall where it is broken.

Go to the right.

Follow this alley to a door to the left.

Enemy soldiers will attack you.

On the building to the left will be some soldiers with RPGs.

A helicopter will show up and drop off enemy soldiers.

Once the way is clear, move forward.

After the tank will be a door to the left.

Cross the room to the door.

Enemy soldier will come from the left.

A helicopter will show up and drop of soldiers again.

When the way is clear, head to the building that is in front of you and to the left.

Go through the building to a door.

Turn to the right and more soldiers attack.

As you clear the soldiers move to the building on the right.

Trucks will pull up with more soldiers.

Go down the road behind the trucks when the way is clear.

In the middle of the S turn you will meet up with a U.S. sniper team.

Two nuclear missiles will be launched.

Follow the road to the gate.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 15.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 16 All In
Follow the road to the fence.

Enemy soldier will swarm through the fenced in area.

Make your way through the cargo containers.

You will come across a BMP.

Press the L2 button to toss a smoke grenade or two at the BMP.

Run up to the BMP and plant a C4 charge on the rear of the vehicle.

Run back to the cargo containers and hit the R1 button to blow up the BMP.

Go forward and then to the right.

When the truck to your right blows up, take cover behind anything close.

When you can, make a run for the building to the right.

Move forward through the building.

Run out the door to the left and then in to the alley to the right.

Go back out and move along the building to the right.

Run in to the alley after the building to the right.

Go back out to the street, and turn around. Take out any soldier on the roof.

SAS will run to the gate and set explosives on the gate.

Run through the gate when SAS blows the gate.

There will be two BMPS up ahead. One will be to the right and one will be to the left.

Just like last time through some smoke grenades and plant a C4 charge on the back of the BMP.

Get away to a safe distance and then blow the BMP up.

Then repeat the process for the other BMP.

After the second BMP is destroyed, head to the north east.

Your squad will cut the mesh covering the vent in the middle.

Once your squad has rappelled down the vent shaft, move to the glowing rope on the front of the vent.

Hold the Square button to rappel down.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 16.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 17 No Fighting in the War Room
Hit the Circle button to crouch. Then follow Griggs in to the vent duct.

Keep following Griggs through the ducts. When you get to the hole in the floor, drop down the hole.

Follow Griggs to the south.

Go through the door to the right.

Go through the next door to the right.

Go through the door to the left, followed by the door to the right.

Move forward to another door to the right.

Go to the left in the hall.

When you get to the corner to the right, soldiers will be coming down that hall.

Once the way is clear, go to the door at the other end of the hall.

More soldiers will come down the hall.

When the way is clear, go to the door at the end of this hall.

Kill the couple or so soldiers in this room.

In the back on the left side is the door to the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, is a hall to the left.

After the hall is cleared, move to the big room at the end of the hall.

Move down this passage through the big room.

Soldiers will come from the sides.

Run and gun down the passage. Go in to the hall at the end of the passage.

Go to the right in the hall to a corner.

Go left at the corner and there should be some soldiers here.

Go down this hallway until you get to the hall to the left.

Go to the round room at the end of the hall.

Go down the hall to the right in the round room.

At the end of this hall is another round room.

Turn to the right and shoot the soldiers down the hall.

Once the way is clear, go down the hall. Price will go past you to the left. Follow him.

At the end of this hallway is a big vault like door.

Price will close the door behind you.

Gaz will open the outer doors to launch command. Once the doors are open soldiers will attack you.

Once the way is clear go through the door.

A bit in and to the left is the hall to launch control.

There are more soldiers down this hall.

Shoot them as you move down the hall until you reach the hall to the right,

Run down this hallway until you get to the yellow C4 marker.

Hold the Square button to set the charge and back up to a safe distance.

Set the C4 charge off.

Run through the hole you just made.

Turn to the left and kill the soldiers.

In the center of the room on the left side is a glowing yellow keyboard.

Hold the Square button to upload the abort codes.

Go back out the hole you made.

Turn to the right and run down the hall.

Turn to the left at the top of the stairs.

Turn to the right in the room.

Go out the door Gaz opened.

Turn to the left and kill the soldiers down the hall.

Follow this hall until you reach the hall to the left.

There will be more soldiers down this hall.

Once the way is clear, run to the end of the hall.

There is an elevator here.

Move out to the room.

Go down the hall that is in the center of the wall.

At the end of the hall is the vehicle depot.

Kill the soldiers in the depot.

This will bring Soap to the end of mission 17.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Walkthrough Mission 18 Game Over
The first part of this mission is a rail shooter. All you have to do is shoot the men in the back of the trucks.
A truck will pull up to your right side.

A second will pull after you kill the soldiers in the first.

Once you get in the tunnel the soldiers will have RPGs. Oh Joy.

After the third truck is down a hind shows up.

Hold the Square button to pick up the RPG when it tells you to.

Now aim the RPG at the hind and take it out.

After a bit a hind will take a bridge out in front of your truck.

Move forward and jump from section to section to get off the collapsing bridge.

At the end of the bridge a truck pulls up and drops off some soldiers.

Once those soldiers are cleared another few trucks show up with more soldiers.

All you do is kill the soldiers until the tanker explodes.

A cut scene will begin when the tanker blows. After the scene Price will slide you a gun.

You must shoot the three men in front of you without aiming.

One of the men is Zakhaev. This will bring Soap to the end of mission 18 and the end of the game.