Borderlands 2 DLC: Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt

Run down and go straight to Hamerlock.

He is located inside the cave next to the lodge.

Follow him up then run up to the lodge.

Fight off the savages and wait for Hamerlock.

Run outside of the lodge and activate the power.

Follow Hamerlock down to the river.

Fight off the savages.
Borderlands 2 DLC: Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Professor Nakayama, I Presume?

Go straight to the waterfall were you first jumped down from.

Right under the waterfall is a cave entrance go through it.

When you exit the cave take the right passage to the scaylion.

Run to the left way and up the rocks.

If you see the Hand with X you are on the right passage, run over the bridge.

Then jump down over the ledge and run forward.

To the left is the Cave and go into it.

Fight off the Scaylions and continue further.

Then to the left is the area where Thermitage is located.

In the area fight off the scaylions then Thermitage will come.

Shoot Thermitage on his stinger for criticals and run around him.

The village is located left to the entrance.

Up the stairs to the right then flollow through the village to the elevator.

Fight off the savages first and progress through to the elevator.

Then get up on the elevator and go up.

Fight off all the worshipers.

Then fight the waves of savages.

Then you turn in your quest at Claptrap.
Borderlands 2 DLC: Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt Walkthrough A-Hunting We Will Go

Run straight to the edge of the mountain and jump down into the cave.

Fight off the scaylions and progress to the entrance to Ardorton Station.

Run through the Blue lighted savage camp and up to the exit on the other side.

Then when you are out to the right is stairs run up them.

Then directly take the other staircase up.

To the right is one of the samples then destroy it.

Run outside then straight down the road is the other sample.

Between the boxes is the sample.

Then just outside the savage camp exit to the right is a passage way then run through it.

The sample is located in the shed in the back of the camp.

Go to the place where you destroyed the first sample and run up through the door.

Then to the left and up the stairs.

Then go down and through the door.

To the left is a lever you must pull.

Then kill Woundspike by shooting it in the face.

Run up the stairs and exit the lab.

Then run to the nearest exit and return to the lodge.
Borderlands 2 DLC: Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt Walkthrough The Fall Of Nakayama

To the right just go straight to the objective and travel to Candlerakk's Crag

Run along the passage to the bridge.

Take out the Elite Savages then take the left passage.

Continue on to the ship with the passage.

When the bridge closes just shoot the lever over the other edge to open the bridge.

Continue on the passage to the ship.

Spin the first one 1 time.

Spin the second one 3 times.

Spin the third one 4 times the activate it.

Crouch through the hole to the right.

Watch out when Jackenstein charges at you.

Shoot him in those blue glowing rods then when he is at 1% health shoot him in the rods to kill him.

After Professor Nakayama killed himself for you just run up trhough to the top.

you are done ! enjoy the loot.