Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Main


Select The Underground Rescue
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Into The Lab

Collect 4 the grey blocks first by jumping under them.

After you collected 4 Grey blocks you will be shown to go to this machine.

Run up to the right and go up through the grey blocks then left and to the machine.

Now you can drill blocks from the sides by pressing F.

Then after you collected the rest go down to the next machine.

Now you can place the blocks you collect by pressing E and placing with SPACE- "NOTE" You can ONLY place a shape if you have 4 blocks"

Place an L shape on the ground next to the edge and continue to the next map..
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Roots

Gather the blocks and place an L shape againts the edge in the middle.

Next gather blocks but leave the one block above the second flower to the right there and build an L shape just below the Grey block you need to get to and continue to the next map.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Wood Stone And Sand

Gather the blocks and place an L shape just below the chest but watch out sand falls down.

Jump up and drill the chest.

Gather those blocks and head on up.

Place a square against that edge jump on and continue to the next map.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Self Testing

gather the blocks and build an L-Shape to run over.

Jump under the wood block holding the obsidian and let it first fall down.

Gather those blocks and build a Square-Shape above the obsidian block and drill through them.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Underground People

Jump over these slimes.Then go gather the blocks.

Build an L-Shape and jump over.

Gather the blocks and then Sprint-Jump over the big slime.

Build an L-Shape and jump over.

Build an L-Shape and jump to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough "Dances With Slimes

First go left.

Break the wooden blocks then jump up and jump over the slime and go gather the Grey and Sand blocks.

Go up and the the two Grey blocks.

You can ether go all the way back and the the other 4 blocks or try to jump over these slimes to the right.

Build a Straight-Shape and jump to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Big Mama Awakens

Gather the blocks and when you come to the first Un-Jumpable-Spot build an L-Shape and jump over and gather the wood blocks.

The next Un-Jumpable-Spot build the Two-Layer Shape.

The next Un-Jumpable-Spot don't jump on the grass next to the Obsidian blocks stay next to it and build an L-Shape .
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Pajitnov Upgrade

Gather the blocks and go right.

Jump down and gather the blocks.

Build an L-Shape next to the slime and jump up over to the top.

Build a Straight-Shape and gather the top blocks.

Then build a Square-Shape with the sand below and kill the slime.Then gather the blocks and go right.

Build an L-Shape and jump over to gather the blocks.

Build an L-Shape and go get the last block.

Jump into the Machine and then you go down .

Press E and Then press F again to destroy the blocks.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Lines Creator

Go down and gather blocks on the way.Then jump over next to the slimes and Destroy the 8-Line.

Go up and place a Square-Shape and then destroy the 8-Line.

Next Place a Square-Shape and then destroy the 8-Line.

Jump down on the gravel block and then get the chest.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Climbing

This map you Parkour your way up,Gather the two first blocks then sprint jump on the gravel.

Sprint jump over to the gravel.

Destroy the 8-Line above you Then only gather the right sand block.

Build an L-Shape on the sand block,Then Parkour your way up.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Slippery Blocks

Sprint jump over onto the gravel blocks.

Drill the ice to get it moving.

Gather the blocks and go up.

Sprint jump over to the ice block.

Drill the ice block into the right corner,Then build an L-Shape.

Gather the blocks but only leave those two open.

Build an L-Shape with the sand on the top,Then drill and let the sand fall,Then go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Voice

Gather the block next to the slime and jump over.

Jump over the slime then go up.

Don't move the ice yet.

Gather the blocks on the right then move the ice block to the right.

Run over the gravel blocks and then move the ice block down.

Build an L-Shape and get the chest then gather the blocks when you come down.

Build a Straight-Shape,Then move the ice block right.

Build an L-Shape and jump over to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough An Ice Problem

Move the two ice blocks down.

Gather the Grey Block and move the two ice blocks left.

Sprint-Jump from the ice block over to the Grey block.

Jump over the obsidian blocks,Then gather and move the ice block to the left.

Build an L-Shape one block above the ground then jump on the tip of it.

Sprint-Jump and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Breaking The Ice

Jump just right to destroy the 3 blocks.

Move the ice block to the right.

Kill the slime with the Ice block.

Jump to the top and place on the right a Straight-Shape,Then destroy the 9-line.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Too Many Blocks

Gather the blocks and build a Two-Layer block to the right of the blocks.

Move the ice block to the right,Then gather the sand block and the Parkour the way up.

Don't let those two gravel blocks fall down, Jump over them.

Gather the blocks and move the ice block down.

Move it down again.

Gather the blocks then move the ice block to the right then jump up and get the two blocks then come down.

Build a Square-Shape in the middle with two sand on top.

Build a Straight-Shape to the right, Then destroy the 8-Line.

Then the sand will fall down and you do the same and go to the next map.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Iron Cage

Press E and destroy the 8-Line.

Only destroy one sand block then Sprint-Jump to the right and then to the left.

Then go through the sand block and down.

Place a Straight-Shape and destroy the 8-Line.

Jump on the grass to the right and build an L-Shape facing to the left.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Irony

Get the Iron blocks from the wood box.

Place them in the spaces and proceed right.

Drill the TNT once and run left.

Build an L-Shape and go up.

Jump over the slimes in the higher spaces.

Jump over the slime and place an L-Shape to get the other box.

Place an L-Shape and go up.

Destroy the 8-Line.

Place a Point-Shape that points down.

Place a Square-Shape in the right corner.

Then place an L-Shape in the left corner, Then destroy the 8-Line and then go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Warehouse

Gather the Wood Box and build a Two-Layer Shape the get the other box.

Don't jump down yet,Build an L-Shape and go gather the Box then run left.

Move the ice block.

Place an L-Shape and go up.

Build a Two-Layer with sand on the right and a wood block on the lower left.

Gather the wood block first then the sand.

Place an L-Shape with two iron blocks on the botton and breakables on the top,Then go move the ice and break the blocks and go left.

Place two sand on the right and two solids on the left.

Jump on the first one,Then Place an L-Shape and jump over.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Exploration

Gather the blocks below and go up again.Then Sprint-Jump from the left where that little green grass is to the left of the machine all the way left.

Place an L-Shape then Gather all the blocks and then trigger the TNT.

Place a Pointing-Shape and then move 1 block.

Place an L-Shape with the sand on the bottom and the rest at the top.

Gather the blocks and move the ice block.

Jump over and gather the blocks.

Place an L-Shape and go up.

Place a Square-Shape,Gather the two on the right then jump over to the left.

Place a Straight-Shape then jump on the top one then Jump-Gather the top wood blocks.

Gather the blocks and go right.

Jump up and gather that one block.

Place a square and Destroy the two lines.

Place a Straight-Shape and go gather the blocks.

Then go down to the machine

Go Right-Upward and break the blocks.

Place an L-Shape and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Freezer

Jump over on only the 2nd and 3rd gravel block from the right and sprint jump over ot the left.

Jump over to the ice but don't jump on the gravel block next to the ice then move the ice and get all in one line.

Then destroy the line.

Jump left then quickly right and the Jump-Break the wood block and then jump on the left gravel block then jump quickly left.

Break the blocks then go left onto the gravel block.

Place an L-Shape and move the ice then break the L-Shape.

Place a Square-Shape.

Break the block on the right and the two on the bottom.

Jump over and move the ice block and place an L-Shape in the right corner,Then first gather the blocks and then break the line.

Place an L-Shape beneath the that red transmitter.

Gather the blocks and go down.

Move the ice block to the left.

Destroy the line, Then go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Lost Slimes

Run up and destroy the iron block then jump over the slime and get the sand block.Then jump over to thr right and get the gold block.

Jump down and drill the frist one and then jump-break the next two the go right.

Break the block to let the obsidian fall on the slime.Then get the sand block.

Place a Two-Layer shape.Then break the left two and jump on break the right on the the borrom.

Place a Straight-Shape.

Break it all the way but leave on then gather them both.

break the blocks under the obsidian but go left start with the gold one.

just jump from the grass next to the obsidian block.

Place an L-Shape.

Place a Straight-Shape above you then do the same.

Then go back and jump over the slimes and go to the next stage.

Few Resources

Place an L-Shape.

Break the bottom and only leave the top then jump over and to the top.

Break the Iron Block then the Gold to the right.

Place an L-Shape and only break the Iron Block.

Break the block underneath the sand block then gather the blocks.

Place them and break the line.

Jump over the slimes in the spaces.

Place a Straight-Shape with the sand block on the left and let it kill the slime.

Gather the blocks and place a Straight-Shape Then gather them and only leave the last one on the right.

Jump over the slimes and gather the blocks.

Place sand above the slime to kill it.

Then place a Straight-Shape above you.

Break through and jump up and go to the next Stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Big Mama Returns

Jump over the slimes then you jump next to that one slime and then over it.

Then jump from the one block lower over to the top and gather the blocks.

Go down and get the other block.

Gather and go down then right.

Place an L-Shape then destroy.

Get the chest quickly!

Jump over the two gravel blocks and Go to the next map.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Fall

Gather all the blocks and jump over the slime then jump down.

Jump over the slime and get the sand block then jump over to the second wood block.

Jump right and get the wood blocks.

Jump left and destroy the Iron block when the slime is near.

Place a Pointing-Shape.

Place a Straight-Shape.

Place another Pointing-Shape then destroy them.As you are falling down keep running right to get the chest.

Then just jump up to go to the next stage.


Gather the blocks and proceed.

Watch out for the falling lava.

Destroy the block.

The lava will burn the wood.

Get the Grey block.

Run up and go gather the other blocks.

Place a Straight-Shape with two wood blocks on the left and two Grey blocks on the right.

Gather and run down and go right.

Place a Pointing-Shape.

Place a Straight-Shape then destroy them.

Gather the wood block to the left then place a Square-Shape with two stone on the left and two wood on the right.

Then run up and over then go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Collateral Damage

Gather the blocks.

Place a Straight-Shape with 3 wood blocks on the right and on the left an iron block.

Gather the Blocks then go back right under the slime.

Place an L-Shape then wait for the slime to go over then you gather them and proceed.

Place an L-Shape .

Breake the right tip and the top one.

Jump fast with agility to dodge the faster dropping lava.

Place an L-Shape and get the chest.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Path For A Slime

Break the wooden block and let the obsidian fall.Then wait for the slime to be over the bridge then destroy the blocks.

Gather the blocks and go up then gather those blocks too.

Place an L-Shape with two wood blocks to the right and the left upper one a stone and the bottom sand.

Go down and place a Straigh-Shape and destroy the line.

Jump over the slime to the left.

Run through the path and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Friends On Fire.

Gather and go get the Grey Blocks.

Get the sand block and go right.

Place a Pointing-Shape.

Break the lower two.

Place an L-Shape with one wood on the left and Grey block in the middle then two sand on the right.

Gather the blocks.

Break the block underneath the slime and fast! JUMP ! to the left.

Break the blocks underneath and let it fall.

Break the block and FAST! Sprint-Jump left.

Go down and gather the blocks.

Place an L-Shape.

Place a Pointing-Down-Shape then destroy the blocks.

Jump over the slime and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Hellgate

Gather the blocks.

Place them in that order.

Sprint-Jump up and then Sprint then Jump to the right.Then continue to the next map.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough TNT4U

Gather the box.Then place a Straight-Shape with the TNT on the left.

Gather the box and place the TNT On the left and right and wood in the middle.

Jump over and go down and break all the Grey blocks along the path down.

Gather the box and blocks thyen place two Straight-Shapes and destroy them.

Place a Two-Layer and break the top and left blocks.Then Sprint-Jump over to the top.

Place a Pointing-Shape with TNT on the top wood on the middle and Grey on the bottom.

Manuever down.

Wait when the lava JUST drops Sprint run and drill through.

Jump and trigger the on eTNT when it explodes jump one block left.

After they all exploded manuever through and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Eponymous.

Go down Gather the Sand block and go up again.

Sprint-Jump over and gather the sand block.

Sprint-Jump over and go up.

Gather the sand block and jump over the slimes.

Run Straight left and go gather the BOX then go up.

Place an L-Shape with the diamond on the bottom and sand on the top and wood on the right.

Jump over and the ice block and gather the BOX.

Place a Straight-Shape with the TNT on the left and sand on the right when the slimes come under.

Place an L-Shape with wood under and sand on top.

Move the ice block Gather the blocks then move it down, Then place an L-Shape with wood on the bottom and sand on the top.Move the ice block but watch out for the lava.

Jump over and kill the two slimes.

Go back up and move the ice block watch out for the falling lava.

Then go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Crystal Castle.

Quickly run to the left.

Gather the BOXES and Place a Straight-Shape with wood on the left.Then an L-Shape on the left wall with wood on the right.

Then place a Two-Layer with wood on the left.

Gather the BOX.

Place an L-Shape next to the Transmitter.

Sprint jump on the gravel over to the blocks and go gather rthe BOX.

Place an L-Shape with wood blocks to the right.Then another L-Shape above you with wood blocks to the left.

Place an L-Shape.

Break off the two on the left.

Gather the blocks and jump over.

Place a Straight shape with wood..

Place an L-Shape with Wood on the right and a Grey block on the left.

Sprint-Jump to the left and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Full Stuff

Jump up and gather then jump over the flame go and gather.

Stand on the edge and jump over.

Jump left and move the ice block to the right.

Place a Square-Shape.Then jump over and go gather.

Move the ice block to the right then go back over the flame to where the TNT is.

Place an L-Shape.

Place a Square-Shape with wood on the right sand on the left top and any on the bottom.The Slime will ignite the wood.

Gather and go down and gather.

Place a square with sand on the right.

Break the bottom row and the top left block then go back up.And to the machine.

Break the blocks and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Child's Play

Trigger the TNT

Jump over all and move QUICKLY through the path to the top.

Then go right quickly!

Place an L-Shape with TNT on the top then jump to ignite it.

Parkour jump over to the right and then the left.

Destroy this block first.

Then This block.

Then This block.

Then This block.

Then proceed up the path.

Trigger the right TNT block then jump before it explodes.Then quickly run to the right.

Place a Two-Layer-Shape.

Break the top and left side down then jump on the one.Then time and go up.

Place an L-Shape then go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Reflex and Reflection

Get the sand block and go up but don't break the shaking Grey block just jump over and get the sand block.

Then get the Grey block and the Diamond block.

Stand there and place a Straight-Shape with two solids on the sides and sand in the middle.

Gather the blocks but when you get the last one quickly press E.

Place a Pointing-Shape with diamond in the middle and sand on the left.

Destroy the wood block and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Prison

Gather the blocks.

Place them in a Straight-Shape when the slime is in the left corner.

Kill the slime then gather and move the ice block to the left.

Place wood blocks in a Straight-Shape.

Go down and gather the blocks.

Place them in an L-Shape when the slime is to the right.Then Place a Two-Layer-Shape and break the wooden block.

Build an L-Shape with the obsidian block on the top.

Gather and leave the block under the obsidian block.

Get the sand block in the left corner.

Get the wood block sticking out from the L-Shape.Then go up.

Place a Straight-Shape with the sand block on the top.

Leave one block under the sand block,Then build an L-Shape with the diamond on the Transmitter.

Get the block under the obsidian block then quickly run right.

Place a Square-Shape then go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Indie Way.

Jump over the slimes and collect all the wood.

Place an L-Shape, Then Destroy.

Place a Pointing-Down-Shape, Then destroy.

Place an L-Shape, Then destroy and continue to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Big Mama In The Rush

Jump over these and gather the blocks then right.

Place a Two-Layer-Shape then jump on and gather the one block on the top then go on.

Gather all the blocks but the top one.

Place an L-Shape.

Jump over and Gather the two blocks.

Gather the BOX and Place a Straight-Shape.

Run quickly past the falling lava.

Place an L-Shape.

Gather the two diamond blocks then Place and L-Shape and go to the next stage.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough Out of The Ground

Place an L-Shape. This is the way you should jump.

Place a Straight shape and go up.

Just jump up from here.
Blocks That Matter Walkthrough The Lock

Gather all the Iron Blocks.

Break the chest.

Place an L-Shape with 3 Iron down and one Wood left.

Place an L-Shape with two Iron Right and two Wood down.

Hope U enjoyed the Game!!!!!!!