Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One Walkthrough Dewitt Investigations

Haunted by the nightmares of my past. My dreams- flickers of mistakes I've made. I am awakened suddenly by a rapping on the front door.

I told her that I'm closed, but this doesn't sway her as she stops by my window and asks for a light.

With a flick of the wrist, I light a plasmid flame for the dame and ask for her name. "Elizabeth" she says. "You can call me Elizabeth."

I knew from the moment she walked in nothing would ever be the same. She tells me she is looking for Sally. "That's impossible," I retort. "She's dead."

She quickly responds, no doubt in her voice "Missing isn't dead." She leaves me knowing I'll follow behind- needing to follow behind her. I must know more.

Before following her I go to the back of the room and pick up some loose change off my desk.

Then I head for the door. I'm a bit out of sorts, but this case is too intriguing to ignore. There's nothing to go back to but the solemn nature of my shallow existence.

I'm greeted by that vulturous banner Ryan put up. "No Gods. Only man, or kings" it says. As if to contrast the arrogance of such things she stands there- almost mockingly.

"Where's Sally," I request. She only beckons me to follow her. She seems to already have something in mind.

I follow her down the stairs, and past the news stand. The sounds of the elitist aristocracy filling the air.

"What is she to you?" I wonder. She only gives vague impression of Sally's importance, and changes the subject to the fact that she already has a lead. She needs me because of my talent- she says.

We continue on- past the lounge and the diners. Up the stairs and past the little wonders educational facility.

She stops at a line of little sisters being given instruction. "What happened to these children?" She questions with a faint sense of disgust levelled with anger that rivals my own.

Where has she been? After explaining their fate we continue on down the stairs.

We continue on past the "Pneumo! Postal" machine and up the stairs.

The steady hum of the Big Daddy outside rattles my brain. I really shouldn't drink so much, but the demons don't stop talking otherwise. I head on past the scene of man made slavery.

We continue on, past the "Fontaine's" sign. Apparently Fontaine's has been shut down. I don't really like to follow politics, but one can't help but wonder what really happened down there.

We move on, though, thoughts only fleeting. We go up the stairs on the left of the sign as we move towards the elevator by the gaudy statues that help the troglodytes feel more empowered by their conviction.

How she remains unaware of the basic nuances of this place I'll never know. She certainly isn't telling as she presses the button to lead us onto the elevator and forward. She remains mysterious as I ask how she knows where to go.

I press the button to get the elevator going. She knows more of my secrets than I'd care for and I'm not sure why that is or if it's in my interest.

A flash in my head- pain. I get spells sometimes and images in my head. I don't know what they mean, but I know it will pass.

The elevator opens, and we're greeted by a pastey waiter who offers us refreshment. "We're fine, thanks" I reply and he zips off to his next customer.

I head forward into the dining area and pick up any change left on the tables. Being a private detective in a place where people can basically see and hear what they want doesn't always pay the best. Stealing tips is the easiest of sins I can make.

We move ahead, and to the left of the bar. Elizabeth leads me towards Cohen's place. She says her contact is inside.

We attempt to enter- the dame says shes part of "The Artists struggle" but the buster at the door ain't buyin' and says we should blow unless we got an invitation.

Elizabeth mentions that the party we aren't invited to is sponsored by three businesses. One of these should have the mask we need to get inside.

We head back out, and up the stairs- going around the fountain on the left.

As we approach our first heist I question her motives again. She wants me to believe she is here to recieve payment on a debt. I don't know that bird will fly, but she seems set on reaching Sally and that's just fine by me.

We head down the stairs, and inside "The Golden Rule." It's a jewelry shop, and a high class one. Being that Rapture has it's fairest of shares of upper class money I'm sure it has a high stake in this terrace.

As I go to enter, she stops me to ask how we plan on getting the prize. I let her know she can distract the proprietor as I look around more discretely. She seems to be understanding and says she can handle it.

Once inside I tell the clerk that Elizabeth has questions. He heads over to see how he can help.

While she speaks with him I head around the front desk and into the back.

I search all the boxes on the shelves, but there's nothing but jewels which find new home in my pockets. No mask, though.

I look further around the back and come up to an open safe.

The mask case is here, but it's already gone. This joint is an empty hand so I turn and head back out.

As I round the front desk I find that the proprietor is out cold. I guess Elizabeth has more to her than meets the eye.

We head outside and Elizabeth asks if I found it, but I have to impress that this shop is empty as we head towards the next place.

We head up the stairs and to the right.

Through the door that was on the left side we continue up on the right side of the bar area past the German cigar stall.

We head inside the Rapture records store.

I tell him to treat her like a star and the chump is quick to please.

I think she's having a little too much fun as I head around the front desk and into the back room.

I search the room, but there's nothing much here. On the desk lay a box marked Cohen. It must be that, but as I open it I find another dead end.

I let her know this one is a bust and that we now have one place left to check.

So we head up the stairs on the left towards the artists struggle.

Continuing on to the left we head up the next flight of stairs.

At the top, on my left, I see one of those Kinetoscope machines next to some slots.

After taking a second to see what more propaganda Ryan wants to spread I continue forward (right from the Kinetoscope machine) and I can see the "Artists Struggle" ahead.

Once inside I give him the same spiel I gave all the other schmucks. Luckily one thing not lacking in Rapture is ego, and they are all ready to share some of it.

He goes around front to give her his lecturing he probably gives a thousands times a day and I slip by around the desk to the back.

I look around, but there isn't much. Some old beans and empty canvas'. As I reach the far back I find his mask box.

Bingo. I grab the mask and head back to the front.

She plays it cool as she finds an exit to their conversation and we quickly head back out of this over indulgent ego trap.

I tell her she did well, for a kid, and she tells me she learned from the best. I guess her father gave her some good advice.

We head back up the stairs to the movie machine and stay on the right.

Continuing, we go down the stairs further. We can see Cohen's place from here.

We move on to Cohen's, and I decide to go inside. I put on the mask so there's no questioning our invitation.

The doorman lets us inside now so we head through the bright hall inside towards the back.

There's another doorman in the back ready to open the way.

Like a carnival ride the hall goes dark. Then some rabbit ears light up ahead of us leading us to an inner sanctum of shrewd debauchery.

Someone clearly enjoys himself. I head forward into the room. Cohen's reputation precedes him as an eccentric. Everyone in Rapture is on the high rope of eccentricity about to fall off into brazen madness, though, so he's just another rich facist with his own intentions as far as I'm concerned.

So, we head to the right. Down the spiraling stairs.

I can tell as I head down that Cohen likes it rough. Even from the stairs I can see two birds dancing in the center with Cohen giving abusive instruction like a drunken father not getting the retribution he so desperately desires.

I head around to the left, admiring the decor. Red suits him I think.

Cohen is not pleased with his muses, and I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. If he's ready to do that to his guests one can only imagine what he'll do to the two crashers in his midst.

I continue around on the left, taking only a moment to puzzle over the strange rabbit with the red eyes.

As we come around, we find Cohen in a state of dejected disappointment.

I want to ask him a few questions, and he seems to want to be cooperative. He bares strange omens, but requests that we dance.

If it wasn't for Elizabeth I wouldn't even oblige this psychopath. She knows better, though, that this is the only way. She asks me to take her hand, and I decide it best to oblige.

We dance, and I share dark secrets. Suchong doesn't have Sally, and I know it. Elizabeth is a bit bemused by this, but takes it in stride.

It would seem, almost as if precognition served no purpose, Cohen does what I would expect he would do and the shock rattles my bones and drops us both to the floor.

It sometimes seems as though others can read me better than I can understand myself. Even Cohen, as I begin to pass out, extends tidings that bare certain relevance to my past- or vague recollections I have of it. Then I am once again reminded of the darkness.
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One Walkthrough Arrived at Fontaine's station

Like an angel beckoning me, I awaken to see Elizabeth worrying herself over me. I continue to wonder why she seems to care so much, but I let it go.

Cohen comes over the radio to let us know where we're headed. He again warns us, though, that it may not be pleasant and dark things lie ahead.

After the ride the door opens. We're in the Fontaine area now- it's been turned into a prison. I get my pistol ready and head out.

I search the area for anything we can use. Money, food, ammo. Another flashback.

I head around the center bench and see a bunch of mannequins setup in a scene of home life.

To the left I find a Kinetoscope. It's an art piece. Another masterpiece of Cohen's, no doubt.

I see another on the right as well.

After that I turn around and head up the stairs, Elizabeth in tow.

There's nothing on the left- just an icy grave. I go right instead.

At the top I search the returns area for useful items. Elizabeth points out a hook above the gate ahead and suggests we look more.

I head to the left and see some splicers frozen in the ice. One has an "Air Grabber" that might be useful. Kids are always playin' with these, but they should be able to support an adult.

Strangely Elizabeth refers to it as a "sky hook". I don't even know what that is, but it just continues to affirm that she isn't from around here.

We head back to the gate and use the air grabber to jump up to the hook above.

Elizabeth waits below. I begin to go to jump but my air grabber gets stuck. Splicers head out of a hole in the wall and run over a frozen bridge- they appear to be arguing over a plasmid they found.

Using the air grabber I fling myself at the nearest splicer and make short work of the other with my pistol.

Housewares is where Cohen says we need to go. Elizabeth suggests we find a tram that connects the towers.

We head to the elevator.

I hit the button to get us moving on. Elizabeth asks me questions, but I cant remember the answers and I'm not sure I want to anyway. I have another spell, but it quickly passes.

I ready my pistol as the doors open. I want to be ready for any splicers that head our way.

I stay low, moving to the left. I can hear the crazed whispers of a fiend. I take the one by the stairs out and wait.

Sure enough two more are ready to taste lead.

When they're taken care of I head up the stairs.

A fountain of water is all that's left of the bridge to the tram. We're gonna have to find another way. That plasmid from earlier might do the trick.

I head to the stairs on the left. If we're gonna do this we need more supplies and I can hear just the thing not far from here.

I look around for any loose change- it's everywhere, what with this place going under not long ago, several shops still have full tills.

I use the vending machine for ammo and medical attention.

Then I turn around, and I head back to the doors leading towards the "Rapture on Ice" exhibit. If a splicer that needs cold is anywhere he'd be headed there for sure.

The door is locked. Elizabeth asks me to step aside and she makes short work of it. The girl is full of surprises.

We head through and into men's wear. The chill in the air prolongs my certainty.

Heading through the door I hear more voices- splicers for sure. I ready my weapon and creep around the glass display.

I see three of them by the door. Trying to get in but failing.

I toss in a fire plasmid trap to make sure they speak directly to the mortician.

I stay low and keep an eye on my right as another splicer casually jaunts past above. I make sure to put him down quick.

Then I turn around and head back around the display.

Another Splicer wants to speak with my colt.

I head upstairs and notice a turret station inside a changing room on the right.

I keep in cover so as not to set off any alarms.

I head all the way to the left wall- making sure not to be seen by the gun- and I duck down into the vent.

This is some kind of hiding spot for another splicer. I take him out, too.

I search the area for loose change and I find an audio log. Some fools hold himself up somewhere around here- or did at some point. There's no telling how long ago this was.

When I go to head back out there's more Splicers that want to talk.

I steady my aim and make short work of any I find.

I head towards the partition in the center of the changing rooms so the gun doesn't see me.

I head inside one of the changing rooms on the right quickly. Then I take aim.

It's dissection causes a ruckus, but there's no one but Elizabeth to see it.

I head around the corner behind the turret and pick up a box of clothes. I could use a change of pants.

I turn around and head back out and to the right. We go up the stairs.

From the stairs we head to the left.

I decide to turn around before I go and head back down the stairs behind me.

The door downstairs where the Splicers were hanging around still needs to be tampered with.

I ask Elizabeth to open the door for me.

Inside I find another weapon I can use.

I search the area for money and food. Anything I can use.

Behind the bar I find an Infusion Tonic. These always make me feel a little better.

In front of that, on a shelf under the bar, I find another Audio Log.

I go to the stairs, around the other side of the bar, and I head down.

I find myself surrounded by three angry Splicers ready to party and their friend Mr. Turret.

In the end everything works out and I climb over the side of the stairs so the turret can't see me.

As the light passes back and forth the turret creates an opening. When it's looking away I head around to the other side of the staircase. The area beneath it.

I find a body gripping some gold and several coins. These will be useful.

After plundering the treasures below I head back up the stairs- I remain cautious, though, I think I heard something.

No one is here. That's good. I head back outside.

It turns out there are more splicers up above. I slowly head up the stairs.

I find four new friends to play with, but they don't stay for long.

When my friends have gone I go back up to the frozen area from before. I look up and see another hook so we can cross.

I jump up to the hook and survey the floor ahead. It seems clear.

I head down, but I am greeted by more Splicers. I steady my aim.

Once they've been escorted out I pick up the clothes box on the counter. Then I head up some stairs on the right.

I can see the hook from here, which I deftly jump to.

Below there's a turret I could hear previously.

Using the air grabber I fling myself at the turret to take it out. Twice is enough. I turn around quickly, though, and dispatch a splicer that comes at me from behind.

Then I head to the door on my left.

There's more frozen bodies. This must be the place I'm looking for. I head to the door on the right.

We head through the door, discussing splicers. She thinks me cold as I explain my distaste for their pentient for killing children and their need for more plasmids at whatever cost.

I quickly look around inside, but it looks clear.

I head towards the other side, looking through bags and boxes for supplies.

I find some jewels in one of the Pneumo containers that might come in handy with paying for more bullets.

Then I head on, moving to my right to find the door at the end of the collonade.

On the other side of the door I find another door that leads to Ladieswear so we go there.

It seems clear from the door.

I head to the right, towards jewelry.

Inside I find two more Splicers. They want to reform as I send their souls to God.

I head around to the left and look around the store for valuables. I see a door at the back in the shadows.

It's locked. I ask Elizabeth if she can take care of it. It takes her no time to get it open.

Inside I find all manner of treasures. These will come in handy.

On a desk I find another Audio Log. I listen in the hopes of finding important information.

When I head back out I can see another Infusion Tonic ahead.

I head over and pick it up.

Just then, it seems, my faith was misplaced. There are more Splicers disguising themselves as mannequins. It's not hard what with how much they've junked themselves up.

After clearing out the pestilence I ask Elizabeth to reopen the door. It was locked again- probably by the Splicers trying to trap us in here.

On the otherside I find myself shooting down more dopin' Splicers.

I take cover inside the Jewelry shop as I shoot down five of them bastards.

Then I head up the stairs to the right of the Jewelry store.

I see the shoe store on the right as I head up. I decide to head in there next.

Just my luck. More Splicers and they have an itch. I make sure to let 'em know who sent me.

I head further into the room and find the door that was mentioned on an Audio Log earlier. Maybe the dope is still alive.

I punch in the code he gave- 0928- and the door slides open like it's beckoning me.

As I head inside I see another Splicer ahead. I make sure to shoot him before he shoots me.

I can hear the turret and the glow of it's light is no mystery. I throw a fire plasmid trap to blow it up making it easier to get passage through the halls.

Before heading through I pick up the clothes on the counter.

Once inside my suspicions were affirmed. He is no longer alive.

I search the room and listen to what is probably his last Audio Log. The sap is clearly out of luck and it was only a short matter of time before he lost the fight.

I head back out.

I hear splicers outside the shoe store and I take cover.

Several of them bust in on me and I introduce them to my gun.

I find that shooting them can be expensive on the supplies so I decide to start using my air grabber for less suitable means. It does the job I need it to.

I head out the door and to the left down some stairs.

As I approach the elevator some Splicers deboard it. I pop their heads like cherries.

Then I give them some heat to finish the job.

After I've cleared everything out I head through the door that leads to the elevator.

I head to the door on the left- back to the main floor.

On the other side I check my sights- looks clear. I don't see any trouble yet.

I look to the left and jump to the Pneumo railing above.

I take it up to the next floor and jump down. I find more Splicers ready to play so I give them something to think about for a while.

In order to save ammo I also put the air grabber to work.

I head through the first door- Fontaine's Plasmids. There's a locked door and I want to know what's inside- it could be something we can use.

Once inside I take the stairs up on the left.

I make sure to take out any vermin that's lieing in wait up there.

Unfortunately they have friends so I have to let them know I'm here, too. I take out six of them total when all is said and done.

After searching the area for supplies I head back down but I tend towards the right side.

There's a lock box here. I ask if Elizabeth can open it and she does so with ease.

After gaining more treasure we head back out. We're ready to move ahead so we go towards "Jack Frost's Village" on the left.

I head inside and go around on the rigtht.

There's no one here. For once I feel a little calm. I can't stay that way, though, as I head forward.

We open the door ahead.

Once inside I can see a Ice Skate Rental store on the right.

I head to the right. There could be something uiseful inside.

I scavenge the place for supplies and also find a rifle held by another frozen Splicer that I take.

Heading back out we go to the right side.

It's time to go inside.

The Splicer we're looking for is here. I can hear him barking orders at the others like he's their boss. I move to the stairs on the right side- staying low so they don't see me yet.

I can see a lot of guys in here. This going to be tough, but I can handle it.

One comes around the corner and sees me. It's time we get this party going.

I make short work of him.

I make sure to take out any of henchmen in my way.

Remembering there is also more men on the causeway I look to the left. I can also see the case where the "Old Man Winter" Plasmid is being held.

I pump a few rounds into the cold Splicer's face to let him know what he's worth. He takes it about as well as I expected.

When they're all dead I get over to the central area where the display case is.

Opening it does not yield results, however, as we find all the bottles have been drained. God damned Splicers.

Then Elizabeth does a neat trick. She says it's a new plasmid. I don't know what to think of that- I've never seen anything like this, but I am able to get the bottle now.

Having what we need I head back out.

We go through the door and hope to never see this place again.

I can hear Splicers inside the Ice Skate Rental place to the left.

I go inside quickly and take everyone out- they won't forget what happened to them.

I find three guys. I pop one at a time, keeping my aim steady. The carbine has a kick with it's multiple shot rounds, but I am able to dispatch them with little trouble.

Then we head back towards the Pneumo rail area where we started.
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One Walkthrough Heading back to the Tram

I hear more Splicers as I head to the right.

I take my shot as a billy club swipes by my head.

I ask Elizabeth to use that fancy plasmid she has to bring out a Samurai as I take down a few more rabid dogs.

When all is said and done I head to the 'Circus of Values' vending machine, on the left side of the balcony, to resupply some ammo.

Then I look up towards the Pneumo rail above and jump to it with the air grabber.

I speed down the rail, jumping rails when I need to course correct.

When I see the 'Fontaine Menswear' sign I jump back down and head towards the door.

We head back through the door and out towards menswear.

On the other side I keep to the right so as not to be seen. I head down the stairs back towards the front desk below.

I see a Splicer hanging about so I take him down before he has a chance to make trouble for me.

Then we head around to the other side of the partioned walls.

We jump across by using the hook above again.

As I move to the right I quickly notice there's more Splicers waiting for us.

I silently move to the left side stairs and I see if Elizabeth can get us a distraction that helps us remove our obstacles.

Then I head out the front door so we can get back to the tram.

The door to the tram section is just on the right.

From the other side we go down the right stairs where the water is all that's left of the bridgeway.

As I freeze the water to make a bridge Elizabeth questions me about Sally. I'm not really interested in talking about it- we all make mistakes and the devil rides my back all day.

I head across the makeshift bridge of ice and try not to answer any of Elizabeth's meddling questions. What does she care anyway?

Around the other side of the piano I find a stack of gold and coins I quickly recover. If we're going to make it out of here we're gonna need supplies and the best way for it is to take all the cash we grab.

I turn back around and head into the tram area. I search all the abandoned luggage, but quickly make my way to the bathosphere.

Inside we decide to leave now. There's nothing here for us and Sally isn't going to be in any less danger with us sticking around.

I question her being here, but she gives more vague descriptions with a short admittance that she definitely isn't here for the fanatical lawmakers. I am burdened, though, by my demons and decide to let her in on my unclean past.
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One Walkthrough Sally

As the doors open I see Sally crawling into a vent ahead with a Splicer on her tail. I take aim and splatter his brains into the wall and run ahead. "Sally!"

She doesn't listen, as she hides in the vents. Even Elizabeth isn't able to coax her out.

Elizabeth believes we'll have to trap her in order to get her to come out. She makes a plan that seems devious- even for me, or her for that matter. She wants to shut all the vents but the main one and turn up the heat. I am momentarily taken aback but she insists it's the only way.

I find a shotgun on a bench that may come in handy so I pick it up.

She says we have to close five more vents so we go through the door in the back. Elizabeth makes quick work of the locks.

Inside, more Splicers wait for us below.

I head down and quickly leave a freeze trap to take out three of the bastards. A frozen Splicer heads round to see what the ruckus is and I land a bullet in his head.

I then close the vent they were standing by, as part of Elizabeth's plan. That leaves us with four.

Then I head up the stairs towards the Bistro.

At the end of the walkway I use a vending machine to restock on ammo.

Then we go in to the Bistro on the right.

There are Splicers here so I quickly make sure to put them down before they do more harm.

After searching the area I head down the stairs in the back of the Bistro.

I stay low, and ask if Elizabeth can use her plasmid to create a diversion. I got a good hunch we'll need it.

Sure enough two Splicers are scavenging below.

The turret Elizabeth created is useful but I put the two in their graves just as the turret blows up.

Then I head to the back, right side, area and close the third vent. We now have three more to go.

As I head up the stairs I hear more voices and ready my gun.

Three more Splicers are waiting upstairs so I make sure to bring down the thunder in steady fashion- staying low so as not to take too many shots.

Then we head back out of the Bistro through the front door.

I hear more voices as we head through the door. My demons are crazy but these are more like entitled junkies. I know what that means.

I get a bead on five of them as three more head up the staircase. I make sure to gun them down quickly.

Then I head towards the stairs on the left going up to the Appliances- Toys.

Through the door and the sight is eerie. Baby strollers line the hallway and the decay of childrens dreams lay waste as we head towards the next door ahead.

On the other side I catch sight of several more Splicers needing a sign.

I stay low and head to the right taking down each freak as they get in my sights.

When it's clear I head towards the customer service desk and around into the door.

On the left I find another audio log.

At the back I close another vent. Then there was two.

As I head out of the Customer Service office I stay low and move left. I know if there are any more Splicers I'd prefer to have an eagle eye on them before they can do the same.

Around the corner I find there's a turret waiting for me so I quickly head back into cover.

I take stock and find a red barrel nearby that can do a trick for me. I take aim and quickly disintegrate anything in my way.

Then we head down, and I ask Elizabeth to let us inside the door. She has no trouble picking it and getting us in.

It's some kind of bridal parlor. I stay low as I hear music and murmurs inside.

I head to the right and see what looks like a lady dancing in the center. No cause for alarm yet, but I decide to take it easy and I stay low heading towards the counter on the right.

I find an audio log behind the counter. Listening to it leaves one a bit dismayed. I can't help but feel this may be the lady on the other side of this counter.

I slow head around the counter and see some clothes on the counter on my right so I pick it up. I may find this useful.

I stay low and move towards her. I don't often expect the best, but I was hopeful she could still be reasoned with. Unfortunately she drew on me and I had to take her out.

Elizabeth wasn't to pleased with the outcome, but there wasn't much I could do about this one.

I left that place behind, another dark tale I'd sooner forget.

Heading back up the stairs outside I hear more Splicers coming up on us.

I threw out a fire trap to take out a few of them.

Then I contend with a frozen Splicer, making short work of him with the business end of my shotgun.

We then head over to the bookstore at the far side of the causeway.

I can see one already heading up the stairs. I don't even bother waiting this time, and I head to the right when she's dead.

I see another one around the pillar ahead so I shoot him quick.

Another frozen Splicer wants my number, but I aint letting up now. I take him down too.

I find another one hiding by the counter near the stairs, as one of his bullets whizzes past me, so I take him out.

I head up the stairs to the second floor.

It seems kind of ironic. Splicers have no use for books but they hold up here because it is a place familiar to them. It probably some sort of truth in the back of their minds; or maybe they just think it's easier to hold up here. I head to the left, my thoughts lingering a bit.

I suddenly come up on a turret and take a few shots to the vest. I make short work of it though with a fire plasmid.

Then I turn to the right where the vent is on the wall.

I close it shut, just as planned. One vent left.

We head back out of the bookstore.

From the bookstore door I head to the left. On the wall is the last vent we need to close.

I can hear Sally from the vent, but she doesn't respond to our calls.

I close the last vent and Elizabeth says the exhaust is in the toy store.

Before leaving I stock up on ammo at the vending machine behind me.

Then I head towards the Showroom on the left.

It's locked, but Elizabeth deals with that.

Once inside we find more Splicers below.

I take them down, steadying my aim as I take a few shots to the ribs.

We head towards the back and find a door. I try to head inside, but it won't budge (Note: You have to head into the door like normal, as the doors auto open in this game, but this door wont open. Once you try to go through the door it will trigger them figuring out the door is locked).

Elizabeth beckons me to the left side and points out a vent above.

She believes she can climb through in order to open the door from the other side so I give her a boost.

I wait as she tries to unlock the door but it takes more time than usual and I hear some restless Splicers approaching.

I turn around and take cover as several Splicers attack me.

I take out my shotgun for my crowd control as more of them keep coming.

In total I have to take down seven of the fiends before Elizabeth is able to get the door open.

Then I head inside with Elizabeth in tow.

After searching the lockers I head up the stairs on the left.

I continue searching lockers as I go up the stairs.

More pain in my skull. More flashes and thoughts.

I notice a path back behind us so I head over to where some water is spraying out.

I freeze the water and head across.

I find some clothes on a desk on the other side and other supplies.

On a desk I find another audio log.

I also check the room in the back. There isn't much but I get another lockpick for Elizabeth out of it.

Then I head back towards the stairs.

And we continue our ascent up.

At the top I search the area for more supplies. I get this gut feeling that there's more surprises ahead and I want to be ready for it.

When I'm done searching I head out the door on the back right of the room and down the stairs.

I can see the main vent ahead and Elizabeth runs ahead to check it.

There's no sign of Sally here.

I head around the partition into the door behind it.

On the other side we move down the hallway and around another central wall.

I see a door on the left. There's nothing else here so we go in there.

Inside we find the central exhaust valve. I can't... I can't bring myself to burn a little girl like that. I ask Elizabeth to do it.

She does it without a second thought. Sometimes she seems like she can be so cruel.

So we head back out, and I can see Sally in the vent ahead.

"Sally!" I cry, but it doesnt seem to be working. Elizabeth beckons me to head back to the central area outside.

I run quickly to make my way back to the main vent.

The only way she can get out now is through here. I get there as fast as I can.

I want to turn it off. We're hurting her- I know it. Elizabeth refuses, though.

"Sally, it's me" I exclaim. She is still hesitant. I don't think she even recognizes me anymore.

I tell her she must come out, but she only fights me more.

Just then I hear a loud groan and I quickly turn around to see a big daddy. I dash to the side as he tosses a drill my way. That was close.

I quickly head to the nearest Pneumo rail and jump on.

I take pot shots at the beast from above as I glide across the rail as quickly as I can.

It throws it's drill at me continuously pulling me forward. I am only momentarily stunned as I quickly back away.

I ask Elizabeth to do something as she brings in some kind of armored robot to fend off the Big Daddy which takes a bit of the attention off of me.

It gives me enough time to pull out my shotgun and blast away at it's face.

Keeping mobile; I jump back on the rail and take more pot shots from above.

The automaton seems to be doing just the trick as it keeps the Big Daddy preoccupied while I shoot at it from a distance.

I fling myself at the Big Daddy, I think it's ready to go down.

That's all it needed to find it's peace.

I quickly run back up to the main vent.

I try to reason with Sally to get her to come out. I show her the doll head I retained for her.

More flashes. More memories. What...?

What have I done?

Comstock. I'm Comstock. I've done terrible things.

I am told of the wrongs that need righting, but I suddenly already know. I... remember things I came here to forget.

"I'm so sorry," I cry. I mean it, but she is cold to the sentiment.

"No, you're not" she tells me as she takes the dolls head. "But you're about to be," she whispers.

The sting peircing my stomach. I gasp in agony. Big Daddy has drilled me from behind as the lights fade out.

That's all for Burial At Sea Episode 1. If you need any answers to questions I may not have touched on you can reach me on Twitter (@cornbredx). As always, you're donations are appreciated and I am thankful for them. Thanks for reading!