This guide contains descriptions of in-game boss fights, along with plethora of screenshots. Each description is complemented with tips on how to beat a given boss.
Moreover, there are some general hints, trivia, and clear description of the controls. There is also an explanation on differences between two types of inventory and between various supporting characters. A game like this can be real fun, as long as you know how to play.
The guide for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: Full Burst game contains:
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: Full Burst is a fighting type of game. Players control various characters and fight against each other or against AI on special arenas. Besides, the game allows players to follow the story that originates from the comic books series on which the game is based. This game mode offers unlockable characters, who can later be used in fights.
Support - A supporting character, who can be summoned with a button combination.
Ultimate Jutsu - Your character's best jutsu
Bento/Food - Food, which regenerates your health and adds statistics boost for the next fight.
Chakra Dash - Quick sprint toward an enemy.
Quick time event - An interactive scene, in which player has to press specific buttons. If they fail, the player's character receives damage. Success is rewarded with stars.
Special Action - Sometimes during combat there is a circle on the screen between two portraits, which means that a special action may and should be performed. The very action is secret - only by trying all possible combinations can you unlock it. Finding it launches a quick time event or a cut-scene.
Secret Factor - After you have won a specific number of stars, you will see a special cut-scene during a fight.
Ninjutsu - An attack which requires Chakra.
Chakra - A bar set below the health bar.
Tilting Attack - An attack performed by quickly tilting up and releasing the left analogue stick followed by pressing an attack button. Depending on the character, the number of attack buttons may vary.
Actions described in Controls chapter were marked with blue.
1. Acquaint yourself with the controls, because you cannot win a fight by randomly pressing buttons.
2. If you have problems with beating a particular opponent, eat Bento. This will not only restore your health, but also improve your statistics for the battle. Besides, take Hero equipment, where you can put chakra and life potions.
3. If you care for getting points for a fight, try to perform as much different combos as possible and also end the fight with the Ultimate jutsu.
4. Read the tips displayed at the beginning of every fight, and try to perform bonus actions to get a higher reward.
5. If you want to get close to an opponent, use Chakra Dash.
6. Use your Support's help as often as possible. They work like ninjutsu, which means that the more you use them, the more frequently they help you on their own.
7. Force your opponent to use up all four dodges before you do - this will give you an upper hand.
8. In time, dodges restore, but trying to use this while it is on cooldown will interrupt the cooldown.
9. PC version has no keyboard configuration, so you have to do this manually (although pad is better).
10. Instant awakening increases your strength, although it slowly reduces your chakra.
11. You can surprise your opponent by performing several hand-to-hand attacks and then using ninjutsu.
12. Do not use ninjutsu or supports when your opponent is laying on the ground, because it will not be effective. In such circumstances only a distance attack works.
13. While your opponent is using his support, counter-attack him with yours.
14. When an opponent has no dodges left, approach him and perform the best attack you have in store. There is a slim chance he can defend against that.
15. When you have little health, use awakening in order to turn the odds to your favor.
16. To unlock the final character (Kabuto), you need 1 600000 Ryo.
17. Ninja World Timeline pages can be found scattered around various locations or received as a bonus for a fight.
Supports are your personal bodyguards. You can have two of them in a fight against another player, while in story mode you are given them in some fights by the game.
Before a fight against other player or against AI in free battle mode, you can choose two of all supports that you have unlocked so far.
They can perform special actions - either on their own, when support bar reaches 50%, or directly on your command.
When you summon them with right buttons, they will attack your opponent with their special abilities. However, the adversary can interrupt the attacks by performing his ability attack - in that case the supports disappear and go on cooldown.
While you are using supports, their bar (next to your avatar) is loading up. When this is full, you can perform Team Ultimate Jutsu.
There are three types of supports:
Attack - Supports ascribed to this category can help you on their own by adding bonus damage to your attacks. Besides, they will be kicking your opponent for additional damage, while they are flying through the air after being pushed back.
Defense - While you are charging your Chakra, a support of this type arrives to protect you with his own body from your opponent's attacks. Additionally, when the enemy uses Chakra Dash on you, the support blocks the attack.
Balance - Supports of this type can boost your improved distance attack or take an enemy Ultimate Jutsu hit for you (in that case they die).
Charge Chakra
Double jump
Distance attack
Improved distance attack
Ultimate Jutsu
Team Ultimate Jutsu
(MAX support bar)
Use Supports
Chakra Dash
Support attack
Life Awakening
(Relevant health level) Hold
Instant Awakening
Use items
Charge Chakra
Double jump
Distance attack
Improved distance attack
Ultimate Jutsu
Team Ultimate Jutsu
(MAX support bar)
Use Supports
Chakra Dash
Support attack
Life Awakening
(Relevant health level) Hold
Instant Awakening
Use items
Hero and Legend are two item sets which can be used in combat. Before you start a fight, you can choose whether you want to use items from the Hero or Legend set.
Each set has four slots for items. One slot may contain as many items of one kind as the set level indicates.
The sets level-up through experience points. You gain these for every fight. Both sets earn experience simultaneously, no matter which one is being used. From time to time you will have to make so-called "ultimate decisions" - decide between two actions which can give you a large number of experience points for either Hero or Legend set.
Both sets are useful, note however, that only one can be active at a given time. Many duels fought against AI can be won without using the sets, however, while fighting against another player these can give you a big advantage.
Hero set
This is characterized by usefulness items that can be ascribed to it. These are items which restore health, chakra, and temporarily increase your character's attack, defense or speed. This set can be especially useful when you repeatedly fail against a given adversary (or several of them), each time finding yourself short on health or any other important statistics.
Legend set
This is characterized by damage items, which dominate in the set. These are all kinds of kunais - which work as traps that you can throw around the arena - bombs, and items which temporarily decrease attack, defense, speed, etc. for an enemy.
Knowing the controls is one thing, but to win a fight you need to respond accordingly to whatever is happening on the screen. Note that, although every character has basically the same mechanics, they all vary in speed or range of their attacks, as well as in Awaking modes.
Before you start a fight, you should consider your tactics. There are following bars:
Health bar - This usually stands for 50% of a character's health. When it drops to zero, another bar pops out in its place - that one stands for the remaining half of your health and when it drops to zero too, the fight ends.
Chakra bar - This bar indicates how much chakra you have at the moment. Chakra is useful for activating strong attacks like ninjutsu or chakra dash. Try to keep the bar on high level. Chakra can be charged, but the process leaves you exposed for attacks, so do this carefully.
Guard bar - Indicates how many dodges you have left. Customarily, you can use four dodges in row. Be careful though not to waste them, as they have long cooldown.
Supports bar - Some specific bonuses are granted while this is loading (see "Support" chapter for more information).
Some characters can improve their attacks by switching modes (e.g. Jugo's rocket hands) with right analogue stick. This is risky though, because while in this state you cannot use your support, and also the Chakra bar is continually decreasing. This can be turned on and off at any time, so you should use it right before entering hand-to-hand combat.
Another important thing is to look closely what kind of support your opponent has. If it is Balance, you need to be careful with using Ultimate Jutsu, because this type of support can take a hit for the opponent and you will only waste your chakra. Do you still want to do this? If you do, the opponent will also lose something - one of his supports. If he has only one supporting character, this means that he can use the support one more time (each support can sacrifice himself twice).
If the opponent has Defense type of supports, they can protect him while he is charging chakra. To blast through that defense, you will need to perform an entire combo.
Try to force your opponent to use up as many dodges as possible before you use up yours. This way, after dodging the fourth strike he will start to receive damage, while you will still have some spare guards for dire situations. Let him waste those!
Do not forget to use counter-attacks. Use this when the opponent is blocking - this way you will not only deal him damage, but also knock him down in most cases. While the opponent is laying on the ground, you cannot hurt him. However, you can use the time to charge your chakra bar.
While in combat, do not forget to use items from your set - especially when playing against other players.
This is one of the first fights in the story mode. In this fight you play as Third Hokage, who has to beat the Nine-Tails to prevent him from destroying a village.
You can jump between numerous rooftops by pressing relevant buttons and attack Kyubi from a distance by using fire jutsu or a throwing staff. You can also be aided by your support, who will cast fireballs whenever you command him to do so.
When the fight just begins, you have to stay focused and avoid Kuybi's attacks and Bijudamas. In such cases though, you will see a notification warning against whatever the beast is up to.
Use long ranged attacks to fight him, until you are notified that you can proceed to hand to hand techniques. That happens only when you are near the enemy.
After several attacks the game will notify you that your support has arrived - but first you need to run to him, before you can give him any orders. This time the support is Choza. Follow an arrow to get to him, and then activate him. This will start a cut-scene along with several quick time events. Press the buttons as displayed on the screen, to get stars. If you successfully get all the stars, you will see a rewarding scene at the end. The faster you perform the more stars you get.
After passing the first quick time event, you will again play as the Third. After a while you will see Inuzuka Clan - run to them as you have done previously. The next in line is Nara Clan - after that event the fight should be finished.
This is the first fight in duel mode. It does not differ from any other combat you will take part in. Note that you can unlock a so-called Secret Action, that is a characteristic animation performed during a fight, which starts a cut-scene.
In this particular case the Secret Action is Chakra Dash. When you launch it, you will still have to perform a quick time event, in order to hurt your opponent.
The opponent is not a very challenging one, as long as you have previously got to know the 'Combat' and 'Controls' chapters. Try to use varied techniques so to get as much money as possible.
Secret Factor: 10 stars
This is the final battle between Naruto and Kyuubi, who is training under the eye of Killer Bee on the Turtle Island.
In this combat you can choose to use Bee's help, which can definitely make the fight easier.
Depending on your choice you will be allowed to use an additional Bee's attack or not.
The fight is divided into two parts. At first, attack the fox while he is resting. He loses his strength after every area attack - you can tell he is exhausted when his head is low and he is panting. When that happens, get close to him with Chakra dash and attack. A good combination is to perform ninjutsu, two standard attacks, and ninjutsu again, before the opponent regains consciousness.
You need to watch out for his attacks and stay away from him as far as possible until he gets exhausted. This way you will stay out of his arms' reach - that alone will protect you from some of his attacks.
After a while a quick time event starts - you need to press the buttons as they appear on the screen.
The second phase of the fight is a little bit different. Kyuubi's attacks get more frequent, whereas you are able to use Kushina's help - she can knock the fox on the ground, whenever you ask her to. It is a good idea to use that when the opponent is trying to perform a ranged attack, in order to prevent him from doing that.
Most importantly, wait until he uses his tail attack. When you avoid that, you can dash to him and press the chakra charging button. This will initiate another quick time event. If you perform well, your jutsu will get stronger, dealing much more damage to the opponent.
When Kyuubi is down to one health bar, yet another quick time event starts after which the fight is over.
Secret Factor: 32 stars
In this combat Guy and Kakashi fight against the Swordsmen during Shinobi War. At the beginning, you as Guy have to decide whether to face the seven alone or let Sakura and Lee help you, which would divide the fight into three.
If you decide to fight alone, you had better prepare the Hero set with health and Chakra potions, just in case.
While in combat, attack all the enemies with your ninjutsu. This way you will damage all the opponents in range, while remaining in constant motion. You can also make use of Lee's and Sakura's help - summon them as often as possible.
Remember to finish off enemies who are marked by a relevant icon, or else they will return to combat. When you do that, the one getting finished off usually bumps into his own allies, which deals them some extra damage.
When you have beaten them, the first phase ends. Then, as Kakashi, you will have to face Zabuza. You can perform two Secret Actions here. The first one is dodging an enemy attack, and the other is performing ninjutsu while he is doing the same. The difficult thing with the other one is that you will have to had pressed and held the attack button during a quick time event, so you should best press the button before the icon appears. Note that you can only perform the Secret Actions in memory mode, while the screen is in sepia.
The combat itself is not difficult. You should best attack your opponent only with ninjutsu, since he rarely avoids these. Zabuza's weakness is his slowness - because of this, it is easy to beat him. When his health is down to one bar, he gets faster and stronger, however, using the ultimate jutsu should settle the matter down. Even if you are not doing very well, the potions should help you out.
Secret Factor: 32 stars
In this combat you fight as Giant Choji against a statue. The fight is set in slow motion, so it is not very dynamic.
The most important thing is to stay close to the statue and keep hitting it with your fists. While the opponent is blocking, use counter-attack to break the block and knock the statue on the ground. It is best to keep tossing the enemy around, because then you can perform a special attack, which deals a lot of damage.
The best tactics is to repeat the pattern over and over again. Whenever the statue knocks you back, use Chakra Dash to get close to it.
When the statue's health is low, Choza appears to help you finish off the opponent in a quick time event sequence. If you remember to make a good use of counter-attacks, the fight should cause you no problems.
Secret Factor: 19 stars.
This is one of the toughest fights. During this one you play as Tsunade and have to beat Madara. You should equip yourself with Hero set with a lot of health potions.
During the first phase, keep attacking Madara until he loses his first health bar. Do this however you like, but do not forget to use support and ninjutsu. Try not to lose too much health in this part of the combat.
The next phase begins with a cut-scene, after which Madara jumps into a tree. Only Raikage can drag him down from there, so use him to do this as soon as his cooldown ends. When Madara falls down, attack him as quickly as possible, because he is going to jump back into tree branch. While sitting there he is using the wood style - you cannot respond to that otherwise than with dodging his attacks. At least he jumps off after several attacks. Before this phase ends you should heal up.
Two more health bars down, and Madara summons Susano. You will have to decide whether to stand to the fight against him without your ability to heal but with a help from your support, or the other way round. As the fight begins, the new opponent showers you with punches. You can block fire balls, however, do not try this against sword strikes - rather dodge these. To get your own back, you will first have to destroy the six seals on his chest.
You can use the help from your support, if you have it. Otherwise you will have to do this on your own. The best way to do that is with hand to hand attacks.
When you have broken the seals, keep pressing the attack button, to deal damage. You will need to repeat this pattern several times until his last health bar drops to half - then the final quick time event starts.
Secret Factor: 35 stars.
In the last fight in the game you have to beat all tailed beasts, and then Tobi, who controls them.
Preparation first. I recommend the Hero set with lots of health potions. This may prove very useful, since the skirmishes are quite challenging, the enemies aggressive, and there are a lot of fights in row. It is good to eat a Bento or other type of food which would improve your statistics for the next fight.
Before the combat starts you can choose whether to fight all six enemies at once or just three of them. In both cases the fight plays off the same way, however, in the first case-scenario you need to attack more quickly.
Use ninjutsu and counter-attack as much as possible. Counter-attack is especially powerful in this fight - it launches a jump attack which deals a lot of damage to the opponents. Remember to heal up whenever your health drops down to half - the health level is common for all the fights.
In the next combat you will face the transformed opponents. Do your best to avoid their attacks and perform yours. Do not forget to use Bee's help, your support. The problem is, you cannot use your equipment, so try not to take too much damage. Remember to use Chakra Dash to get close to your opponents and keep pressing on. While attacking one enemy, keep an eye on the other, because he is not going to stand still.
Better waste all four dodges than to lose your health. Later, you will see a quick time event in which your character will be fighting against all the beasts.
That phase finished, Tobi himself joins the fight - deal with him the same way you dealt with other enemies. When his health drops a little, he summons two more beasts - that will repeat several times. Follow the same pattern in all cases but the final one.
When Five-Tails attacks you with his jump attack, remain in motion, so to prevent him from hitting you with his special attack.
The snail-like six-tailed beast mostly attacks from a distance, however, its attacks are slow. You can beat him from a safe distance or just dash to him and shower with punches, thus leaving him defenseless.
Son the monkey is good at ranged attacks, but not too nimble when it comes to hand to hand combat. This is why you should keep punching it, while dodging the other beast's ranged attacks.
The last is the flying one. Try to use improved distance attack on him, because he has the upper hand at close quarters. Use that attack all the time, as it interrupts his attack - the only time he can attack you freely is while you are charging chakra. You can get extra help from Bee, who can take half of the health bar away from him.
After you have beaten the dragonfly, Tobi leaps into battle once again. Beat him, and you will play as Kyubi in the next fight. Now you need to eliminate the beasts one by one. As soon as the enemy tries to use its special technique, interrupt this with your ninjutsu.
When the enemy attacks you from a distance, do the same. If he is close and you want to knock him back, use the improved distance attack. Do not forget to block - this can protect you from most of the enemy attacks.
After beating the enemies again, you will have to battle against Tobi for the last time. Both of you have your health bars refilled. Dodges regenerate much faster than previously, so use them at every opportunity, to teleport behind enemy's back. Note that your ultimate works only at close quarters, so there is little chance for it being successful. Instead, it is better to use normal ninjutsu more often.
In the end, another quick time event starts - that is the final sequence of the fight.
Secret Factor: 40 stars.
To unlock the famous battle between Kabuto and Uchiha brothers, you have to first finish the story line. This will unlock a so-called Free Mode, which allows you to wander around the game world.
Go towards Hokage's Mansion and you will see a frog at the bottom of the stairs. It will give you a gem which puts the locations of chakra fragments on your map. One fragment gives you 20 points. Once you have collected 5000 points (the maximum), go back to the quest giver and talk to it until it asks you to bring yet another fragment. You will find this where the final fight of the story line had been fought.
This is a clearing with a black stone at the center. On picking it you will face Sasuke - what you have to do is kill off the white Zetsu, and finish the fight with beating Tobi. You should not have any problems with that, especially after finishing the story line.
Once you have beaten him, you will unlock Kabuto fight in fights tab.
The fight against Kabuto is the toughest battle against an AI there is.
It is good to eat Bento before this and set the Hero equipment so it contained as many health potions as possible.
In the first phase you play as Sasuke - this is not particularly difficult. Do not use the potions, even if you receive some serious damage, because in the next phase your character is going to switch for Sasuke's brother. Once you have significantly weakened your opponent (two and a half bars) a quick time event will initiate, after which you will be playing as Itachi.
This is where the problem starts. The enemy is extremely aggressive, has five health bars and is very resilient for your attacks.
While fighting you can notice that charging at you makes your opponent vulnerable. When he is doing that, wait a moment and once the distance between you two is right, throw the Ultimate Jutsu at him, so to deal him as much damage as possible (you may also use counter-attack). Use Sasuke as often as you can, so to increase the damage you deal.
Kabuto often uses the Snake Mode, so you need to keep up with him or to use support and ninjutsu interchangeably - it often happens that Kabuto uses the Substitution Jutsu on one, but gets hit by the other. This is when you can charge your chakra.
The key thing is to avoid direct combat, unless you have all four body replacements ready, because otherwise Kabuto's combo can take a lot of your health. It is a good idea to knock him up into the air, jump to him, and punch him a few times while he is defenseless. You should best count how many times he has used his transformation skill - once he has used it four times, attack him with full combo.
Two bars down and Kabuto jumps at a rock. Then, the only way you can hurt him is your ninjutsu. If you have not lost too much health and have not used any health potion at this point, you are on a straights road to victory.
When a Secret Action notification appears, Kabuto freezes for a moment. You can either use Chakra Dash to initiate a cut-scene or walk toward him and cast the Ultimate Jutsu. He cannot defend himself at the moment.
Be careful though, because initially Kabuto summons Kimimaro's spears and performs three quick attacks. You can use Substitution Jutsu or double-jump to avoid these. When he jumps up on the rock for the second time, he throws rocks at you and then casts a spear.
He will jump up there several times and when on elevated position, he will be using nets and, finally, ghosts. All these attacks can be avoided with substitution-jutsu or double jump.
When his health is low he uses all the previous attacks and do that even more frequently than before. Moving rocks can be destroyed with ninjutsu or support's attack.
The fight goes on until you reduce Kabuto's last health bar to zero. When Itachi activates Izanami the fight is over.
Secret Factor: 55 stars.
Generally, Naruto fights at close quarters, even though some of his attacks can be used from a distance.
Rasengan is very useful in its basic form - when charged it does not deal much more damage, and also it charges quite long. In this game the reflexes is key, so by standing at one place for even a moment you create a good opportunity for your opponent.
Tilting Attack also has different forms. When using the first version of the attack, Naruto projects his own clones at the enemy, thus knocking the opponent down, while in the other version a clone tosses Naruto - this is a good way to get quickly to your enemy.
Using Tilting Attack in the frog sage mode requires to line the clones up with attack button, then your character will dash toward his opponent. Pressing attack button again results in performing a kick and rasengan. When you succeed at this, you can see an animation which shows the enemy take two hits and fall on the ground.
Most of Naruto's ninjutsus and the Ultimate have an average speed, so use these at close range. The exception is projectable Rasen Shuriken.
In Awakening mode Naruto transforms into a fox demon or into Kyubi form. Both versions increase his speed and add extra ninjutsus.
Fox demon - Increased speed, distance attacks (ninjutsu), more powerful close quarter combat, as well as longer range of hand to hand attacks.
Kyubi form - Increased speed, more powerful close quarter combat, quick ninjutsu.
Neji is a close quarter fighter of a high defensive and attack potential.
While in Awakening mode his every hit lowers an opponent's maximum chakra. It is best used just before lapsing into hand to hand combat, so your strikes were causing the extra effect. When the opponent is out of dodges, performing a full combo makes him temporarily unable to use jutsu.
In his ninjutsu Neji has a technique that enables him to block any hit and to deal damage to an opponent who got too close. You may use this to interrupt enemy attacks or to harm an adversary who really wants to fight you at close quarters. This can also be performed in the air.
His Ultimate has an average range and is rather slow, so if you try to use this, do that at close distance.
Tilting Attack casts an air pillar - as many of these as many times you click the attack button. The last (third) strike knocks an opponent down.
Sakura fights at close quarters. All her jutsus help her close the gap between herself and her opponent.
All Sakura's ninjutsus allow her to jump toward an enemy. This makes her good at fighting ranged characters. Although she is not very fast, her strikes deal a lot of damage.
A good tactics is to knock an opponent up into the air with ninjutsu, and while his is defenseless, jump toward him with double-jump to punch him a few times.
While on Awakening, Sakura's strikes are even more powerful. She also gets two extra dashes to use at any moment. These deal serious damage to the enemy hit.
Sakura's Tilting Attack makes her trot toward an opponent while dealing small damage to him. When you get close to the adversary, press the attack button again to knock him down.
Sai fights at close distance, although his jutsu has a long range.
It is noteworthy that while performing ninjutsu, you can hold the attack button longer to cast not three lions but many more of them. The lions fly fast toward an opponent and explode at hitting him.
His Ultimate makes him jump on his pet bird and fly toward an enemy. The clear advantage of this is that it cannot be stopped by any ranged jutsu which glide on the ground.
Awakening increases Sai's hand to hand attack and running speed - use this whenever you can.
Sai's Tilting Attack summons three dogs, which attack your opponent whenever you press the attack button. You need to press it several times, since one click means a single attack. Finally, they knock the enemy down.
Lee is one of the fastest characters as far as hand to hand combat is concerned. Owing to his quick moves he is the most effective at close quarters.
His Ultimate is so fast that not many opponents can avoid it. Use it as often as you can.
His ninjutsu begins a series of attacks - if an opponent avoids the first one, there is a big chance he will get hit by the other ones.
Be careful with Lee's Awakening. He can activate this instantly, gaining two extra abilities and doubling his speed. The problem is, however, that in this mode the character is using up his health instead of chakra. If he gets too excited, he may even die. Fortunately, after the Awakening is over, his health is slowly regenerating.
With Tilting Attack Lee can jump toward his opponent - both at long and close distance. By pressing the attack button again you will perform a kick that will knock the opponent down.
Tenten is a warrior who fights at long distance.
This character's biggest strength is her long ranged attack - this can be used to perform an entire combo, which will not allow your opponent to let his guard down, or to interrupt his ninjutsu. At the end of the combo she takes a step back to further increase the distance.
She is also good at defending herself, should anyone get too close. With her ninjutsu she casts several bombs at a small distance. These can throw the opponent back, thus creating an opportunity for getting away from the enemy.
Hitting a relevant button launches Tenten's awakening. While in this mode, she acquires two new abilities: water strike and wind strike. They both have long distance, although water is rather slow. It is best to enter this mode, use the two abilities and turn the mode off, in order not to waste more chakra than necessary.
Tenten has various Tilting Attacks:
The first one can be used right from the start of a fight and works fine at a close distance. When properly used, this can keep an opponent at a distance for a while. Technically, it is a series of staff strikes - the third one casts an opponent back and knocks him down.
The second one can only be used in Awakening mode. The character projects stones which quickly move toward an enemy. This can be used at an average distance.
Shikamaru fights both at an average and close distance.
All his jutsus are fast, but they are useless against distant enemies. This may be a problem, because the attacks do not follow your opponent, but instead fly straight toward the enemy's position at the moment of casting.
While playing as this character, it is important to use awakening as often as possible. This mode can be entered only when Shikamaru loses some health. This changes his ninjutsu, increasing its range and surface, thus becoming harder to avoid. It also increases the character's speed and other statistics.
Counter-attack is also a useful ability. It works at a short range and throws an opponent at the other side of the arena. Unfortunately, Shikamaru has one serious weakness, which is his slowness.
With his Tilting Attack Shikamaru uses his own shadow to grab an enemy, punch him in the face and knock him back.
Choji fights at close distance.
His biggest weakness is his Ultimate. This is very slow and has a short range. Generally speaking, using this is a waste of chakra.
However, ninjutsu is quite a different story. This changes Choji into a meat tank, relentlessly charging at the enemy. This is very quick, and besides, it follows the opponent. This works best when used at close distance, because then it leaves not much time for the enemy to avoid this. Ninjutsu can be used to quickly dash to an adversary. It can also be used from the air.
Awakening is Choji's strength. In one version of the mode, he grows wings (can be used at any time) and in the other he turns into a giant. Wings give him extra speed, while being a giant increases his damage at the cost of speed.
This character has Tilting Attacks that vary depending on the mode he is in. Customarily he attacks in a way similar to Sakura, and when transformed he lunges at an enemy to crush them. This may prove useful in various situations.
Giant Choji
This version of awakening, can be used only when Choji's health drops to a certain level. Then he can turn into a giant for a increased damage.
Winged Choji
This version of awakening can be used at any moment. In this mode Choji grows wings on his back.
While equipped with wings, Choji not only does not lose speed, but gains it.
Thanks to her ranged ninjutsu Ino fights well both at close quarters and at a long distance. Her ninjutsu projects flowers, which covers an area with exploding traps. Even when the first missile misses the target, the others may damage him upon being walked onto. This can be effectively used to deprive the opponent of dodges.
When the adversary can no longer defend himself, you can perform your Ultimate (this has an average range). Note that she slaloms toward the opponent instead of dashing straight forward - because of this the target does not know where to run.
Using counter-attacks is a good technique, as it has a longer range than the standard hand to hand attacks.
Awakening mode can be used at any moment. This increases the character's movement speed and damage dealt.
With her Tilting Attack Ino performs a sidle, which knocks the opponent down.
Nagato fights at close quarters. He has the same defensive mode as Neji.
With his ninjutsu he creates a wind blow, which interrupts enemy jutsu knocking the opponent back and dealing damage. When fighting against him, the problem is that this attack is performed faster than similar Neji's attack, so you need some good reflexes to avoid the hit.
His Ultimate Jutsu projects a grabbing missile. However, this is extremely slow, so you should approach an enemy at a very short distance, to even hope to hit them. This is difficult to perform, thus pretty much useless.
Awakening mode significantly increases the character's movement speed and damage dealt. This can be entered at any moment - for the best effect, it should be used in hand to hand combat.
The character's biggest weakness is the low speed of ninjutsu and Ultimate. Because of this, you should focus on close quarter combat. Ninjutsu may be combined with a hand to hand attack - when put at the very end, knocks an enemy back.
To prevent an opponent from getting away, use Tilting Attack, which drags the enemy toward you.
Gaara is a long distance fighter. Note that ranged jutsu always stops jutsus performed at close quarters.
One of Gaara's forms can enter awakening mode right from the start, however, in that case he is losing his chakra. The other one can enter the mode only when his health drops to a certain level. When active, the awakening mode offers two extra ranged abilities. These are: casting spears at a distant enemy and increasing the range of standard attacks, which is a big advantage.
His ninjutsu is a ranged sand attack. Although this has an average speed, it can reach even the far end of the arena. This is perfect for keeping an opponent at bay.
The Ultimate has an average range, so this should be used to outsmart the opponent. When he is charging at you from the far end of the arena, quickly use the attack so the enemy crashed into the projectile.
A standard hand to hand combo will push your opponent back to the far end of the map. Do your best to keep him there.
Kakashi fights at close quarters. He can perform series of quick punches.
You can choose between two Kakashi's variations. The first one can perform a hand to hand ninjutsu and ranged Ultimate, while the other one ranged ninjutsu and hand to hand Ultimate.
Basic ninjutsu, Lightning Blade, can be performed in two variations. In the first one, the character dashes toward an opponent with intention to stab him. In the other one, he projects an electric dog, which runs to the opponent and explodes.
Lightning Blade: Twin Lightning Shiver is a much better Ultimate than Kamui, because the latter should only be performed on an opponent who is standing still - it is hard to catch anyone with this.
Nevertheless, Kakashi with Kamui has a better Awakening. This enables him to cast his clones at an opponent, which both are quick and have a long range of attack. The clones deal damage upon hitting their target. In its other variation the Awakening is not as effective, since it only increases the character's damage and movement speed.
If you want to play as Tobi, first you should be able to recognize three variations of the character. The first one is the Masked Man who wears a bright orange mask. This character fights mostly at close quarters.
His ninjutsu makes him move behind his opponent and drop some explosives, which burst upon hitting the target. You may use that move to get close to an opponent.
In his Ultimate, he dashes toward an enemy and grabs him. This does not take much time, so it can be performed in hand to hand combat.
An important feature is his awakening, which enables him to be invulnerable to damage for a short time. The effect turns off when the Masked Man resumes the attack.
In another variation Tobi wears a white mask. Owing to his ninjutsu this character should be used for ranged combat. This is because his basic jutsu casts three fire whirlwinds at an opponent even at a very long distance. Additionally, in the awakening mode he gets two jutsus, which projectis two fireballs at an enemy.
If an opponent is getting closer, you might want to use Ultimate. This has a short range, so you need to provoke an enemy to run into the trap.
Tobi's last variation is the one with an orange mask and bombs-based jutsu.
This character offers an interesting gameplay, as he uses ninjutsu to get close to an opponent. If he successfully gets to them, he moves behind their back. This means he can quickly perform a strike at a close distance as soon as the opponent gets up. A big advantage of Tobi's ninjutsu is its speed - he moves toward an enemy and drops a bomb in just a second, which makes it hard to avoid.
This is best used several times in a row, in order to create a minefield. When an enemy walks into such bomb, they get kicked back.
If you do not feel comfortable with this tactics and you have already lost a half of your health, you can enter awakening mode in which the ninjutsu changes - instead of bombs it projectis fireballs. Additionally, that increases the character's speed.
As soon as Sasuke has her awakening available, she starts to fight mostly at close quarters. Before that, she attacks the enemy with her average-distanced ninjutsu.
When playing as this character, note that some of her Ultimates are very hard to aim. The worst of them is Amterasu, which can only prove effective when an enemy is standing still. You have no chance to hit a moving target with this.
Kirin is a little better technique. This casts a lightening at an opponent. Although this also can be avoided by simply running around, an enemy who tries to dodge this will, to his surprise, get hit.
As for the first phase of combat, you should attack with flame control or another ninjutsu and try to keep the opponent at a distance until he has reduced your health bar to half. Then, you should immediately enter awakening mode, which usually summons Susano.
This mode is really effective at close quarters, so you should try to move into hand to hand combat. Remember that all variations of Sasuke's awakening are the most effective in hand to hand combat.
Because of his awakening and Ultimate Jutsu, which both work only at very short distance, Itachi fights at close quarters.
You should keep in mind that the character is not fit for ranged combat. True, one variation can project fireballs at an average distance, however, this works best in situations when an opponent is trying to keep you at bay, while you want to knock him down and get close to him.
His clear advantage is the awakening, which looks the same in all three forms. This is an orange Susano who performs really powerful sword strikes. You also get a bonus to range of basic attacks.
During combat remember to use your Ultimate. This is quite easy to perform, since, in spite of its short range, it is very quick. Usually, after a series of strikes your enemy fails to block this attack in time, so his only chance is to sacrifice a dodge.
Kabuto Sage Mode fights mostly at a distance.
His basic ninjutsu projects four dragons at an enemy, which can hit targets at a long distance. This is a powerful technique - even when the opponent successfully avoids one dragon, there is a big chance he will get hit with the other one.
His Ultimate projects the same looking dragon as in the basic jutsu. As soon as the dragon reaches its target, a cut-scene starts. The biggest weakness of the character's abilities is their average speed, which makes them easy to block.
If an opponent keeps on blocking your abilities, the only choice you have is to fight at close range. Even if the enemy is stronger than you at this type of combat, as soon as you enter awakening mode you will certainly match him at speed. This mode significantly increases attack speed as well as movement speed.
While in this mode, Kabuto's ninjutsu works differently. Now, it casts three slow ghosts, which may not be as effective as dragons, but they drain enemy's chakra. Nonetheless, the ghosts' slowness is problematic, which is why this technique is used very rarely.
Madara is good at both close quarters and a far distance.
Madara's great advantage is long range of his basic attacks. Even when someone happens to avoid one combo, he may instantly get hit by another. Other characters have to approach Madara, which gives him an advantage of a distance.
Ranged attack is an important feature too. In its basic form, a large fireball is projected at an opponent, which flies at them with high speed and, while in awakening mode, scatters blue flames - it just takes one hit with these to receive a lot of damage.
While in fight, you should stay at a middle distance from your opponent, in order to be able to freely manoeuvre between ranged and close attacks. It is good to start with a series of ninjutsus and then dash to the enemy so to perform an Ultimate or a combo.
Madara's biggest weakness is his Ultimate - this works at a pretty short distance and goes in only one direction, so it is difficult to hit anyone with this. Additionally, while using this, you are vulnerable to attacks. While performing this jutsu, an opponent can use a dodge, which will put them behind your back where you are defenseless.
Kisame fights at a distance with his water jutsu. Thanks to his sword he can also handle himself well in close quarters combat.
Kisame's biggest weakness is his extreme slowness. His jutsus are not much faster either, which makes them easy to dodge or block.
It is noteworthy that his ninjutsu can be used in two modes. A quick tap casts a shark which dashes toward an opponent. If you hold the button, the character casts three sharks at once.
Everything changes though, upon entering the awakening. He then transforms into a shark-like creature, whose attack and movement speed is a few times higher.
His ninjutsu changes too. In awakening mode, he casts a bigger shark, which moves faster and deals higher damage than the standard one. Note also that the counter-attack in this mode summons sharks all around Kisame, which repel everything on their way. This is a bit similar to Neji's ninjutsu.
Kankuro is represents a specific type of warriors - the puppeteers.
He uses the help of his puppets in combat - sends his dolls to fight for him at both short and long distances. To make a fight successful, he should stay away from an enemy and harass him with his basic attacks.
Remember that if the opponent manages to get through, the dolls will not get back to you immediately. Instead they will be laying where the enemy has left them or start returning to you slowly. To summon them back instantly, press the block button.
When you perform double-jump, you will move along with your puppets. If you want to send only the dolls to fight, perform chakra dash.
Kankuro's ninjutsus are very useful in combat, as they affect a large area and are as quick as Ultimate.
The character's biggest weakness is revealed when an opponent gets through to him - before the dolls get back he can take quite a pounding. Their endurance is yet another issue. When hit by an enemy, they fall on the ground and stay inactive for a while, thus making you defenseless.
Awakening is another useful thing, as it completely modifies the gameplay. The character mounts a giant puppet, which increases his damage, while decreasing his speed significantly. He also gets more effective at close quarters, so you need to dash to the enemy in order to harm them. The only way to do this is by wasting the energy on chakra dash.
Minato fights at close quarters. He can brag a real high movement speed.
His great strength is the awakening mode, which can be entered at any moment. He then becomes much faster and gets two abilities which enable him to throw a kunai at an opponent. When the kunai hits its target, Minato appears over the enemy hit and knocks them on the ground. An inexperienced player may not even notice the small shuriken, so he will not know what hit him. Entering this mode is necessary to fully use all of Minato's abilities.
In his standard ninjutsu, Minato takes a rasegan and dashes toward an opponent. If you hold the attack button longer, the character will perform a more powerful strike, however, the delay is rather long.
One of Minato's advantage is his counter-attack of an unusually long range. This can be used to stop a charging enemy before they manage to reach you.
As for the Ultimate, this has two variations. One is performed at a very short range, while the other causes Minato to dash toward an opponent with a rasengan. It is noteworthy that the latter is much faster and can be performed from a safe distance.