The below text is a complete guide for Need for Speed Rivals game, helping both in understanding its basic rules, as well as more complicated elements, so achieving further goals will become much easier and more enjoyable. This guide is divided into several main chapters. First chapter offers a number of tips for gamers who start their adventure with this game. Mentioned hints relate to, among other things, efficient navigation, rules in the game world and repairing cars.
Next chapters of the guide focus on describing two main gameplay modes: Rival and Cop. In the description of each mentioned mode you can find information on available races and challenges, earning Speedpoints, rules on unlocking playable vehicles and their upgrades and evading or finalizing police pursuits. It is worth mentioning, that the important feature of Need for Speed Rivals is possibility of freely switching between both careers, but of course you can focus your efforts on faster completing only one of them.
End chapters of this guide focus on multiplayer game and completing achievements and trophies (most difficult ones are described in more detail).
Need for Speed: Rivals is the next installment of one of the most popular racing game series, focusing on continuous struggle of road hogs and police trying to get them. Both sides of the "conflict" in order to complete their goals use fast, powerful and modified models of sport cars. The game offers also an open world with a lot of freedom when choosing how to spend a free time.
Need for Speed: Rivals guide contains:
Jacek "Stranger" Halas
Translation: Maciej "Elrond" Myrcha
Turn left / Turn right
Hand brake
Move camera left
Move camera right
Activate police siren / Challenge other player to a duel
Pursuit Tech 1
Pursuit Tech 2
Next song
Autolog service
EasyDrive navigation: up
EasyDrive navigation: down
EasyDrive navigation: left
EasyDrive navigation: right
Controlling car
Pursuit Tech 2
Hand brake
Pursuit Tech 1
EasyDrive navigation: up
EasyDrive navigation: down
EasyDrive navigation: left
EasyDrive navigation: right
Activate police siren / Challenge other player to a duel
Game menu
Pursuit Tech 2
Hand brake
Pursuit Tech 1
EasyDrive navigation: up
EasyDrive navigation: down
EasyDrive navigation: left
EasyDrive navigation: right
Activate police siren / Challenge other player to a duel
Game menu
The main area of a gameplay in Need for Speed Rivals is huge county of Redview and very important information is that it is completely available for you from the very beginning. So you do not have to worry that suddenly you hit some invisible wall or other type if fake blockade, however new races won't appear immediately in all corners of the map, so premature visiting some of locations won't offer the expected number of attractions.
The game world can be explored freely on your own but the better idea is to use some kind of gateway spots. In case of Racer career these are Hideouts and in the case of Cop, these are Mobile Command Posts and both places work pretty the same. Also at this point it is worth mentioning that all hideouts and command posts are available from the game beginning. You do not have to do anything extra to find them.
What's interesting, when choosing the area where you have to go, you do not have to be limited to select another hideout or mobile command post. You might as well move directly to the race start. This is especially advisable when you play as Racer and you do not want to unnecessarily make trouble on your way there.
Important notice - a quick travel option works only from within hideouts/mobile command post. When you open the world map during exploring Redview county, you won't be able to quickly move to another place - instead you'll be able to use a standard GPS, marking the shortest route to your destination. So if you plan to reach a distant place, it is better to get to the nearest gateway spot. I recommend using EasyDrive at this point to program to point you to the closest gateway spot (of course it is not its only functionality).
As I mentioned using GPS, it is worth to say more about it. As I said, the built-in satellite navigation tries always to indicate the shortest route to the chosen destination, but it doesn't mean that you have to fully rely on it. During exploration of the Redview county you can find many different shortcuts, allowing both cutting the turns as well as making more complex maneuvers, like leaving the paved road and passing through the forest or construction site. Shortcuts can help you to get ahead of other competitors (actually you have to use them in more difficult races) or losing a police chase.
It is also worth to know that GPS can get lost when racing against the stream, especially on two-lane sections, so always check if it is absolutely needed to make all turns suggested by GPS just to get to the area located nearby.
A crucial feature of Need for Speed Rivals is that the time doesn't stop after opening the world map and this is due the fact that single player mode and multiplayer mode are connected with each other, so in addition to vehicles controlled by AI you can also meet cars controlled by other players. You have to remember about it, because the attempt to pause the gameplay can lead to fail the actual race or being caught by police.
It doesn't mean of course, that checking the world map or other menu windows is possible only from the gateway spot, but you should do this only if you are not in the middle of any important activity. If you actually play as Racer, you could get off of the main road just in case that the recently finished chase won't start again (more on this can be found in the separate guide chapter).
No pause during viewing the map is not the only significant feature of the game. You also need to know that none of its main attractions is clearly separated from the rest of the gameplay. For example, when you start a normal race as Racer, you have to reckon that during it you can encounter police thus leading to police chase, which is played in parallel to previously started race. What's more, the mentioned chase won't stop when getting to the race end, but it will be continued until you evade the police or they catch you.
I recommend of course reacting appropriately to such situation. If for example you try to complete a time trial, where a key to success is to get to the end in the time limit, do not risk and do not bother of any other things, because you'll fail getting a good result. However if you do a little significant activity (you try to make a successful jump) and you have the opportunity to get additional points, it could be worth to do it, without wasting time looking for starting the same activity.
Whether you decide to play as Racer or Cop, you can count on that nitro will be available for you - sudden increase of the power guaranteed by installation of nitrous oxide. Nitro is available by default in all sport cars and all police vehicles, so you do not have to buy it extra. But it is regenerated in another way:
I recommend using nitro at the beginning of each race or chase, especially that other drivers are already racing and first you have to get them. Later during the race, use nitro when driving on straight parts of the roads, so you won't waste it when you have to overcome the tight curve.
Notice - Racers can also rely on turbo, which is one of the pursuit technologies (Pursuit Tech) and works independently from nitro. Description of this technology can be found in the Racer career chapter.
Cars in Need for Speed Rivals are not indestructible but it is also not like this, that a vehicle controlled by you will be annihilated in one powerful crash with another vehicle or obstacle. So do not worry if you suddenly fall down into an abyss during the race or head-bump with another civilian vehicle (a short crush cut-scene), because if your car's energy bar is not completely empty (bottom right corner, next to the speedometer), after a moment you'll continue the ride and lose only precious seconds, slightly reducing your chances to win the current race or get out of the pursuit.
An important role here is played by your car's durability factor (Durability), as it determines how much damage the given machine is able to take, before it is good only for scrap. Police vehicles are generally more durable that cars used by racers, but a lot depends also on the car type and its upgrades. More details can be found in proper guide chapter.
When you are close to total and irreversible destruction of the car you control, you'll be informed about it with a critical damage message. In addition the energy bar in the lower right corner will get red. This is the moment, when you have to watch out, because each successive greater crash will result in end of the fun. What does it mean? The loss of all gathered speedpoints (SP) since the last visit in the hideout/mobile command post. But this is not all, because if you are in the middle of the race, it will be canceled automatically without possibility of ending it and immediately restarting it.
The best way to "regenerate" the energy bar of the controlled car, is getting through repair shops located in the game world (example is shown on the attached screen). It also involves simultaneous refill of purchased pursuit technologies (more on Pursuit Tech can be found in chapters on both career modes). This means that you do not have to cancel the current race, being able to accumulate points in a given session.
It is worth mentioning that visiting repair shops is free of charge and you can return there whenever you want. In an emergency it is also good to use EasyDrive navigation, because one of its functionalities is to automatically map the route to the nearest repair shop.
Besides visiting repair shops, the energy bar is refilled when you visit a hideout/mobile command post, but be careful not to being hit at the last moment when trying to park at the given gateway spot.
As soon as you start the game for the first time, you'll be asked whether you want to play as a Racer or as a Cop. DO NOT SUGGEST TO this choice, because during the prologue you'll be forced to pre-familiarize with both those careers. What's more, right after completing the prologue you'll be able to switch between careers with no problems (the last option in hideout/mobile command post menu). Depending on your preference you can try to play both of them more or less equally or to focus on one of them, completing it fully before proceeding to the second one.
My personal suggestion is to start Need for Speed Rivals with completing at least few chapters in Cop career. It is easier and will allow you to familiarize with basic gameplay elements as well as with driving model in less stressing conditions. During this career you do not have to worry so much about losing gathered speedpoints (SP), because in contrast to Racer career, it may only happen as a result of total scrapping of the controlled vehicle. You should get interested in Racer career only after getting to know game basics, reducing unnecessary frustration from frequent failures.
The main objective in Racer career is taking part in different kinds of races and activities, which have one thing in common - they grossly break traffic regulations. Such activities naturally are not ignored by police officers performing their duties in the county and this means that in many situations in addition to outdo other drivers you'll have to watch out for the police pursuits.
One of the factors that distinguish Racer and Cop careers is that all cars have to be acquired on your own, spending gathered speedpoints. But these are not only expenses you have to count with, because mentioned points can be also spent on purchasing pursuit technologies (Pursuit Tech) and on modifying vehicles (both visual and mechanical tuning, having a real impact on the car's parameters).
In Need for Speed Rivals you do not use the real money but speedpoints instead (SP - Speed Points) which has to be spent on new cars, modifications and pursuit technologies if you play as Racer. These points are awarded mainly for completing competitions and challenges but you can also receive them for winning one-on-one races, eliminating opponents, beating various records or showing off dangerous maneuvers on the road.
A unique element of Racer career is that the amount of speedpoints earned for particular actions is affected by a multiplier visible on the screen. By default the multiplier has value of 1 but with subsequent violations of road rules and completing competitions its values is increased. Expect major problems when it reaches value of 3-4. Starting with multiplier of 5 the police actions become very aggressive so if you make any bigger error (getting off the track, collision with another car or police blockade at high speed) you can expect them to massively attack you, resulting in quick failure.
Getting higher multiplier values is connected not only with gaining more speedpoints but also with serious problems because the multiplier represents the level of interest in you by the police. As you boost the multiplier officers try harder to stop your car, dispatching faster and more durable police cars and using also blockades and helicopters.
As you probably guessed, attempts to keep the multiplier at the high value are very risky because it gets harder to evade the police. Destroying the car or getting caught results in losing ALL points accumulated since the last visit in the hideout.
In the initial phase of the Racer career I would advise not to exaggerate and to stop gathering points after accumulating like 40-50 thousand of them. It is because that starting cars are not so good and there is no special treatment from the police side. Later in the career, after unlocking better vehicles and increasing their strength, you'll be able to do much more.
The only way to preserve gathered points within a given session is to return to any hideout. Each time the game displays a full summary of the recent activities (such as on the picture) and then gained points are permanently assigned to your account.
Police in Need for Speed Rivals is surprisingly high efficient and furious in catching Racers. You have to remember that and do not underestimate their actions, because otherwise your escape can be quickly ended, resulting in losing all speedpoints gathered in the given session, as mentioned above.
Initially police actions are limited only to using standard police cars and their number and performance depends on the current level of pursuit. Remember to avoid collisions with police cars at high speed, because they are very powerful and durable and as a result they can significantly damage your vehicle. So watch out in situations when you can crash with them frontally and in places when you deliberately slow down (turns or hideout area). You also should not forget that police cars have pursuit enhancements which are available in Cop career (more information about them can be found later in this guide).
As you "advance" to next levels of the pursuit, police actions will become more and more aggressive. You'll notice this not only by the appearance of a greater number of police cars but also by usage of more advanced pursuit technologies by the police. Try to constantly monitor police actions so you will be able to early react to spikes scattered on the road or police blockades.
Each police pursuit can be successfully ended in one of two basic ways. First way involves losing police cars by disappearing of their sight for a longer period of time. This mechanism works on the principle that after moving away from the police for the sufficient time, a bar indicating the progress of the pursuit appears at the bottom of the screen. The pursuit will be ended when it is completely full but unfortunately it often happens that it doesn't get filled and the pursuit resumes. In such situation you have to look for another opportunity to escape and start charging the bar from the beginning.
The best way to lose police and fill the pursuit bar is getting off the paved roads. Try to look for shortcuts which are not shown on the map and also look for bigger locations adjacent to the main road (like farm). Police cars have usually problems with patrolling such areas and as a result a chance to lose cops increases.
IMPORTANT NOTE - losing cops doesn't mean that for next couple/dozens of seconds you can feel completely safe, because police keeps patrolling the area where the pursuit was ended. So do not try to turn around and return to this area, because you could be easily spotted and the entire fun will start again.
Another way to end the police pursuit is getting to any hideout in the game world. During the escape from police cars I suggest looking around the map for icons symbolizing hideouts or quickly use EasyDrive navigation window and order it to show the way to the nearest hideout.
Note - you do not have to wait until you lose police cars because you can move to the hideout also during the pursuit (screen above). What's more it is not connected with any additional penalties, so it is always good to try quickly moving near the hideout and press a key/button which moves you inside it to deposit gathered speedpoints.
When playing as Racer you can spend all gathered speedpoints (SP) on three main things:
1) Buying new cars - subsequent cars are unlocked as gaining ranks and good news is that most of them are not too expensive. For example a good car which can help you to win most of the initial races can be bought for less than 50 thousand points. Still, I would advise not to exaggerate and not to seek to acquire all vehicles because you won't gain much. It is best to decide to buy the next car only after the game unlocked several new models.
2) Modifying owned vehicles - my advice is to completely ignore the purely visual modifications (stickers, etc.). Invest only in mechanical modifications but also do not be too "extravagant" here. It is not a good idea to spend a fortune to maximally improve one of the weakest cars in the game because you won't make it a machine capable to compete with best cars. In addition it is good to buy only those modifications which are connected with the possible usage of the car. For example if the given car will be used mainly in time trials, it would be good to improve its maximum speed and acceleration.
3) Buying pursuit technologies - each car can have two technologies mounted and although initially they do not absorb a large part of your budget, further on this will change, unfortunately. First of all, newly unlocked modifications are more expensive. Second - new generations of current technologies appear and if you want for example to install 3rd generation turbo, you have to first buy generation 1 and 2. So, be wise when buying those things, mounting only such modifications which you need and unlocking new generations of technologies which are most usable.
In conclusion, if you want to make a reasonable compromise between the amount of gathered points and further progress in your career, do not overdo with too frequent purchases of new cars, modifications and pursuit technologies. Personally I recommend to "go shopping" in fairly large intervals (once for few career chapters for example), deciding each time to buy only one new car and then modifying it according to its planning usage.
Standard races have very obvious rules, assuming reaching the end line at the top position. While initially there are only three other drivers, in more difficult races there are more participants and thus it is more demanding to win the race.
For standard races it is best to choose cars with balanced parameters, that is, which are both quite fast and quite durable. You have to reckon with the fact that other drivers (and probably also police), will try to stand in your way to the victory, trying to push you out of the road or relying on pursuit technologies. As for choosing the mentioned technologies for your car, it is worth to select ones that will make it harder for your opponents to properly drive and do not necessarily seriously damage their cars.
Other Racers to not participate in time trials and the only goal of this type of race is to get to the end line as fast as possible. When preparing to such races make sure to choose the car with best performance because even if you will get spotted by police you shouldn't change your priorities, just continue to drive without errors.
In order to achieve best results in time trial races, make sure to avoid serious crashes which end with your car being put back on the road, because you'll lose precious seconds in this way. Also make sure to but Turbo (pursuit technology) and use it on longer parts of straight roads.
These events are more complex than previously described standard races and the main difference is that the hot pursuit starts at the very beginning of the event. A small facilitation is the fact that police cars try to catch all race participants, so at least till you reach the finish line you do not have to worry that they are focused only on your car.
Same as with normal races you have to aim at being at the finish line as fast as you can. In order to succeed in this race you should again choose a car with balanced parameters and pursuit technologies which can help you to disturb other race participants.
The distinctive element of these events is that they do not have a strictly defined route, because your objective is only to lose the police pursuit in the given amount of time. I suggest selecting cars with high durability and strength. The second parameter is quite important in initial challenges of this group, because you will be able to destroy a police car and end the event in such way. If, in turn, you would like to start a standard escape, then regardless of the challenge difficulty level try to do this quite fast, so other police cars won't join the pursuit, make it more challenging.
In completing Interceptor event you could need help of proper pursuit technologies. I recommend investing in one defensive modification (for example the one which block attempts to locate your car to dire EMP charge) and one typically offensive modification.
Head to Head events do not appear in fixed points on the world map, because they are connected with other sport cars in the game world, controlled either by AI or other players. If you want to challenge another car to a duel, you have to get close to it and press proper key/button. You can also be challenged to a duel (an example on the above screen) and the game will allow you to decide if you want to take the challenge or not.
After starting the duel a final destination point will be set (usually quite distant) and your task is to get there before your opponent. Invest in offensive pursuit technologies to achieve your goal and make it harder for your competitors.
Speed cameras locations are shown on the world map from the very beginning, so you do not have to look for them on your own. It is worth noting that you can break there speed records regardless of whether you play as Racer or Cop. For breaking the speed record you get point award each time.
In order to achieve best result I suggest investing in fastest sport cars available and prepare a long part of road. You can also use nitro and turbo (one of pursuit technologies).
Speed zones locations are shown on the world map from the very beginning, so you do not have to look for them on your own. It is worth noting that you can break there speed records regardless of whether you play as Racer or Cop. For breaking the speed record you get point award each time.
In order to achieve best result I suggest investing in cars which are not only fast but also maneuverable. This is because that the average speed on the entire section is taken into consideration and most of speed zones have narrow turns which have to be taken with maximum possible speed.
Jump locations are shown on the world map from the very beginning, so you do not have to look for them on your own. It is worth noting that you can break there distance records regardless of whether you play as Racer or Cop. For breaking the distance record you get point award each time.
In the case of Racer career you could also use jumps locations also during evading cops because there is a high chance that police cars chasing you won't make a jump or crash or land at another place.
Racer career mode (Rival) is divided into chapters and if you want to advance to next chapter you have to complete tasks from the speedlists chosen by you. It is worth mentioning that chapters differ in length and sometimes it is enough to complete one list only to advance to the next chapter and sometimes you need to complete tasks from several lists.
A significant feature of this game is that it gives you a freedom when it comes to choosing tasks you want to complete. Once you complete the career prologue, the game allows you to choose one of three lists (an example on the above screen), which have significantly different assumptions:
Notice - if you've selected any list and realized after some time, that it is not good for you, you can change it for another one in the hideout. But you have to remember that such move involves losing all progress in the current list!
Notice - in exceptional cases assumptions of lists on same levels are overlapping and then it doesn't matter which one you choose, because all lists offer the same prizes.
All activities on the only available list are very easy to complete and they are just a part of tutorial which familiarize you with gameplay basics. You'll learn how to evade the police, you'll play one of four available events and also will join first head to head duel.
Race and Pursuit lists can be completed faster, because each of them requires you to join one event and achieve at least bronze medal. Drive list is more demanding, forcing you to complete events with drift (distances are added up and included in "global" result). As for other tasks they assume familiarizing with repair shops in the game world, performing jumps (look for jump places) and using nitro (hold nitro key/button until it runs out).
Lists clearly differ from each other, although their common feature is new requirement to hit other vehicles from the back (Rear-Ram) or from the side (Side-Slam). The novelty in Drive list is a task to pass by another vehicle at a small distance (preferably the one moving in the opposite direction). I personally recommend getting interested in Race list, because it is fastest to complete it.
Tasks from Race and Pursuit lists are sort of introduction to pursuit technologies, giving you complete freedom in their choice. In case of Drive lists there are completely different challenges. Some problems can be encountered with requirement of one long drift so look for some smooth curve or turn and select a car which easily gets into a skid.
The main difficulty in tasks from each 4th level speedlists is that you have to win at least silver medal, so select those events which suit you best. In the case of Drive list there is also more complicated task connected with using the turbo technology. Activate turbo when you get behind of another vehicle on some straight road so you can hit the opponent.
Race list is the easiest and least complicated one. One of Pursuit list tasks assumes that you advance to the next level of pursuit so make sure to have a good car adapted to escapes. As for the Drive list, choose a fast cat and try to change lines on the highway at the constant, high speed.
All three lists have same objectives and one of the requirements is to destroy a police car. Use offensive technologies (ESF or Shock Wave for example) and a car with high strength and durability. You can combine both tasks and destroy a police vehicle during Interceptor event on the easy difficulty level.
Pursuit list is the only one which doesn't require to complete events on medium difficulty level, but it forces you to complete at least one long police pursuit.
As for the Race least it is first time when you have to cumulate high amount of speedpoints during one single session (you can't return to the hideout in the meantime). Make sure to take a durable car and watch out not to destroy it, because otherwise you'll lose all gathered points. So visit repair shops often and use pursuit technologies when needed. As for other lists, in the Drive list you'll have to perform a long jump, so look for a proper jump place.
All three lists have the same requirement connected with advancing to the next level of the pursuit. Complete events, gain points and evade the police trying to not being caught.
Each of three lists assumes winning Hot Pursuit and Interceptor events. For obvious reasons you can easily achieve this by selecting races with easy difficulty level especially that the game allows you to repeat already won races.
It is definitely easiest to complete the Pursuit list. In case of two other lists the novelty is mainly a requirement to perfectly use nitro or turbo. In addition in the Drive list you'll find a task which requires spending at least 3 seconds while driving directly behind another vehicle (preferably behind Racer). In all these cases the best place to complete assigned tasks is a highway.
If you want to complete Race or Pursuit list, choose a car with good durability and offensive pursuit technologies. Drive list doesn't require participating in events or pursuits, although completing its all objectives can take some time.
I do not recommend Drive list, because it is the only one which requires you to complete events on hard difficulty level. As for other lists, you can faster complete Race list, because winning head-to-head duel doesn't take so much time as winning standard race.
Race list contains, among other thing, a requirement to gather 100,000 points during the single session, so choose it only when you have a really good car. Two other lists are not so problematic - completion of Pursuit list should take less time.
In case of Pursuit and Drive lists there is a requirement for the first time to win hard difficulty event, so take it only if you have very good car and win easily subsequent races. During completion of Pursuit list there is another difficulty - you have to advance to the 6th level of pursuit.
16th career level is very special because it assumes usage of the Koenigsegg Agera R police car, used by default in Cop career. This vehicle is equipped with Shock Ram and Strip technologies, which are very useful when it comes to destroy other police cars. Moreover, I suggest to not stop driving after completing all objectives of the speedlist, but to continue gathering speedpoints using the fact, the currently controlled police car is more durable and more powerful than cars used by Racers.
Race list doesn't force you to participate in races, although gathering 150,000 points during one single session is connected with having a very good car. Paradoxically the easiest one to complete is Drive list, where the only difficulty is to keep high speed for at least 5 seconds (help yourself with nitro and turbo).
Drive list is the only one with task that requires you to win in two hard difficulty events, so it is best to omit it. Not easy one is also Pursuit list, because one of its requirements is to advance to 7th level of pursuit.
All three lists on this level are difficult and contain 5 tasks, so completing them could take you probably at least several dozens of minutes. My recommendation is Pursuit list, although you have to prepare a very good car to take part in police pursuits (purchase modifications and pursuit technologies).
At the end of the Racer career you'll participate in police hot pursuit. The starting point of this event (Grand Tour) is located in northern part of the county, in the area shown on the above screen. I do suggest to select for this race one of best and durable sport cars, like Ferrari F12. In addition you'll have to purchase available modifications and best pursuit technologies (along with their next generations).
As you probably guessed winning the final race is not an easy task. The main difficulty of described event is that there are up to 54 control points, so getting to the finish line can take you up to 15 minutes. But this is not the only problem, because you'll have to deal also with aggressive police actions and this is since the event start. Make sure to use the repair shops along your way, because otherwise your car can be easily destroyed.
The finish of the race is very demanding and this is because you drive off the highway and you won't be able to get to the repair shop for longer period of time. For this reason it would be good to have a car with high durability so it won't get destroyed just before getting to the finish line. In order to complete the last speedlist you just have to get to the end line but if you won't to get as many points as possible, you should win the race.
The main prize for completing 20th speedlist is unlocking the last car. What's more, from this point you can go back to previously omitted speedlists (there are 40 of them in total; you can choose one in the hideout). Completing them will allow you to get an access to new, unique vehicle paintings.
At the beginning of Rival career you have access only to one car - Porsche Cayman S. Next vehicles are unlocked when you advance to the higher rank, until you get to the 21st rank. In order to advance to higher rank you have to complete all objectives from the selected speedlist and this is parallel to your career progress.
Important information is that achieving higher rank guarantees only possibility of buying a particular car, because it is not automatically moved to your garage. That means that you have to spend your speedpoints in order to purchase it.
The only exception on car list is Maserati GT MC Stradale, which is accessible only by using online feature OverWatch.
There are two basic categories when modifying cars in Racer career. First category contains modifications connected to personalizing its appearance (Car Personalization option). These changes have no impact on parameters of the given car, allowing you to change color of the body, purchase different stickers or change of car plate.
Another category is more important, because it contains mechanical modifications (Performance Upgrades), which are divided into 5 groups:
Each group can be upgraded up to the 5th level, but as I mentioned this previously, it is not advisable to do this in the beginning phase of your career, when you do not have many speedpoints. I recommend to buy upgrades from 1st or 2nd level max, selecting only these groups which are related to the planned usage of the car. For example if you intend to use the given car in time trials, you should upgrade its acceleration and top speed. And if you want to participate in hot pursuits, it should be worth to modify car's durability.
Requirements to unlock the car: This vehicle is available from the game beginning.
Price: -
Porsche Cayman S is a very good "beginning" car, because it has perfect control. Other parameters are worse, so if you want to win some later events, you'll be forced to upgrade this vehicle or decide to buy another one.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 2.
Price: 30000 speedpoints
The main advantage of Dodge Challenger is that it is much more durable than the starting car in the Racer career. Unfortunately it has quite bad parameters and it is hard to control it, so you can use it only in easiest races.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 3.
Price: 32500 speedpoints
Aston Martin Vanquish is much better proposal than Dodge Challenger. It is slightly more expensive and despite the same strength and durable values it has better acceleration and control.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 4.
Price: 37500 speedpoints
BMW M3 GTS is better than Aston Martin Vanquish only with top speed. However this car is less durable, so it won't do well in Hot Pursuit events for example.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 5.
Price: 42500 speedpoints
Ford Mustang GT is interesting proposal if you need a car which can't be easily destroyed because of police or other racers attacks. Unfortunately this vehicle has very poor acceleration and difficult control.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 6.
Price: 50000 speedpoints
Chevy Corvette Stingray has parameters similar to Mustang GT. The only significant difference is that Chevy has better acceleration, so it won't stay behind even in more difficult races. Unfortunately it is not easy to control it.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 7.
Price: 57500 speedpoints
Frankly speaking Mercedes is not an attractive proposal, because it has slightly better parameters than Corvette, but it is harder to control it. But this is not the only problem - it is also less durable than its American competitor.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 8.
Price: 67500 speedpoints
Porsche is 10,000 speedpoints more expensive than Mercedes SLS but it is more useful car. 911 is controlled easier than Mercedes and it has slightly better acceleration. But you have to deal with average durability of this car.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 9.
Price: 77500 speedpoints
Audi is a good car for time trials and other similar events, because it has satisfactory performance and very good control. Unfortunately this car is not much durable so it won't be good in hot pursuits.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 10.
Price: 87500 speedpoints
Ferrari has brilliant acceleration and it is very fun to control it, so it is perfect vehicle for all events where you have to get from point A to point B. unfortunately this car has an average durability.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 11.
Price: 100000 speedpoints
Lamborghini is in my opinion an unattractive proposal, losing to the previous car from the main list in all categories except top speed. Especially problematic are low values of durability and strength, so this car is not good in hot pursuits.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 12.
Price: 117500 speedpoints
McLaren 12C Spider is a very successful design. This vehicle will be a good use mainly in standard races and time trials and that's because it is fast and easy to control. Slightly worse is with the durability but you can live with it.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 13.
Price: 135000 speedpoints
Ford GT is worse proposal than McLaren 12C, because although it has slightly higher top speed, it also has worse acceleration. But this is not the only difference - this car has worse control than mentioned British construction.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 14.
Price: 155000 speedpoints
Ferrari 599 GTO has a very high top speed value, as well as acceleration and control, making it ideal choice for racing. Unfortunately this vehicle is not very durable so it is not dealing well with police cars attacks.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 15.
Price: 177500 speedpoints
Same as with Ferrari described above, this vehicle is ideal for time trials for example, because it has excellence performance and it is easy to control. But the price for these advantages is unfortunately outrageously low durability.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 16.
Price: 202500 speedpoints
Ferrari F12 in my opinion is the best car available in the game. This vehicle is not only fast and easy to control, BUT also more durable than its competitors available later on in the career mode. It makes this car universal vehicle, perfect both for races and time trials, as well as for hot pursuits.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 17.
Price: 235000 speedpoints
Aventador has better performance than F12 described above, making earning gold medals easier even in more difficult races and time trials. Unfortunately this car is less durable, so it is not as good in duels with police cars, as F12.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 18.
Price: 270000 speedpoints
Veneno is slightly better than Aventador in acceleration, but it is not as good as it goes to control. But more serious problem with this vehicle is that it has very low durable and it is completely useless in hit pursuits.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 19.
Price: 310000 speedpoints
Ferrari Enzo is a very interesting proposal. This model is definitely better than other cars from the end part of the career mode in matters of durability and strength, but it is not as good as F12. But it is slightly faster than competitive Ferrari model.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 20.
Price: 355000 speedpoints
Huayra trumps all other cars in Racer career mode in the category of top speed. It is also good as we speak about acceleration and control. But unfortunately the price for this excellent performance is very low durability.
Requirements to unlock the car: Achieve Rank 21.
Price: 410000 speedpoints
McLaren P1 is an ideal vehicle for winning time trials and standard races, offering astonishing performance and being easy to control at the same time. But I do not recommend using it for hot pursuits because its durability is at the surprisingly low level.
Requirements to unlock the car: This vehicle can be unlocked only thanks to OverWatch application which is a part of web service More detail about this website can be found in chapter Interact with other players.
In each car you have you can mount up to two pursuit technologies and it is good to use both slots from the very beginning, even if initially you have these upgrades which are not useful to maximum.
The important information is that from the beginning some of more advanced technologies are not available and in order to unlock them you have to advance to next chapters of the main career. The same applies to new generations of existing technologies. For example, if you invest in developed version of EMP you can decrease the time needed to lock another vehicle. Unfortunately, when you want to mount the best version of particular technology, you have to buy all previous versions first, so you should really think off if you use this technology and you won't waste points upgrading it. Full list of technologies, along with suggestions on how to use them, can be found further in the guide.
Important note - new versions of technologies requires also better models of cars, unlocked along with achieving new ranks. So do not count on this that you'll be able to purchase best boosters for the base model of Porsche Cayman S for example, because you just won't see them on the list. This dependency forces you sometimes to buy new cars, clearly hindering attempts to complete a large part of the career with one chosen car model.
Usefulness: high
Main applications: races with others Racers; hot pursuits
Contrary to what description of this technology may suggest, ESF shouldn't be used mainly to avoid stun mines and EMPs, though of course these are its unquestionable strengths. The main advantage of this modification is that after charging the controlled car it damages other vehicles which get in contact with it. You can use it in two ways: hit racers' cars and police cars on your own or activate the described technology after you see opponent's car in the rear mirror. Regardless of the circumstances of ESF usage, you can visibly lower the energy of opponents' cars and in extreme cases the single collision can take of 2/3 of competitor's energy bar.
A very important thing is to unlock new generations of this technology as fast as possible, so the power of ESF increases. In addition, with purchasing new generations of ESF you decrease the regeneration time and increase the amount of possible usage, so you won't have to keep looking around for a repair shop.
Usefulness: average
Main applications: races with others Racers
EMP on lower development levels is not very useful pursuit technology and this is because full tracking of the vehicle in front of you takes far too long. As a result it is easy to make a mistake and waste the EMP charge after failed process of aiming or unnecessarily drive slow in order to wait for tracking process instead of continuing the race. Only after purchasing next generations the effectiveness of this technology increases, although I still wouldn't take it in the same row as ESF for example. I suggest using EMP only to track other racers. I do not recommend using this technology on police cars, because during tracking process you can be hit by another vehicle from the back or the side and lose much as a result.
Along with unlocking new generations of this technology its charging time decreases. In addition you can count on taking more energy from other vehicles.
Usefulness: low
Main applications: races with other players
This technology in my opinion is the less useful among all available to Racers. The main disadvantage of surrounding the controlled car with a kind of defensive barrier is that you really do not know when this modification can be most useful. What's more, additional feature of this technology, which is about blocking other cars' interface, is in fact useful only in races with other players. Blocking other players possibility of using a radar for example can lead to making mistakes or getting totally lost, driving off from the planned route. In case of playing against the AI I suggest ignoring this technology completely when planning purchases.
Next jammer generations increase time of its duration, improve its range, decrease time of technology regeneration and increases amount of its usage. All those changes however do not clearly improve the usefulness of described technology.
Usefulness: average
Main applications: races with others Racers; hot pursuits
Shock wave has almost only advantages at first glance - it is cheaper to purchase than ESF and contrary to EMP doesn't not require long time of tracking. Unfortunately it soon becomes clear that the price for such advantages is its relatively low efficiency. Do not count on this that thanks to described technology you'll be able to remove energy bars of your opponents, even after purchasing next generations of shock wave. Its main use is to throwing your enemies off the drive and depending on the situation it can slow them down as well as forcing them to collide with environments elements or civilian car. In conclusion this is quite good modification for the beginning but later on you career it would be better to invest in something more powerful.
Along with purchasing next generations of shock wave, its power increases, regeneration time decreases and amount of use increases (you do not have to visit repair shops so often).
Usefulness: high
Main applications: hot pursuits
Stun mine technology is one of the cheapest available in the game and on the base level is not very useful. But when you purchase next generations of the described technology, everything changes because mines become really useful addition, especially when you want to evade the police and do not want to reduce your current speed which is kind of requirement to use such technologies like EMP or Shock Wave. If you want to maximally increase the effectiveness of this technology you should consider placing them in proper places. You should place them in narrow parts of road and not on highways for example, where other vehicles can easily change the drive line.
If you purchase next generations of the stun mine it will result in increasing their explosion power and possibility of having more of them in your car. But the best thing is that their regeneration time is significantly decreased, thanks to that it is possible to place two or even more mines in the relatively short distance from each other.
Usefulness: high
Main applications: time trials; races with others Racers
Turbo is the only one pursuit technologies available for Racers, which has no offensive properties. Its only use is acting as a much stronger variant of standard nitro. This is especially useful when completing time trials, but this modification can be also used in all races where you have to drive over long straights. The very important information is that you shouldn't activate this technology when approaching a turn because you can't break it prematurely and as a result you can crash on the barrier or other obstacle and smash your car instead of getting away from your competitors. Still, I would advise to purchase turbo, especially later on in your career.
Along with unlocking next generations of turbo you'll notice increase of its usage time and increase in engine power guaranteed by this technology. In addition you'll get more usage of it. Purchasing higher levels is not required because even the weakest variant gives you noticeable effects.
Regardless of the events you choose to complete, I recommend purchasing ESF on the as high level as possible. When it comes to the second slot, I recommend purchasing stun mines, although if you "build" the car to be best in time trials, you should invest in turbo for obvious reasons.
The main objective of Cop career is to participate in different events and activities, with one common feature - trying to stop local Racers from illegal activities. We talk here about catching single drivers violating the applicable traffic rules as well as more tight groups organizing illegal races. It is worth noting that when you play as a cop you won't never be alone because in most of the pursuits you can count on the support of other officers.
On of main factors which distinguish Cop and Racer careers, is that you do not have to purchase new car models, because as you progress in the career you get an access to next police cars without any additional fees. You do not have to spend points also on mechanical tuning, because it is not available for the described career. All this means that gathered speedpoints can be spent only on purchasing pursuit technologies. But do not count on this that you'll easily mount technologies in all your cars and this is because you cumulate speedpoints much slower than in Racer's career.
In Need for Speed Rivals you do not use real money but instead of this you spend speedpoints (SP). Playing as a Cop you purchase only next pursuit technologies. Points are achieved mainly for completing races and challenges, but you can earn them also for catching racers encountered during exploration of the Redview county, for fast drive or breaking different speed records.
In contrast to Racer's career where you have a multiplier helping you to get more points, playing as a cop you can't count on such type of facilitation. That means that cumulating tens of thousands of points usually means spending at least a dozen minutes with the game. Fortunately it is not like this that you do not have any influence on amount of points you can get - if you want to cumulate them faster, you can choose more difficult events and also catch Racers, for whose catching you can get higher reward (higher number next to the flames icon).
Another very important difference between both careers is that you can't lose accumulated speedpoints even if you completely destroy your car and respawn in the nearest mobile command post. The only thing which can be really lost in described mode is time. Still, I would suggest not forgetting about repair shops, because they not only regenerate the car to an ideal state but also replenish pursuit technologies mounted in the car.
Notice - similarly to Racer's career the game displays a very precise summary each time you return to mobile command post (shown on the above screen), even if it was cause by destroying of your car. At this time accumulated points are added to your account and you can start spending them.
General assumptions of pursuits in Need for Speed Rivals do not differ in any significant way from what fans of this series are used to with previous "police" parts, so in order to successfully lock up any racer you have to catch him or completely destroy car controlled by him.
The pursuit itself can begin in very different ways and this is of course dependent on circumstances of the event. If you have joined the event, you'll start it right away and the pursuit will end when you stop all racers, the time limit is up or all uncaught racers reach the finish line.
But if we are talking about free exploration of the game world, then here have you much more freedom. First of all you can look for any pursuit which takes place in the area and depending on your preferences ignore it or join it (hit the racer car or activate police siren. In addition you can encounter a racer which is currently not followed by anyone. In this case it is very helpful to have unmarked police car (Undercover category) and this is because you can easily approach the car that drew your attention and attack its driver by surprise, taking off part of its energy at the very beginning.
Energy bars of chased cars can be depleted mainly by hitting the vehicles. Look for possibility to frontally collide with them or hit them from the side if it is possible, although just as important (and even maybe more important) is fact to have a large difference in speed at the collision moment, because this mainly determines how many damage points will your car deal to the racer's vehicle.
Equally useful is using pursuit technologies. All available technologies are described in details later in this chapter, so at this moment I'll suggest only that it would be good to have at least one typically offensive technology, as ESF for example, which can take off even half of the energy bar of the chased car.
As I said at the beginning of this page, pursuit can be ended by destroying the racer's car among other things, which is after depleting its energy bar. A big advantage of the described game is that racers during the pursuit do not use repair shops along the way, so you do not have to worry about the fact, that after almost complete depletion of the energy bar of the chased car, the vehicle will return in the ideal state.
I advise to destroy racers' cars mainly when you have to chase few of them, because all activities can be done during the driving, not losing the distance to other cars participating in the pursuit.
The second possibility is to stop the racer's car. This is more difficult to achieve but the main advantage of this method is fact that you do not have to waste time to take off the entire energy bar of the chased car. That makes this method to perfectly work in Interceptor events for example, where the key to success if to quickly end the pursuit.
Look for possibility to stop the chased car mainly when it collides with police blockade or environment elements due to your actions. Try to get in front of the racer's car, perpendicularly to it or hit it from behind and hold it down to the obstacle he collided with. Each time you have to wait until the busting bar fills up (as on the above screen), thanks to which the pursuit will end.
Notice - the racer's car doesn't have to be at a complete standstill when you fill up busting bar, because minimal movements are "allowed" - this is at maximum few kilometers per hour.
On the previous pages I've already explained that in case of Cop's career all gathered speedpoints are spent in total on pursuit technologies. Each police car can have two mounted technologies but I recommend not to exaggerate and maximally equip each new unlocked car at any price. This is because most of the new technologies is very expensive to purchase. Equipping even base cars in such technologies is often associated with spending at least 40-50 thousands of points. But that's nothing compared to cars with further part of the career and that is because the game unlocks then also next generations of pursuit technologies which are even more expensive. This makes mounting best upgrades on a SINGLE car to take from your budget more than 200-250 thousands of points.
In my opinion the smartest move is to upgrade one police car on average of 3-5 new unlocked cars. But you must decide whether you want to have one versatile vehicle or few cars with different specializations (time trials, records breaks, one car pursuits, interceptors, hot pursuits etc.).
Rapid responses are equivalents of time trials from Racer's career, so their primary objective is getting to the finish line as fast as possible. For these event make sure to choose those police cars which have best parameters and are easy to control.
Additional complication of rapid responses is that colliding with environment elements (barriers, trees, buildings etc.) and civil cars is connected with time penalties. Initially these are small penalties (half of the second, a second) but as you do more mistakes the penalties are more severe and even with the easiest races they can seriously decrease your chances to achieve gold medal. So for that reason it would be good to use the police cars which are easy to control, so you can quickly avoid sudden hazards and efficiently overcome sharper turns while keeping on the road.
This events involve stopping racers participating in races because they get to the finish line. In case of the easiest challenges there are three persons to be caught, however in more difficult events there are more vehicles. Regardless of the circumstances if you want to achieve the gold medal in particular events, you have to catch (actually to destroy) all cars.
For this category of events I definitely recommend choosing most powerful available police cars, so those in Enforcer category. It is extremely important to skillfully choose pursuit technologies. I suggest purchasing one offensive technology and one useful in tackling group of vehicles. In the latter case it is best to choose between upgrades which guarantee a possibility to place police blockades and calling for help of the police helicopter.
The distinctive feature of these events is fact, that they do not have a strictly defined route because your objective is only to catch the racer's car in the given time limit. For these event you should choose police cars with high strength, thanks to that each attack on the chased car will take him large amounts of energy.
In completion of Interceptor events proper technologies can help you. I suggest investing in two technologies with typically offensive characteristics (ESF and Shockwave for example) and make sure to but their best generations when possible, increasing their effectiveness in addition. Regardless of chosen upgrades do not let the racer to get away from your car, because while trying to catch him you'll lose precious seconds and decrease your chances for a good result.
In addition to elimination of successive racers in Interceptor and Hot Pursuit events, you can also encounter them while free driving in the game world and in this case they do not appear in strictly defined areas of the world map. This is because that each event of this type is random and it is only up to you if you get interested in the activities of given driver or you let him go. It is worth noting that cars in the game world can be controlled both by AI as well as other players.
Pursuit after the racer can be started in two main ways: by activating police siren or getting close to the vehicle (screen above) and hitting it or using one of possessed pursuit technologies. The important feature of each event is that opposite to Interceptor tasks you do not have to watch out for time limit, so you'll get the same reward regardless of whether the pursuit lasted 30 seconds or 3 minutes. The amount of points awarded for catching the racer depends on fact how strongly was he wanted. The higher Heat factor (value shown next to the flame icon) the more points you'll get, although it is harder to catch more experienced racers who use better cars.
Notice - if the given racer is lost from your point of view and can't be seen on the radar, it doesn't mean that you've failed to catch him. You can still try to get that driver but you have to do it without any help from the game in locating him (usually it works only on highways and sections without additional crossings).
Notice - the pursuit can be joined by other police cars. Their presence will help you in the event and in the same time you'll get the same amount of points achieved by destroying or stopping racer's car.
Speed cameras locations are shown on the world map from the very beginning, so you do not have to look for them on your own. It is worth noting that you can break there speed records regardless of whether you play as Racer or Cop. For breaking the speed record you get point award each time.
In order to achieve best result I suggest investing in fastest police cars available and prepare a long part of road. You can also use nitro.
Speed zones locations are shown on the world map from the very beginning, so you do not have to look for them on your own. It is worth noting that you can break there speed records regardless of whether you play as Racer or Cop. For breaking the speed record you get point award each time.
In order to achieve best result I suggest investing in police cars which are not only fast but also maneuverable. This is because that the average speed on the entire section is taken into consideration and most of speed zones have narrow turns which have to be taken with maximum possible speed.
Jump locations are shown on the world map from the very beginning, so you do not have to look for them on your own. It is worth noting that you can break there distance records regardless of whether you play as Racer or Cop. For breaking the distance record you get point award each time.
Police officer career mode (Cop) is divided into chapters and if you want to advance to next chapter you have to complete tasks from the objective lists (Assignments) chosen by you. It is worth mentioning that chapters differ in length and sometimes it is enough to complete one list only to advance to the next chapter and sometimes you need to complete tasks from several lists.
A significant feature of this game is that it gives you a freedom when it comes to choosing tasks you want to complete. Once you complete the career prologue, the game allows you to choose one of three lists (an example on the above screen), Patrol, Undercover and Enforcer. Tasks from different lists do not differ as much as it is in case of the Racer career. What's more, I would suggest not to pay so much attention to list's objectives but to reward which can be achieved for its completion. This is because each list is connected with unlocking a different type of the police car (more on them can be found on the next page of the guide).
Notice - if you've selected any list and realized after some time, that it is not good for you, you can change it for another one in the mobile command post. But you have to remember that such move involves losing all progress in the current list!
Notice - in exceptional cases assumptions of lists on same levels are overlapping and then it doesn't matter which one you choose, because the only problem is what new police car you want to unlock.
All activities on the only available list are very easy to complete and they are just a part of tutorial which familiarize you with gameplay basics. You'll learn how to catch racers and you'll play one of three available events.
All three lists are very easy to complete, but the Undercover list is the only one which doesn't say which type of events you have to complete. Regardless of the chosen list, you'll learn how to use repair shops in the game world.
If you do not want to participate in Hot Pursuit events choose the Undercover or Patrol list. Pay also attention to requirements on hitting from behind cars controlled by racers (Rear-Ram) or from the side (Side-Slam). In case of Undercover list you'll have a task on reaching a high speed - all such challenges should be completed on the highway with additional help of nitro.
Tasks on this list are kind of introduction to pursuit technologies. There are no set requirements in the Patrol list but in case of Undercover and Enforcer lists you'll have to use arbitrary set technologies.
Since each one of three lists requires to earn a silver medal, remember about choosing such events which suits you best. In case of Patrol list there is the novelty - a task which assumes to pass by another vehicle in very short distance, preferably moving from opposite direction. As if for Undercover list and the task on spending a given amount of time in the air, look around for jump places ensuring long jumps and drive over them having the high speed.
All lists on this level are focusing on attacking Racers. The fastest one to be completed is Undercover list, because you have only to catch (in any way) three fleeing vehicles.
You shouldn't have any problems with completing two first tasks from each list. But there are two novelties. First of them is Nitrous Side-Slam attack in a Patrol list, which is performed by activating nitro and then hitting another car from the side. As for the Undercover list the new element is that you have to perform a drift. I recommend looking around the map for long, wide turns, trying to drive them while drifting.
In my opinion the fastest one to complete is Enforcer list, but two others also do not have very challenging tasks. In case of performing single long jump you have to spend some time to find a proper jumping place, taking it with high speed.
Completing each of available task list can take you some time, because they are slightly more difficult and in addition each one have four tasks. Most problems can be encountered in Undercover list, because you'll have to win race on the medium difficulty level. Choose your favorite type of events but if you still can't win, switch to another list.
Each of lists must be completed by using arbitrarily assigned police car - patrolling version of Dodge Charger SRT8. Regardless of the chosen list consider patrolling of the highway because in addition to easily drive the given distance you'll be able to keep a high speed required to break one of the records.
Also this career level is very unique, because it assumes using of Ferrari Enzo, the Racer career vehicle. This car is equipped with EMP and Shock Waves technologies and some modifications improving its parameters. All this makes catching racers very easy and I suggest continuing using this car also after catching first 10 racers, because you could easily earn more valuable speedpoints.
Each of three list assumes winning two different types of events. For obvious reasons the easiest ones to complete are events on easy difficulty level especially that the game allows you to repeat previously won races.
Tasks from this cop career level are unexpectedly quite easy to complete, assuming using pursuit technologies and hitting racers' cars.
Regardless of the chosen list, the objective is the same - gathering 100 thousands of speedpoints during the single session. This means that in the meantime you can't return to the mobile command post. Remember to often visit repair shops and playing such events and pursuits which are rewarded with most amount of points.
Completing each of the lists can take you some time, though they do not have very complicated tasks. In fact the only difficult task is the one from Undercover list assuming driving with very high speed for at least 15 seconds. So make attempts on the highway using the fastest currently available police car, helping yourself with nitro and avoiding contact with other vehicles.
Same as with the previous cop career level the hardest one seems to be the Undercover list. It is the only one which requires winning hard difficulty events and I suggest playing rapid response instead. Another quite challenging task from this list is spending at least 5 seconds directly following another car (preferably another police car) and again the best place for this task is a highway because there are no turns along your way. Patrol and Enforcer are easier to complete, so if you want to quickly advance to the next chapter, you should choose one of them.
This time the hardest one is the Patrol list, because it forces you to win two different hard events. So it would be the best to complete tasks from Undercover or Enforcer lists.
All three lists from this career level are very demanding and can take you even up to few dozens of minutes. If you want to choose Patrol or Enforcer list, use the police car which is good in catching racers. In case of the Undercover list it would be best to choose a fast police cat because you'll have to break several speed records.
Undercover list is the only one which forces you to win two hard events so if you do not want to be stressed, choose Patrol or Enforcer list. Regardless of the chosen list, you'll have to work hard here.
All three tasks lists have the same objective and unfortunately it requires you to win three hard events. Personally I suggest participating in rapid response events and interceptor races. Use recently unlocked police cars to increase your chance of winning.
At the end of the Cop career you'll participate in Interceptor event - you'll have to catch Zephyr. The place of the race beginning (Zero Hour) is located in the southern part of the county, in the area shown on the above screen. I definitely recommend choosing one of best police cars, Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 or Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. In addition make sure to buy best pursuit technologies (along with their next generations).
In the initial phase of the event focus mainly on the error free drive - Zephyr has very fast car. You'll be approaching him after time and then you should start using pursuit technologies. In order to complete 20th career level you have just to catch Zephyr, but you should of course to win the best medal.
The main reward for completing 20th tasks list is unlocking the last police car. What's more, from this point you can return to previously omitted tasks lists (there are 40 of them in total; you select the list in the mobile command post). Completing them will allow you to get access to the rest types of police cars.
At the same beginning of the Cop career there are 6 cars available: Mercedes C63 Black Series of Patrol, Enforcer and Undercover type and Dodge Charger SRT8 of Patrol, Enforcer and Undercover type. Subsequent police cars are unlocked when you advance to the next rank. In order to advance to the higher rank you have to complete all objectives described in the chosen assignment list and this is of course done simultaneously to career progress.
As said on previous page, given tasks list on the same level of the career mode guarantee access to different types of police cars. Completing Enforcer list unlocks Enforcer type of the police car, completing Patrol list unlocks Patrol type of the police car and completing Undercover list unlocks Undercover type of the police car. This means that you have to somehow plan your next moves and fight for such police cars which suits you the best, because getting an access to the Enforcer type of the police car for example blocks possibility of getting this car of Patrol and Undercover types. Only after completing all main chapters of the career mode you can try to unlock those cars which were omitted previously.
The only exception on the list is Bentley Continental GT V8 which is accessible only through online app OverWatch.
In the Cop career mode there are mainly three types of police cars:
1) Patrol - these police cars are characterized by better acceleration than Enforcer and Undercover types. But are worse than Enforcer as it comes to durability and strength.
2) Enforcer - these police cars dominate over Patrol and Undercover types as it comes to durability and strength, thanks to which they are perfect in neutralizing racers' cars. They have though worse acceleration than Patrol type and are slightly worse in control than Undercover type.
3) Undercover - these police cars have the best control parameters out of three types. But they are slightly worse than Patrol type as it comes to the acceleration and durability as well as slightly worse than Enforcer type as it comes to the strength. Additional feature of these police cars is possibility to get close to the racer's car without informing it about further actions (it is useful only during free driving over the county).
Comment: in majority of cases the best choice are Enforcer type police cars and that's due their highest durability and strength which allow them to better eliminate subsequent racers. Slight worse parameters than Patrol type are not big problem and also many rapid responses can be completed using them.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: these police cars are available from the game beginning.
Mercedes C63 Black Series is much better proposal than Dodge Charger, also available from the very beginning. This police car overcomes its American competitor in two crucial categories: acceleration and control.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: these police cars are available from the moment of completing game prologue.
Dodge Charger is much weaker car than Mercedes C63, which is also available from the beginning of the cop career. This car is hard to control and has weak accelerations, so catching racers might cause serious problems.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 1 (Assignment 1).
Aston Martin Vanquish has better acceleration than Mercedes C63 and Dodge Charger although it is not as good in other categories. This car is mainly less durable than both "starting" police cars and that decreases its functionality.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 2 (Assignment 2).
Camaro ZL1 is comparable proposal to its predecessor, Aston Vanquish. American police car is well controlled and slightly better durable than Aston, although it has clearly worse acceleration and this can be a problem in more difficult pursuits.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 3 (Assignment 3).
Marussia B2 is not a police car which I could recommend and its serious disadvantage is that as a police car it has very low durability and strength. The only advantage is that Russian police car has slightly better parameters than Camaro ZL1.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 4 (Assignment 4).
Shelby GT500 is worse than its predecessor in two main categories: acceleration and control. Especially the low value of latter parameter can be problematic, because it is very hard to control this vehicle.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 5 (Assignment 5).
BMW M6 Coupe is a police car with quite average parameters and that's why it has no definitive advantages. But if you take this car for the next patrol you do not have to worry about its performance.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 6 (Assignment 6).
Porsche 911 Turbo is good mainly in those police activities where you need a car with good performance. But disadvantage of this car is quite low, as for police car, value of durability and strength.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 7 (Assignment 7).
Viper, same as 911 Turbo, is unfortunately not too durable for a police car, so it is not ideal choice for aggressive pursuits. This car is though easy to control and has high top speed, but it has not so good acceleration as Porsche.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 8 (Assignment 8).
Gallardo incomparable better choice than its few predecessors. This vehicle has actually no bigger disadvantages, offering quite good performance and ease of control. Only durability and strength could be a bit better but no worries.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 9 (Assignment 9).
Lexus LFA is definitely worse car than Lamborghini Gallardo for example, offering worse acceleration and only slightly better control. But the main problem is low durability and strength, which disqualifies this car in more difficult pursuits.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 10 (Assignment 10).
Ferrari 458 Italia is very fast car and it is easy to control it, thanks to that it is ideal in rapid responses. Values of durability and strength are not the highest ones, but there are far better than parameters of the weakest police cars.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 11 (Assignment 11).
Also this vehicle is good mainly in different types of time trials, offering quite good performance and control. Carrera GT could be however not good for more difficult pursuits due to its not good durability.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 12 (Assignment 12).
McLaren 12C is a police car which definitely shouldn't be ignored. This car is very fast and easy to control. You do not have to worry that its energy bar gets fast depleted during police pursuits.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 13 (Assignment 13).
Main advantages of Ferrari FF are very high parameters of durability and strength, which overcome most of competitor cars. In summary this is ideal vehicle for winning pursuits because in addition its performance is also good.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 14 (Assignment 14).
Murcielago is very good controlled police car and you'll appreciate it especially in those events when you have many curves. Performance and durability are also better than average level, so this model has no bigger disadvantages.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 15 (Assignment 15).
Aventador in my opinion is the best police car available in the game and that is because its overall performance. This model is mainly very durable, which can help you eliminate racers more effectively. In addition it is easy to control this car and it has perfect acceleration, so it will be also good in time trial for example.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 16 (Assignment 16).
The main disadvantage of Aston Martin One-77 is that it is harder to control it than other police cars from the end part of the cop career mode. If it is not big problem for you, you'll surely use its high strength and durability, as well as its quite good performance.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 17 (Assignment 17).
McLaren F1 LM is quite weak proposal. Its parameters as for one of last police cars available to unlock are not so good and despite the fact that it is controlled easy, the final picture is ruined by very low values of durability and strength, lowering its usability.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 18 (Assignment 18).
Bugatti Veyron is surprisingly good police car. Its main advantage are very good performance (especially top speed) but it is also easily controlled and quite durable for so fast car.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 19 (Assignment 19).
Koenigsegg Agera R is more a car to break speed records than useful police car. The main factor disqualifying this vehicle is its poor "military abilities" (durability and strength). In addition Agera is not very easy to control.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: You have to complete list 20 (Assignment 20).
In case of Venom GT we have the similar situation as with previously described Agera. This car is extremely fast but its practical usage is limited. Main disadvantages are control and not good durability and strength.
Requirements of unlocking the group of police cars: This police car can be unlocked only thanks to OverWatch application which is a part of web service More detail about this website can be found in chapter Interact with other players.
In each police car you have you can mount up to two pursuit technologies and it is good to use both slots from the very beginning, even if initially you have these upgrades which are not useful to maximum.
The important information is that from the beginning some of more advanced technologies are not available and in order to unlock them you have to advance to next chapters of the main career. The same applies to new generations of existing technologies. For example, if you invest in developed version of EMP you can decrease the time needed to lock another vehicle. Unfortunately, when you want to mount the best version of particular technology, you have to buy all previous versions first, so you should really think off if you use this technology and you won't waste points upgrading it. Full list of technologies, along with suggestions on how to use them, can be found further in the guide.
Important note - new versions of technologies requires also better models of cars, unlocked along with achieving new ranks. So do not count on this that you'll be able to purchase best boosters for the base model of Porsche Cayman S for example, because you just won't see them on the list. This dependency forces you sometimes to buy new cars, clearly hindering attempts to complete a large part of the career with one chosen car model.
Usefulness: high
Main applications: breaking illegal races
A possibility of calling police helicopter for help is the most expensive pursuit technology available in cop career. This is not the only bad news because this modification is getting really useful starting on the third level. Only then mentioned helicopter has a high effectiveness in disturbing racers during pursuits, proving its usefulness and correctness of spent points. I recommend choosing this technology when equipping police cars (plus this technology doesn't require you to operate it). In addition police helicopter doesn't end the flight after one or two attacks, staying longer in the air.
Unlocking next generations of described technology results in equipping the helicopter in new devices. The main thing is a "reward" for purchasing third level of modification because from this moment the helicopter can throw down spike strips just in front of races, significantly increasing a chance that they will fall in this road trap.
Usefulness: high
Main applications: breaking illegal races; stopping single racers
Contrary to what description of this technology may suggest, ESF shouldn't be used mainly to avoid stun mines and EMPs, though of course these are its unquestionable strengths. The main advantage of this modification is that after charging the controlled car it damages other vehicles which get in contact with it. ESF in cop career is even more useful technology as in the racer career and that's because police cars are more durable than sport cars and are better in direct collisions. When colliding with fleeing car in most cases you can count of it that you will take of half or even 2/3 of competitor's energy bar.
A very important thing is to unlock new generations of this technology as fast as possible, so the power of ESF increases. In addition, with purchasing new generations of ESF you decrease the regeneration time and increase the amount of possible usage, so you won't have to keep looking around for a repair shop.
Usefulness: average
Main applications: stopping single racers
EMP on lower development levels is not very useful pursuit technology and this is because full tracking of the vehicle in front of you takes far too long. As a result it is easy to make a mistake and waste the EMP charge after failed process of aiming. Only after purchasing next generations the effectiveness of this technology increases, although still in most cases it is better to lead to the direct collision with the chased racer's car (supported additionally by ESF for example) than to try to track him down again.
Along with unlocking new generations of this technology its charging time decreases. In addition you can count on taking more energy from other vehicles and decreasing technology regeneration tine.
Usefulness: low
Main applications: breaking illegal races
Roadblock has some similarities with police helicopter and that's because after activating this technology, further activities are passed to AI and you do not have any influence on it. Unfortunately, as the helicopter is very useful, roadblocks do not significantly help in stopping racers during pursuits. What's more, purchasing next generations of this technology doesn't change too much and still it is wasted too often, not slowing down even a single driver.
Subsequent generations of the described technology influences appearance of the blockade, properly modifying it. As I mentioned before, those changes are not so significant as you might think.
Usefulness: average
Main applications: breaking illegal races; stopping single racers
Shock ram is very similar in many aspects to shock wave available for racers. At the first glance this technology has only advantages - it is cheaper to purchase than ESF and in contrary to competitor EMP technology, doesn't require targeting process. But it quickly turns out that the price for such advantages is quite weak effectiveness. Do not count on this, that thanks to this technology you'll be able to easily deplete energy bars of racers, even after purchasing next generations of shock ram. Its main usage is disturbing enemies during drive and dependent on the situation it can slow them down or make them to collide with environment elements or another civilian car. In summary, it is quite good modifications for beginners but further on in the career you should invest in something more powerful.
Along with purchasing next generations of shock ram, its power range increases, its regeneration time decreases and amount of its usage increases.
Usefulness: average
Main applications: stopping single racers
Spike strip is quite cheap pursuit technology, but this is not by accident because only after unlocking higher generations this modification gets better, helping you quicker catch racers. Described technology should be mainly used in Interceptor events to slow down single racers and as result faster finish the event. But consider two disadvantages of this technology. First of all, you have to place your car directly in front of chased car so its driver won't be able to pass by you before you place the spike strip. Secondly, even if the opponent gets into spike strip and get flat tires, they will be regenerated after a moment so quickly perform the action and attack the racer.
Purchasing next generations of the described technology mainly increases the amount of possible spike strips to be placed. In addition you can count on increasing the number of usage of the spike strip before you have to visit the repair shop again.
Regardless of chosen events I recommend having the ESF with the highest possible level. As for the second slot I recommend using Shock Ram initially because it is cheap and useful already on the first level. After gathering more SP start using the police helicopter (3rd or 4th development level).
Gameplay in Need for Speed Rivals can be in four main states:
1) Public game - this is the default state set when the game is started, assuming of course that you are login to Origin. When you start the game you're automatically connected to the existing session with randomly chosen players. It is not especially recommended variant by me, because you do not control who else joins the game. So you can play with too weak or too good players or with "trolls".
2) Game with friends - if you choose this state the online game will be joined by persons from your friends list. But this session is not limited only to them because each your friend can invite his friends to the game.
3) Private game - this is the best variant if you want to play in limited group of players, who want to quickly complete subsequent tasks in racers or cop careers.
4) Offline game - this state completely blocks the possibility for other players to join your session. I recommend this variant only if you want to complete events by your own, without worrying that someone will disturb you.
The main obvious form of interaction with other players is game of cops and racers. Playing as a cop you can help police cars controlled by AI in catching cars controlled by other players and playing as a racer you can decide to join common escapes or support your colleagues in getting rid of police cars chasing them. It is worth noting that the single session can be joined up to 6 players. But there is no limitation for choosing the side of the conflict so there is nothing against that for example all players play as cops.
Same as with the singleplayer game many elements of the game world interfere with each other. Opening the world map allows you monitoring actions of other players and moving to the areas patrolling by them. But this is not the only attraction because you can also join another player's race (just get close to him), so depending on your preferences you can help him to win or fight for the gold medal on your own. You can of course challenge other players to head-to-head duels (Rival career) and join common hot pursuits encountered during free exploration of the county (Cop career).
An important element of interaction with other players is also competition and it covers almost all main aspects of the game. You can compete in getting best result in given events or break speed records at speed cameras. Autolog mechanism, same as with previous parts of Need for Speed, tries to keep you informed about actions of friends from your list and suggests which their achievements you can try to beat.
Your progress in competing with friends can be tracked not only from the game but also thanks to online service On the mentioned website you can find an OverWatch application which can be used on tablets and mobile devices. OverWatch allows you to interfere with the game world and friends' actions even if you do not play the game right now. Depending on your preferences you can try to help friends or disturb them, spending refilling fuel points on subsequent actions and getting access to new functionalities. Another motivator to use OverWatch is possibility of unlocking new cars in the main game. We talk here about Maserati GT MC Stradale in Rival career and three types of Bentley Continental GT V8 in Cop career.
In the below table you'll find description of all achievements/trophies available in the game. Most of entries in addition to inform of the achievement's assumptions give also hints on how to complete them. In case of harder achievements (* next to the achievement name) I suggest go to next pages of this chapter, where you can find some more tips on how to get them.
10 Heat*
In Rival career advance to 10th pursuit level (Heat 10).
5 Buster
In Cop career stop the driver which is on least 5th pursuit level (Heat 5). Many racer with such level can be encountered later on, so completing this achievement is quite easy.
5, 4, 3, 2, Mach 1!
In Rival career spend 50 seconds in total in the air while driving Ford car. Look around for jumping places which guarantee long and distant jumps so completing this achievement won't take much.
8 Buster*
In Cop career stop the driver which is on least 8th pursuit level (Heat 8).
Bigger Points*
You have to cumulate and deposit 500 thousands SP at once and it is MUCH MORE easy to do it playing as racer.
Buddy Bust
In Cop career stop the fleeing car controlled by another player from your friends list.
Bust 50
In Cop career stop 50 racers in total.
Cop Rank 10
In Cop career achieve 10th rank.
Cop Rank 20
In Cop career achieve 20th rank.
Cop Rank 40
In Cop career achieve 40th rank. This is possible only after completing the main plot of this mode, returning to previously omitted assignment lists.
Cop Rank 5
In Cop career achieve 5th rank.
Cop Rank 60
In Cop career achieve 60th rank. This is possible only after completing the main plot of this mode, returning to previously omitted assignment lists.
Deep Down, You Know You Want To
In Rival career spend 50 minutes while driving any Ford car and then return to hideout.
First National
You have to deposit first pool of gathered SP in the hideout (Rival) or mobile command post (Cop). You can't omit this achievement.
Friendly Race
You have to win one race with participation of another player from your friends list.
Gold Master
You have to win 100 gold medals in total. Important news is that all types of events in Rival career mode as well as Cop career mode are summed up. Start with events on easy or normal difficulty level, choosing such events which suits you best and for which you have best cars.
Lcnce n Rgstrtn pls
In Cop career use any type of Ford Shelby GT500 to stop 10 racers in total.
In Rival career achieve multiplier x10.
Professional Collector
In Rival career purchase 10 different cars.
Racer Rank 10
In Rival career achieve 10 rank.
Racer Rank 20
In Rival career achieve 20 rank.
Racer Rank 40
In Rival career achieve 40 rank. This is possible only after completing the main plot of this mode, returning to previously omitted speed lists.
Racer Rank 5
In Rival career achieve 5 rank.
Racer Rank 60
In Rival career achieve 60 rank. This is possible only after completing the main plot of this mode, returning to previously omitted speed lists.
Upgrade Master
In Cop career purchase all pursuit technologies available for any chosen police car. We're talking here not only about base versions but also about their next generations. After purchasing all technologies, equip the particular police car with two of them.
All those achievements can be completed on single try. Make sure that you're in Rival career mode and that you are prepared well. Make sure to but one of the best cars in the game (my recommendation is Ferrari F12 which is much more durable than its competitors) and then maximally equip it (upgrade car's parameters and purchase pursuit technologies).
When you thinks that you're ready, go to the main highway located in the central part of the map. Start using pursuit technologies in the area to damage or completely eliminate police cars chasing you (I especially recommend ESF and Stun Mine technologies).
During accumulating points and increasing multiplier, try to stay at the short distance (up to one mile maximum) to the one of the repairs shops near the highway, regularly making turns and returning to it in order to repair car and replenish pursuit technologies.
Perform all these actions until you fulfill requirements of three described achievements which is: gather half million SP, advance to 10th pursuit level and increase the multiplier to value of 10. Quickly use EasyDrive navigation in order to plan the route to the nearest hideout and go there at once, not trying to evade the police.
This achievement can be completed only in cop career mode. If you do not hurry with unlocking it then wait until you advance to the final pursuit after Zephyr (Zero Hour event in Interceptor category), so you start the ninth chapter of the campaign. This is a good solution as Zephyr has 10th pursuit level and in addition catching him is required to complete cop career.
If you want to complete this achievement earlier then try for example during free play with friends to wait until one of players playing as racers advance to properly high pursuit level and then focus on eliminating him from the game.