Welcome to the Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars game guide. This text will provide you with a detailed account of Chinatown Wars' arcane and will help you finish the game with the longed-for 100%. Brace yourself for smuggling drugs, destroying security cameras, fighting off zombies or being chased in a bulletproof cab by cops. Enough with the introduction - let's cut to the chase.
Lukasz "Terrag" Znojek
Translated by: Magda Waszczyk
For the sake of clarity the map in the tutorial has been divided into the following fragments:
[1] - Bohan
[2] - Dukes
[3] - Francis International Airport
[4] - Broker
[5] - Algonquin (South)
[6] - Algonquin (Center)
[7] - Algonquin (North)
The latest part of Grand Theft Auto gives you numerous opportunities for regenerating your health and armor. In order to regain vital forces you can use one of many first aid kits (in the shape of a green cross) scattered around town. Another way to regain some health points (20% to be exact) is to get into an ambulance. The next in line are scratch cards (described more explicitly in the next chapter) marked with a burger or capital W. They give you an opportunity to win a high-calorie sandwich regenerating 100% of your health, or fries which can restore it by 50%. A nap in your hideout (saving the game) is also an effective way to regain some strength. The last way is to buy a hot-dog from a street stand [1].
The ways of restoring armor are not so numerous. You need to find one of many armors scattered around the city [2], buy one of the Ammu-Nation scratch cards (marked with capital A) or hijack a police van. These vehicles appear on the streets as soon as you get three stars of police attention, though you can also find one in front of a police station [2]. It's worth mentioning that completing the mission with a cop car gives you the 'bullet shield' ability making your armor two times thicker.
Below, there are some maps showing you the whereabouts of armors, health, and weapons. The icons from the maps are as follows:
First-aid kit regenerating 100% of your life level.
Armor - substitute of a first-aid kit for your 'blue' protection indicator. It's worth noticing that the capacity of the strip doubles thanks to the 'bullet shield' ability.
Sword you can find it in a red garbage can in southern Algonquin, provided that you have completed one of the main missions: 'Under the Gun'.
Chainsaw it can be found at several construction sites.
Baseball Bat - can be acquired at sports fields and parks.
Twin Pistol - lying on a small island in the middle of a lake in northern Algonqiun.
Micro SMG - can be found in northern Algonquin.
Shotgun - look for one in the Broker district.
Grenades - they are scattered all around town.
Francis International Airport
Algonquin (South)
Algonquin (Center)
Algonquin (North)
This time Liberty City offers you twenty one hideouts. Each of them gives you a range of opportunities. Apart from storing drugs acquired in the missions [1], you can save the game [2], connect to the Internet via WiFi [3] or repeat every mission [4] and improve on your performance.
Below there are some maps showing all of the game's hideouts. Under each of them you can find a detailed description and characteristics. Seclusion means that in a given hiding place you can get access to stuff hidden in a hijacked car (an Ammu-Nation truck or a van belonging to a drug-dealing gang). Other labels mark gas stations, places selling scratch-cards, tattoo shops, spray shops and car dealers. The icons are as follows:
Estates which can become your property. Under every map there is a detailed description and price of a particular accommodation.
This hideout is situated in a secluded place. You can recover there stuff from a hijacked Ammu-Nation or gang truck.
This is a place where scratch cards can be bought. The only way to acquire hideout <br>no. 16, 'Star Junction', is by winning it.
Gas stations. After completing the 'Natural Born Killer' mission you can make Molotov Cocktails there.
The Pay'n'Spray shops offer useful services, especially when you're in a rush to lose some stars of police attention. Changing the color of your car will cost you about $200.
After completing the 'Operation Northwood' mission you can install a bomb in your car here. This will cost you $500.
Tattoo shops appear after accomplishing the 'Recruitment Drive' mission; they make a poor source of income.
You can see the salesman at Boabo's after you've completed 'The Wheelman' mission. The cars he offers become available as you progress in the game.
01. Little Bay
Price: $12,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
02. South Bohan
Price: $0
Garage: NO
Seclusion: NO
One of the hideouts you acquire as the storyline develops.
03. Steinway
Price: $15,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
04. Cerveza Heights
Price: $0
Garage: YES
Seclusion: YES
You acquire this hideout at the very beginning of the game, after completing the first mission, <br>'Yu Jian'.
Francis International Airport
05. Meadow Hills
Price: $0
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
A house located in Meadow Hills becomes your property after you finish the last of the tasks brought to you by accidental encounters, 'Wilhelm (III)'.
Price: $10,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
07. Rotteram Hill
Price: $8,000
Garage: NO
Seclusion: YES
08. South Slopes
Price: $12,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: YES
09. Hove Beach
Price: $8,000
Garage: NO
Seclusion: NO
10. Hove Beach
Price: $8,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
11. Firefly Island
Price: $7,000
Garage: NO
Seclusion: NO
Algonquin (South)
12. Lower Easton
Price: $0
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
You acquire this hideout as you progress in the game.
13. Suffolk
Price: $9,000
Garage: NO
Seclusion: NO
Algonquin (Center)
14. The Meat Quarter
Price: $9,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
15. Colony Island
Price: $11,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: YES
16. Star Junction
Price: $0
Garage: NO
Seclusion: NO
This luxury suite is the main prize in a 'I'm Rich $' scratch card.
Algonquin (North)
17. Middle Park
Price: $8,000
Garage: NO
Seclusion: NO
18. Varsity Heights
Price: $8,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
19. Northwood
Price: $9,000
Garage: YES
Seclusion: YES
20. Northwood
Price: $0
Garage: YES
Seclusion: NO
Again, you get the apartment for completing appointed tasks.
21. Lancaster
Price: $0
Garage: YES
Seclusion: YES
Last estate you get for accomplishing main missions.
GTA Chinatown Wars introduces new ways of getting rid of the police, alongside the ol' Pay'N'Spray shops. The authors give you an opportunity to take matters into your own hands. All you have to do is cause an accident involving several (or sometimes a dozen or so) cop cars. Using weapons is not recommended in this case, as you may accidentally blow up a cop car. This may bring an effect opposite from what you intended and intensify the pursuit. Sometimes it's necessary to back yourself up with a gun, though. When a cop tries to open the door of your car [1] and you are not able escape, just pull the trigger. The last way to get rid of the police is to save the game in one of your hideouts.
After dealing with the cops, stop in a secluded place and wait for the white stars in the top right-hand corner to stop blinking [2]. The wanted levels and [numbers of cop cars you have to eliminate to shake off your pursuers] are given below:
The lowest 'wanted' level. You can wait for the pursuit to end by going to a secluded place. There aren't many cop cars chasing you. [1]
At this level there are more police cars on the streets but shaking off your pursuers is still a mere formality. [3]
A helicopter appears so try to avoid its cannon. You may also come across a cop van. Once you hijack it you get a bulletproof jacket. [6]
This time FBI cars join the pursuit. They resemble vans but their siren is placed on the hood. Hijacking them won't give you a bulletproof jacket. [10]
The streets are full of cop cars and of course each of them is trying to stop you. Apart from that nothing changes. [15]
The military with (unfortunately closed) tanks appears. The soldiers spare no bullets so out on the streets your chances are zero. You can either repaint your car or head to a hideout. [21]
The game offers over twenty various weapons. You can have six different types of arms on you, one of each kind. In other words, in a given moment you can run around with one pistol, one shotgun and so on. Every time you find a new weapon of the sort you already possess, you'll have to confirm your choice by pressing the left trigger. Changing guns amidst one type doesn't cause ammo loss.
Of course not all weapons are going to be available from the very beginning. The Ammu-Nation's offer widens as you progress in the game. When the opportunity arises, it's advisable that you buy the 'Fully Cocked'. It costs $10,000 but gives you access to most of the deadly toys.
You select a weapon using the touchscreen and pressing the gun icon; the game will pause giving you time to make a choice. Although Huang selects arms automatically, you can always switch to the next one by holding the right trigger. The list below presents the whole arsenal you'll have at your disposal (excluding the sniper rifle available in only a few missions). Acronyms used in the text mean the following: M - magazine, P - price you have to pay the dealer for the weapon, and D - a single delivery from Ammu-Nation.
You hit your opponent by pressing the A button. Press A, A, A rhythmically to do a round kick; by pressing A and B together you fell your enemy with a leap kick. This last combo is possible even when you use other weapons.
Teaser [M: 100+ || P: $300]
You order it at the local arms dealer. It's an interesting weapon to kill (or actually fry) individual opponents. Hold the A button to paralyze your target until he bursts into flames. The weapon recharges itself after a short while.
Baseball Bat
It can be found in several locations. Each hit knocks the enemy down but you'll still need three more strikes to kill him. Generally speaking a baseball bat is not the best choice, as you can find much more effective weapons just as easily.
Night Stick
The cops wield it from the very beginning of the pursuit. Despite greater swing speed, it proves ineffective in many situations. As the strike doesn't knock down your opponent, pedestrians can run away from you easily. Like the baseball bat, the night stick is not the best choice.
For some time in the game this will be your main weapon. Easy to be found on many construction sites, a chainsaw effectively gets rid of even several opponents at a time. Attack in short series by quickly pressing A and don't trouble yourself with 'long' slashes.
Known from the mission 'By Myriads of Swords'. If you want to practice using the sword earlier (or if you lost it), check out the trash can marked on one of the maps from the 'Health, Armor and Weapons' chapter. One slash kills whole groups of opponents. It's definitely the best contact weapon.
Pistol [M: 17 || P: $200 || D: 68]
The most popular gun in the game. Cops use it against you on every possible occasion. The pistol's drawbacks are rather medium range and not very great fire power. Among its merits are a fair price and a relatively capacious clip.
Twin Pistol [M: 34 || P: $450 || D: 24]
Grabbing a second pistol reduces your accuracy but at the same time increases your rate of fire and the number of shots you have to take. Gangsters don't usually run around with two pistols so the best way to acquire them is by making a purchase.
Revolver [M: 6 || P: $1,200 || D: 102]
It has a very good range and fire power. Its weak points are poor rate of fire and small capacity of the clip. Considering that most targets moving on foot won't live until the third shot (given a smaller distance even until the second one), it's a very good choice among pistols.
Micro SMG [M: 50 || P: $350 || D: 150]
A fairly reasonable purchase as long as you don't want to use it to destroy vehicles. The fire power, although good enough for pedestrians, is definitely too weak when it comes to cars. Another problem may be the speed of emptying the clip, inversely proportional to the effects of your actions.
SMG [M: 30 || P: $1,500 || D: 120]
A sub machine gun offers much greater fire power and better accuracy than the micro SMG. The smaller clip is not a problem as you don't need as many bullets as in the previous gun to get the same result. The SMG is perfect for shooting from a car.
Shotgun [M: 1 || P: $600 || D: 16]
An ideal weapon for shooting at point-blank. When you get into a close encounter with your opponent the one shot which you get before you have to reload is enough to beat his brains out. Though the shotgun destroys cars quite nicely, the necessity of reloading makes it an inconvenient weapon.
Stubby Shotgun [M: 2 || P: $800 || D: 32]
Favourite weapon of Ammu-Nation truck drivers. It's deadly at short as well as medium range, though it leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to accuracy. It's great for killing people and destroying their vehicles. Its main merit is that you can take two shots in a row.
Double Barreled Shotgun [M: 2 || P: $1,000 || D: 32]
The best shotgun in the game. It's characterized by high power, accuracy and range. Perfect at short and medium ranges, though it's also useful when it comes to shooting pedestrians from a long distance. It's extremely effective if you want to quickly blow up a vehicle.
Assault Rifle [M: 30 || P: $2,500 || D: 120]
A perfect weapon for eliminating pedestrians. Slightly lower rate of fire is compensated by exceptionally long range and outstanding fire power. Problems begin when it comes to destroying cars or helicopters; in such cases the assault rifle is just not powerful enough.
Carbine Rifle [M: 50 || P: $3,500 || D: 150]
A gun used mainly by the army. Its fire power is similar to the assault rifle's but it's rate of fire is much higher. Although the clip is almost two times more capacious, you won't even notice when you run out of ammo. If you're low on cash, shopping may be a problem.
Flamethrower [M: 500 || P: $6,000 || D: 3000]
A perfect weapon if you have the 'flame retard' ability (which is a reward in the firetruck mission) making you immune to flames. The flamethrower is ideal at short distances, for you can set cars and people (and generally everything that moves) on fire. In spite of appearances the ammo lasts a long time if only you dose it sensibly.
RPG [M: 1 || P: $8,000 || D: 8]
The ratio of price to the amount of rockets you get is highly unsatisfactory. It's undeniable, though, that nothing brings you more joy than blowing up cars and helicopters. You fix their position by holding the right trigger. The RPG's range is also pretty impressive.
Minigun [M: 200 || P: $10,000 || D: 300]
The most expensive weapon in the game. It has an overwhelming rate of fire. Although the minigun's effectiveness is very high for almost any target (maybe excluding tanks), using it is very uneconomic in the long run.
Flashbang [P: $150 || D: 8]
Treat it as a curiosity rather than an actual weapon. After it explodes your enemies will stand stupefied for a few seconds. This gives you time to either attack or run away. It may be interesting to use it along with the sword but you can just as well wait for the moment in which your opponents reload their guns. It will give the same results.
Molotov Cocktail [P: $300 || D: 8]
The most effective weapon against security cameras scattered around town. You can of course waste time on producing them at a gas station (about fifteen bottles for $200) but purchasing them at Ammu-Nation is much more efficient.
Grenades [P: $350 || D: 8]
They have a bigger range than Molotov Cocktails, however the necessity of waiting two seconds for the explosion makes them rather useless. Remember also that they have an irritating custom of rebounding from the surfaces they hit.
Proximity Mine [P: $500 || D: 8]
The only way of acquiring mines is to buy them via the Ammu-Nation website. They prove useful when you want to get rid of your pursuers. After arming a mine the explosion occurs after about six seconds or when any target (including you) appears within the mine's scope.
Once you've completed the 'Tricks of the Triad' mission, the doors to the drug market stand open before you. In the game you meet about eighty drug traffickers. Some of them belong to gangs offering (and buying) certain substances at reasonable prices.
All information necessary to do business are systematically saved on your PDA. After selecting one of the main categories, TRADE INFO, in the top screen appears a summary of the most attractive offers [1], whereas after selecting TURF MAP you'll see detailed information on gangs and drugs they're interested in (a rsum of these information may be found on the maps below) [2], [3]. From time to time you'll receive e-mails from friendly dealers. Every message of this sort tells you about a well-paid (and time-limited) offer of a particular seller and gives an opportunity to double your potential profits. You use your GPS device to track down those specific dealers (marked on the screen with characteristic icons) [4].
You will encounter six different types of substances. They differ not only in price but also in the interest their transactions evoke in the police (two stars). Since we're on the subject, it's worth mentioning that sealing the deal is impossible when you have cops on your back. Your contracting party will be scared away by the officers. A similar situation may take place if a cop is accidentally strolling about nearby. It's enough, though, to come back to the dealer after a few seconds and finish the transaction when he calms down.
Below there is a list of drugs available in the game: their names, average purchase price and potential (profits) from selling one fix of a particular substance:
$1 ($100)
$5 ($5)
$10 ($5)
$5 ($100)
$6 ($20)
$7 ($10)
$50 ($350)
$170 ($80)
$200 ($25)
$90 ($150)
$200 ($50)
$250 ($30)
$500 ($500)
$800 ($150)
$850 ($80)
$450 ($550)
$600 ($200)
$700 ($80)
a special-offer price, received via e-mail from a friendly dealer
an attractive price offered by a gang interested in buying a particular substance
price offered by independent traffickers who are not gang members and sell their stuff at normal prices on average conditions
The above piece of information is purely theoretical as establishing a rate for drugs in advance is practically impossible. Thus, it's also hard to estimate a precise (profit) from trafficking. It may happen that the divergence in prices reaches even a few hundred $.
At first glance the list above states that offers of freelance dealers are least attractive. In practice, though, it may happen that the price he wants (or pays) for a given drug is way more attractive than this offered by gangsters.
Obviously, dealing hard drugs such as heroin or coke is the most profitable but you have to remember about the high risk of getting caught. Ecstasy and downers bring you average profits. Weed and acid are the cheapest so, unless you are dealing with a special offer, don't trouble yourself with them.
When you're fairly well-off it's good to stash some 'special-offer' drugs in your hideouts. This is a long-term investment but it will pay handsomely when an occasion arises to sell some drugs at a good price. In case of the more expensive goods this tactic will bring you astronomic profits. If a dealer sends you an e-mail in which he expresses readiness to buy from you, you can always sell him some stuff at reasonable price. Don't count on enormous profits, though.
To make your life of a drug tycoon easier you can complete the 'Liberty State Delivery' mission (described later on in the tutorial). Once you're done you can carry maximally 100 and not, like before, 50 'pieces' of drugs. It's worth to remember that when you destroy all hundred security cameras in the city (their location has been described in detail in one of the chapters), the drug prices fall by 40%.
Below there are some maps illustrating whereabouts of every dealer, their gang membership, and their preference for buying and selling particular drugs:
Francis International Airport
Algonquin (South)
Algonquin (Center)
Algonquin (North)
Once you've completed the 'Pursuit Farce' mission you get access to invaluable services offered by cab drivers. You can get into a taxi only if it's not hired [1]. When the driver waits for a fare, a yellow light glows on the car's roof [2]. To halt a taxi you have to stop and blow (whistle) in the microphone. You can also hold X and hope that Huang won't throw the driver out of the cab but will just put his hand up. Don't count on the taxi driver to stop if you have cops on your back. When you're in the cab, a screen resembling your GPS control panel appears. If you didn't mark a destination of your journey, now is the time to do it.
01. By pressing this button you get out of the cab.
02. Shows location of dealers.
03. Location of hideouts, gas stations, security cameras, etc.
04. Your favourite places.
05. You mark the route by "double clicking" with the stylus on the map (or establishing your destination using buttons described above). Confirm your choice with the marked key and press the green icon.
Ammu-Nation Delivery Trucks
As soon as you gain access to the services of Ammu-Nation (completing the 'Pimp His Ride' mission), trucks with a characteristic blue star appear on the streets [1]. These are the Ammu-Nation delivery trucks. Now nothing (maybe apart from closed doors) can stop you from hijacking the vehicle and stealing its cargo.
The truck driver is one of your toughest opponents in the game. He's armed with a deadly long-range shotgun and wears a bulletproof jacket. The best way of luring him out of the truck is to drive by its side and rake it, stopping only when the driver jumps out of the damaged vehicle. Now you have three choices. It would be perfect if you could run him over and park elegantly [2]. A slightly worse solution is to shoot at him from your car. Your third option is to draw him away from the truck, leave your automobile and run to the abandoned vehicle.
Dealers' Trucks
After you're done with the 'Carpe 'Dime' mission, drug dealing gangsters appear on the streets in their cars [2]. Unlike before, hijacking one of them is a piece of cake. The doors are not closed so you can throw the driver and the passenger out of the vehicle at any time. You can also block the truck with your car. As soon as the gangsters get out of the vehicle, pump them full of lead.
When the hijacked vehicle reaches your secluded hideout it's time to cut the metal with a burner (Ammu-Nation) or rip the car door in order to find the cubby-hole (dealers' trucks). In the former case you have to remember that each time you open the truck, several clips (or items) of one type fall out. In the latter you ought to realize that stealing trucks packed with hot stuff is not the most lucrative job in the world. It often turns out that the cubby-place is empty and your efforts go down the drain.
At the very beginning of this tutorial it was said that the main aim of this text is to help you get your desired 100%. Let's see what you have to do (and how) to reach the ceiling.
Your job is to:
01. Own 21 estates.
02. Find and destroy 100 security cameras.
03. Trace and talk to 80 drug dealers.
04. Get eight rewards.
05. Complete 35 rampages with at least bronze medals.
06. Perform 30 unique stunt jumps through billboards.
07. Complete 34 races (8 typical and 26 time trials) with at least bronze medals.
08. Win at least a bronze medal in each of the 16 special activities.
09. Finish the 58 missions of the main storyline.
10. As well as 14 missions resulting from accidental encounters.
11. Finally, find two lion figurines.
One hundred such devices have been installed on rooftops [1] and fences all over the city. Your job is to destroy every single one and Molotov Cocktails seem to be tailor-made for the job [2]. After completing the 'Natural Born Killer' mission you can produce them yourself on gas stations but it's much more efficient to order them via Ammu-Nation (provided that you have completed the 'Pimp His Ride' mission and granted yourself access to their services). Having destroyed all the cameras you will notice a 40% reduction in prices of drugs sold by traffickers, which also means a significant rise in your own profits. The security cameras are located as follows:
08. The camera is situated at the far end of a closed complex. Go inside through the roof; you'll find the entrance in the north-west.
17. The entrance to the rooftop can be found in the south-east.
Francis International Airport
Algonquin (South)
Algonquin (Center)
Algonquin (North)
As you progress in the game you receive various rewards. Generally speaking, they serve no purpose apart from decorating your hideouts. You have to have them if you want to finish Chinatown Wars in 100%, though. Below you have a list of these items along with short descriptions how to get them:
Jeweled Key to the City
Come into possession of all 21 hideouts (the map as well as the descriptions of the estates can be found in a chapter entitled 'Hideouts, Scratch Cards, Stations and Shops').
Golden Binoculars
Track and talk to (or make a transaction with) forty drug dealers (the 'Drugs' chapter contains a map with their locations).
Titanium Briefcase
Track all eighty drug dealers (again, familiarize yourself with the 'Drugs' chapter).
Silver Safe
You win it after earning your first $2,000.
Wooden Spoon
You get the spoon when you make a $500 loss on a drug transaction. It may be problematic to find such an unprofitable offer among the traffickers. Head to the hang-out of a drug-dealing gang ('Drugs' chapter) and buy as much of the substance as possible. Then sell it back to the same trafficker or to one of his friends. After that you should be out of pocket.
The Jeweled Bong
Reward for distributing weed and downers.
Diamond Pillbox
Reward for trafficking in ecstasy and acid.
Platinum Syringe
Reward for coke and heroin distribution.
Along with the latest part of Grand Theft Auto, the Rampages return. Rampages are special missions in which you eliminate a specific number of gangsters and/or destroy their vehicles over a given period of time. It may happen that you'll get backup for the mission in the form of shooters or that you'll be sitting behind the wheel of some vehicle. Each time you'll be given a weapon and a sufficient amount of ammo. Killing enemies grouped together is a good idea for the task.
Each subsequent homicide increases the point multiplier [1], which really helps to win a gold medal. The 'flame retard' and 'bullet shield' abilities come in handy in the Rampages. The first one makes you immune to flames while the second gives you double armor. You obtain them after completing missions in an ambulance and a cop car.
Taking part in Rampages not only moves you closer to completing the game in 100% but also makes a great source of income. Finishing a Rampage brings you a profit directly proportional to your results. It's enough to win a bronze medal for your progress to be noted on the indicator. Now it's time for some maps presenting Rampage locations. But first a short legend:
Location of 'sculls' which, when touched, activate a Rampage.
Missions in which a car is required. The Rampage begins when you get into a pickup parked nearby.
Points required to win a bronze medal (it's enough to get your 100%).
Points required to win a gold medal.
01. Northern Gardens
Weapon: flamethrower, Molotov Cocktails
B: 990
Z: 3000
There are some cars parked on the street nearby; use the flamethrower to set them on fire. Torch a few at the same time and kill the gangsters who are trying to escape. If you accidentally get caught on fire, press Y - you will drop on the ground and extinguish the flames.
02. Boulevard
Weapon: fists
B: 300
Z: 1800
Remember that pressing A and B simultaneously makes you do a leap kick. Defeat your enemies first by kicking them and then finishing them off with your fists. It is best to do it in that order as it will be easy to defeat you otherwise.
03. Industrial
Weapon: shooter sitting in the back seat
B: 400
Z: 1 250
The task begins after you get in the pickup. Don't bother killing gangsters attacking you (25 points per each). Use your radar to find and destroy cars with gang bosses, who are your main targets (100 points). You may find it easier to drive in reverse at times so remember to change gears.
04. Chase Point
Weapon: stubby shotgun
B: 1 000
Z: 4 400
Rake your motorized enemies. Eliminate the gangsters and destroy their cars. Although your fire range is limited, avoid getting too close to the exploding vehicles. The shock wave will knock you down and make you lose precious time.
05. South Bohan
Weapon: flamethrower, Molotov Cocktails
B: 990
Z: 3000
Use the same strategy as in Rampage 01. Set on fire as many gangsters and their cars as you can to collect more points.
06. East Island City
Weapon: twin pistol
B: 900
Z: 4800
With such unimpressive fire power it is best for you to concentrate on walking targets. Make good use of your back-up - two gunmen armed with machine guns.
07. Steinway
Weapon: flamethrower, Molotov Cocktails
B: 990
Z: 3 000
You should be familiar with this kind of tasks by now. Go out on the street and destroy all cars parked in range. Kill every gangster who tries to get out of a burning vehicle.
08. Meadow Hills
Weapon: double barreled shotgun
B: 1 010
Z: 4 750
You can fire twice before Huang will have to reload. Make use of this fact and eliminate the thugs driving around the park on their motorbikes. As usual, try to kill them in groups, thus gaining better marks.
Francis International Airport
09. Willis
Weapon: micro SMG
B: 900
Z: 4 010
Kill the members of a motorcycle gang using a micro SMG. Try not to move away from your accomplice who helps you to eliminate your opponents.
10. Francis Intl Airport
Weapon: shooter sitting in the back seat
B: 400
Z: 1 250
The mission begins after you get in the pickup. Use the same tactic as in 03. This time your job is easier as the gang bosses are driving around in slow trucks. The scoring hasn't changed; killing four of them is enough to win a bronze medal.
11. Willis
Weapon: sub machine gun
B: 990
Z: 4810
Run towards your partner - this position will be more convenient. Eliminate groups of gangsters one after another using a machine gun. Gangsters on motorbikes can be knocked over with a short burst and finished off before they manage to get on their feet.
12. Beechwood City
Weapon: flamethrower, Molotov Cocktails
B: 990
Z: 3000
Practically the same as in 07, 05 and 01... burn to the ground everything that moves ^^.
13. Beechwood City
Weapon: chainsaw
B: 1000
Z: 3100
Use the chainsaw by rhythmically pressing the A button. The sight may not be very pleasant but it's the effect that counts. Holding the button will make Huang brutally rip his enemies apart and in this case it's just a waste of time.
14. Beechwood City
Weapon: shooter sitting in the back seat
B: 400
Z: 1250
Sit behind the wheel of a truck and head to meet more bosses driving around in cars. The rules are the same as before (missions 10 and 03).
15. Outlook Park
Weapon: micro SMG
B: 900
Z: 4 010
Run around the park with two assistants and eliminate groups of gangsters by firing bursts from your micro SMG. Try pressing both B and A buttons so that you can run and shoot at the same time.
16. Beach Gate
Weapon: minigun
B: 1 340
Z: 4800
Keep your finger on the A button and rush to the street shooting in every possible direction, killing everyone who gets in your way.
17. Firefly Island
Weapon: twin pistol
B: 900
Z: 4800
Together with your gunman head to the beach killing all the gangsters you meet along the way. Once you get there, move along the shore eliminating hostile groups.
Algonquin (South)
18. Fishmarket South
Weapon: assault rifle
B: 1 000
Z: 5525
Running all the time, shoot continuously at walking targets. Try not to waste time on destroying cars and killing their drivers as there are enough gangsters in the neighborhood.
19. Lower Easton
Weapon: RPG
B: 1 340
Z: 4100
A very pleasant task, practically limited to a slow walk down the street with a repetitive right trigger (aim) and A (fire) sequence. A gold medal should not be hard to win after you destroy all the cars you see on your way.
20. Castle Gardens
Weapon: carbine rifle
B: 1 000
Z: 4790
Together with your back-up head to the street killing every person who gets in your way. Once you reach the street you shouldn't complain about lack of targets.
21. Happiness Island
Weapon: minigun
B: 1 340
Z: 5010
Like in task 16, all you have to do is walk around and keep A pressed to maintain constant fire.
22. Castle Garden City
Weapon: shooter sitting in the back seat
B: 400
Z: 1250
Act according to the pattern of this kind of tasks - drive your car to get closer to the targets on your radar and keep close to them until they explode.
23. Castle Garden City
Weapon: carbine rifle
B: 1 000
Z: 4790
Once you get your hands on the most powerful machine gun in the game no one will pose a threat to you, and that also includes cars. Together with your gunmen destroy everything in sight. Move constantly looking for more targets.
Algonquin (Center)
24. The Meat Quarter
Weapon: RPG
B: 1 340
Z: 4 100
Just like in mission 19, walk around pressing the right trigger and A alternately. You have to be really talented to end up with less than a gold medal.
25. Westminster
Weapon: stubby shotgun
B: 1 000
Z: 4400
Given the short fire range of your weapon you have to stay close to your targets. Eliminate gangsters walking on the street as well as those in cars.
26. Colony Island
Weapon: double barreled shotgun
B: 1 010
Z: 4750
Nothing new to be done here, just walk around with your partner shooting, killing and blowing things up.
27. Hatton Gardens
Weapon: assault rifle
B: 1 000
Z: 5525
An assault rifle is definitely not a weapon of choice when it comes to blowing up cars. That's why you should concentrate on pedestrians. If you're lucky you may encounter a group of gangsters without guns (but still armed) - easiest points you'll ever get.
28. Star Junction
Weapon: sword
B: 1 150
Z: 3100
It is time to play ninja. With lightning speed move from one hostile group to another. One slash should be enough for a gangster to choke with his own blood.
29. Purgatory
Weapon: shooter sitting in the back seat
B: 400
Z: 1250
After starting the engine proceed in the same way as in other missions with a pickup. Focus on eliminating cars with gang leaders inside as they are worth four times more than the others.
Algonquin (North)
30. Middle Park West
Weapon: flamethrower, grenades
B: 990
Z: 3 000
Rush off the bridge and start a barbecue. Invite all the gangsters and tell them to bring their rides. This should cause a traffic jam which is a perfect situation to rise the points' multiplier.
31. Northwood
Weapon: assault rifle
B: 1 000
Z: 5525
Remembering that an assault rifle is not the best weapon against cars, head towards cross- and T-shaped buildings. When you get there start running around killing your opponents.
32. Northwood
Weapon: carbine rifle
B: 1 000
Z: 4790
Destroy everything within gunshot with constant fire.
33. Northwood
Weapon: chainsaw
B: 1 000
Z: 3100
Eliminate walking gangsters with multiple short cuts of your chainsaw (by pressing A shortly). If possible, avoid cars with angry and well-armed drivers inside.
34. Lancaster
Weapon: flamethrower and grenades
B: 990
Z: 3000
Exactly the same scenario as in 30. Descend, burn, and win a gold medal.
35. Middle Park
Weapon: shotgun
B: 990
Z: 3330
The shotgun is definitely not the quickest-firing and most efficient gun. Pull the trigger only when your enemy is close to you - you'll have plenty of occasions in the park.
For the first time in Grand Theft Auto history, a Unique Stunt Jump ends in going through a characteristic billboard [1]. There are thirty such billboards scattered around the city and destroying every single one of them is required to complete the game in 100%. To jump through such construction you have to take off first. Metal and wooden elements as well as the lay of the land will prove here very helpful. You'll be often using rocks, embankments or even open garbage cans in order to take off [2].
To perform a stunt properly you have to move away and gather momentum. Then, holding Y and B, burn some rubber; releasing B will cause you to move with a squeal of tyres. It may happen that you will move too fast and jump over the billboard. In such cases you have to either look for a slower car or move closer to the ad. Accordingly, when you have problems with reaching the target, look for a BANSHEE or an INFERNUS; you can also use a motorbike, preferably an NRG 900. Don't forget that damaged vehicles drive slower and make the jump shorter. Below there are some maps showing locations of the billboards. The labels used in them are as follows:
A traditional take-off for four-wheeled vehicles. Looking at the distance between it and the billboard you should be able to establish the class of car suitable for the jump.
Performing this stunt requires a motorbike. The best choice is an NRG 900. You may have to cover a long distance before you succeed.
Symbol of a billboard being your target. Here it faces north but on the maps it's in different directions.
Francis International Airport
Algonquin (South)
Algonquin (Center)
Algonquin (North)
Apart from standard directives, you'll have to follow some unexpected ones. While doing these missions you'll be an average guy who transports packages, delivers food and performs other, simple at first glance, tasks. One couldn't be more wrong, though. The missions are designed in such a way that you won't even think of boredom.
After completing the main mission entitled 'Whack the Racers', you gain access to three display-boards, by the means of which you will take part in eight races. You will be racing with three more cars. Although they are not going to attack you, it doesn't mean you have to play fair too. In short, do whatever it takes to win, including shooting, ramming, and pushing other cars off. The races shouldn't pose any problems as at any given moment you can study the routes in the tutorial.
The so-called "Time Trials" are yet another race type. They require you to cover the route over a specific time period and it's usually connected with covering some checkpoints marked on the map. You also have to use a particular car: it may be a hearse or a motorbike but equally well it can be a tank.
Finishing each of the above tasks with a high score will grant you one of three medals: bronze, silver or gold. It's enough to win the bronze one to complete the game in 100%. If you want to receive a specific reward for a particular mission, though, you need to get the gold. The maps below show the routes with [numbers of leaps] and the following symbols:
Special Activities, that is, tasks which will give you an opportunity to become a messenger, police officer, tattoo shop worker or even a zombie slayer.
The so-called "Time Trials" are special types of races in which you have to cover a specific route (with checkpoints) over a period of time.
There are three places in the game in which you have access to eight different racing routes. Unlike in the Time Trials, here you can choose the vehicle you want to drive.
A firestation, in front of which a perfect truck for completing the 'Firefighter' mission is parked.
A police station; go there in order to borrow a car in which you will take part in the 'Vigilante' mission.
There's a cab parked in front of the building. It's perfect for the 'Taxi Driver' mission.
A hospital with an ambulance parked nearby. Use it to complete the 'Paramedic' mission.
A new vehicle at Boabo's - CITYSCAPE (after completing all the missions with the [*] reward).
A new vehicle at Boabo's - FORMULA R (after completing all the missions with the [**] reward).
Fire Fighter
You stand before ten tasks of three types: putting out buildings, accidents with tank trucks, and chasing away the crowd. Buildings won't be problematic. Tank trucks explode a few seconds after they catch fire so try to keep a safe distance while extinguishing remaining objects. The protesters pose little problems as well but you have to chase them away when they want to open your doors. After leaving the firetruck you have ten seconds to come back. Winning the gold medal gives you the 'flame retard' ability, making you immune to flames.
Reward: immunity to flames
You can select a crime you'll be dealing with from a computer in the cop car. It's good to wear a bulletproof jacket as you may encounter armed criminals. Each time your job is to eliminate all the targets. You can change cars if they are too badly damaged. Once you've dealt with five challenges you gain the 'bullet shield' ability.
Reward: double armor
Taxi Driver
Your job is to drive the customers wherever they want. Keep an eye on the GPS in search of the best route. You have to remember that those routes, although legal, are not always the shortest. In necessary, fix your vehicle at the Pay'n'Spray. Once you've done fifteen commissions in a row you win a gold medal and get the 'taxi driver' ability. From now on every cab is bulletproof.
Reward: bulletproof cabs
You have to go through five stages, two to four patients in each. Unfortunately, you can neither get out of the ambulance nor fix it, so try to drive as carefully as possible. You have enough time to get to all the patients. Approach them slowly, driving in reverse. When their pulse is fading you have to hit the human icon at the bottom screen. In order to win the gold medal along with the 'marathon' ability you have to save all the patients.
Reward: sprint without breathlessness
01. Excess Delivery - Alpha Mail
In this mission you will be delivering packages. Your competition, however, will try to get to the parcel before you. After collecting the cargo wait a few seconds for your opponents before going back to the truck. Soon hostile vehicles appear and messengers start approaching you. Eliminating them will grant you some tranquility (at least until the next commission). Delivering three packages gives you a bronze medal.
Reward (for both missions of that type): the ability of carrying 100 drugs
02. Warehouse Raid
A place in which you can repeat the motive known from the 'Kenny Strikes Back' mission. Enter the complex area, hijack a van parked at the back and head to a secluded hideout. Take the drugs from the box as a reward for your performance.
Reward: a small amount of drugs
03. Bohan Snake
In order to win a bronze medal you have to cross all 39 checkpoints in under one minute. The route looks like this:
Reward: [*]
04. Boulevard Boogie TT
You have to complete four routes using a motorbike. Each route will become available after finishing the previous one with a high score (granting you at least a bronze medal).
Reward: [*]
05. S$M Grand Slam
You can choose one of the two routes in Bohan. After confirming your selection, a fast car appears next to the display-board. It's perfect for the race. Take advantage of this slight facility and head to the starting line.
Reward: a new vehicle at Boabo's - STYLE SR + [**]
06. Tattoo Parlor
A shop in which you can make tattoos (like in the 'Recruitment Drive' mission). If you're thorough in what you're doing, you can get a bronze medal for making ten tattoos. You shouldn't hurry, it's precision that counts in this mission.
07. Graveyard Groove
There are 35 checkpoints located on the graveyard. You have to drive through each of them over a period of time:
Reward: [*]
08. Dukes Dust Up TT
This time three routes, two laps each, await you. This is a Time Trial mission so you have to finish one route after another.
Reward: [*]
Francis International Airport
09. Liberty City Gun Club
You can get to the Club after completing the 'Under the Gun' mission. A series of challenges await you here. You can unblock certain weapons after finishing the following missions:
1. Pistol - 'Under the Gun'
2. Machine gun - 'Whack the Racers'
3. Grenades - 'Whack the Racers'
4. Shotgun - 'Carpe 'Dime''
5. Sniper rifle - 'One Shot, One Kill'
Reward: a 25% discount on the Ammu-Nation products
10. Fast Tracks
Get into a tank and follow the designated route. While holding the left trigger press one of the arrows on the cross in order to turn the cannon. You can also use the stylus for this purpose. Take a shot by pressing A. Blowing up cars indicated by the red marker will give you five additional seconds. Eliminating a car marked with blue color will take ten seconds of your time.
11. Hi-Way Tire Tourney
You can choose one out of three available racing routes located in Dukes and Broker districts. Like before, finding a fast car does not pose any problems.
Reward: a new vehicle at Boabo's - MK GT9 + [**]
12. Noodle Run (Cerveza Heights)
The job of a delivery boy is not very complicated. After you reach the house, get out of the vehicle and use the doorbell. Then wait for the customer to appear and strike a deal with him. With the second round of orders competition arrives. They attack while you're taking orders. They carry guns but are easy to eliminate. Eight deliveries will give you a bronze medal.
Reward (for both missions of that type): regeneration of life when it reaches a critical <br>level.
13. Monument Mania
You have to drive through 39 checkpoints on a motorbike. You need to do this in under one minute to win the bronze medal.
Reward: [*]
14. Beach Blitz
Another test of time. 39 checkpoints and 45 seconds separate you from winning the bronze medal.
Reward: [*]
15. Go-Kar-TT
The go-kart races are located at south Broker. You have four routes there:
Reward: a new vehicle at Boabo's - GO KART
Algonquin (South)
16. Noodle Run (Chinatown)
Your task is identical as in the 'Noodle Run (Cerveza Heights)' mission. When you reach your destination, get out of the car in order to ring the doorbell, then eliminate the competition and move on. Completing eight orders will grant you a bronze medal; completing thirteen - gold.
Reward (for both missions of that type): regeneration of life when it reaches a critical <br>level.
17. Loose Exchange
You have to drive through 29 checkpoints in under one minute in order to win a bronze medal.
Reward: [*]
Algonquin (Center)
18. HoboTron
Probably the most untypical mission in the game. Your job is to kill zombies at the Colony Island cemetery (you get there by swimming under the Algoinquin bridge). You have to go through six stages in order to win the gold medal (two for the bronze). In each stage you get a new weapon (the ammo and armor restore themselves) and encounter new enemies. The more advanced ones run around with swords; in the last stage the zombies have Molotov Cocktails and explode after death.
19. Midtown Mayhem
35 checkpoints and only one minute to complete the race in order to win a bronze medal. The route looks like this:
Reward: [*]
20. Wetscapade TT
This time you'll jump on a jet ski and set out to conquer four different routes. Look out for the water mines. Also remember to hold the right trigger while taking sharp bends; it significantly eases the steerability.
Reward: [*]
21. Transfender Invitational
You can choose from three racing cars. After reaching the display-board it's wise to find yourself something else than the COMET pushed right in front of your face. Its steering is dreadful.
Reward: [**]
Algonquin (North)
22. Excess Delivery - Liberty State Delivery
Once again you become a messenger. Your actions are identical as in case of 'Alpha Mail'. You reach your destination, get (or jump) out of the car and collect the package. Then wait for the other messengers and eliminate them. Three deliveries will give you a bronze medal, while five - gold.
Reward (for both missions of that type): the ability of carrying 100 drugs
23. East Side Escapade
You're going to drive a BANSHEE. Passing 39 checkpoints in less than one minute will give you a bronze medal.
Reward: [*]
24. Patriot Park TT
Another test of time. This time you get a PATRIOT and the routes are situated in a park in central Algonquin:
Reward: [*]
01. Yu Jian (Kenny)
First you have to get out of the wreck. Then swim to the pier and go to a car that's parked nearby. The owner didn't leave the keys but this can be dealt with easily with the help of a screwdriver. After getting used to the steering, drive to your uncle's restaurant marked on the map. Now all you have to do is to enter your new apartment.
Reward: $50
02. Pursuit Farce (Kenny)
This mission introduces new opportunities connected with using the Global Positioning System (and, after completing this mission, driving a cab). It's worth a while to familiarize yourself with its functions (like mapping out a route to any place, provided it's on dry land, with only a double-tap on the touchscreen). Next, take your uncle's car and head to meet Ling. All of a sudden you realize that you are wanted by the law enforcement. Your main problem now is to get rid of the two stars and crashing three cop cars should do the trick. Then you and Ling can go back to your place. Huang wouldn't have been himself if he hadn't offered the beautiful lady a cup of hot coffee.
Reward: $50
03. Under the Gun (Kenny)
You're at the rear of the restaurant, undergoing a professional close-combat and shooting training. Learning how to efficiently go through waste bins may also prove useful. Next you and Ling rush to the given address. You make use of your guns in helping the poor owner to get rid of his assailants. Completing the mission gives you the opportunity to practise some more shooting at the Liberty City Gun Club.
Reward: $50 + a new weapon at the Liberty City Gun Club - PISTOL
04. Payback (Kenny)
You're in a place appointed by your uncle. After a short talk with one of the gangsters you dart after him in a hurdles pursuit. As soon as the thug reaches his gang you unleash hell. If the leader gets away you finish him off in a car chase.
Reward: $50
05. The Wheelman (Kenny)
This time your job is to steal three racing cars scattered around the city. The time is ticking, though. In this task the GPS comes in handy, mapping out the route. Escorting two out of three cars requires you to complete one out of three simple mini-games. The games appear every time a car owner didn't leave the keys in the ignition. Completing this task gives you access to Baobo's car shop. At first it's rather poorly-stocked but it gets better as you progress in the game.
Reward: $50 + new vehicles at Boabo's - HEARSE, NRG 900, PATRIOT
06. Tricks of the Triad (Kenny)
You visit your hideout and take the stuff from the red case. Then head to a place marked on the map where a dealer is already waiting for you. After sealing up the deal, you take the cash and receive your first 'sales information' from another pusher advertising his attractive merchandise. The bargain resulted in your acquisition of the powder but also made you the subject of a dragnet. Dealing with a two-star wanted level you return to your hiding place and put the white back in the red case. From now on, thanks to your PDA keeping you up to date, drug trafficking is going to be your best source of income. Every dealer you've been in touch with is going to be marked on the map.
07. Natural Burn Killer (Kenny)
Go to the gas station. Using the touchscreen, prepare a few Molotov Cocktails. From this moment on you can go to whichever station and repeat the procedure any time you want. Then head to the given address and blow up several cars. Your next aim is a shop. It is best to shower it with bottles constantly; it speeds up the whole burning process. Predictably, the fire brigade is going to foil your plans. Dragging the fire truck driver out of the vehicle will effectively stop the firemen from any action. You should also watch out for the cops who probably aren't too pleased with your actions.
Reward: $50
08. Recruitment Drive (Kenny)
Coming to the rescue to each of your three terrorized allies will grant you their help in saving others. When you approach your target, get rid of the assassins; don't forget to keep an eye on the victim's health bar as well as your own. After saving the men, take them to the tattoo shop, bearing in mind that a meeting with a hostile gang is not among the top ten most pleasant experiences ever. In the shop you can give free rein to your (apparently very well-hidden) artistic talents. Whenever you feel like it, you can come.
Reward: $50
09. Pimp His Ride (Chan)
You head to look for a talented rally driver. Follow him, remembering to keep a safe distance. Soon you'll get an opportunity to intercept his car and drive him to a local garage in which you're going to do some tuning of his ride. What you have to do now is to take the vehicle back, what, however, may be problematic after what you've done to it. Driving straight is literally impossible. You also can't damage the car or the owner will get suspicious. After competing the mission you gain access to the local gun dealer - Ammu-Nation.
Reward: $50 + a new car at Boabo's - RESOLUTION X
10. Whack the Racers (Chan)
There is a race car parked in front of Chan's hideout. Borrow it and go the starting line. Remember that winning is not your aim; you just have to keep Chan's opponents from finishing the race before him. All you have to do is shoot at them, block their cars and ram into them. It's good to study the map below so that you can take some sharp bends faster than your rivals. The race consists of three laps and it is essential for Chan to lead during the last one. You congratulate him after the race is over. From now on you can take part in street racing.
Reward: $100 + new weapons at the Liberty City Gun Club - SMG, GRANADES
S. Your starting point.
M. Other racers' starting point and finish line.
11. Jackin' Chan (Chan)
After finding a car you immediately head to the rescue of Hsin's kidnapped son. Having reached your destination, you can do nothing more than just watch helplessly as several tank trucks, along with Chan's car, burst into flames. You rush to the nearest fire station and steal a fire truck to put out the burning vehicles. Use the touchscreen and the blue wheel (which appears after you touch the extinguisher icon) to control the direction of the water stream. When you stop playing fireman you need to escort your boss's car to his hideout. Watch out for the kidnappers firing at you on the way back.
Reward: $150 + a new car at Boabo's - COMET
12. Stealing the Show (Zhou)
Zhou won't talk to you until you bring him 20 crates of weed. If you have problems with obtaining them I suggest reading the part of this tutorial on drug trafficking. Then go with your new employer to a local gas station and wait for Huang to climb on the back of the truck. From now on your job is to throw crates on Zhou's car driving behind you. You have to smuggle 15 pieces of cargo. The road is winding and full of obstacles which you'll have to avoid so prepare yourself for a bumpy ride. Throwing crates (which you do with the touchscreen in a way very similar to using throwing weapons) is not an easy task. Fortunately you have an infinite number of crates to use so delivering the cargo to Zhou seems to be simply a matter of time.
Reward: $150
13. Flatliner (Zhou)
Upon arrival at the airport you're expected to hijack an ambulance that is surrounded by the police. The person in the van is known as Uris. As you hasten away from the airport, your wanted level rises to three stars. In order not to get bored, your task is to watch over your "patient". Every bump causes his heart to stop and every time that happens you'll have to resuscitate him (a mini-game on the bottom screen). It means that you'll be using a stylus to rhythmically press a human-shaped icon with a red, beating (or not) heart. If, for any reason, you've been playing with voice turned off, it may be time to reconsider, as the game gets significantly easier with it - characteristic beeping of the devices monitoring life functions will keep you updated on Uris's condition.
Reward: $150
14. Bomb Disposal (Zhou)
The map shows three destinations. In each case the GPS device will help you map out a route to a given place. Upon arrival proceed to disarm a bomb installed in a delivery van. To do that, first you have use a voltmeter to check the voltage and cut the wire with the highest reading. When the device is defused, two armed men appear at the scene. Just ignore them and head to your next location. After you're done with the bombs your job is to eliminate Hsin's men attacking one of the cars transporting the cargo. You also need to deal with a car bomb. Although you won't be able to throw the driver out of the vehicle, you're more than welcome to shoot at it or set it on fire with a Molotov Cocktail.
Reward: $200
15. Carpe 'Dime' (Kenny)
In order to do this mission you have to have at least $5,000 in cash. Again, if you need money, go through the part of this manual dealing with selling drugs. This time your task is fairly easy: you have to hijack a delivery van belonging to an enemy gang. Try to block it with your car and throw out the driver along with his friend. If that fails, you can always chock it between your car and, say, a building. As a result, the gangsters have no room for manoeuvre and run away, leaving the vehicle behind. Now take the car to Kenny's garage but remember to look out for the enraged gang members. Open the door and take the object hidden in the room. From this moment on delivery vans belonging to other gangs appear on the streets, just waiting to be intercepted.
Reward: a new gun at the Liberty City Gun Club - SHOTGUN
16. Store Wars (Kenny)
Rush to the given address. Set up barricades on both ends of the road using cars parked (or driving) nearby. Not much time will pass before gangsters equipped with Molotov Cocktails appear, wanting to burn down the shop you're guarding. Prepare to repulse four waves of attackers, three thugs per each. If necessary, use a nearby first-aid kit and a bulletproof vest (see map below).
Reward: $50
17. Raw Deal (Chan)
It appears that you and Chan have fallen into a trap. You slowly move down the obstructed street, eliminating your enemies one by one. You need to make sure that your looser boss doesn't get hurt by an exploding vehicle. As soon as you reach open space and the attackers stop shooting, head to Hsin's club. Along the way you're going to be accompanied by villains making continuous efforts to take your employer's life.
Reward: $200 + new cars at Boabo's - TURISMO, HELLENBACH
18. Driven to Dectruction (Zhou)
In this mission you're driving Zhou's pickup while he sits in the back with a minigun. Once you reach a group of traffickers, your friend goes medieval on their sorry asses. Without getting out of the car drive round them and enjoy the bloody sight. Try to avoid cars exploding under your boss's fire. After you get rid of the four groups, drive Zhou back to his club.
Reward: $300
19. Trail Blazer (Hsin)
Hijack a tank truck from a nearby gas station. Shortly after you start the engine, you'll come under police' fire, which will result in a leakage of petrol from the truck. From now on you have to act quickly but carefully as the gasoline is already on fire and you want to finish your mission in one piece. Once you reach the building you have to blow it up. To do that, turn the truck directly towards the target, speed up and jump out before it reaches the brick wall.
Reward: $300
20. The Tow Job (Wade)
Go in quest for the Koreans' car. You're soon going to discover that is has been taken away by the policing service. Get rid of the truck driver, kicking his ass if necessary. Now you can focus on getting the car off the truck. Draw the police's attention by running over a few random pedestrians. Once one star appears, things get easier. Now it's enough to stop near a police car and wait for the cop to come up. As soon as he gets in range, take him down. This will grant you two required stars. You can show some finesse at the end and leave the car directly in front of the police station.
21. The Tail Bagging the Dogs (Wade)
Before starting this mission you have to provide Heston with two lines of cocaine. Go to the police station. You will see the Korean, whose car you've stolen in the previous mission, being released. Follow him but remember to keep a safe distance. You don't want to be spotted. The guy will stop four times; each time he drives away, eliminate his interlocutor and return to following him. At the last stop the gangsters realize that something it wrong and try to run away. Their attempt is, however, doomed to failure. When their car bursts into flames your mission is completed.
22. Copter Carnage (Kenny)
You're being attacked by thugs in front of your uncle's hideout. Crush the small groups (of two to four gangsters) one after the other. If necessary, you can make use of a bulletproof jacket lying on the main yard. Every time you repel the gangster's attacks an armed helicopter appears, firing a minigun at you. Being in constant movement will help you avoid fire. After a few minutes the copter will return to its base. Your job is to track down the gangsters' hideout. Before you reach your destination you have to fight your way through several barricades; do that by simply bypassing them, without taking your foot off the accelerator.
Reward: $400
23. Kenny Strikes Back (Kenny)
After having found out where it is you can now enter the gang's headquarters. The lock on the main gate may present some problems. Once you're done with it, go in and get rid of everyone. Then head to a van parked at the back. As soon as you get in the vehicle, new gangsters appear and close the gate. Only after you have dealt with them you can leave the property. Head to your uncle's garage. The gangsters are right behind you, so focus on efficient driving rather than on gun fighting. When you get to the garage, take care of the stuff hidden in the door. From now on you can come back here whenever you want and steal some of you competitors' stash.
24. Weapons of Mass Distraction (Wade)
Head to the Koreans' hideout. Draw their attention by destroying three cars parked outside. You are more than welcome to kill everyone stupid enough to get in your way. Attack two more places. At the gas station you'll be able to hide behind a small wall separating you from the gangsters. Now you can easily eliminate them using grenades or Molotov Cocktails. Finally, deceive the pursuit by heading towards the coast and further (a boat tied up to the harbor comes in handy here) to the open sea.
Reward: a new car at Boabo's - BANSHEE
25. Street of Rage (Wade)
When you reach your destination it becomes clear that Heston's people badly need backup. Fighting side by side with the brave policemen eliminate a group of assassins and rush to get Wade out of trouble. Out last target is armed with a minigun and is not hesitant to use it. Parked cars and nearby walls may serve as shields against his fire. When you're close enough, serve the gentleman with a Molotov cocktail. You may have to finish him off; feel free to use whichever weapon you want.
Reward: $200
26. Missed the Boat? (Kenny)
Steal a boat from a nearby harbor and go to the meeting. You have to be there before the fixed hour. On your way you'll experience the unreliability of your motorboat's engine, but after a while it will start working properly. When you collect your stuff, you will encounter a shore patrol eager to get through your cargo. Your faulty engine will make your escape pretty exciting, as it's going to stall one or twice, in least expected moments. Try to head in the direction of the open sea; this should enhance your chances. When the pursuit stops you can return to the harbor. Keep an eye on the radar as it shows the location of patrol boats. Try to avoid them as much as you can.
Reward: Heroin +10
27. Sa-Boat-Age (Chan)
Jump on a jet ski and go in pursuit of Chan. There shouldn't be any troubles with passing all the checkpoints. As soon as the engine of his boat starts to fail you will take the lead. After a while enemy gangsters appear with a clear intention of killing your boss's son. He's not the toughest guy on earth, so your job will be to protect him from bullets as much as possible. Try not to move away from Chan's boat. It appears that the best strategy to keep the guy alive is to cover him with your own body, meaning that you should keep your motorboat between him and the gangsters. Unlimited ammo and the possibility of moving your jet ski in reverse give you significant advantage over your enemies.
Reward: Ecstasy +12
28. Cash & Burn (Zhou)
The 'flame retard' ability giving you immunity against flames may come in handy in this mission. You gain this ability after winning a gold medal in the fire truck mission. After finding the flamethrower in a car left especially for you, head directly to a construction site. Destroy the padlock and enter the 'keep out' area. Your goal is to destroy eighteen crates located all over the place. It may seem strange, but throwing Molotov Cocktails is sometimes more efficient than using the flamethrower as it saves you time and gas. Setting one crate on fire takes several precious seconds and uses about one hundred units of gasoline, while throwing one bottle is equally effective. Soon security guards appear; don't forget to extend them a warm welcome. If, somehow, you too burst into flames, press the Y button and put the fire out by dropping on the ground and rolling. Keep an eye on your armor and health level and make sure you won't end up as an overcooked turkey.
Reward: a new car at Boabo's - INFERNUS
29. Dragon Haul Z (Zhou)
Hijack a truck with a mock-up of a giant dragon on it. Lose any potential wanted stars and head to a bank shown on your map. Soon you encounter Zhou and his men; he shares with you his 'genius' escape plan. Along with the other gangsters you will play the role of a dragon at the local festival. After a brief training in operating the mock-up, you perform in front of the audience. To avoid arousing suspicion act as quick as possible. Moving exactly the way as planned and performing all the special actions will grant you a safe getaway.
Reward: $1000
30. The Offshore Offload (Hsin)
Find a fast car with room for four people and drive to rescue Hsin's men. You have only one minute to get there. When you do, drive through a side street and park the car discreetly on the police's back. Sneak up to the van and blow up the back door. Having gained three warning stars get back in the car and take the guys to meet another gangster. Drive fast avoiding fire from the police helicopter and looking out for barricades. When you manage to evade your pursuers, go to the airport where a helicopter is already awaiting your friends.
Reward: $700
31. One Shot, One Kill (Hsin)
After arriving at the hotel find yourself a convenient shooting position. Put together a sniping rifle using a simple mini-game. All you have to do now is to wait for your target. He's wearing jeans and a white shirt. You have time until 3:30 PM - that's when he leaves the hotel. To make things easier, hold the left trigger and make a close-up in the optical sight. Keep an eye on the exit opposite the fountain. Pull the trigger when you're sure that the shot is right on the target. Now you have to leave the hotel and lose three stars of police attention.
Reward: a new weapon at the Liberty City Gun Club - SNIPER RIFLE
32. The Fandom Menace (Zhou)
As soon as you get into the car you get surrounded by reporters on motorbikes. The one who manages to take your picture automatically becomes your target. The fun part is you don't even need to use any weapons; you use a gun only when the victim had little luck and survived falling off the bike. In most cases it's enough to run the fellow over with your car. Your photo will definitely be the last one he took as even thirst for fame won't save his sorry paparazzi ass. After picking Chan up from the construction area head to another meeting. Just like earlier you'll have to deal with the reporters. As soon as Chow gets in the car step on it and go to Zhou's place. Unsurprisingly the paparazzi follow you even there.
Reward: $200
33. Counterfeit Gangster (Chan)
You have to get rid of the evidence incriminating Chan before the FBI arrives. The first batch of the crates can be easily destroyed with Molotov Cocktails. Other evidence will prove more problematic, if only because it's scattered around the map. This time, apart from simply destroying the crates, you'll have to work as a crane operator. Get rid of the troublesome vehicles by throwing them into the sea (yet another mini-game). Destroying the last car may seem a bit problematic as you need to sink it in the sea; a bulldozer parked nearby will prove extremely helpful here. A good idea is to use the camera mode from behind your back (hold the left trigger to set it). Once you get rid of all the hot cars your mission is completed.
Reward: a new vehicle at Boabo's - BULLDOZER
34. Slaying With Fire (Chan)
When you reach your destination destroy a tank truck using a Molotov Cocktail. This will create chaos and cause the people to run away in panic. Feel free to throw a few bottles of petrol at them. Try keeping the criminals occupied as if given the opportunity they will try to shoot your helicopter down. Don't worry about the accuracy of your aim; this time you have to put quantity before quality. Once you've dealt with the first two waves of your enemies the time comes to get rid of the ones trying to escape to the docks. As you will be encountering moving targets it is good to throw the bottles in advance. After burning the boats and their would-be operators head towards the statue. Don't waste time on targets running around you. Instead, eliminate each of the three stationary targets armed with RPG launchers; you get only a few seconds before they start firing at you. The mission is completed when you destroy the enemy helicopter.
Reward: $250
35. Operation Northwood (Wade)
First you have to find a fast car. After a while you'll get the opportunity to steal a Banshee which will prove perfect for the job. Then drive to the garage and install a bomb inside your vehicle. From now on you can come back here to enrich your car with some explosives. Before proceeding familiarize yourself with the map below which shows the route you are about to cover. After arriving at the bar (marked with [S]) follow a dealer to his hideout ([M]). His car is fast so try not to make too many mistakes in the pursuit. Driving too close is inadvisable as well mainly because your victim is a trigger-happy type.
Reward: $200 + a new vehicle at Boabo's - SABRE GT
S. Starting point.
M. The dealer's hideout; finish line.
36. Torpedo Run (Wade)
Head to the nearby police docks and steal a boat. Watch out for the cops who open fire as soon as they spot you. Next rush to catch Ming's boat before it reaches the shore. Launch torpedoes (by pressing the A button) as soon as you spot it. As the missiles can only move straight ahead you have to maneuver the boat with great precision in order to hit the target. Your enemies will try to set their boat perpendicularly to yours and shoot at you with a machine gun. Next they will throw water mines at you. You can either avoid them or try to destroy their boat with torpedoes. Once you've sunk the small vessel you receive a message from Wade. It appears that the criminals managed to unload some of the cargo. Go to the harbor; a van with an interesting load is just leaving the port. Find a car and set off after it. The mission is completed when you destroy the vehicle and kill the drivers.
37. So Near, Yet Sonar (Zhou)
As strange as it may seem, someone sank one of Zhou's boats loaded with hot cargo. Your job is to get it back. Take the helm of a nearby boat and set off on an exciting journey to a place of a recent sea battle. When you reach the spot scan the seabed in search for sunk objects. Fix the position of the stuff and come up to it. This will activate a mini-game in which you're going to fish out the stuff. Life would be too easy if there were only fish and drugs in the sea, though. You'll come across sunk cars and other fabulous stuff before you finally reach the cargo. After swimming into the coastguard zone you should use the radar as little as possible. Frequent scanning of the seabed increases your chances of being spotted. If you get too close to the policing services' boat or get nailed by them, get away as fast as you can and prey you won't get shot. After fishing out four crates of cargo go back to the harbor.
Reward: Acid +15
38. By Myriads of Swords (Hsin)
It is worth mentioning that this mission becomes significantly easier if you have the 'marathon' ability which enables you to run long distances without getting tired. So if you haven't completed the ambulance mission yet it may be a good time to do so. Get a sword out of a garbage can in the back of the building and head to the first hideout of the Triada members. When you arrive get out of the car and wipe out everyone who happens along. It's important that you don't use any other weapon apart from the sword. After a successful attack on the main target go through his wallet in search of an ID. Then head to the second address. In case the other Triada chief manages to get in the car and drive away, give immediate chase to him but remember that he has to be killed with cold steel. When you're done with him you'll receive information from uncle Kenny that Hsin wants to meet you in one of the parks. Go there right away.
39. Double Trouble (Lester)
After providing Lester with ten fixes of Ecstasy put on his jacket and get on his motorcycle. Generally do the best you can to impersonate him. Go to the gang's hang-out and start to show off in front of the members. Begin the performance with burning some rubber (hold B and Y; release Y when smoke appears). Gain one control point after another but be careful not to get too close to the gangsters. Resemblance to Lester may be quite striking but presumably you don't want to risk being exposed. After reaching the territory of an enemy group known as the Lost eliminate every last of the gangsters. Then get rid of two out of three enemy motorcyclists. Leave the last one alive so that he can spread the word. Next take the explosives from Lester and, just like the characters from the famous Fight Club, detonate them under the steel model of our planet.
40. A Shadow of Doubt (Hsin)
Follow the characteristic umbrella. Hide behind random objects every time the victim looks back. After a few minutes the suspect meets his friend giving you the perfect opportunity to place a bug under their car. All you have to do now is to go according to the transmitter's directives and find the location of their hideout.
41. Friend of Foe? (Hsin)
This time Hsin allots you backup. Take the explosives from the place indicated. You will use them to blow up the back wall of the building. Once Chen gets inside, park the van on the spot cleared by the explosives. Soon some gangsters discontented with your actions appear. Get rid of them in any way you please. They don't cause much trouble so you can just as well run around with a sword and wreck havoc among enemy lines. When you're done with the jolly massacre take the van and return with some nervous survivors armed with machine guns. Not paying much attention to them drive to a place where you can professionally open the intercepted strongbox.
Reward: $200
42. Faster Pusher Man! Sell! Sell! (Lester)
Your job is to retail some cocaine belonging to the Angels of Death. As you moving on feet is not necessary to make transactions don't waste time and find yourself a car. Soon competition arrives thinking foolishly that they can do business on your area. Put them right with some live ammo. Don't forget, though, that your aim is not to reduce the number of the drug ring's members but just to sell some white powder. In practice, when the map starts to swarm with enemy cars it's much easier to ignore them and keep dealing than to fight them. When your bag is empty return to the place indicated.
Reward: Coke +10
43. Grave Situation (Rudy)
D'Avanzo is yet another person who claims to know something about the leak. The moment you find out the identity of the snitch (a certain Jimmy Capra) you get surrounded by his men. Protecting your source get rid of all the groups. Watch out for their machine guns and remember that constant fire from several enemies at once quickly diminishes your health level. Make use of the infrastructure of the place and hide behind objects serving as natural shields. Avoid enemy fire and emerge only when they are busy reloading their guns. You should reach the cemetery without any serious problems.
Reward: $250 + a new vehicle at Boabo's - COGNOSCENTI
44. Scrambled (Wade)
If up to this point you haven't completed the taxi driver mission, now might be a good time to do it. The 'Taxi Shield' ability and bulletproof cabs make the final stage of this mission significantly easier. Moving closer to your target will cause your GPS to fail. This means that you have to find the transmitter on foot. Observe the interference indicator carefully; the reading will rise as you begin to move closer to the source. When you reach it get rid of the security and destroy the car with the jamming equipment. Next go in search for the second transmitter and repeat the whole process. Your last target will be a mobile transmitter so fixing its position and neutralizing it poses more problems than the previous two. If you're not bulletproof, a gun mounted on the fleeing van may cause some trouble. At worst, you may have to change a car once or twice.
45. Arms Out of Harm's Way (Hsin)
Go to the docks and force your way through the enemy host in a way similar to this in the cemetery mission. If you sense the right moment in which your enemies reload their guns you have a greater chance of getting to the harbor unharmed with only a little help of your sword. When a boat with supplies starts to flee, jump on a jet ski and put some colors in your life with the use of a machine gun.
Reward: $200
46. Steal the Wheels (Rudy)
Upon arrival it turns out that the yard where the car is parked is not only heavily guarded but also tightly closed. Open the doors by throwing a Molotov Cocktail into a barrel filled with gasoline. When the explosion knocks down the main gate, vehicles with armed security guards appear. Try to eliminate them systematically; don't rush and keep safe distance if possible. While you are safe behind a stone wall it's a good idea to use throwing weapons. After recapturing the car take it to D'Avonza's garage but watch out for Jimmy's men attacking your vehicle.
47. Convoy Conflict (Lester)
Your motorcyclist friend once again puts you into trouble. Get on a motorbike and follow Lester to the port. The guy will transfer to another car leaving all the dirty work connected with guarding the cars to you. Try to move side by side with vehicles. Hit the brakes if you want to take care of the Lost who apparently want to make your life even more difficult than it is. Escorting the car will not pose much problems; it takes more than ineffective resistance and one road blockade to make an impression on you.
Reward: $500
48. The World's a Stooge (Rudy)
There are three people you need to eliminate in this mission. Each of them is surrounded with bodyguards armed with machine guns. It's up to you whether you want to kill the main target immediately and risk being shot by the enemy or wait for the right moment and with surgical precision eliminate everyone who gets in your way. The first of the three targets may be found at the coast. He'll try to run away to his boat as soon as he sees you coming nearer to the sea. Throw one of his associates off a jet ski and get rid of him with live ammo.
Reward: $1500
49. The Wages of Hsin (Hsin)
At the rear of the building you will find some explosives. Head to the gang's headquarters and fight your way in through the main gate. Leave the car with the punctured tires and quickly launch an offensive. As usual, make use of the time given you by reloads and calmly eliminate all your opponents. After blowing up all the trouble spots of the complex some new gun enthusiasts show up so you won't have much time to rest. When you manage to blow up the fourth target (the main building) escape from the crumbling complex straight into the sea.
Reward: $2500
50. Evidence Dash (Wade)
Find a fast means of transport and, keeping a safe distance from Wade's vehicle, try to protect it from sustaining any greater damage. Your main job is to fire at and ram into feds' cars. You have another chance to see the advantages of the 'Taxi Shield' ability. Your target will stop at last in the middle of the square and this will be the perfect opportunity for you to steal the vehicle. Next, head to the paint shop and have the cop car fixed. When it's painted you're free from police attention. Then go to a secluded place, throw the evidence out of the trunk and burn them. All you have to do now is to return the car to its owner.
Reward: $200
P. The place where you hijack Wade's car.
U. One of your secluded hideouts a which you can get rid of the evidence.
51. Oversights (Rudy)
Upon arrival 'hack' the lock in the gate. Then go for a stroll over the rooftops of nearby buildings. Find a sniping rifle and get Rudy out of trouble by eliminating Jimmy's thugs. While you're engaged in a fierce fight don't forget to glance at the map from time to time; your targets are marked in red color. The mission is completed when D'Avanzo leaves the area.
Reward: $250
52. See No Evil (Lester)
Your job is to guard two lovers on their way to the apartment. You have to make sure that Meredith doesn't suspect anything. Get on a bike and follow them. Remember to keep a safe distance so that they won't see your shots. In other words, lose sight of their car and focus your attention on the GPS device. Every time a motorcyclist passes you by, slow down and serve him a short burst from your machine gun. Once Lester and his beloved safely reach the apartment you have to make sure that they won't be disturbed. You'll also get a chance to discover the perfect symbiosis between a blade and bodies of speeding motorcyclists.
53. A Rude Awakening (Hsin)
Find a means of transport and go through all the places where you might find Rudy. Once you reach the right hideout you get an opportunity to eavesdrop on a conversation implying that all this time you've been led by the nose. As soon as you collect your jaw which dropped at the sight of Rudy, set off in pursuit of your lousy boss. The chase ends rather quickly with a tragic death of your employer.
54. Wi-Find (Wade)
In order to reveal the coded identity of your mysterious source you need to hack into the feds' database. Admittedly Huang will take care of the hacking, but still you have to be in position. As you are using dangerous WiFi transmitters scattered around town it is important that you find yourself in a place with the best reception of both the hot spot and each of the four target computers. The locations are marked on the map below. When file transferring begins you'll have to stand still for a few seconds. You're of course more than welcome to use this time to eliminate some guardians of public order who aren't too pleased with your actions. When you're done, lose the pursuit and go back to Wade's.
Reward: $200
1,2,3,4. Transfer points.
55. Rat Race (Kenny)
Take a minigun; sit in the back of Kenny's car and head to meet Hsin. Eliminate every possible threat that you meet on your way there. The benefits of having unlimited ammo are that you don't have to remove your finger from neither the A button nor the cross. After a while you'll be forced to find a new vehicle and switch places with your relative. Soon an enemy helicopter shows up. The bombs it throws at you may make your life a bit difficult but if you zigzag you'll be able to avoid being hit. When you reach your destination you're going to witness an official bequeathing of power.
56. Hit From The Tong (Zhou)
Get rid of a padlock on the gate to Zhou's place and kill the guards. Talk to your target and deal with some more armed opponents. Use the elevator to go to the top floor of the building. If you're not in possession of an RPG pick up the one lying nearby. The time has come to face Zhou. He's in his helicopter. Moving constantly, use the right trigger to aim and A to take a shot. After several accurate shots go back downstairs where armed gangsters already await you. Once the ground is red from their blood head to another rooftop and repeat the performance three more times.
57. Clear The Pier (Chan)
Along with backup in the form of your two tattooed buddies go to the harbor and take care of Chan's men. As expected, they put up stiff resistance in order not to allow you near their boss. When you fight your way through the guards the action shifts into the warehouse. Make use of the advantages that small rooms give and pull out your sword. Plundering the place helps you avoid the explosion caused by a grenade thrown under a cylinder and brings you material benefits such as an armor. After you get out of the building hijack a car and set off in pursuit of Hsin's son. Catching him will probably make the guy realize for the last time how fragile life is.
58. Salt in the Wound (Wade)
Along with Heston head to the meeting place. Soon all possible enforcement agencies appear and everything falls in chaos. While chasing your father's assassin through a pipe labyrinth eliminate upcoming waves of armed gangsters. At the same time try to protect Heston who went a different way. When a cop starts taking care of the control panel of the gate make sure that no one will disturb him. After leaving the factory area head to the port. Now the pursuit takes place at the open sea. Let Wade take over the steering; you'll be responsible for operating on the minigun. As usual, don't worry about the ammo and just blast away at anything that moves (holding the A button and steering with the cross). The next stage of the pursuit is a short car drive, the more interesting as you have to deal with four stars of police attention. Drive fast and try to avoid bumps; remember that the cops need only fractions of seconds to corner you and complicate matters. In the residence the moment of vengeance finally occurs. You can now get proper revenge for your father's death. Now it only remains for you to watch the credits and... get back in the game.
Reward: a new vehicle at Boabo's - RHINO
Among many additional activities going beyond the storyline, there are also short tasks given you by people you encounter accidentally [1]. It's a good idea to complete them after you've done the main missions. Only after finishing the main plot are the three last tasks (given you by Wilhelm) unblocked.
Employers can be met only during the day.
Here the encounters are possible only at night.
Sometimes the time of day doesn't make a difference.
01. Giorgio (I)
The hot dog guy wants you to plant a bug under his unfaithful wife's car. The vehicle is parked outside his house in Hove Beach. Plant the device using a mini-game.
Reward: $20
02. Giorgio (II)
When you meet him again, Giorgio is more than sure that his wife is cheating on him. Take him to a designated place where his wife gets caught in the act and, presumably, instantly punished.
Reward: $20
03. Alonso
Slightly crazy Alonso wants to get to the bus station. After driving him there you have the opportunity to observe his fight with an 'iron beast'.
Reward: $10
04. Tommy (I)
Tommy needs a gun and it's your job to help him get it. All you have to do is hijack an Ammu-Nation truck (the way of doing it is described in one of the chapters) and deliver it to your employer.
Reward: $100
05. Tommy (II)
Your friend got a little carried away with the gun you gave him. As a result you have to deal with two stars of police attention. Your mission is completed when you evade your pursuers.
06. Selma (I)
It's enough to drive Selma back to her home in Rotterdam Hill.
Reward: $50
07. Selma (II)
This is one of the most hilarious tasks in the game. You have to run away from Selma who apparently has feelings for Huang. A short sprint should do the trick.
08. Marcy (I)
Marcy wants to feel the rush. Your job is to please her by driving as fast as possible. Any additional jumps or the so called 'near misses' (when you pass other cars driving very close to them) are highly recommended. Once your passenger is happy, drive her to the hospital.
Reward: $200
09. Marcy (II)
You meet your friend a short while after her consult with a doctor. It seems that her weak state of health was a false alarm and that she's just fine. She wants to break the news to her lawyer and your job is to drive her there.
10. Guy
This time you have to drive an actor to the shooting before a certain hour. When you head to the club you'll hear the sounds of your star's 'rehearsal'. You reach the Perestroika club in a funnily bouncing limo.
Reward: $75
11. Cherie
This pleasant woman of loose morals and her friends are going to attack you a moment after you begin a conversation. Considering the fact that your main goal is to escape with your life, you can either run away or try to kill ten women.
The last three tasks appointed by Wilhelm are available only after completing the "Carpe 'Dime'" mission.
12. Wilhelm (I)
You have to drive Wilhelm to an auction at the Algonguin town hall. Of course you have to complete the task before the auction begins.
Reward: $250
13. Wilhelm (II)
Drive Wilhelm to the town hall again. You have to make it before the auction starts. Your mission is completed when the investor reaches his destination on time.
Reward: $500
14. Wilhelm (III)
This task is practically finished when you show up on the spot. Your friend went bankrupt and at the moment he's trying to commit suicide. Huang finds the keys to his penthouse and comes into possession of another hideout.
Reward: an estate in Meadow Hills.
After completing the main missions, a pair of lions appears in the places where you've encountered mystical whirlpools [1]. Once you find them [2], you have to come up to the statue. When you do that, the figure will be recognized as 'found' and will disappear. Each statue will appear in a random place on the map: