This guide for the Cube World includes the description of the most vital elements of the game, like character classes, trade or the character's skills. This text also includes information concerning the taming of Pets, i.e. a type of enemy that you are going to encounter in the game. Thanks to the information contained in this guide, you will be able to start the fun in the voxel world without any obstructions. The whole text has richly illustrated, which should make things easier.
Guide was made for alpha version of the game.
Cube World is an RPG game that has no plot but, it focuses mainly on the exploration of the ever-expanding world. The player can constantly discover new areas that are generated at random from the voxel areas, and always discover something new. Also, the development of the main character is not, in any way, limited. That s why the game, in theory, never ends.
Marcin "Xanas" Baran ()
Translated by Rattchen
As for now, there are eight playable races that do not have any passive abilities. All of the differ in terms of looks and come as males and females. During the race selection, it Is possible to define facial features and hair of the character. In the current version of the game, the choice is purely cosmetic.
The available, playable races are:
It should also be noted that all of the abovementioned (and other) races can be encountered throughout the game in two variants.
These can be friendly NPCs that will help you in fight if they are around, or bandits that will attack you on sight.
The hostile NPCs, more often than the other monsters, drop items that can be later on sold for profit.
Each one of such NPCs can be of one of the classes available for the player during the character creation, or other - an unavailable one.
There is a class division in the game. The same classes apply both for you and for NPCs generated alongside the rest of mobs. Class selection is an important one because it will influence your gaming style, the way of killing and exploring the world. As for now, there are four classes that have two separate development variants each.
In the current version of the game, subclasses differ in terms of one skill only (skills have been described in the "Skills" chapter).
Description: Warrior is a class that specializes in fighting at close quarters, using various short-range weapons. It replenishes mana with left mouse button attacks. Representatives of this class can only wear Iron Armor.
Two-handed: Sword, Axe, Mace
Basic attack- first the overhead vertical slice, jab, and finally bottom slice.
Special attack - after being charged, overhead vertical slice (requires mana).
One-handed: Sword, Axe, Mace
Basic attack - alternating attacks with right and left hand.
Special attack - After being charged, a spinning attack that cuts through everything in its way (Requires mana).
Shield + one hander
Basic attack - alternating attacks with the shield and the left hand.
Special attack - block with the shield while being charged and then, a spinning attack with the sword (Requires mana).
Each of the abovementioned weapons has its unique set of attacks that are initiated with the right mouse button. Thanks to this, you will be able to adjust jour weapon to your playing style.
You also need to remember that two-handed weapons inflict more base damage, at the cost of speed. With one-handed weapons you can inflict less damage, but you perform faster attacks.
description: Guardian can withstand the strongest attacks and fight the biggest of the enemies. It is ideal to keep enemies away from the rest of the party.
Class abilities:
Toughness - Guardian's health bar is increased by 25%
Barricade - His block is twice as long and can block with any kind of weaponry.
Description: Berserker jumps into the thick of the fighting to wreak havoc with attack of fury.
Class abilities:
Berserker Rage - The speed of attacking increases with each consecutive hit
Description: The mage is a class that specializes in fighting at a long range, using all sorts of magical weapons. Furthermore, his mana regenerates automatically. A representative of this class can only wear Silk Armor.
Magic wands
Basic attacks - Firebolt - shoots a single long-range ball of fire .
Special attack - FireSalvo - After longer preparations, shoots a big, long stream of fire (requires mana).
Basic attack - Fire Swirl - Generates a small, fast fire whirl
Special attack - Fire Vortex - after a longer preparation, generates a big, long fire whirl (requires mana).
Basic attack - Firebolt - shoots a single, fast short-range ball of fire.
Special Attack - Fireball - after a longer preparation, shoots a big ball of fire (requires mana)
Fire Mage
Description: Fire Mage uses the destructive element of fire to burn enemies down into smithereens with fire spells.
Passive skills:
Fire Spark - his attacks come with a chance that the next attack is not going to need charging.
Water Mage
Description: Water Mage uses the force of water to fight the enemy and heal allies
Passive skills:
Torrent - his attacks are faster with each consecutive hit.
Description: Ranger is a class that specializes in fighting at both short and long distance with ranged weapons. His mana replenishes while performing LMB attacks. A representative of this class can only wear the Linen Armor.
Basic attack - discharges a single arrow that inflicts damage.
Special Attack - After a longer preparation, discharges several arrows, one after another (requires mana).
Basic attack - discharges a single bolt that inflicts damage.
Special Attack - After a longer preparation, discharges a single bolt, that inflicts high damage (requires mana)
Basic attack - Throws a boomerang that inflicts damage to every character in its way.
Special Attack - Throws two boomerangs with a chance of stunning the enemy (requires mana).
Description: sniper can kill enemies while remaining in hiding.
Passive abilities:
Hit Series - his attacks are faster with each consecutive hit.
Description: The scout inflicts damage with swift attacks.
Passive abilities:
Intuition - his attacks come with a chance that the next hit is not going to need charging.
Description: Rogue is a class that specializes in close combat with short ranged weapons. His mana regenerates with the LMB attacks. A representative of this class can only wear Cotton Armor.
Basic attack - attacks alternately with the right, and the left hand
Special Attack - After being charged, he goes into stealth more and performs poisoned stabs (with each click) (requires mana).
Basic attack - attacks alternately from the left and from the right
Special Attack - after being charged, he goes into stealth mode and stabs (with each mouse button click) (requires mana).
Brass knuckles
Basic attack - attacks alternately with the left and the right hand.
Special Attack - After mana charges, he goes into stealth mode and attacks with a spin kick with each mouse button click) (requires mana)
Description: Assassins specialize in stealth and silent attacks
Passive abilities:
Way of the Shadows - each special attacks extends the hiding time. Remaining in hiding increases mana and gives higher chance of critical damage.
Description: Ninja, are fast warriors that fight at close quarters and specialize in dodges and counter-attacks.
Passive abilities:
Counter Strike - while performing the special attack, he dodges all blows.
Elusiveness - Each time he makes a successful dodge, he receives 25 points of mana and, the next special attack will be a critical one.
In CubeWorld fight is the basic element to the gameplay. Already in the Alpha version, you can encounter many various enemies that will attack on sight. By killing enemies, you gain experience, which you need to achieve the next experience level, and also acquire new items that the drop after dying.
The monsters that you get experience for, are abundant in the game and you can encounter them virtually everywhere outside of city limits.
Above the enemy's head, there always is the enemy's name, which is written in the color that symbolizes the difficulty level of the challenge.
Apart from the regular enemies, there also are Bosses.
Bosses are way tougher enemies and they often require more than one person to defeat. They have much more health and stronger attacks, which makes them the most dangerous enemies in the game.
For defeating such a boss, the team receives a lot of experience points and gets the chance of obtaining rare items, stones that items are improved with, as well as special coins for item adaptation.
White - the enemy is weaker than you.
Light blue - the enemy is on a par with you.
Orange - the enemy is slightly stronger than you.
Red - the enemy is much stronger than you.
Hostile - This type of enemy will attack you on sight. They can be regular monsters, as well as NPCs. Such creatures can be encountered anywhere, apart from cities.
Neutral- These enemies will not attack you when they see you. They are completely indifferent to you until you attack them. They can be encountered only outside of cities.
Friendly- these mobs cannot be attacked, and they will not attack you either. They can usually be encountered in cities and in areas around cities.
Cube World features a completely open world and you will never see the end of the map. It is the main rule that, as you go ahead, the map will never stop expanding. This so, because the areas are generated in real time as soon as the program receives information that the end of the map has been reached. At this point, a new fragment of the area is created completely at random.
To make thing even more interesting, apart from numerous enemies, you can encounter completely new climate zones that differ in the way they look.
This is where every player begins. Regardless of what map you have generated, you will always be starting in forest. Its characteristic feature is a big number of trees and hills. You can encounter many various animals here, e.g. Skull Bull.
In forests, you can find castles, ruins and mountains.
This is a land, where there is only water, islands and underwater caverns. In the water, you can encounter many sea creatures, e.g. Blowfish. The best way to cross this area is by boat.
Winter land
This is the land of perpetual winter. The entire area is covered in snow and the lakes are frozen. Here, you can encounter animals that are used to living in harsh conditions, e.g. Yeti.
A nice view on a pyramid
A land dominated by sand. In the desert, there animals that are used to this type of conditions e.g. Sand Horror. In the desert you can find pyramids, oases and hills.
Lava Land
It is a land bathed in volcanic magma where you can find demons. It is hard to come by water and lakes, although these happen to be here.
It is an area where there are many peculiar trees. Among these, you can find locations like Ruins and Abandoned Temples. Apart from that, you can encounter, e.g. Parrot.
In the game, there is a system of taming animals and using them in fight. Not every creature can be turned into a pet but, there is a quite wide selection anyways.
Taming an animal is relatively easy and it consists in feeding the favorite kind of food to the wild version of the pet.
If you obtain, or buy, such food, you need to put it into the correct slot and approach the animal. At this moment, the animal will start eating from your hand. After a while, the heart symbol will appear above its head, and the animal will be yours after several moments.
General information:
Your character has the right set of skills that interact with the pet's strength, and they allow you to mount many of them (the skills have been described in the "Skills" chapter).
You can name your pet with command /namepet
After it dies, the pet will always re-spawn next to you.
The "T" key summons the animal to you.
The animal has its experience level and can build up experience.
The pet you ride on has its endurance level, which you can replenish in water.
Some of the pets have healing skills.
There are several types of pets, thanks to which you will be able to select the one that corresponds to your playing style.
Pet Types:
Melee Pets
e.g.. Crab, Turtle, Raccoon, Slime
Ranged Pets
e.g.. Snout Beetle
Healing pet
Spitter only
In the game you have access to a system of creating new items, called Crafting. To craft an item, you need to have the right Power and the recipe that can be dropped by a mob, a chest or a boss.
To save the recipe, it needs to be available to your class and your Power needs to match the one specified on that recipe.
Apart from resources, in order to craft an item, you need to be close to a station that allows it. For example, to craft a mage ring, apart from the resources, you need to stand next to the anvil located in the city.
Note: The description of adapting, identification and improvement has can be found in the "Initial Gameplay" chapter.
Allows you to create weapons. As you increase your power, that is where the basic items, corresponding to a given level, will appear. However, to create better weapons, you are going to need recipes.
Allows you to craft armor. As you increase your power, that is where the basic items, corresponding to a given level, will appear. However, to create better armors, you are going to need recipes.
This allows you to create amulets. Things are more difficult here, because, as you progress in experience, no new items to craft will appear here. To create amulets, you are going to need recipes.
Allows you to create all sorts of food. Food replenishes health. However, unlike in the case of potions, your character cannot move while eating. The higher your Power, the better meal you can prepare.
Allows you to create health potions. Such potions replenish health and can be used in motion. Additionally, they regenerate health much faster then food does. To craft such a potion, you are going to need Heartflower, which grows in forest, and a bottle of water. Bottle can be bought in the city and, to fill it, you need to be close to water.
They are the basic things to craft. In this tab, you work resources into the ones used in different branches of crafting. For example, to craft a health potion, you need a bottle of water. You can do it in the Formulas tab while close to water.
One of the most important elements of the game is the Skill Tree and every character has it under the "X" symbol. It is divided into the Class-specific and Non-class specific skills.
The own skills are the ones that are each class has regardless of which class you choose. Own skills are the ones that are class specific.
To acquire any of them, you need to have skill points to spend. One of the ways to obtain the points is to achieve higher experience levels. Each time you achieve a higher level, you will receive 2 skill points and you can spend it on any skill available.
Pet Master
Your pets are more enduring
The higher the level of this skill, the more health points your pet has.
Thanks to this skill, you will be able to mount most of your pets, by pressing the "R" key on the pet. To build up on this skill, you first need to spend 5 skill points on the Pet Master skill.
The higher the level of this skill, the faster you can ride.
By pressing the "Ctrl" key, you can climb mountains more effectively.
The more points you spend on this skill, the longer you can climb without taking a rest. .
Hang Gliding
This skill is necessary for using the hang glider. You can buy one in and accessory shop. To be able to build up on this skill, you first need to spend 5 points on the Climbing skill. Thanks to hang glider you will access places faster.
The more points you spend on this skill, the faster you will be gliding.
Your character swims faster.
The more points you spend on this skill, the faster you will swim.
This skill is necessary for using boats. You can buy one in any accessory shop. To acquire this skill, you first need to spend 5 points on the Climbing skill.
The more points you spend on this skill, the faster your boat will sail.
Fire Explosion
You cause a sizeable explosion around you that inflicts damage and drives the enemies away. You can strike a chance of stunning enemies.
The more points you spend on this skill, the more damage you will be capable of dealing anf the further the enemies will be driven away.
Mana Shield
You generate a field of mana around you. This shield absorbs some of the damage dealt by the enemy.
The more points you spend on this skill, the more damage you will be able to take and the shorter the cooldown time.
You teleport into the area pointed to by the cursor.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time for this skill.
Healing Stream
You shoot a stream of energy that heals you or your allies.
The more points you spend on this skill, the less mana points the skill will consume
Mana Shield
You create a barrier of mana around you. The shield absorbs some of the damage inflicted by the enemy.
The more points you spend on this skill,, the more damage you will be able to take and the shorter the cooldown time.
You teleport to the area pointed to by the cursor.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time for this skill.
Jump - You jump to the point of your choice and crush the enemies that you fall onto.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time for this skill.
Cyclone - you spin for 5 seconds and attack the enemies around you.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time for this skill.
War Frenzy - You enter a chaotic fury, thanks to which you regenerate our special attacks faster.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and the faster you regenerate the special attack.
Jump - You jump to the point of your choice and crush the enemies that you fall onto.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time for this skill.
Cyclone - you spin for 5 seconds and attack the enemies around you.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time for this skill.
Bulwark - you become invulnerable to stunning and your immunity to damage is increased.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and the more damage you can take.
Kick - Kicks all of the enemies within range and pushes them away. Possible stunning of the enemy.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and you will be able to push the enemies further away.
Retreat - you skip to the back to avoid the enemy attack.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and you skip further away.
Aim - You hit the ground and hide in the shadows. You remain invisible until you move . Staying in the shadiows increases your chances for critical hit and mana regeneration.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and you go into the shadows faster.
Kick - Kicks all of the enemies within range and pushes them away. Possible stunning of the enemy.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and you will be able to push the enemies further away.
Retreat - you skip to the back to avoid the enemy attack.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and you skip further away.
Scout's Swiftness
Thanks to your swiftness, you can move and attack faster.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and the higher movement, and attack speed.
Intercept - you move quickly towards the spot of your choice and attack the enemies with the RMB attack at close range.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time
Sneak - You hide in the shadows to enter the stealth mode. This increases the damage dealt to the enemy and increases your chances for a critical hit as well as mana regeneration. When you are motionless, the stealth bar regenerates itself but, it drops when you move.
The more points you spend on this skill, the faster you move in hiding and the lower your stealth bar drops.
Camouflage - You enter the stealth mode and remain in hiding even during the battle This increases the damage dealt to the enemy and increases your chances for a critical hit as well as mana regeneration.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time and the longer the time of operation.
Intercept - you move quickly towards the spot of your choice and attack the enemy with the RMB attack.
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time
Sneak - You hide in the shadows to enter the stealth mode. This increases the damage dealt to the enemy and increases your chances for a critical hit as well as mana regeneration. When you are motionless, the stealth bar regenerates itself but, it drops when you move.
The more points you spend on this skill, the faster you move in hiding and the lower your stealth bar drops.
Shuriken Throw - you perform a backwards somersault and throw multiple shuriken stars at your enemy
The more points you spend on this skill, the shorter the cooldown time.
At this point, there are several various natural resources and stones available in the game, which you need to collect if you want to craft anything. If you do not need a resource, you can always sell it to any merchant in the city.
You need to remember that, before the resources are usable, most of them need to be refined at a work station. Resources can be found either in caves, or on the surface in the case of the natural resources.
Iron - Using this resource, you can craft a weapon for the warrior and the rogue, and armor for the former.
Silver - this resource can be used to craft amulets for all.
Ruby -you can craft this into rare items.
Emerald - this resource can be crafted into weaker armors for the mage, the rogue and the ranger.
Gold - this resource can be crafted into bracelets for the mage.
Sapphires - this material can be crafted into better armor for the mage, the ranger and the rogue.
Diamond - this material can be crafted into the best items available.
Heartflower - It is a plant that you will be stumbling across pretty often. You can use it to make health potions.
Iceflower - It can only be found in the Winter Land. You can use it to create the Heartflower.
Wood - it is dropped by bushes and you can craft it into the weapon for the ranger and the mage.
Cotton - It is dropped by Cotton Plants and you can craft it into an armor for the Rogue
Cobweb - It is dropped by Scrubs and you can craft it into an armor for the mage.
Ginseng - It is dropped by the Ginseng Plants and you can make it into a Soup
Pineapple - you can find it near cities and work it into pineapple slices.
Pumpkin - you can find it near the cities and work it into the Pumpkin Cakes.
Mushroom - - it can be found all around and it can be made into a mushroom stew.
Prickly Pear - It is dropped by z Cactus and can be used instead of the Heartflower in making health potions.
Plant Fiber - It is dropped by z Bushes and it can be worked into an armor for the Ranger
Once you create your character, you will always be starting in Forest. There is no exceptions to that and it will always be this specific climatic zone.
In your inventory, you will have the basic kind of weapon for your class and five health potions. The focus in the game is on the party gameplay so, it is best for you to find a group of friends to play as a team.
Regardless of if you are playing solo or with a friend, open the map by pressing the "M" key and you will see the city icon and several crossed swords in the blacked out areas.
The city should be the first stop you make. Go there and you will definitely find several Heartflowers to collect, several campfires and some enemies to kill.
While pushing forward, you should be especially careful and pay attention to everything because, if you want to survive, you need to learn spotting the items that are worth collecting.
Heartflower is a red heart-shaped flower. It is indispensable because you will be creating health potions with it, and these will help you win many battles.
Throughout your journey, you are bound to encounter places with campfires in them. At the campfire, you can roast your food and craft health potions. (more about this in the "Crafting" chapter) .
The fight is an important aspect of the game. You will definitely stumble across an enemy to kill straight away. Take a careful look at the enemy to assess the danger level (more about this in the "Enemy Types" chapter).
If you play solo, you should not attack the orange or red enemies because, regardless of the number of the health potions in your inventory, your fight will end really soon. With you dead. If you are in a group with your friends, or, there is a friendly NPC nearby, you can dare a fight with an enemy that strong.
Before you attack, though, open your skill tree and select your subclass (more about this in the "Skill Tree" and "Classes" chapters). Do this at the beginning of the game because if you achieve higher levels and spend some of your points, changing your class is going to cost you some money.
In your first battle, only the basic and the Special attacks (more about this in the "Classes" chapter) and Dodge are available. You pull out the latter to avoid the enemy attacks by rolling to the side. To use it, you need to press the mouse roll.
If you are a warrior, ranger or rogue, you will be generating mana to perform the special attack by perform the basic attack. The Mage is the only class whose mana regenerates automatically and can use the special attack right at the onset.
If you die or something went wrong, press the "R" key. You will respawn in the nearest Respawn Point. After you die, you lose nothing and you will be able to resume your journey.
After you win a fight then, depending on the enemy, you wil be able to collect what was left behind.
When you reach the city, you should make your first stop at the equipment shop. This is where you can buy the bottle that is necessary to prepare the health potion, as well as other useful items. Apart from the shop, you can find a few pets to tame here (more about this in the "Taming") chapter) shops with armor, Crafting workbenches (more about this in the "Crafting" chapter), a workbench to improve items on a shop for box identification and NPCs to adapt at.
Adapting - it is the ability to improve your equipment to a form suitable for your power level. It requires Platinum Coins.
Item Improvement - consists in incorporating special stones into the weapons and armors to endow them with special abilities. To perform this, you need to have a Stone whose power level matches with that of the item that you want to improve. Such stones are dropped by bosses. Additionally, you need to be standing next to a Customization Bench that should be located in the city, next to the blacksmith's.
Identification- consists in opening the boxes named "Leftovers + x", where the "X" is a random power level. This means that, after you identify the box, you can receive a random item of the power signified by the "X". Such boxes are dropped by every mob in the game.
Additionally, pay attention to whether the NPCs have clouds above their heads or not. If they do, a conversation with them will result in the placing interesting locations on your map. You also should pay attention to the font color that the location's name is written in. These signify what sort of enemy you can expect to encounter there.
When you acquaint yourself with everything, you can push forward. Your priority is the crossed swords above the map. When you reach the closest one, it will turn out that it is and event site. There, you will have a quest to perform. In the current version, the only quest is to kill the boss (more about this in the "Enemy Types" chapter).
If you play solo, you can only win with a boss if its name comes in white. Unfortunately, you chances are low against this type of quests because the bosses are tough and even five-member parties can have problems completing it.
The boss usually, (if not always), is hidden deep into the event site and you will have to defeat many of its minions before you can actually fight it.
There are several types of bosses and there is no one uniform method to defeat them. The easiest one that works in most cases is that the person attacked by the boss needs to avoid its attacks at all times, and the remaining members of the party launch their attacks. It pays off to have the summoned pets (more about it in the "Taming" chapter) because they also attack and may distract the boss.
You also need to be vigilant because, if you die, you will receive no experience points, if your party kills the boss, and you do not manage to strike a blow.
As a reward for killing the boss, there are interesting items, and lots of experience.
The game, in itself, has no plot nor ending. Armed with the knowledge contained in this guide, push forward and gain strength.