This Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse game guide is a complete walkthrough from start to finish, detailing everything you need to know in order to complete the game. Every item worthy of attention, every character necessary to talk to, and every logical puzzle to solve is right here. You will also find directions on how to unlock all Achievements (in the last section of the guide). We haven't forgotten even about the tutorial walkthrough and general tips.
The Broken Sword The Serpent's Curse game guide contains:
Przemyslaw "Imhotep" Dziecinski ()
After selecting New Game, decide whether you want to run the Tutorial first. It will allow you to familiarize yourself with the game's controls and interface.
The basic of the control system is the ability to interact with elements of the environment by hovering the mouse cursor over the desired object on the screen (the so-called Hot Spot). For example, if you want to examine a certain item, hover the mouse over it and the cursor will change into a magnifying glass. This is the first thing the Tutorial asks you to do. When the magnifying glass appears, press the left mouse button.
Having done that, press Continue in the top left corner. Moving your character is very easy: simply press the left mouse button on the spot you want him to go. As instructed, left click to where the red arrow points.
Press Continue again. Notice that the red arrow now points to a Torch. When you move your mouse over it, the pointer will change into an animated hand. That means you can pick the torch up (left click).
The torch will now be stored in your Inventory: bottom left corner, blue icon. After pressing Continue again, left click on your inventory and you will see the torch at the bottom of the screen. When you right click on it, you will be able to examine it closely (you can take closer looks at other characters the same way).
Pick up Batteries by left clicking on them. Open the inventory (blue icon), left click on the torch and move it over the batteries icon. The pointer will change into a cogged wheel. By left clicking again, you will put the batteries in the torch. Notice the goat on the floor.
Open the inventory and click the torch. Hover the pointer (with the torch) on the goat and left click. Congratulations, you have just completed the Tutorial.
You find yourself in an art gallery. Right before your eyes, a precious painting called "La Malediccio" was stolen and the gallery owner murdered. Since you work for an insurance company, you get dragged into a mystery whether you want to or not. Time to get to work, there's little time - the police is on their way.
Move a little to the left. Notice that when the thief took the painting, the alarm wasn't triggered. Find out why. Click on the spot where the paining had been displayed to view a close-up of the alarm mechanism.
Press the red Test Button. You'll hear sirens in the distance. Open the Door and take a look at the Cut Wire.
This is where you get your first Achievement: "O my god it's a Mirage". Notice that the alarms put on other paintings work perfectly well. No doubt the thief must have been after this particular one. Try to open the blue door, the monitoring area - unfortunately, it's protected by a code and you don't know what it is. Talk to the father.
Search the body (magnifying glass). The deceased has a Crumpled Note is his hand. Read it. Notice the Eau de Toilette sticking out from the inside of the pocket. Pick it up too.
Take a look at the Pizza Box lying on the table left of the exit door. Take a Pizza Slice, discarding the box.
Talk to the priest, then examine the man sitting against a wall.
Bring him around using the eau de toilette. Picking himself up, he will lose his Nail Clippers. Grab them, then try to talk to him. He's hungry and isn't really in a chatting mood. Luckily, you have the pizza slice to give him - he will be much more inclined to answer your questions then. Ask him about everything, including the code to the Keypad. Sadly, Laine will not have any intention of giving it to you. You can try talking to him again, but it won't do you any good. Leave the gallery.
There is a caf on the left. Talk to the Waiter and make sure to mention Mr. Laine. As it turns out, the fellow hadn't paid his bill from last night. Now that you know that Laine lied to you about him not being anywhere near the crime scene, you can go back to blackmail him.
Go back to the Gallery and talk to Laine. Select the "Laine's drink bill" option - the blackmail will be a success and you will get the code. You won't be able to use it, though, because the Police will arrive on the scene.
Now you will take control over Nico.
As Nico, attempt to enter the Gallery.
Since Sergeant Moue will not let you in, you need to find another way. Go left, to the caf. Listen to the owner's monologue and keep him talking until he starts repeating the same lines.
Show him the Press Card and he will immediately change his attitude toward you. Pick the Gallery and Coffee as your next topic.
After drinking it, ask for a Takeaway Coffee. Go back to Sergeant Mou and give him the Takeaway Coffee during the conversation. The poor fellow will drink it and rush away to the nearest men's room, putting you on guard. It's your chance to get into the Gallery (awarding you with the "Breaking the Seal" achievement). Once you're inside, you'll need to distract Inspector Navet so that George is be able to get into the monitoring room.
Talk to Laine and Father Simeon, and lastly to the Inspector. Pick up the Pizza Box to have Nico put it away on the table. On the floor, however, she will notice a Tomato Stain. Left click on it, and then again in close-up. Nico will smear it over the floor.
Now you need to do something about the Chewing Gum. Use the press card on the Chewing Gum to stick it to it. Talk to the Inspector to have him believe that there is a blood stain on the floor. He will go examine it, giving George the opportunity to sneak into the small room.
There is a Statue by the window. Click on it, then on its crutch. Select Fig Leaf and a drawer will open underneath it. Look inside to find a locked safe.
Examine the Desk and click on the Desk Drawer in the close-up view. Open it and pull out a Folder. When George puts in on the table, left click on it. You'll find yourself in the possession of Vera Security Completion Note. Now, take a look in the Waste Bucket left of the desk to find a Crumpled Letter with an address. When George puts it back, click on the CCTV System. You need four digits for the passcode.
Take a look at the calendar on the wall. The date of 27th May has been circled - 2705 is your code (enter in the Keypad's close-up). Notice that the machine records only single frames of the image. You need to browse through them all. On the first one, click on the stolen painting to unlock the "Chasing your Tail" achievement. Make sure to click on Henri too.
Toggle the frames by clicking the red arrow (Next Frame), on the keyboard's left
On the next frame, click the painting, Nico and George. Play the image forward. Click the painting and move to the next frame. This time click the Thief as he takes the painting down. On the next frame, take a look at the alarm, the thief and Henri. The next frame is very important - it shows the thief's helmet. You will see "Waterloo Motors" written on it.
Play the record forward and take a look at the alarm. On the next frame, check yourself and the alarm. The last frame shows a close-up of your face. Once you click on it, you're done here. It won't be a minute now when the Inspector storms in the room. You have two choices: tell Truth or Lies. Regardless of what you choose, you will have the opportunity to ask the Inspector a few questions.
In a moment, though, the Inspector will show you and Nico the door. They will go to nearby caf, and after a short conversation, Nico will head back home. You, however, will be looking at the map of Paris. Choose Henri's Apartment.
The door to Henri's apartment are unfortunately closed (on the right, bottom of the screen). Use the Intercom, but the woman who answers will not want to let you in. Call your boss (Rickenbacker). He will order you to find the painting. Leave the current location and go to Vera Security.
Talk to the man at the bottom of the screen (Stallholder). You will promise to fix the broken Neon Sign above the stall, so have a look at it.
First, remove the Loose Wire. When you talk to Bassam, he'll tell you you're like Aladdin from the tales. You're going to need that word to rearrange the letters on the sign. Here's how you do it: On the close-up, left click on a letter. Move the letter to a different socket and left click to confirm. The word you need is SEE D'ALADDIN (with a space in-between). If you're still confused, take a look below:
A successful completion of this task will reward you with the "Brand is Everything" achievement. Talk to the boy. Enter the Vera Security office (on the left). First, you'll need to get rid of a Cockroach. There is a Table near the entrance.
Move the empty Cigarette Packs to uncover a Matchbox. Pick it up and right click on it in the inventory to take out the matches. Click on the cockroach and, in the close-up, use the empty matchbox on the Crumbs. Now you need a Bait - for that, go outside and talk to Bassam again. When you mention the cockroach, you'll receive a Rich Tea Biscuit. Use it on the empty matchbox and the bug will fall right into your trap.
Talk to the woman Ariette. She will deny everything and won't help you. Notice the book lying on the desk, which is Ariette's Black Book. You're going to need to distract her in order to examine it. Call the office. When she picks the phone up, tinker with the radio. Ariette will approach it in a minute, giving you the opportunity to quickly pull out a photo from the book. Examine it.
Use the photo on Ariette and talk to her again. When you're done, head back to the Gallery.
The Gallery has been closed, Laine is nowhere to be found, so make your way to the nearby caf and talk to the owner. Show him the photo and ask about Laine. It turns out Laine had gone to visit Henri's Widow. Call Nico to tell her how your investigation id going, then leave the caf and head to Henri's Apartment. This time when you use the intercom, Laine will answer. Blackmail him to have him let you inside.
Laine won't be eager to cooperate, though. Show him the photo then (Photograph of Ariette and Laine) - suddenly he'll be a little more talkative. Ask him the same questions again. When you give him the compromising photo, he'll agree to leave the apartment. Now you have the space to talk to Bijou's widow.
Look around the apartment. Examine: the paintings on the wall, the Coffin, the Stuffed Dog on the shelf left of the coffin. Notice the Dressing Table opposite the widow. She won't let you get near it, though - same as to the Music Box left of the dressing table. Leave the apartment, then, and head to Vera Security. When you get there, it will be after dark, so you'll need to find a way into the closed office.
Try to lift the Shutter, but it won't budge. Take a look at the Girder above you. It's too high, you won't reach it. Notice that the spot previously occupied by the stall now has a wheeled container. Click on it to move it up the screen. Now, click on the girder again, and George will climb the container, grab the girder and move left.
Notice the Electrical Box nearby
Click on the box to view the close-up. Your goal is to lift the shutter.
First, cut the power (Switch) - below the "Electric shock risk" caption
Using the Nail Clippers, cut the three Wires. Afterwards, use the piece of wire you have in your pocket to connect Power Supply with Shutter Motor. Once you do, press the Switch. This will lift the shutters. Jump down - you'll receive another achievement, "Roll'em Up". You're free to enter the empty office.
In the Drawer, you'll find a Q-Tip. Open the back door. It's too dark, so use the matches from the matchbox to light the room for a while. This will allow you to locate the Light Switch. Once the lights are on, take a look at the Shredder. Press the green button. Unfortunately, the machine is stuck.
When you click on the paper, you'll see a partially shredded letter. Take the Lid off, then click on the Gears. You need to grease them somehow. Luckily, on the floor next to the scooter, is a Patch of Oil. Dip the Q-Tip in it and smear the oil on the shredder's mechanism. Turn it on. Now you need to rearrange the mismatched pieces of the letter.
Pick up the Paper Clip - top right corner of the screen. The rearranged letter needs to look like this:
Take the Shredder Letter with you. Click on the Air Vent and use the Paper Clip on it. The grate will fall on the floor. Inside, you'll find a pistol. At the same time, you will be detained by Inspector Navet.
You will be visited by an Elderly Man, wanting you to help him find the stolen painting. Nico will show Marques the pictures she took herself.
Look at the one in the bottom left corner, captioned Thief. This will unlock the "Ink Trail" achievement. Have a look at the Badly Framed Photo too. The elderly man will take it. Don't forget about the other two. Afterwards, leave the room. When the cutscene ends, you'll be in the corridor with the intent of finding the key to your neighbor's apartment. Look under the Door Mat, but you won't find the key there. Instead, examine the Floor Crack and use your press card on it. The key will stick to the gum that's still on it. Click on the doormat again, then use the Apartment Key to enter the Neighbour's Apartment.
You'll head to the Gallery area. Talk to Laine in the caf, and when he asks you out a date, say yes. You'll find yourself in the gallery's monitoring room. Sit down on the sofa next to Hector (click on it). You'll need to distract him so that you can have a look in the Folder, which is under the seat next to Hector. Talk to him. Pick a Glass of Champagne and your romeo will fill two glasses.
Click on your glass and it will be put in your inventory (Champagne). When you use it on Hector, Nico will spill the drink all over him. The poor fellow will leave to clean the stains ("Suited and Fluted" achievement). Grab the folder from under the seat. Read it, but put it back. A long cutscene will trigger.
There is an old photograph in front of you. Examine it closely.
Take a look at the child, woman and man, them examine the painting and the statue to the left. Finally, click on the medallion.
Talk to the elderly man and then to Nicole. Make sure to ask her about Waterloo Motors - she will send you their number on your cell phone. There's nothing else to do but to call the number ("Russian Evolution" achievement). After the cutscene, the plot will take you to London.
Talk to the Gardener standing by the Large Topiary, though he won't be too eager to talk to you. Select the Topiary to make him change his mind. He'll ask if you like his work - you can either show him thumbs up (Good) or down (Bad). When you choose the former, he'll ask what does his work remind you of - which is of course an Eagle. Next, select a new topic, Medovsky. The gardener will then call his boss and you will be let inside the house. You may also show him thumbs down and choose the same topic - doesn't matter what you choose, you'll still find yourself in the library.
Medovsky will come to talk to you. You can either press him (Hard) or try a softer approach (Soft). Either way, you will get to ask your host some questions. In a minute, though, it will turn out he has an unexpected guest and will leave the library. Nico will take position by the window, while you get to searching the room for incriminating evidence.
Click on the door on the left, which is the entrance to the Study. Unfortunately, you need a key. Take a look at the paintings and the Bookcase. On the table in the bottom of the screen there is a Cigarette Box. Examine it.
Notice the Broken Catch. In the meantime, Nico will eavesdrop on the conversation downstairs. Examine the typewriter, then have a look at the Cabinet next to the entrance to the study.
Click on Hobbs' Card - you will read it and put it back away. Don't miss the Note, too. Examine the book and remember the date: 1869. Left of the egg, there is a Coin - pick it up. Open the cigarette box and you'll find a key inside.
In the study, look at all the paintings on the walls. There is an Open Drawer left of the entrance, but it's empty. Examine the Desk.
Press the symbols in correct order (Panel).
The password is 1869. The symbols on the panel are letters of the Cyrillic alphabet. Look at the Typewriter in the library - the same symbols. Try to recall the American order of keys on a keyboard. Remember what symbols are given where the digits 1, 8, 6 and 9 should be and press them on the panel. From left, it's: 2, 3, 4, 7. If you still have trouble figuring it out, look at the screenshot below. A drawer will open.
This will unlock the "Count Leo has the Answer" achievement. Now, talk to Medovsky.
Knock on the door - no answer. Nico will notice the lights upstairs. Left of the door, there is a Letter Box. Pull out a Letter and right click on it (the letter is in your pocket) to read it. Look at the balcony door - somebody is definitely home. Right then, Inspector Navet will call, telling you to report back to Paris, to the Gallery, tomorrow. You will be taking part in the reconstruction of events that took place in the crime scene. Look inside the Van Cab to open a close-up.
Pick up the Whiskey, then sound the Horn. Sadly, it's broken. Use the Bonnet Catch to open the Van Hood. Now, take a look at the Van Bonnet - in close-up you'll see that the horn is not hooked up.
Examine the Battery, Battery Terminal and the horns on the left and right, at the bottom. Take a look at a Loose Wire next to them. At the top, on the left, click the Wiring Loom. Close the close-up and click on a pile of Junk lying on the ground. You'll find two Long Wires in there. Use your Nail Clippers on one of them - and voila, you now have two wires instead of one. Look under the hood again and use the long wire to connect the two horns (click the Loose Wire on the right of the left horn). The short wire will connect the right horn with the battery (with the wire in hand, click the Loose Wire sticking out of the right horn). Connect the second wire with the Loose Wire - from the left of the left horn with the Dashboard. In case of trouble, see below:
Now get in the car and use the horn. Hobbs will come out on the balcony. Unfortunately, talking to him won't do you any good. Nevertheless, use the horn to have him come out again - and this time show him the Modeling Agency Letter. That's when he'll let you inside.
Hobbs will take care of Nico, while you get to work. If you attempt to go up the balcony stairs, Hobbs will stop you. Click the Bottle and Whiskey Glass on the table next to him. Try have a look at his Portfolio - you'll get a definite no, but will be able to talk to him. Examine the Stereo near the stairs.
Press the Power Button - the green one on the left. Use the Volume Knob to turn the volume up. This will overcharge the old wiring system and will soon come in handy. Now, go behind the Screen to meet Lady Piermont. Notice that Hobbs will drink the whiskey - pour him another shot from the bottle you found in his car. Talk to the woman. Use the Thermostat. The owner will drink another shot ("Water of Life" achievement). Ask Lady Piermont for help in looking at Hobbs' portfolio - just ask her about it.
Call the lift (go up the stairs and press the Lift Buttons). Select Lift when talking to the woman again and she will move to the lift platform. Press the lift button again - that's when power will go down. When Hobbs goes to the Fuse Box, quickly take the portfolio. In close-up, examine the first Sketch.
Turn three pages (Next Page).
Eventually, you will find the sketch of the missing painting. Take it and talk to its author. You can either press him (Hard) or not (Soft), but will be able to ask him a few questions. The conversation ends on asking about Medovsky. You'll find yourself in Paris afterwards.
Go inside and talk to Laine. If you try to leave, you'll fail. Talk to the Inspector twice. In front of the spot where the painting had been hung, there is a Plug - pull it out. Talk to Navet. He'll leave and you'll need to switch on all control lights in order to power up the device.
From left, turn 1, 5, 4, 3. When all lights are green, restore Power.
Enter Henri's office (the monitoring room). You will find Henri's Glasses on the statue - take them and leave. Talk about the glasses to the Inspector and they will begin the reconstruction of events. Talk to Father Simeon, but don't worry about the Inspector hushing you in a minute. Show Hobbs' Sketch to the priest. Suddenly, an Interpol officer, Langham, will storm into the Gallery. You will learn some interesting things over coffee.
Later, go to Bijou's Apartment and use the intercom. Unfortunately, the woman will not let you have the safe key, but you can promise her you will get her a record of her favorite song. Head to Vera Security and talk to Bassam. Have a look at his merchandise, specifically, at Musical Greeting Cards. Choose "song" in the next conversation. You will get Bijou's greeting card for free.
Go back to Bijou's apartment. You'll give her the card, but she still won't give you the key. She wants to dance with Henri - so you'll need to make yourself look like him. Sit in front of her Dressing Table.
Pick up the Wax Strip and use it on the Stuffed Dog (left of the coffin). This will get you brown dog hairs. Take the White Flower from the coffin and sit back at the dressing table. Use Brown Eyeshadow on your hair and point the Waxed Dog Hairs near you mouth. Put the glasses on too (point them to your eyes). Put the White Flower in the Button Hole. Finally, use the Eau de Toilette on yourself.
Dance with Bijou ("Boogie Nights" achievement) and you'll finally be in possession of Bijou's Keys. Back at the Gallery, you'll meet Father Simeon and have a little chat over coffee. The Gallery will be closed, but you can open it with your new set of keys. Make your way to the safe room immediately.
Press the Fig Leaf on the statue to open the safe drawer. In close-up, use Bijou's keys on the Keyhole.
Take the Diamond Ring first, then the Note - it will be put in your inventory as Hobbs' Note. Lastly, take the Paperwork. Open the document (Provenance) on the desk, click on it (hand icon) and turn it 90 degrees. It has to be upside down. Now use Hobbs' Sketch on it.
You'll hear a sudden noise. You need to get out, but the doors are locked from the outside. Use the diamond ring on the Window to cut a hole in the glass. This is your way out ("Diamond Geezer" achievement). Go to the caf and talk to the waiter, then go back to the gallery and listen to the priest's last words.
He's holding some Papers in his hands. In close-up, click the Manuscript, then the Cover Note, and then read the document again. Click the First, Second, Third Passage (text fragment).
When you leave, Laine shows up. He'll call Nico and you'll head to her apartment. After a cutscene you'll be in her neighbor's apartment. Look around.
Examine the Blood on the floor. Click the Overturned Chair to find Marques' medallion underneath, while from the Mess you can take Marques' Family Photograph. Look at the Sofa now - there's a picture that Nico took: Marques' Scribbled Photograph.
In close-up, click on Sants, Judes and Magdeline.
During a longer cutscene you will get in possession of Yarn. Your number one goal is now to leave the building guarded by Sergeant Moue.
Talk to Nico. Examine the Boxes on the right and take a small toy, Manneken Pis, out of them. Take the Flowers under the counter too. Talk to Fleur - and be aware that is a point in which the game often crashes. Open Options - Visual Settings - UI and change Modern to Classic. This should help.
Talk to Adam about CD Player and offer him a Coin. He'll leave, leaving the player on the counter. Click it.
Press the Stop Button, then the Eject Button. Click the Compact Disc to take it. Now, remove the Battery Compartment and take out the bare Battery. There's a Stereo on the counter - use the Compact Disc on it. The Sergeant seems interested in the music. Put the battery in the toy and then fill the toy with whiskey. Use it on the Trolley left of the counter.
Push the trolley - by clicking the Manneken in a Trolley. The officer will want to have a bathroom break, giving you a chance to escape ("Fountain of Youth" achievement). Head to Bijou's Apartment.
Use the intercom and go upstairs. Talking to the woman, choose Hobbs and Provenance, but you'll also need to show her the Diamond Ring and Hobbs' Note. She will agree to help you. You will now be heading to London.
After the cutscene, you will have Chain in your inventory.
Pick up the Crowbar. The Studio Entrance is closed. Look inside the car and sound the Horn. Notice that the Seagull sitting on a Drainpipe will fly away for a moment - start climbing. Tell Nico to sound the horn. Quickly, use the crowbar on the Crane - you have little time before the bird comes back. Eventually, George will reach the balcony and let Nico in. You're now in Hobbs' studio.
Examine the white cloth in the middle of the room (click the Painting). You'll receive a Dust Sheet. Attempt to open the Balcony Door - they're closed. Call the lift. Using the Chain, connect the door with the lift - that way you'll get inside Hobbs' apartment.
Listen to the message on the Phone. Open the Cupboard Door and take the Cola Bottle. Examine the Portrait left of the door. Now proceed to the middle of the room to find Hobbs' body.
Take Mints out of his trouser's pocket. Take a look at the Frame, Drip Bucket and Skylight, then examine the Pin Board.
Look at the Sketches. Finally, click Castell del Sants ("No Parlo el Catala" achievement). Use the crowbar on the Portrait - and voila, the missing painting.
"La Maledicci?" is now in your inventory, but then a fire will break out, forcing you to find a way out. Throw the Mints in the Cola Bottle to receive a Trembling Bottle. Put it in the Drain Bucket - this will open the Skylight. Combine the Dust Sheet with the Crowbar to make a sort of a Grapple and Line and use it on the skylight.
The following cutscene unlocks "The Mystery Deepens" achievement.
Congratulations, you have just completed the first episode of Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse.
After you get there, you will find yourself under fire. At first, you are controlling Nico and you need to distract the opponent. Look at the Rubble on the left and the Crumbled Wall. Pick up the Helmet from grass on the left. Note that there is a Mop in your inventory, combine it with the Helmet to get a Mop with Helmet. Use it on the Crumbled Wall, thanks to which you will distract the shooter and George will be able to run through the gate.
You now cut to George. You are in Castell Garden. You took cover behind the tree, next to you, there is a Goat. You need to get rid of it because, each time you try to approach it, you are attacked. Apart from that, it can eat an item from your inventory, e.g. Hobbs' Sketch. The tree that you are standing behind is the Apple Tree. Try to pick Apples, if the goat is going to interfere with your plans. Click on the tree and, before the animal hits you, dodge. You can do that by selecting the Dodge option - click on the area to the left of the tree. The goat will ram the tree and apples will fall to the ground Apples. Pick up one and give it to the animal. Unfortunately, the goat is still aggressive. Throw the apples onto the Bottles. Click on the Tire, which the goat is tied to. You will move it closer to the pile of apples, thanks to which it will get busy eating them.
Turn your attention to the car wreck now. Collect the Side Mirror. You will unlock the "Order of the Goat" achievement. Click on the Car Door. George will be scared to approach, because of the aggressive goat. If you want to unlock another achievement connected with the goat, you need to give the following to the animal: Apple, Provenance, Marques Scribbled Picture, Yarn, Piece of Rich Tea Biscuit. Once you cut to Nico, it is enough to click on the goat to unlock the "Best Buddies" achievement. Use the mirror to blind the opponent - use it on the Sun. Approach the house and hide behind the pillar. Talk to the Old Man, and then to Eva. You need to present her with a proof of your being a friend to her father - Marques. Show her the La Malediccio painting and the course of action will take part in the house, from now on.
Leave, where you will witness the conversation between Eva and Nico. Then, after you have a quick conversation with Nico, talk to Eva. Return to the estate and have a chat with Marques. Take a close look at the statues Carved Figures, at both sides of the fireplace. Click on the Mantelpiece, and on the Painting. On the close-up, take a look at it, using the eye icon. Enter the estate. Inside, go left and exit through the door at the top of the screen. You will walk into a destroyed gallery.
Take a look at the Rubble and talk to Nico. Try to open the door on the left. On the wall on the right of the corridor, you will notice a Broken Green Statue. Return to the estate - Great Hall. Under the desk on the bottom-left side of the screen, there is a Green Statue. Leave and find a Broken Blue Statue on the fountain. To the right of the fountain, pick up the Blue Statue. Return to the estate and click the Mantelpiece. Using Marques's black-and-white family picture, and Father Simeone's documents, you need to put appropriate statues on the mantelpiece. Note the second Passage of the text. Rising sun refers to the East, and setting sun to the West. Clad in blue is the blue statue and clad in green is the green one. Put the Broken Green Statue on the left side Blue Statue on the right. You now only need to turn them in the correct way. The Sundial outside shows that the entrance is facing North. The blue statue should be facing the room (East), and the broken green one should be facing the wall (West). You turn the statues by clicking the gears that appear after you roll the mouse over the Plinth. The statues should be arranged in the way shown below.
George and Marques enter through the newly-unlocked passage and you will cut to Nico.
Talk to Ramon on all the available topics. The exit through the fireplace will, unfortunately, close. You need to find the key to the library. At the Courtyard, talk to Eva. Return to the location with the old car and the goat - Castell Garden. Open the Car Door. On the close-up of the interior, pick up the Pillow. Underneath, there is a Book. Nico will start reading it and she will be interrupted by the goat, who snatches the book. Take a look at the Tin Can Keys on the car floor. Use the Press Card on the Radio. This will unlock the "Local Call" achievement. Return to the yard and take a look at the Wind-chime twice. At the close-up, look at the Tin Can, Nico will wind the Castell Library Key inside, which you need to collect. The door to the library is in the Castell Cloisters gallery, on the left. Use the key to open it - use the Castell Library Key on the Library. Inside, click the Trunk.
Nico will open it and you will be able to learn its contents. You are only interested in the map, which you should collect. The girl will unfold it on the desk to take a closer look at it. The action will now cut to the Chapel, where there are George and Marques.
Talk to Marques on all topics. Take a look at the Fresco, on the close-up, give it a closer inspection, where there appears an eye icon. Examine one of the statues on the left and on the right of the chapel. Your companion gives a longer speech. You will learn that the one n the left depicts Jehovah, and the other one the Lucifer. Take a look at both of the Glass Lens held by the statues. On the close-up of the lens on the left, remove the Leather Cover. click the Disk, to make Green light pass through the lens. Repeat with the lens on the right but, this time, you need to position the disk in such a way, so as to make the light blue.
As of now, nothing is really happening. To the South of the area, there is a Candelabrum with a candle on it. Light it by using the Safety Matches on Candelabrum. Then, use the Medallion on the Candelabrum, to make the light illuminate the Fresco. This will unlock the "Bons Hommers" achievement- You will find out which way the escaping Cathars took. George and Marques will return to the room with the fireplace, where there is Eva waiting for them. In a moment, Nico will arrive and she will ask George to go to the library with the painting.
From above the fireplace, take the Painting and talk to Marques. Exit through the door to the North. You will get, this way, to the library. Talk to Nico and Eva. Take a look into the Trunk, remove the Hat and the Shirt. Underneath, you will find a Folded Note. In your inventory, there will appear a Telegram. Click it with the right mouse button - it contains an encrypted message. Highlight a letter in the note and select the corresponding letter of the alphabet below. The decrypted letter appears on top, above the note. The key word is Tabula Veritatis. If you still have problems decrypting the note, take a look at the below screenshot.
The encrypted message reads as follows: The Tabula Veritatis was smuggled out of Montsegur to Catalonia by a group of Cathar survivors stop I have confirmed this from confessions extracted by the dominican inquisitor Eymerich of Girona stop Wolfram stop. Girona is one of the four locations that you need to mark on the map. You will learn about the second one, after you scrutinize the La Malediccio painting. On the close-up, click the Priest with padlock on his mouth. It is Sant Ramon. Note that on the fresco in the chapel, the Cathars escaped the Montsegur stronghold - this is the third location that you need to mark. Return to the Great Hall and take a look at the Shield, the first one on the left, on the wall with the door onto the gallery. It is the same as the one on the fresco - Berga. Return to the library and clock the map. You need to mark four locations on it, with pins (they are in the small box). Montsegur is to the North, Girona is to the East. Sant Ramon is to the South and Berga in the middle of the map. If you have any difficulties finding them, take a look at the map below.
After you have marked all of the points correctly, you will unlock the "X Marks the Spot" achievement- you will learn the whereabouts of Tabula Veritatis. Unfortunately, Gehnen will enter the library and take Marques with him, and locks up you Nico and Eve. You need to find a way out to interfere with his plans. Examine the Bullet Hole in the wall - on the left. Click it once more and George will discover a button, which opens the hidden door. The story will cut to Montserrat.
Talk to all of the three guards. Unfortunately, they do not want to let you pass into the cloister. Talk to Nico. She will try to charm the guards, to no avail. Take the stairs at the bottom of the screen. Try to enter the building through the door on the left. After a cutscene, Eva will leave you and the door will be locked by means of a combination lock. Go towards the bottom of the screen and take a look at the Cable Car. Then, take a look at the Glint inside the car.
Use the Telescope, its operation is very easy. Left click on the black background and hold down the button. Roll the mouse over to the point that you want to take a closer look at. The view (wheel) that you can see through the telescope, follows the direction in which you want to look. Move the apparatus over to the left, until you see the "stone face". Take a closer look at it. Use the telescope again and move the telescope over to the left, to the "stone face" You will notice the building of Santa Cova chapel. take a close look at it and move the telescope over to the right. You will notice two people (Duane and Pearl) trapped in a cable car. Click the Glint twice. Then, move the telescope over to the right and examine the Cable Runner. Stop using the telescope. Direct the side mirror towards the cable car (use the Side Mirror on the Cable Car). Take another look through the telescope, which will automatically direct towards the cable car. Pearl will write the lock code on the window: 0797. now, you can open the door and enter.
Next to the Counter, there is a violet Lunch Box. Collect it. Unfortunately, it is locked and you do not have the key. Take a look at the Cupboard, where there is something inside. Try to talk to that person, who does not want to leave the hiding, they are afraid. Try to use the Console on the left and use the Lever. This does nothing. Open the Hatch in front of the console, there is a tangle of cables there and George lacks knowledge on the operation of such devices. Try to use the Paper Clip to open the Lunch Box. You will fail. Put the box between the Cogs - the lower-right part of the screen. Use the Lever, thanks to which you will finally open the box. Take a look inside and you will find a Radio. Over the radio, talk to your old friends - Duane and Pearl, who are trapped inside the cable car. Then, put the radio against the Cupboard. The girl (Kat) will decide to leave her hiding place. Unfortunately, it will turn out that the console is damaged. You need to find the Fuse and fix it.
Click on the cog thanks to which you opened the lunchbox. Inside, there is Jam. Spread it over the paperclip- use Paper Clip on Jam. Take a look at the hatch of the console, on the close-up let a cockroach inside- use Matchbox Containing Cockroach on the console's Front. Attach the sticky paper clip to the cockroach- use Sticky Paper Clip on Cockroach. Throw the Piece of Rich Tea Biscuit on Prongs. The cockroach will approach it and the paperclip will stay in place. Thanks to this, you will fix the device and the cable car will start moving again. You will obtain the "Hot Wire" achievement- you managed to start the cableway. On the cable car, go to Santa Cova chapel. You will cut to Nico.
Through the Chapel Door, enter the chapel. Inside, you meet Duane and Pearl. Again, you cut to George. Talk to Duane, who will tell you that Pearl has been looking forward to the spiritual experience of the visit to the chapel. It is being renovated right now and Pearl is devastated. The man will also tell you that his wife has a vast knowledge of that place. Unfortunately, you cannot talk to her, because the woman is weeping. Your mission now is to cheer her up. The best way is to ensure her with some spiritual experience. It needs satisfy her senses: vision, hearing and smell.
Start with the most difficult sense to satisfy: hearing. Note that Duane is humming something. Ask him about that (Whistling). He will tell you that it is "Ave Maria"- one of Pearl's favorite bits. You need to play it, somehow. When Duane is whistling, above his head, there appears a bubble with musical notation. These are the following notes: G, F# F Sharp -F raised by a half tone, G, B, A, G. You need to replay them in this exact order. If you want to learn about the notation, take a look at the below screenshot.
In the right side of the Scaffold there is a Toolbox. Open it and you will find a Mason's Hammer, you are going to need it. To the left of the scaffold, there are Wood Shavings, collect them. From the shelf underneath, collect the Bottle of Turpentine. Then, shake the scaffold and hit one of the cans with the hammer. Note that the tool appeared in the top-left corner of the screen and you can use it to hit the other items. If you click somewhere outside of the scaffold, the icon disappears and you will have to use it again. The Paint Tin produces the A sound. The Oil Drum is G. The Fire Extinguisher produces the H sound. Pour turpentine into the can - use Bottle of Turpentine on Paint Tin. Hit it with the hammer now and you will hear the F# sound. Hit the items in the following order: Oil Drum, the can with turpentine, oil drum, fire extinguisher, paint can, oil drum. Nico will start playing "Ave Maria" using the mop. You need to be fast enough, because she will stop tapping out the beat. You will have to play it once again. It happens also when you bang the hammer against something else. It is the time, now, to get ready for the "show". Go to the left side of the screen, you will notice the altar and the Black Madonna.
First of all, take a look at the candelabrum, under the ceiling. Use the Crank Handle to lower the candlestick. Light up the candles with the Safety Matches. Place the Side Mirror on it, which you need to secure with Yarn. IN the inventory, use the Eau de Toilette on Wood Shavings. In this way, you will obtain Potpourri. Place it in the Builder's Mug on the altar. You now only need to set fire to the contents of the mug, using the matches. The smell will spread all around the room. You now only need to satisfy the sense of vision. To do that, you need to raise the candelabrum again, using the crank. Pearl will trust her senses and think that it must be a miracle. Then, she will approach the altar to pray. Once she is done, she will be in good mood again. You then will be able to talk to her. If you want to unlock the "Super-Charged Potpourri Easter Egg" achievement you need to mix Wood Shavings with Eau de Toilette and Flowers.
After a while, you will b able to ask her several questions. It is necessary that you ask her about La Malediccio or the Hobbs' Sketch. The woman, along with her husband will leave the chapel in a moment. After you and Nico stay inside, take a look at the altar, which is made in Plaster. Smash it with the Mason's Hammer. This will reveal the Ouroboros. Click it and nothing will happen. Take a look at the Recess to the right of the Madonna. Somebody etched Puritas there. You can talk to Nico. Go right of the spot in which Pearl stood and collect the Candle. Put it into the Recess, use the Safety Matches, to light it. You have only one Match left.
Try to move the Ouroboros again. This will open a secret door. Once you and Nico walk through, the door will slam shut.
Nico decides to open the door and George will, meanwhile, explore the cave. First, you will be walking in dark. You need to find a source of light. Roll the mouse over to the right side of the screen. This should highlight the Stone Object. Click on it and use the last Match on it. This way, you will illuminate the cave. If you want to unlock the "I Call it The Dreamatorium" achievement, before you light up the darkness, take a look at the Bottomless Pit, and on the two objects that are not the stone object, use the hammer.
Take a look at the wall, at which Nico is standing, the Tabula Carving and two Carved Figures, at both sides of the Tabula - green and blue. Finally, take a look at the Carved Relief under the Tabula. Take a look at the Table, with the dead Gehnen on (the magnifying glass icon). Take a look at the Corpse, the Hat on the left and to the right on the Flashlight and Canteen. Also, take a look at the Lamp. Underneath, there is an Inscription, read it. Take the revolver on the left (Revolver). The corpse is resting on the Map, with a Photograph sticking out of. Collect both. Finally, collect the Artifact. It is Tabula Veritatis. You will unlock the "The Truth to the Grave" achievement.
Take the map closer to the lamp - use Gehnen's Map on Lamp. This will reveal the hidden message on the map. In the inventory, combine Tabula Veritatis with the Photograph. You need to decipher the code.
Above, on the two red fields, there are symbols that you need to decipher. On the right, on three pages, there are words that correspond to the symbols. At the bottom there are Gehen's translations, which will help you decipher the message. Click on a symbol on the red field and on the words that corresponds to that symbol. The list of the words can be scrolled with the button below. The word that you choose appears under the symbol on the red field. As for Gehnen's notes, each translation concerns more than one symbol. Your task is to find out what a single symbol means And so, The upper case L means "four" and the inverted L - River. At some groups of symbols, there are letters from "a" through "e". They correspond to Gehnen's map, where the important places have been marked. The correct message is: Begin, Sun City, Travel, Five, Day, East, River - the first row. The message in the second row is: Travel, South, Six, Day, Desert, Source, Four, River. See the below screenshot.
The translations are on the photo. Once toy deal with the code, it will turn out that Nico found a switch on the opposite wall. However, it does nothing, after pressed. Take a look at the lamp and, on the close-up, take a look at the Filigree Frame. Into its upper side, slide the Medallion. The blue statue of the Lucifer will be illuminated with red light. Take a look at the Statue at the end of the room. It is Maria Magdalene. Click on it again and turn it once - it will be facing right. Press the button that Nico found Secret Button - between the red ad the blue statue. Collect the medallion and put it into the bottom slot. The green statue (Jehovah) will be illuminated. Turn the statue of Maria Magdalene twice, so that it faces left, relative to the previous ones, and press the button. Collect the medallion and put it in the slot to the left of the previous ones. This time around, red light will illuminate the red carvings.
Turn the statue, so that it faces you (front)/ You now only need to press the button. The door will open, take the medallion. Leave the cave. Outside, you will meet Genhen Langham. He is threatening Marques and Eva.
Aim the revolver at the bandit. Soon, he will realize that your gun will not harm anybody. He will ask you if you have the Tabula Veritatis. Twice. Each time, you can either tell the truth or a lie. If you lie after you are asked for the first time, Gehnen will threaten you with killing Marques. If you lie to him again, he will shoot the old man and threaten to kill the girl. Regardless of your choice, the old man dies anyways. Eva will be abducted. The best idea is to lie, at first, and then tell the truth. Before he dies, Marques will tell you where to go. You have a problem, the door is being guarded so, you need to trick the guard.
Try to exit through the door - no good. Talk to Nico. The girl will try to charm the guard. Unfortunately, he is resistant to her. As George climb onto the Balcony. Click on the Drain pipe and George will climb onto it. Click below George now and the inscription "down" will appear. Mount the radio in the Drain. This time, together with Nico, you will make the guard leave his post and climb down the stairs. Use the Mason's Hammer on Guard. You will throw the heavy tool at him and render him unconscious. You need to do that fast, before he returns upstairs. You will obtain the "Gravity Depravity" achievement. Return inside (Entrance). George and Nico will leave through the main exit and, at the last moment, jump into the car. Try to open the door, but you cannot reach it. Use Yarn on it and you will succeed. Now, you only need to click on the door to enter the car. Unfortunately, Nico remained outside. Use the Window Catch. The car will then get fired at by Medovski. After the cutscene, you cut to the girl. She is holding on to the car's catch and she requires help. Talk to Medovski's assistant (Shears). Pick the following dialogue options: Shears 2x, Chelsea, Topiary, Free Will, Determinism, Henri 2x and Redemption.
As a result of the conversation, the man kills Medovski and you, and George reach the station. You will obtain the "Philosophy 101" achievement - you managed to convince Shears, to change sides. After a series of cutscenes and George's dream, you will obtain the "Balance" achievement- George gets a prophetic dream. You are in Iraq.
Approach the Fig Tree - go left. George will be scared by a goat but Nico will calm the animal down. Take a look at the tree and gather Figs from the branch on the left. They are now in your inventory as Handful of Figs.
Take the passage to the left. Keep going until you reach the place, from which you can see the guards sitting on the grass. You need to get rid of them. Return to the fig tree and go North, to the truck. Take a look at the Back of Truck. You will find a Knapsack, which you need to take. Return to Shears and show the Knapsack to him (use Knapsack on Shears). You will see a close-up on the contents. From inside, collect: TNT, Sausage, Fuse Wire, Dynamite, Duct Tape, Petrol Lighter.
Combine dynamite with the fuse wire - you will obtain Primed Dynamite. Also, combine the fuse wire with sausage - you will obtain a false dynamite. Tie it up to the goat immediately - use Primed Sausage on Goat. Then, use the Lighter on Goat, to set fire to the fuse. Return to the guards and throw the Handful of Figs at Langham's Henchmen. Fortunately, they will not realize that. Throw another fig o the Bottom of Patch - between the columns. Then, throw a fig onto the path behind the car. You will obtain the "Cry Havoc" achievement- the guards will escape to see the goat with false dynamite. Try to enter the Dark Hole in the rock. It is too dark so, use the lighter. Nico will not let you inside and take the explosives away from you. If you have tried using them earlier, Nico has probably claimed them from you. Use the lighter on the Dark Hole again. Together with Nico, enter. You will walk into the legendary Eden. Take a look at the Dead Bush. Note that the Ladder got stuck in the Vines. You will not be able to reach it, clock it to realize that. Use the Lighter to set fire to the Dead Bush.
Spread fire by pouring the perfumes on the burning bush (use Eau de Toilette on Dead Bush). The vines will burn down and release the ladder, which will open the way for you. Walk over the ladder (click on it). You will start a conversation with Langham. Select: Tabula Veritatis, Eden and Decide. Gehnen Langham will throw George off the altar. You will cut to Nico. You need to rescue George and stop Langham. Approach the altar, over the ladder (click on it). To the left of the statue of Lucifer, there is a Large Crack. You will know it because it glows white. Drop TNT inside. You only need now to watch the outro. You will obtain the "What Just Happened There?" achievement- for saving the world. Congratulations, you have just completed "Broken Sword 5".
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OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
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