Alan Wake Walkthrough Alan Wake Game Guide

Alan Wake Walkthrough Episode one: Nightmare

You will be greated with a cutscene. You hit a homeless man and then he disappeared.

Go to the lighthouse because you are in a nightmare and you don't understand why. Just follow the road in front of you.

Once you get to the stairs the homeless man will appear and will start attacking you. So you need to run away from him.

He will corner you here so you will learn how to dodge here. Just hold shift and the direction key you want to dodge the attack. A cinematic view will appera if the dodge was sucessful.

When he disappers follow the road and you will get to this bridge. Cross it and somebody will tell you to get into the house.

The bridge willl colapse when you cross it.

A cutscene will start when you get inside and the guy will be killed by the black figure.

You will be stuck inside the house and you can't get outside.

After some time in the house you will get hurt and light will appear.

Follow the light. He will say something that is important in some way. He will fix the stairs. And you will have to cross it to learn how to kill the dark figures.

You will need a flashlight to shatter their dark defense.

Point the light at him. You can use the right mouse button to boost the light. That will use your flashlight battery and you will need to put another battery inside it.

When their shileds are shattered use the revolver to kill them. You aim by using the flashlight. You reload faster by tapping the R button faster.

This is safe heaven. It's a checkpoint and it heals you to full health. Always open these red boxes. They contain supplies. This one contains a flaregun and flares.

A flaregun insta-kills them.

When you see this. You have to run away from it. You can't kill it.

Cross the bridge and get into the lighthouse.

You will get another cutscene and you will be awoken by your wife.

When you wake up walk up to Alice (your wife) then go meet the guy near her. This guy talks on the radio. You can find out what is happening in Bright Falls while listening to it.

When you dock you will go to the gas station to find Carl Stucky

When you enter the gas station, the girl will tell you that he is out back. You will find these two gentelman. One of them wants you to play Coconut on the Jukebox. Just do it for the guy.

The jukebox will get stuck so just hit it to make it work.

When you enter here this lady will tell you that its dark and you will trip and die. Just go inside and find Carl Stucky.

Go left to the mans bathroom to find Stucky.

You will get a cutscene when a women in black gives you the keys to the cabin on the lake. So you say ok and go there.

But Carl Stucky gets out of the bathroom and calls you for your keys that you forgot.

Good you are at the cabin. Explore it a bit.

The power is out in the cabin so you need to get it on for your wife because she has Nyctophobia.

Go outside the cabin.

In the shad you will find a generator turn it on for her.


The present is a typewriter in the other room. You didn't want to write while on vecation but your wife brought it. And she says she wants you to go and see a doctor that helps famouse people and artists. Soooooooo... You have a big fight and you take a walk outside the cabin.

But the power is out and something is happening to your wife.

You get inside the cabin and jump in the lake where your wife was dragged.

And then you wake up in a car crash that you don't remember. Follow the road to the right and you will get another cutscene.

Throught the game you will find these manuscripts for another book you wanted to write. But when you read these menusripts, you realize you are reliving them.

You can open the menusripts by pressing F5 or in the menu.

Follow the road infront of you.

You are in a lumbermill. Find a phone here.

Here is Carl Stucky!

Run away from him, and get inside the lumbermill house. To call someone.

You will get a gun and a fleshlight.

Use the phone, to call someone. The telephone line will break and ou will have to kill some darkness.

This is going for the house you are inside.

You will find these arrows throught the game. They can only be found by pointing your light at it.

Following the arrows will lead you to supply cases.

Follow the road infront of you. Reach the has station.

Start the generator and turn around.

You will find this house. Get inside and grab some batteries and a shotgun.

You will need to start the generator to move some wood to make a bridge.

When you cross the log bridge. You will be attacked by enemies.

Get inside the house you will find a TV. You can watch Night Falls on the TV or you will see yourself writing Departure. Press the button to open a gate to move forward.


Don't use your flashlight on him. You will find a flaregun back there in the supply crate or in a red box and shoot him with it.

Once you reached the gas station you will notice that you've been absent from life for 7 days. So you don't know what is happening.

You will find a tv with you in it. You say that you need to keep writing to get the darkness away from the world.

Call the sherif with the phone.

You will tell the sherif everything that happend and that there is a cabin on an island on the lake. She says that there is no such thing on the lake. She will take you to the lake.

When you get there you will see that there is no island nor cabin on the lake. So she takes you to the hospital for the head injury.

End of episode 1.
Alan Wake Walkthrough Episode Two: Taken

New York city: Three years ago

You are in your apartment. Go to Alice then make some coffee.

The coffee maker is in the kitchen (WHERE ELSE WOULD IT BE?).

After the coffee part. Go to Alice then to your study to check the cover mock-ups.

The power will be out. So go to Alice with the flashlight. She will tell you to check the power outlets. The power is out so you will get a cutscene.

You will tell her about the clicker. A broken lamp switch that scared the monsters away in the dark.

Bright falls: The Present day

You are in the sheriffs station. You will be examined by a doctor. After the cutscene walk out and go to the sharrif.

Go to Sarah

After talking to Sarah you will get a phone call. Someone will tell you that your wife was kidnapped. Go to the back lot to see if its true.

After going to the back lot you will find this drunk fellow. Turn on the light for him.

Break the block of wood that will be here and go through the gate.

It's alice's driver's license. Now go back to the station. And exit the station. You will have to go to Lovers peak to save her.

Barry will call you. And he will come for you.

After entering the station you will see the TV. It's you again. Saying what happend. And says if he stops writing the world will end.

You will meet the doctor Alice told you about. Dr Emil Hartman. You will hit him... Hard.

Once getting to the cabins you will see Rose again.

This is Barry. Look at that face.

Enter here and talk to Rusty for a cabin.

He will tell you to fill in the registration forum that is on the reception table.

Fill it and give it to him.

He will give you the keys now.

This is where you need to be.

You can't get Barry's car. He has the keys.

Follow the road. It's a pretty linear game. So there is only one road to follow in this whole game.

After getting to the cabin where you got your cabin. Rusty will be attacked.

Enter the cabin.

He is almost dead. He tells you that the same happend on a page he read. So you need to go the other small cabin to get the lights on.

Get the light on here.

The darkness will consume Rusty. So you run off to help him.

You are to late and he is a different kind of the taken.

HE MADE THAT HOLE IN THE WALL. So you need to kill him because he is evil.

He is really fast. You can't see him when he is running. So be prepared to point your flashlight at him.

See you can't see him when he is running.

Once killing him go through here. The door will slam open. So go through the door to advance.

Now follow the road to reach Lovers' Peak.

There are even signs to show where Lovers' peak is

Ok now you will be cornered by enemies. So be fast when you kill them here.

Here you will meet a huge guy. You have to point your flashlight at him because he is hard to kill and his darkness shield is tough to break.

Here is how they look. They are seriously scary.

Just follow the light.

After calling the cable car. Wait for it and enter.

Crows will break the cable car. So you will fall on the ground and lose your flashlight

Now you are on the ground and a taken will kill you. A hunter will help you. He will give you a flashlight and some flares.

Thats him. He will say that that flashlight's kids stuff.

Follow him. And yeah you noticed him and suspect that he is a kidnapper.

Hold down the middle mouse bottone to use the flare. When you let go of the button you will drop the falre but if you hold the middle mouse button you will hold the flare in your hand.

This is where you will have to defend the kidnapper. He will open the gate and yo will have keep the bad guys away from him. He will shoot them.

After defeating them follow him to get to Lovers' Peak.


Use a lot of flares on the platform they are coming from everywhere on the platform.

After killing all of them. He will demand that you give him alll the manusripts in exchange for your wife.

You will push him off the platform and fall down.

Now you need to get back to the cabin. So make it through the woods. It isn't that hard. Just follow the light/road.

Oh yeah watch out there are these bear traps. If you get cought in one you will have to tap the left mouse button the escape. You can shoot them to activate them.

Cross all the fallen trees there are.

There will be a lot of generators for safe heavens. So start them if you want to live.

The darkness made this plane to fall. There is a supply crate there.

Now we have a detour. Reach the top of the mill and get out of the mill to advance to the cabin.

Now watch out this door will be consumed by the darkness. Use the flashlight on it.

Ok this guy is beasically OP. You have to boost your flashlight at him to shatter his darkness. And he still takes a lot of bullets to kill.

Ok good we are making progress. Safe heavens in this game are the best.

Now you have to get to Barry fast because the Crows are attacking the cabin.

Here you should find a car to drive to Barry.

The car is locked in the garage. The keys are in a house across the garage.

You will get another scene on the TV. You wil say about your story. How it grows, how you create it. etc.

Get in the car and drive to Barry. You can boost the car lights to kill enemies faster.

Follow the road infront of you. You can't miss the cabin.

Exit here.

You will get a call from the kidnapper. He wants the manusripts in 2 days.

You are at the cabin. Here are the crows. Go at the back of the house to get supplies. Like flare gun ammo and flares.

To kill the crows you need to point and boost your light at them. You can use the flare gun to kill them faster. Or use a flare to scare them away for a moment.

After killing the crows Barry will open the door and you will finish the episode.

Rose will call Barry saying that she found Alan's manusripts.

But she is being controlled by the women who gave you the keys to the cabin. Miss Jagger.

End of Episode two
Alan Wake Walkthrough Episode Three: Ransom

You will get a call from Sarah that the FBI wants to talk to you for an unknown reason. So you end the call and follow Barry to find Rose.

Talk to the manager Randolph.

And this part really requires you to be like 5 meters behind Randolph or he won't go.

Now what's that boat doing here.

This is where Rose lives. Knock on her door and a cutscene will start.

You will be drugged by her and fall asleep right there.

Now you will see miss Jagger. She wants you to finish what you started. The story you wrote that is happening right now.

You will be awoken by the TV.

You are in Rose's room. It's kinda creepy.

Another story from your past life. Saying that you can't tell reality from dream. And that Barbare Jagger is your editor. And she wants everyone in your story to die.

Leave the trailer.

Get to your car. Just remember the road you took when following Randolph.

Well shit. They think you done something to Rose and the police plus the FBI want you.

Especially Agent NIghtingale from the FBI. He will shoot at you when you are running away from them.

Now just run because they are hot on your trail. Follow the road given to you.

Now you got this chopper on you. Just go even though it will see you

Crows will kill it. :3

You can use this telescope on top of a house to see the wreckage.

You have to go to the boradcast tower to see Maine, the guy you met in the begining.


Just use the generator to get the search light working.

Use the search light on the dark gate and the gate will vanish.

Take that flashlight.

Use the flashlight on the gate.

Pick up all these flashbangs you will need them. They kill them fast. And shatter the shields of bigger enemies.

You throw them like the flares. Except you don't hold flashbangs in your hand.

The more the marier.

Here is the Radio station. Don't worry the taken will make the last stand to stop you.

Get inside and talk to Maine.

Wait for him here to open the door.

On the cutscene Maine will say that Alan Wake is here at the station. The police will come and Agent Nightingale will shoot you. He will miss and you will run away through the window.

Just run away. And the agent likes calling you with all the writesrs name like H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King etc.

Now grab the gun and do things with it.

Turn on all the lights. Because sometimes they reveal secrets. And yeah reach the train depot.

You will get a phone call from Alice. It will sound like she isn't from this world. So then you guess that he hasn't got her. But can you be sure?

There is the railway bridge. So you are close.

Now watch out. The darkness will take control of barells. So if you touch them or they hit you. They will do a lot of damage.

Try not to die or fall down.

Now find a vehicle and get away from here.

At this safe heaven you will get a heavy duty flashlight. Take it. It has a longer boost.

Yup close up and personal attack with big bubba.


Ok good. You killed it. Get inside the car and go to the train depot.

Look at that beautiful nature.

Go to the coal mine by car. It's pretty far away. The road is a bit bumpy there but it's linear.

Now we wait for the kidnapper

The kidnapper didn't come. He said to go to Miror peak. So we are going there.

Follow the compass or giver road to there.

Well that eletricity isn't going to turn off itself. Go to the generator.

Just get to the circut board and turn it off.

Go up here.

Grab the manusrcript and get out

Grab the supplies from this truck.

Use all the lights at this part. There will be a lot of enemies.

Again the barrels are moving.

Now you are at the ghost town. Just go through it.

You will be on the TV. Now on the TV you are coming to your senses.

Now you are close to Mirror Peak lookout.

Watch out Crows are here.

Jump into the silver mine.

Just go through the silver mine. There aren't any enemies here.

Go through that door. It's a way out.

Or not...

OK this is a easy puzzle. Just move the logs from one floor to the other to cross from one side through the other.

Kick open the door.

Now go to Miror Peak lookout.

Again The cable cart. Don't worry. Birds will come.

The cable car will be broken again.

Huh Cauldron Lake now that brings back memories.

Again birds.

Go left here. Take a detour because the bridge is broken.

Cross he mountain ruins. Now kick that thing down.

When you get to this house go through the basement.

It's pretty creepy down here.

Go up here.

And escape from this house. There will be a lot of enemies here.

Now you will hear the kidnapper. Begging for his life. Saying he doesn't have the girl.

He is so dead.

The dark tornado will come for you. But you grabed a flare so it won't suck you in.

You will fall a long way down.

End of episode three
Alan Wake Walkthrough Episode Four: The Truth

Hartman will tell you that you are sedated. And you will go back to sleep.

You will wake up. Wait a bit and Hartman will come in. Follow him and listen to him.

Cauldron Lake is there, and you can see Mirror Peak on the other side of the rake. But it's going to rain. So follow the doctor back inside.

This is Emerson. He makes video games. The video game story teller says that involes small creativety.

There they are The Old Gods Of Asgard. The Anderson brothers

They found a manuscript. They will give you the manuscript. You will need to go to the Anderson farm to understand how to slay the darkness. There will be a clue there.

Return to your room.

You will start writing but you can't because something is wrong when you start.

Grab the key from the nurse who got knocked out by the Anderson brothers.

Go to Hartman's office

But first save Barry.

Hartman has all your manusripts. Even more.

He explains that everything he told was a lie and he wants all of your manuscripts.

But the darkness consumes him.

Escape the clinc before the darkness consumes you too.

Use the generator to destroy the darkness that consumed all the things in the lobby.

And you will need to get this ball to hit you. Dodge it and it will break the door.

Use it again here to break the door behind you.

This is one big clinic.

You will have to escape through garden. Barry will give you a flashlight.

Grab the supplies here.

Go right here.

Right again.


Then right

And you should get here. Well you will have to fight Hartman here.

Go forward

And by following the road you will get to Barry who dropped the key and can't find it. So you need to defend yourself until he finds the key. When he does. RUN FOR THE DOOR!

Don't worry the cutout is still fine.


Now you are seperated you don't have your gun nor flashlight. So follow the road infront of you to get them.

There it is. THE ANDERSON FARM. Get there.

Follow the road in front of you.

Here is a gate consumed by darkness. There is a generator to the left.

Go up here to turn on the generator for the light.

Point the light at the gate to advance.

Follow the path.

Now you will get a cutscene with a truck coming your way. You think that Barry got the car and is coming for you.

Switch your flashlight.

Pick up guns and supplies in this house.

Go inside that house. There is where the truck stopped. And you will hear a scream.

This is the guy who got drunk and was in prison. He is dead.

Get inside the truck and get to the farm.


Be prepared for a lot of enemy waves will come to kill you. On the background you will hear rock music and fireworks will save you.

Change any gun you have with this pump action shotgun. It's on the speaker.

After the concert all the fireworks will blow. All the enemies will die and you need to get to the Anderson house.

Climb the ladder to open the barn door.

Barry will make fun of you when you open the door.

In the barn climb up the ladders. Use this control panel to move the biggest and most awesome boat ever to open the barn door.

There is the Anderson house.

You will be attacked by enemies by the time you get to Barry. When you get to him Just open the door to let him out.

Now its just a straight road ahead to the Anderson house.

Get inside and go upstairs to find the fuse box. You will hear a gramophone playing.

Go down stairs to fix the record and hear the clue the Anderson brothers gave you.

The clue says that Cynthia Weaver is the lady of the light. And she help you in your jurney.

And you will get drunk becuse you hear their moonshine is the best.

You will fall asleep and get a dream that will tell you what happend during Alices disappearance.

Now you will take a first person look at what happend.

You will start at the part when you stormed out of the house angry at Alice.

Get inside the cabin and follow yourself.

You will jump off the terace after Alice.

Next you will see you climb up the platform. You will see Jagger saying that there is somebody by the window.

But then she turns into a douche and says that she is dead. But you can save her by writing a story that will bring her back.

So the cabin and you got consumed by the darkness.

So to save Alice and yourself you changed the story and put in Thomas Zane and yourself. He saves you but gets consumed by the darkness. And thats how you escaped the cabin and got to the car crash.

You wake up and agent Nightingale captured you by gun point.

You finished the chapter.

End of Episode Four.
Alan Wake Walkthrough Episode Five: The Clicker

You will see Cynthia Weaver saying that someone will come when the time is right. And that her job is to keep it safe, always in the light.

And you are in jail. Nighingale locked you up.

Sarah and Nightingale are here to see you. Sarah said that you were arrest for no reason.

You will get another image in you head of Jagger pulling Alice in the lake.

Sarah will help you but Nightingale will be paranoid and point your gun at you.

But he noticed that this was written on the manuscript and gets pulled by the darkness.

Follow Sarah in her office for your equipment.

Barry will be in the reception calling everyone on the list to tell them about the situation.

When you get out of the back door. You will need to get out of the back lot. You will need to get up the roof then get down.

Pull this down to access the ladder to get to the rooftop

On the rooftop again crows will attack you.

Follow the compass to get to the street level

Use the fuse box to open the gate. And yeah you are using it with no gloves. You will get shocked.

Now follow Sarah to the helipad to get to the eletrical plant.

You will be attacked. A lot.

Once in the house for the keys to the helicopter. You will look for the keys and she will get electrocuted.

Inside you will get a message from Barry. He is scared and he wants you to hurry.

Once outside be prepared for enemies. And Barry was so scared that he will get out of the station, run for you, and almost die.

Follow Sarah.

You are now in a bookstore. Kinda ironic. Go outside through the back door to get to the helipad.

More enemies outside.

Now you are in the chruch. The candels are on because of deer fest. It's tradition.

Go through the basement.

Go through here to get out.

Barry has a headlight. It's his eye of Sauron.

You are close to the helipad. Now lead Barry and Sarah to the helipad.

There is the helipad. Be prepared for a lot enemies to kill and defend the helicopter.

They will come out from everywhere.

Survive the assault.

Now get to the helicopter. Or you will die.

You will get a cool cutscene of you killing the Taken and you getting in the helicopter.

But you will fall out of the helicopter because of the Crows.

Now cross the transformer yard to get to Cynthia Weaver.

Break the lock on that garage to advance.

Follow the compass on the HUD.

Here is the transformer yard. You can use the eletrical wires to kill the enemies faster.

Just follow the road that doesn't have the eletrical wires blocking your path.

Use this elevator to cross the roof to get out of the transformer yard.

I guess somebody liked the power plant so much that they brought a chair and beer.

Go left to make the bridge rotate.

Press the button.

Watch out. The bridge won't stop rotating. So you gotta move fast.

Here they are Sarah and Barry. They will help you with the light.

Here she is. She will open the door imidatly when you get to it.

There she is The Lady of the Light. She says that the thing you need to get is in on the dam. You can get there by a pipe leading directly to the Well-lit room.

But there is no light in the pipe so you need to get light there.

So cut the power to the transforemer yard. Follow the compass to get there.

Now you will get a puzzle here. It's pretty easy just do as i did. First press the number one button, then three, then two, then one. All the bridges will be connected.

When you press the killswitch all the bridges will go haywire. So cross them when they are connected.

Now return to Weaver.

Follow Weaver to the pipe for the Well-Lit Room.

Switch your flashlight for the heavy-duty lantern. Big enemis will come.

Now wait here while she opens the pipe. It might take a while.

Sarah and Barry are attacked. So you need to save them. You will exit the pipe and run to them.

Reach the crash site.

They aren't there they ran away. You will see a flare.

When you get to them. Lead them to the top of the dam.

There is the elevator that will get you somewhere near the top of the dam.

Wait for it to come down. Enemies will attack you while it's coming down.

Press the button to start the elevator.

Hold the button so the garage will open.

But that thing will fall infront of the garage and you will get seperated.

Use the seach light to kill some enemies.

Just run where the compass points you.

Run don't stop.

Enter the Well-Lit Room

In the Well-Lit Room you will find The Cliker and a manuscript. The manuscript says what is The Cliker and how you got it as a child.

End of Episode Five.
Alan Wake Walkthrough Episode Six: Departure

New York City Two years ago.

You will wake up with a hangover. Get sunglasses and aspirin. The sunglasses are on the right side of the bed, and aspirin is in the bathroom.

Now leave the Bedroom. You will get a voicemail from Barry saying that you should watch the TV. You are on TV.

Turn on the TV. You can watch the show, but turn off the TV if you want to continue the story.

You will talk to Alice about you getting drunk and passing out on the floor. You will tell her when you finish the tour you will go on vecation.

Bright falls The present day.

You will leave Barry and Sarah in the Well-Lit Room. And you will go to the cabin on the lake to finish the story.

Get into the car and get to Cauldron Lake.

Go on foot here.

When you get out of the car. It will be night and enemies will attack you.

When you kill them get in another car and go to Cauldron Lake.

When you get here turn left.

Go here there should be apartmants.

Get inside the aprtmant.

It's Agent Nighingales room. Grab everything you can here.

When you get out of there you will be ambushed.

Get inside the car and drive to the ramp.

Go on foot when you get to the bridge.

You will be attacked by objects possesed by darkness. Don't rush this part it's hard.

Destroy this thing by using a lot of flashbangs.

After destroying it. Get inside the car and Go to Cauldron Lake.

The schoolbus will start coming at you. Just drive, it won't hit you.

Go here on foot.

You will be ambushed by a lot of enemies in this tunnel. Just go slowly or the enemies will overwhelm you.

Again go into a car and get to Cauldron Lake.

Turn right here.

The gate is closed.

Get inside here and go through the house and find the button to get the gate open.

Again get in the car and get insde the junkyard.

Go here on foot.

Climb up the ladder.

Start the generator to lift the container to advance.

Continue to Cauldron Lake

Now go on foot to the lake.

Push this.

Run to the search light, use it a bit to kill some enemies.

Then run to the broken house. Push that cart.

Push this off the ladge.

Get inside this. Pull the leaver and go. Birds will attack you.

Follow the road in front.

Use this control panel. But the power is out.

Follow the eletrical wire to the generator then get back into the elevator and continue.

Now a lot of objects will block the path. Drop some flashbangs and everything will be gone.

Watch out here, poles will come through the wall to block your way. Use the light on it to destroy it.

Destroy the Tornado.

Run towards it.

You will get some flare gun ammo.

Shoot the flare gun directly at the centre of the tornado to destroy it.

Now you will jump into the lake.

You will wake up in your apartment. Everything is green and it looks like it's consumed. Something is weird with Alice. Get out from the bedroom and go to the living room. That's where the clicker is.

Light up the word CLICKER to get it.

Once you get the clicker Thomas Zane will come for you.

This is Mr.Scratch he will change you in the real world.

Light up the word PATH to advance.

Light up the word Bridge to advance.

Light up the words BIRD LAG CABIN.

Get inside.

Jagger will be waiting for you.

You will put the clicker inside her (She doesnt have a heart). And kill her.

You will finish the story. Make a good ending. But you will be consumed by the darkness.

Alice is saved. Everyone is happy for Deerfest.

And Rose is the next lady of the light.

It's not a lake. It's an ocean.

You've finished Alan Wake. But there are two awesome special episodes.
Alan Wake Walkthrough Special Feature One: The Signal

You begin at the diner. Everything that happend before will happen again. The Anderson brothers want from you to play Coconut. And you should go to the bathroom.

Break open the door.

Zane will talk to you again. Through the bathroom mirror. He will give you a flashlight and a gun. When he gives you that exit the diner.

The world will start to change.

You will hear yourself on the TV. Now you are just insane.

When you get to the door. Enemies will ambush you.

Get out through the back door.

Go to the house where the light is coming from.

Inside Investige the light.

Go through that door to get to the living room.

You will get a manuscript from Zane and words will be around you.

You will point the flashlight at the word that says phone so you could hear Zane.

And the phone has a GPS system. Follow the point where Zane is pointing you.

Point your flashlight at every word in the house.

When you get out the house. Cars will attack you.

Get inside the house.

And point your flashlight at the word TOOLS.

Again the world has shifted.

The road is broken. First go right to get supplies then cross the road.

Continue following the GPS signal.

Point your flashlight at the word memory.

You will get a memory of you trying to get to the helipad.

So investigate the flare you saw.

You will be cornered in this park. Destroy all the objects.

Destroy the gate too.

The door is locked. You will need a key.

But yeah the darkness destroys a deer and it wants to kill you. Survive a bit untill the truck starts throwing itself to you.

You will see a word key where was that truck. Point your flashlight at it and Sarah will open the door.

Get inside.

Once inside go down the basement. You will get another of your crazy suicides. And trust me. From this point on it will only get worse.

Break the door to go down the basement.

When you see an enemy use the blast to kill them easily. And there are a lot of them here.

Climb the ladder. There is a word climb here. Point your flashlight at it to make it appear.

Follow the light.

Here is Barry. He says that this is all happening in your head.

Continue following the GPS signal. And yeah Barry will be always with you.

You need to get to that lumber factory.

Boom! is used like a flashbang. It explodes and kills everyone near it.

Here you will just be attacked by a lot of enemies. Use Boom! to kill them faster.

Possesed is an enemy. Don't your flashlight even touch it.

Use the turret word and point it at the word bridge.

Turret is a search light.

At this part don't look down. Just look up.

The crows are now your bestseller.

Don't look down with the flashlight. Or enemies will come and you will be dead soon.

Once in here. Your insane self will say that enemies will overwhelm you and streetlight are coming out from the ground.

At this part just follow where the lights are. They can't hit you in the light.

Get here and you are free for the time.

Climb up that blue thing there.

Start driving the car.

Get to the back part of this yard.

Press the button and haul ass at the door.

Monstertrucks are coming for you.

Inside are enemies. A lot of them. Shoot at the red barrels to kill them faster.

Climb up the stairs.

Point your flashlight at the memory.

Go down there

And your dick self will say that your enemies will overwhelm you.

Climb up the ladder.

Kick open the door.

Push this down.

Press the button over there to get a container to help you cross the canal.

Jump on it.

Climb up the ladder.

Jump down here.

You will get a memory of you posing for the cover for the book.

There is Zane. He says that all of this is happening because of you. Not because of the darkness. But because of you.

The TVs will attack you.

He will go through the wall.

Destroy the small TVs.

After defeating the TV in the warehouse it will escape.

Run for the TV to destroy it.

You will be unconcious when you get to it.

And at the end you will get a cutscene of you being crazy.

To be continued.

End of Special Feature One.
Alan Wake Walkthrough Special Feature Two: The Writer

You will start at the exit of Hartman's clinic.

Use this. It's behind you.

You have to wiggle the light to hit the word crumble.

After you cross the broken wall. Turn around at this shed. Point your flashlight at the word surprise.

Inside you will find tools that you can use.

Climb the ladder to advance.

Go by this wall to advance.

To get a shotgun point the flashlight at the word pump.

Treverse through the hadgemaze. It's not even hard.

You got to Barry. Next go left to get to Thomas Zane.

You will attack be attacked by enemies and a weird soundtrack of the Old Gods of Asgard song Children of the elder god will be heard.

Use the fireworks to kill the enemies.

After that get inside to see Zane.

He says that he will lead you to the lighthouse. But not any further then that.

Now manuscripts are used to help you.

They give you words. Point your flashlight at all the words.

Get on the boat. Wait for it until it docks.

Get inside this cabin.

It will start spining. Try to survive.

Get out the same way you got in.

Follow the road infront to reach the lighthouse.

Climb the train cart.

Cross the log bridge.

Throw a flare inside the well.

Now you are in the pipe. Follow the light to get outside.

Now you will get inside a spining wheel. It's your house. Just go throught door to door.

Just jump in the water. It won't kill you.

Wait for the wheels to roll to the other side.

Wait for the wheel to rool so you can continue through that door.

Get inside the Well-Lit Room.

Get inside the elevator.

Push open the door.

Examine this.

Use the flashlight on the word wire to connect the power from a generator to the log lift.

Start the Generator and get back the the log lift.

Cross the log bridge.

Now cross this bridge. You will talk to Zane. He says that you are not real. And the you in the cabin is still not the real you. He is a part that wants to give up and you are the part that wants to continue living. But Mr. Scratch was real.

Now just continue climbing up the stairs.

Wait a minute here for zane to take a tree and make a connection from the bridge to the ground.

Continue following the light.

The lighthouse light will go out. Still don't stop continue to the lighthouse.

Here you will be presented with something really personal. You have to watch the whole thing.

This part is with you and Hartman. He says how mentally unstable you are. And that you shouldn't see Alice ever again.

You will play a record with Alice. She says that she never wants to see you again.

You may leave the room.

Continue to the lighthouse.

This is the last page Zane will give you. And this is the last time you will see him.

First thing is first use ignite to ignite the lighthouse again. Then the bridge.

Use the words clear to clear the rocks so you can easily kill enemies.

Follow the road given.

Enter the lighthouse and reach the top of the lighthouse.

Climb the ladder to get to the cabin.


Wait a minute to see you and Alice entering the cabin then use the flashlight on the word bridge.

You will get a long walk to the cabin. You will see Barry. He says that you have to abandon all your imaginations, including him.

Cross the bridge.

Barry will attack you. You will kill him quickly here.

The cabin is consumed by the Darkness.

You will need to kill Dr Hartman. Then the Anderson brothers.

And at the end Barry.

After killing them the cabin will be released from the darkness.

Get inside the cabin.

You will save yourself from the insanity you were, and you will try getting out of the Dark Place.

By writing another book called "Return"

End of Special Feature Two

You've finished everything the game has to offer. Good job :3