How to Make Sticks and Wooden Tools in Minecraft - For Dummies

Sticks and wooden tools in Minecraft set you on your way to obtaining many useful items. To create sticks, open the inventory or right-click the crafting table, and put two vertically adjacent planks into the crafting grid. Four sticks are created for every two planks.

Sticks have no use on their own, but you can use them to craft a variety of other items. By arranging sticks and planks on a crafting table, you can create wooden tools. Tools are used for breaking blocks and fighting quickly and effectively, and although wooden tools break easily and work slowly, they provide a good start.

Here’s a rundown of wooden tools to create:

  • Wooden pickaxe: You use this item to mine stone-based blocks. (If you try to break stone by hand, it takes a long time and doesn’t even drop an item.)

    Often, a pickaxe is the only wooden tool you need. Any stone-based blocks you break while the pickaxe is selected break faster, so keep it in the bottom row of the inventory for quick access. Breaking stone blocks with a pickaxe provides cobblestone, which is used for stone-based products.

  • Wooden axe: Break wood-based blocks faster.

  • Wooden shovel: Break granulated blocks faster, such as dirt, sand, and gravel.

  • Wooden hoe: Till dirt or grass for farming wheat, carrots, potatoes, melons, and pumpkins.

  • Wooden sword: Deal extra damage to enemies while this item is selected.

When you use a tool, a green bar representing durability appears under the tool; the durability slowly depletes as you continue to use the tool. When the meter runs out, the tool breaks, and you have to craft a new one.


Only a pickaxe and sword are necessary for the first day. Other tools can be crafted after you discover stone.