How to Create Custom Fireworks in Minecraft - For Dummies

One complex item tag structure in Minecraft is the firework. Fireworks can produce many customizable particle effects, and unlike with the particle command, you can customize their colors and other visual settings.

Each firework rocket contains the Fireworks tag, a compound containing a byte called Flight, and a list called Explosions. Flight is the number of seconds before the rocket detonates — unfortunately, you cannot make the rocket detonate instantly unless you summon its entity directly. Explosions is a list of more compounds, representing every explosion the firework makes when it detonates. Thus, the Fireworks tag should always take this form:


Each explosion compound in <list> can be customized with the following tags:

  • Colors: A list of every color to appear in the firework. Every color is represented by an integer.

  • FadeColors: This is just like the Colors tag, except that it determines all colors that the original colors fade out to as the firework dissipates. For example, you could make a blue-and-green firework that fades into yellow and green near the end of the effect.

  • Flicker: Equal to 1 if the explosion has a twinkling effect.

  • Trail: Equal to 1 if the explosion has a trailing effect.

  • Type: A byte representing the sort of blast you’re creating. 0 is a small ball (default), 1 is a large ball, 2 is a star, 3 is in the shape of a creeper face, and 4 is an upward burst.

For example, take a look at the following command:

give Isometrus minecraft:fireworks 1 0

This command summons a firework that explodes after one second, creating a twinkling yellow outer layer and a red-and-orange inner layer that fades into the same yellow.


You can also program Firework Stars in this way, using the Explosion tag (which contains the compound for a single explosion) instead of the Fireworks tag.