Subtlety Rogue Guide - 5.2

Summary :

  • Page 1 : Index
  • Page 2 : Races-Professions-Stats
  • Page 3 : Talents-Glyphs
  • Page 4 : Rotation-Macros
  • Page 5 : Gems-Enchants-Reforge
  • Page 6 : Addons-Extras

The Rogue

The gameplay is very dynamic; your energy will constantly be up and down, unlike with the Assassination specialization which is played with a linear DPS and a lot less "Burst". Subtlety is the least played specialization, why? Simply because it is known for its past PvP, but also because it is very complicated to play and we find little information about it in the forums, something that does not encourage us to try again.

Update 5.2: The Subtlety Rogue has a slight update! 

Current Ranking

This is an approximate ranking of the performance of each Class/Specialization

As you can see above, the Subtlety specialization is the first specialization of the Rogue. However don't worry too much about this table as it shows an average of the best. If your DPS isn't dazzling, even after reading this guide, don't panic it's completely normal. It requires a lot of time and motivation to reach perfection with this speicalization, one that demands that you make no errors at all. If you are ready, move on to the next page! Otherwise you can always try the Assassination specialization!