HearthStone Guide: Control Warrior!

Welcome to the deck control lair, and this time we're focusing on the Warrior! He uses his weapons and spells to clear the board and reach the much awaited late game! Once in the late game, unleash your power with your big legendary creatures: Ragnaros, Gromash, Ysera, exhaust all of your enemy's spells to win!

The Key Cards

This deck includes a lot of Warrior cards, which makes it a very unusual deck, and of course the big legendaries from all the control decks are included!

• Shield Slam

This card is an excellent removal for the Warrior and is unique to its kind since it works on the armour. Thanks to you Power you can deal a minimum of two damage points for 3 mana, but its with an accumulation of armour or cards like "Shield Block" that this card becomes really interesting! You can deal 5 damage points to a minion for only 4 mana while drawing a card with this combo! Very practical to clear the board in mid game.

• Execute

Yet again, a very cheap removal but a very powerful one! You need only deal one damage point to be able to then destroy a very big creature! For example you can combine this card with a Whirlwind or a Cruel Taskmaster to get rid of a Ragnaros for only 2 or 3 mana! What more could you want?

• Frothing Berserker

An excellent early-mid game creature. It can help you win all by itself, without you even needing your big legendaries. Simply because in the right situation you can very quickly find yourself with a creature that has 5 or even more attack points, making it a very big threat! Don't hesitate to combine this card with Whirlwind, Cruel Taskmaster or Slam!

• Brawl

Clearing all or almost all the board for 5 mana? It's now possible with the "BRAWL"! A bit of a risky card since its effect only keeps one creature on the board, but when your opponent has flooded the table with creatures, it's an excellent way to get rid of them! You can also try your luck if your opponent has a single big creature, you can try to play a creature and brawl so that you have a 50% chance of getting rid of it.

• Grommash Hellscream

The legendary warrior! Very powerful if you can do a combo in the same turn that you play it, such as with a Whirlwind, a Cruel Taskmaster or a Slam! So on the board you will have one card with 10 attack points and charge, which will put your opponent in difficulty. You'll also force him to focus on it or risk losing the game in two turns!

The Full Deck

The rest of the deck is made up of cards that ensure you can clear the board in the early-mid game and some big legendaries (Alexstraza, Ysera, Ragnaros) for the late game. You also have weapons to help you get rid of the enemy creatures!

Warrior Deck

Mana Card Name Quantity 1 Execute 2 1 Shield Slam 2 1 Whirlwind 2 2 Fiery War Axe 2 2 Slam 2 2 Bloodmage Thalnos 1 2 Cruel Taskmaster 2 3 Shield Block 2 3 Acolyte of Pain 2 3 Frothing Berserker 2 4 Kor'kron Elite 2 5 Brawl 1 5 Faceless Manipulator 2 6 Cairne Bloodhoof 1 7 Gorehowl 1 8 Grommash Hellscream 1 8 Ragnaros the Firelord 1 9 Alexstrasza 1 9 Ysera 1

Strengths and Weaknesses

The + of the deck

 Great to play!
 Unusual due to lots of warrior cards.
 Very competitive!

The - of the deck

 Very expensive!
 If you can't clear the board well against very aggressive decks you will struggle!