HearthStone Guide: Low Cost Mage Deck!

Do you want a competitive deck without having to spend hundreds and thousands on extortionate legendary cards? You've come to the right place! Because this deck is pretty powerful but doesn't require a single epic card and no legendary ones, making this a very low cost, yet very good deck! It has been used by the pro player "Trump" who reached legendary rank with this deck!

The Key Cards

This deck includes a lot of basic cards but is still very powerful and can give you some good control of the board as well as some decent creatures!


• Mana Wyrm

Best turn 1 possible for this deck, this 1/3 card is difficult to kill at the very start of the game because of its number of mana points, but it is still a threat for your opponent because you can easily boost it with a Coin or a Frostbolt for example, which would make it a very worthwhile creature to have! Very often, your opponent will try to kill it before you can boost it, but this gives you time to play with!

• Acolyte of Pain

A very good 'draw' card for the mage: unless your opponent silences or destroys it without doing it any damage, you can draw a card. You can also recover cards by using your Power on your creature to draw even more! If you manage to even just draw 2 cards, the Acolyte of Pain is pretty worthwhile!

• Water Elemental

For 4 mana you have a 3/6 creature that freezes! Pretty worthwhile, this creature can trade against two or even three creatures, or freeze either the enemy hero or a very big enemy creature! It will be a nightmare for your enemy, especially if he has a weapon!

• Azure Drake

This card combines 3 things: a creature with fairly decent stats (4/4), allows you to draw, and has spell power +1. For the mage it's a winning combo! This card allows you to play a monster without losing a card advantage and will often be targeted because of its spell effect, allowing you to focus on your other creatures!

• Fireball

6 damage for 4 mana, it's a very good deal! Use it on the big enemy creatures or to finish off the enemy hero. Be careful not to overreact, so don't use this card on the little creatures, because it would be a total waste of the card.

The Full Deck

The rest of the deck is made up of basic mage cards and the best neutral cards like the Harvest Golem or the Earthen Ring Farseer, giving you a pretty solid deck for a minimal cost!

Mage Deck

Mana Card Name Quantity 1 Argent Squire 2 1 Mana Wyrm 2 2 Frostbolt 2 2 Amani Berserker 2 2 Sunfury Protector 2 3 Acolyte of Pain 2 3 Harvest Golem 2 3 Earthen Ring Farseer 2 4 Fireball 2 4 Polymorph 2 4 Water Elemental 2 4 Chillwind Yeti 2 5 Azure Drake 2 5 Faceless Manipulator 1 6 Boulderfist Ogre 2 7 Flamestrike 1

As you can see, this deck is essentially made up of common cards but is still pretty solid. Of course, if you have epic or legendary cards you can always add them, for example by removing a Squire to add a Bloodmage Thalnos, or legendary cards like Ragnaros or Ysera instead of the Boulderfirst Ogres.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The + of the deck 

 Not very expensive.
 Strong, you have what you need to clear and some good creatures!
 Easy to play!

The - of the deck 

 Weak against the big control decks which have a lot of very big cards in the end game. 
 If you don't have the hand you need against the very aggressive decks, you'll struggle!