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Resident Evil 6 (RE 6): How to Counter

One of the new features that I’m liking in Resident Evil 6 is the counter.

You can’t counter any enemy, just primarily normal zombies, but it is a nice way to conserve ammo like melee attacks in general. It does take a bit of timing, but with a little practice you’ll be able to counter just about every time.

How to Perform a Counter

To perform a counter, you need to wait for a zombie to attempt a melee attack on you. You’ll see an action button flash on the screen right before the hit lands, which will be RT on the Xbox 360, or R1 on the PS3.

You have a fairly small window to hit the button, so instead of trying to look for the button to flash up on the screen, watch for the melee swing instead. I had a lot more luck doing it this way than watching for the action button.

The type of counter you perform depends on the type of attack it is against. Most counters on single player will either be a kill shot, or they will knock the opponent to the ground. If it just knocks them to the ground, run up and perform a melee attack at their head while they’re on the ground to finish them off.