Daunted by the size of that book you have been meaning to read? It might take you less time than you think. If you want an accurate calculation of the time you’ll need to finish that book, head over to How Long to Read.
The site lists more than 12 million books in its database. Use the site search to look up the name of any book on your reading list and select it from the search results. A dedicated page for that book should pop up. Look to the sample text on the side, click on the Start Speed Reading Timer button, then read it.
Once you finish, click on the button again to stop the timer. This displays an estimate of the time you’ll need to read the entire book.
The site calculates the approximate reading time based on the time you took to read the book’s sample, so do not speed read.
Do you know of any other websites like How Long to Read? How accurate are they? Tell us about them in the comments!
Image Credit: Hipster girl reading at sunset by Rasstock via Shutterstock