How to Really Hide Folders Full of Questionable Content

Do you share you computer with other people in your home? Are you worried they might jump in and start exploring folders they shouldn’t? We’re not here to judge what you have in those folders, but we are here to offer you a quick and easy way to make it so no will bother to click on them.

First, you’ll want to change the name of the folder to something that looks like a Windows system file. In the image above I went with “OX Setup”, but you can name it anything you want.

Change Icon for OX Setup1

Next, you’ll need to change the icon of the folder so no one will know it’s a folder in the first place. To do this, right-click on the folder, then click Properties. Click the far-right tab labeled Customize, then click Change Icon on the bottom of that screen.

From there, you can choose from tons of different icons for your folder. Pick one that looks like a system file that no one would want to click, and click Apply.

Now, when someone sees the folder, it will look like any other system file that they’d have no reason to click. For you, double-clicking on it opens it like any other folder. Just make sure you remember where you stored it!

How do you hide folders on your computer? Any cool tips? Share with us in the comments!