Get 4 Free eBooks: Career Resources to Help You Get Ahead

Are you thinking about getting into business as a manager? People who can keep others motivated and on track are incredibly important, and you can learn some awesome management techniques from these four free eBooks we have for you today.

Check them out and don’t wait to download them, because they’re only free for a very limited time!

Download: Best of 2015: Career Resources to Help You Get Ahead

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What Books Do You Get?

You’re going to get four free eBooks all combined into one awesome package; all for free! Each one is a pretty quick read, but when you put them all together, you’re find that there is well over 100 pages of detailed content that will help you get ahead in your management career.

The titles included are:

  • Team Leadership Styles
  • Active Listening
  • Delivering a Presentation
  • Top 10 Management Templates and Checklists

As you can see, the topics covered in these books are focused heavily on management, which means they’re applicable in almost every career field. Whether you’re talking about a highly technical company or a retail store, managers are needed!

The first book is about leadership styles. It spans a little over 30 pages, and it covers different types of teams and the styles of management that work best for keeping them in line.

Active listening is important, and that’s why there’s a whole book dedicated to the topic here. Even if you aren’t in a management position, it’s still useful to know how to actively listen.


The next book in the bundle is all about delivering a presentation in a way that’s engaging and informative to the audience. It covers the different styles of presentations, as well as how to develop a persuasive delivery style. It will even teach you techniques for rehearsing, which will make it so you can go in with confidence and be less nervous.

The last book here offers management templates that you can follow to become a more skilled leader. It breaks each one down in a way that’s easy to understand, so even if you only have a small amount of managerial experience, you’ll be able to grasp the concepts and learn from it.

If you want to learn management skills, these free eBooks are perfect for you. They won’t cost you a thing, so there’s no reason not to give them a download. However, the books are only free for a limited time, so if they sound like something that would be of interest to you, don’t wait to snag them!

How to Get Your Copy

To redeem your copy and download the free eBook, just head over to this page and sign up for a free account. The process will take just a few seconds, and then you will be sent an email with a link to download a free copy.

It really is that simple. Just make sure to use a valid email address, as you won’t be able to get the link to download the book if you don’t.

If you’ve downloaded an eBook from us before, you don’t need to register your email address again! It will remember you in the system, so you simply need to click the link above and you’ll be sent an email to download this awesome eBook for free!

Want More? Check out all the other eBooks we have to offer right here! There’s a lot, so get ready to flex those brain muscles!

Image Credit: Matej Kastelic via ShutterStock