Video Games In Your WoW Account, the Physical Differences between BLOOD& H elf

Do you pay attention to your World of warcraft account? Are there any physical differences caused by elf addiction that would make blood elves look immensely different than High Elves? Think about that why didn't their skin turn green, like orcs in your WOW account? Should the blood elves be super pumped from their addiction?

Of course not, blood elves and high elves are the same in all but eye color. Only Kael's elves, who went to Outland and aligned with the Burning Legion and fell for Kiljaeden and accepted his offers of being able to siphon massive amounts of fel constantly.

A lot of the belves was from the exposure to fel in Quel'thalas as well, not from siphoning fel. (This was from the latest CDev.) But, ya. Belves and Helves are the same. If anything, the Sunwell should be helping, especially with it being a lot of holy energy, half+ of it is holy cause of a dead naaru.

If Blizzard was willing to make a new model for High Elves to distinguish them for Blood Elves, what would be major differences?

There is none, just the eyes. If anything, Farmer100 cheapest WOW accounts online store think it makes more sense for the belves to go neutral. In the Lor'themar story we see that he and Sylvanas are not close anymore, if anything the opposite, especially with what happened in Cata/MoP with how she's acting. The belves only left the horde cause of Garithos really, many people think this is just stupid (Blizz did it just so a pretty race could be on the Horde). With the Pandaren experiment Farmer100 cheapest WOW accounts online store think it's possible for belves and draenei to do the same. The draenei have helped/teamed up with the belves a lot, and the draenei don't really care much for the Alliance, they would've left Azeroth if not for Velen in his short story.

Metzen also hints at the belves being the odd race out in the Horde, that they don't fit. After 5.4, especially with Taran Zhu and what he did with Jaina and Lor'themar on the IoT and telling them to end the cycle of hatred. Jaina saying this won't bring Vareesa's husband back, also she said to Lor'themar that there can be no peace until Garrosh has been brought to justice (to which Lor'themar agrees) before they bow, calling each other Lady and Lord, and just walk away. Lor'themar has had it with the Horde too. Farmer100 cheapest WOW accounts online store think with Alleria coming back it becomes even more a possibility after 5.4. Blizz could even use this as an excuse to update Quel'thalas and the draenei zones and then add some options, like blue eyes for belves, to the character creation screen. They'd be like the pandaren.

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