Video Games 7 Reasons why 3D animation is effective in Selling a Product or Service

There seems to be a lot of attention that 3D animations receive when it comes to advertising for a product or service. And there are good enough reasons to substantiate the statement. The world of 3D animation is intriguing and produces miraculous results that captivate attention and influence people to complete the desired call-to-action. One of the more important reasons is that the concept continues to be novel and is over and above the conception of an average individual. There are several such stronger reasons that make 3-dimensional animation a more sought after medium for advertising.

1. Real world models have always been a part of advertising. People have seen them for decades and the concept is no more innovative or novel although they aren’t indispensable. Scheduling, time compatibility and the risk of getting the right emotions, angles and body language that can be attributed to manual errors are high in employing real world models and actors. These are absent in 3d animation and this world can be manipulated to desired results with perfection.

2. Animation does not pose any limits or restrictions. It is as huge and diversified as your imagination can get. And infinite possibilities, fiction and imaginary elements can be included that otherwise cannot be a part when there is people intervention.

3. Live testimonials and involving popular actors and models can sometimes be diverting because the popularity of many celebrities can overpower the appeal of the advertised product or service.

4. Celebrities today endorse numerous products so it becomes difficult to establish uniqueness for the advertised product. However, 3D modeling and animation enables creation of a unique mascot that becomes the identity of the product or service and audience will remember the product with this entity. The ability to relate becomes higher and more effective.

5. Working directly with the animation house is a lot more affordable affair than using live actors and models and constantly checking for dates and schedules. The animation process is relatively quicker, more under control and more affordable than the conventional medium.

6. Animation has the ability to captivate attention immediately and stay on top of the audience’s radar than live adverts.

7. It is possible to combine live environments and live people and/or resources with animated elements to provide the best of both worlds. These commercials are very effective in an advertising campaign. There are several TV and internet commercials that employ a combination and research demonstrates their efficacy.

8. Live adverts stay in the hall of fame only as long as their popularity lies on top. This, most times, is short termed and thereafter the efficacy of the commercial comes down when the popularity of the actors/models fades. Also, there are numerous chances that these actors get into a scandal or controversy thereby necessitating the advertiser to pull back the commercial. 3-dimensional animation is often sans these perils and the 3D models hold a timeless appeal.

Veetil Digital with centers in India, China, Australia, UK, US and Middle East is a full digital services company focused on the creation of high quality 3D animations through advanced software and a team of experienced professionals for immaculate results.