Video Games Words With Friends Cheat

Words With Friends still remains one of the most popular free apps because it challenges you and an opponent in unique ways. Like most crossword puzzle types of games, most people think that the game is all about simply playing the best word in your hand. For those of us that play the game on a frequent basis, the game offers so much more. The game is not only about the excellent word play, it's also about point placement and strategy.

Purists of Scrabble and Words WIth Friend will scoff at the mere thought of using a dictionary, thesaurus or cheat site like Words With Friends Cheat. Unfortunately for them, what they lose sight of, is the fact that they might have a master list of 20 or 30 words that they could play on any particular round. None of that matters because it boils down to having the ability to play the word, somewhere on the board and maximizing the colored squares to attain the highest amount of points.

It's so cliche to lambast someone for using a list, the true art of the game lies in the placement. Displaying skill in that area is a thing of beauty that really should not be overlooked. I might play just a few games of Words With Friends during the work week. I find that the game is a great stress reliever that keeps my mind sharp, but focused on non-work. Even if it takes me away from the daily grind for a few minutes each day, it's a pleasant distraction that brings a bit of enjoyment to an otherwise hectic day.

Do you play Words With Friends? What games do you find yourself playing the most these days? Currently, I have Puzzle Craft, Words With Friends, Match Dots, Farm Heroes Saga, Candy Crush Saga, 100 Pics Quiz, Can You Steal It? and Doggie Let Me Out on deck. I write reviews for a lot of different games and these are the ones that have been on my smartphone for more than a month. I'm always looking for apps to review. What are some of your favorites?