How Much Do You Know about PS? Lets Learn the ABC of PlayStation

PS is one of the most popular game consoles all over the world. Especially, you can find that a great number of young people are fond of PS very much. Then, what does PS mean? And how much have you known about PS?
PS is abbreviated from PlayStation, which is a brand a series of video game consoles created by Sony Computer Entertainment Ltd., a full subsidiary of Sony. It's on December 3th, 1994 that PlayStation is was first introduced by Sony Computer Entertainment company in Japan. It has been a period of more than 15 years since PS was invented.
As we have known, computer games are popular during the era of Information Technology. With the rapid development of the Internet, varied new computer games come to satisfy people while lots of games finished with an unlucky ending. However, as a famous brand, PlayStation has developed rapidly these years. It currently spans the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations of video game.
The PlayStation made its debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in June 1991, where Sony revealed its console, a Super Famicom with a built-in CD-ROM drive. It's true that every chance is important for a new DEBUT! We never know what will happen in the future. However, if we have made efforts to change something and to improve ourselves, it will make difference, I'm sure of that! As to PS, who could predict that a small CD-ROM drive was able to bring such an exciting computer game!
Although the great SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment Ltd.) has released the 7th generation video game, it's the PS2 that is ranked as the best-selling console which have reached over 140 million unites. Similarly, its successor, PS3 is also such a wonderful console that it has become the favor of the young.
In the not-so-distant past, video games were found only on bulky arcade machines. But nowadays, the advanced technology has made it easy to play video games. Completely, we believe that the science will improve to a new step; and the video games will bring much more excitement for us, so will PlayStation.