Bloodborne Guide - Tips For Beginners


Bloodborne released a few weeks ago and very quickly has been talked about for its insane difficulty level, which is not unexpected in the least with it coming from the creator of the Souls series. It will still be rather difficult for Souls veterans, but newcomers will find it incredibly daunting. We’ve already told you about the Origins in the game and the first two boss battles, but we thought it would also be helpful to give you some tips for starting out as well.

As someone who had somehow not played any of the previous Souls games over the last few years, Bloodborne seemed like quite the intimidating task at first, but there are certainly some things that can help you dramatically. This guide will not go into details on how to beat any specific bosses, as we have and will be making further guides for that. Instead, this will focus on some beginner tips that can help you to get acclimated to the world and be able to survive.

Know Your Weapon Well

At the start of the game, you will have the option of choosing between three different weapons. These weapons are the Hunter Axe, Threaded Cane, and Saw Cleaver. Personally, I chose the Hunter Axe, but it really depends on how you want to play. The Hunter Axe is the slowest of the options, but also the strongest. The Saw Cleaver is a little weaker but also a little faster in exchange. The Threaded Cane is the most unique of the starters, as it has two very different forms. There is the short range option or the transformed whip form. Depending on whatever weapon you choose, it is vital to learn just what your weapon is capable of in battle. This includes not only the power and speed, but also its range and how well it can effectively be used against multiple enemies. There are some enemies that have an incredible range and that split second attack and movement by you can be the key to staying alive.

Have Threaded Cane As Backup Weapon At Least

A little bit into the game, you will have the option to purchase more weapons, including the other starting weapons. If you choose to start with the Hunter’s Axe or Saw Cleaver, I highly recommend you also picking up the Threaded Cane to have as your secondary weapon to switch to. With four total weapon slots to place them in, you have two on your left hand and two on your right. One is best to hold your gun and perhaps a torch. The other will hold your primary weapon, with my recommendation being you having the Threaded Cane in the other. Unless you elevate your skills massively, it is harder to go full on with the whip that comes in the cane, but it can serve as an excellent long range or crowd control weapon that complements your other one well.

Keep Weapons Repaired

This is actually something that you very well may not even notice for awhile, but the more you use weapons in battle and die, the duller your weaposn will become. This leads to weaker attack power and a better chance of you dying even more. To prevent this, make sure to go to the restoration station in the Hunter’s Dream house and you will be able to repair any of your damaged weapons for a relatively low number of Blood Echoes.

Learn How To Use Your Gun

I will admit that for a good while of playing Bloodborne, I thought the gun was utterly useless. I never used it except maybe to shoot a crow and that was about it. That was until I learned just how useful they can be, as you can stun most enemies that are charging at you by shooting at just the right now. It doesn’t work on everyone, but it can make your life a lot easier against the larger enemies and even a boss like Father Gascoigne.

Learn Enemy Attack Patterns

Bloodborne is full of a variety of enemies, some similar and some incredibly different from the others. Typically, you will see reoccuring enemies in the same general vicinity, allowing you to properly prepare to fight them. Learning these enemies’ usual attack patterns is one of the keys to staying alive as well, as you can know whether to go in strong or try to fight with a little more distance or dodging involved. Bosses are especially important with patterns, as you likely will not beat a single boss without discerning at least some sort of gameplay based on their movements.

Check out the next page for even more tips to help you survive the world of Bloodborne.

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