Bloodborne Guide - Choosing Your Origin


Bloodborne has now been out for a few days and in that time gamers have likely died way too many times to count in the game. For those that are just starting however, you will find a very important decision before you ever start playing, during the character creation.

The superficial options such as age, gender, and character design are there just for aesthetics, but the Origin option is something that must be very carefully considered. You will be presented with nine different Origin choices, each of which vary from one another.

There are eight different stats which will be affected by your choice: Level, Blood Echoes, Vitality, Endurance, Strength, Skill, Bloodtinge, and Arcane. Before going into what these different stats do and why certain ones will be better options for you, let’s take a look at just exactly what each one will give you.

  • Milquetoast: Ordinary, happy upbringing. All attributes average
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 300
    • Vitality: 11
    • Endurance: 10
    • Strength: 12
    • Skill: 10
    • Bloodtinge: 9
    • Arcane: 8
  • Lone Survivor: Lone survivor of lost hamlet. High life essence and vigor.
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 420
    • Vitality: 14
    • Endurance: 11
    • Strength: 11
    • Skill: 11
    • Bloodtinge: 7
    • Arcane: 7
  • Troubled Childhood: Suffered misfortune in youth. Highly resilient as a result.
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 360
    • Vitality: 9
    • Endurance: 14
    • Strength: 9
    • Skill: 13
    • Bloodtinge: 6
    • Arcane: 9
  • Violent Past: Terribly violent past. Rash, but stronger for it.
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 180
    • Vitality: 12
    • Endurance: 11
    • Strength: 15
    • Skill: 9
    • Bloodtinge: 6
    • Arcane: 7
  • Professional: Born specialist, fit for sleuthing or academia.
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 240
    • Vitality: 9
    • Endurance: 12
    • Strength: 9
    • Skill: 15
    • Bloodtinge: 7
    • Arcane: 8
  • Military Veteran: Experienced in war. A soldier with strength and skill.
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 320
    • Vitality: 10
    • Endurance: 10
    • Strength: 14
    • Skill: 13
    • Bloodtinge: 7
    • Arcane: 6
  • Noble Scion: Scion to a respectable line with faith in your pedigree.
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 540
    • Vitality: 7
    • Endurance: 8
    • Strength: 9
    • Skill: 13
    • Bloodtinge: 14
    • Arcane: 9
  • Cruel Fate: Faced terrible hardshipes, but now confident in your purpose.
    • Level: 10
    • Blood Echoes: 500
    • Vitality: 10
    • Endurance: 12
    • Strength: 10
    • Skill: 9
    • Bloodtinge: 5
    • Arcane: 14
  • Waste of Skin: You are nothing. Talentless. You shouldn’t have been born.
    • Level: 4
    • Blood Echoes: 10
    • Vitality: 10
    • Endurance: 9
    • Strength: 10
    • Skill: 9
    • Bloodtinge: 7
    • Arcane: 9

Just so you know what you are getting into, let’s explain just what these stats are, though more are self explanatory. Blood Echoes are the form of currency in the game, so they have an important role. Vitality is essentially your health in battle, while Endurance is how much energy you have to use to fight or evade in those battles. On the offensive side, Strength and Skill are important, as they effect how powerful your attacks are, depending on what kind of weapon you are using. Bloodtinge and Arcade deal more specifically with the weapons, as their ranking decides just what weapons you are allowed to use.

First of all, if you are a beginner to this game and the Souls series in general, you will never want to choose Waste of Skin. It may seem like no one would want to choose it based on the stats, but having those few extra levels less in there means you have more control over the growing stats of your character. You will just find the opening stages near impossible at times.

Milquetoast is going to be your most middle of the road option that will see you be a jack of many trades, but a master of none. Lone Survivor may be the best overall pick for newcomers, as it gives you the highest Vitality by a rating of 2, giving you just a little longer to survive in these incredibly tough battles.

If you feel confident in your defensive skills and don’t require a high Vitality, Violent Past, Professional, or Military Veteran may be good for you. Violent Past offers the highest overall Strength, but the Skill is rather lacking. Professional is the exact opposite, but with even lower Vitality. Military Veteran is the more middle ground that will give you more Strength and Skill overall, but less Endurance than the other two. Troubled Childhood is also there for those planning to focus more on Skill with the highest Endurance of all, leading to excellent evasion, but Vitality is pretty bad.

The lowest Vitality of all comes in one of the final two with Noble Scion’s 7 rating. However, that is outweighed with not only a high Skill rating, but also Bloodtinge. This one is for anyone planning to focus on using guns in the game, but the lack of Vitality, Endurance, and Strength can make this one very difficult though. Cruel Fate is really the only one that gives a focus on Arcane, with Bloodtinge at its lowest on the other end. This is good for anyone looking to focus on magic-based weapons, though they won’t be around to help early in the game.

Now it is up to you to choose your own that will allow you to get started and die again and again! After looking at them all, newcomers are likely best off trying Lone Survivor or Milquetoast, with maybe perhaps Violent Past in the mix as well. Make sure to let us know what you end up choosing in the comments and if you recommend it to others who are getting a start as well.