How to get Achievements for KickBeat Special Edition releasing on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Wii U
KickBeat is game which help the players to interact with music. The game combines beat-matching mechanics with an acrobatic style of martial arts, turning the songs into a harsh battle. The game also allows players to create new tracks from the music libraries using music analyser. The games looks simple but its not and has great sound tracks.

Here is a complete list of KickBeat Special Edition Achievements list:
Lesson One
- Collect a powerup from any enemy and get 10 gamerscore points.
Lesson Two
- Defeat a chained enemy with a press and hold attack and get 10 gamerscore points.
Double Double
- Collect a powerup from red enemies and get 10 gamerscore points.
It's Showtime
- Complete a track on Hard difficulty within the first month after the release and get 10 gamerscore points.
Trying Is the First Step Towards Failure
- Fail a track and get 10 gamerscore points.
Yellow Belt
- Reach a total of 25 stars on any difficulty and get 10 gamerscore points.
- Defeat the Mercenary Boss by blasting him with Chi and get 15 gamerscore points.
Ohhh....I Get It Now!
- Earn 4 or more stars on any track and get 15 gamerscore points.
Wax On Wax Off Wax On
- Collect 10 powerups from an enemy defeated with a press and hold attack and get 15 gamerscore points.
- Earn a 10X score multiplier and get 15 gamerscore points.
Ready for More
- Complete a track with full health left on any difficulty and get 15 gamerscore points.
Red Belt
- Reach a total of 50 stars on any difficulty and get 15 gamerscore points.
The Roof Is On Fire
- Survive the Helicopter Boss fight and get 20 gamerscore points.
Three Finger Death Punch
- Defeat 3 red enemies at once and get 20 gamerscore points.
Black Belt
- Reach a total of 75 stars on any difficulty and get 20 gamerscore points.
Multi Millionaire
- Reach a score of 1000000 on 5 tracks on any difficulty and get 20 gamerscore points.
Masters Exam
- Complete a track with 5 stars on Master difficulty and get 20 gamerscore points.
Half a Master
- Complete 12 tracks with 5 stars on Master difficulty and get 20 gamerscore points.
I Know Kung Fu
- Reach a combo chain of 100 on Expert or Master difficulty and get 20 gamerscore points.
Getting the Hang of It
- Survive 3 tracks in a row in Survival mode and get 20 gamerscore points.
Quick as Lightning
- Complete the Mercenary Chief without getting hit on Normal or higher difficulty and get 20 gamerscore points.
Lee's Story
- Complete all of the story tracks with Lee on any difficulty and get 30 gamerscore points.
Mei's Story
- Complete all of the story tracks with Mei on any difficulty and get 30 gamerscore points.
Keep Them Coming
- Collect 100 orbs while Chi mode is active and get 30 gamerscore points.
A True Master
- Complete all tracks with 5 stars on Master difficulty and get 30 gamerscore points.
Knew Metal
- Earn red stars on both Boom and Last Resort. and get 30 gamerscore points.
Untouchable Phenomenon
- Reach a combo chain of 300 on Expert or Master difficulty and get 30 gamerscore points.
Path of the Legend
- Counter the incoming attack of 10000 enemies and get 30 gamerscore points.
- Survive 10 tracks in a row in Survival and get 30 gamerscore points.
Fists of the White Lotus
- Complete a playlist of at least 30 minutes in Freeplay on any difficulty and get 30 gamerscore points.
Master of Missiles
- Complete the Helicopter Fight without getting hit on Hard or higher difficulty and get 30 gamerscore points.
- Collect 1000 orbs while Chi mode is active and get 40 gamerscore points.
Its All in the Mind
- Reach a combo chain of 500 on Expert or Master difficulty and get 40 gamerscore points.
The Legend
- Counter the incoming attack of 50000 enemies and get 40 gamerscore points.
All Day Long
- Survive 18 tracks in a row in Survival mode and get 40 gamerscore points.
The One
- Complete the final battle without getting hit on Expert or Master difficulty and get 40 gamerscore points.
Unlikely Survivor
- Finish a track in Survival mode after starting with less than 10% health and get 40 gamerscore points.
Fists of the Black Lotus
- Complete a playlist of at least 30 minutes in Freeplay on Master difficulty and get 40 gamerscore points.
Pure Perfection
- Complete a non-custom track with only perfect hits on Master difficulty and get 40 gamerscore points.
- Unlock all other achievements and get 50 gamerscore points.
KickBeat Special Edition will launch on 26th September 2014 for Xbox One, it is already available on PS4 and Nintendo Wii U.