How to Increase Galaxy Fleet Wars Player Experience Level, Recruit General, Equipment, Resource gains and more

Galaxy Fleet Wars produced by Zhao Xin is a free to play RPG for iOS and Android. You can built warships, establish your bases, collect resources. There are stage based quests of  fighting through galaxies and other warloads. Here are the tips for playing...   

Galaxy Fleet Wars

How to Increase Galaxy Fleet Wars Player Experience Level, Recruit General, Equipments, Resource gains

Increasing the player experience level:

The stages in the game are much easy initially. The difficulty level goes on increasing as you clear further levels.  You can first go to the last stage leaving the difficult ones if you cant beat. Here you can increase your player experience level and also the levels of generals in your crew.

Recruiting a General:

To recruit a rarest general you'll have to visit tavern often and spend money. Also you can fire any general who is not letting you to recruit the new one. You can take back all your equipment to reuse.

Resource gains and Auto- updates:

You can increase your resource gains by hitting auto updates. Sixteen auto updates can be done at a time which will increase your capacity of holding maximum resources. While increasing ranks will only increase your resource gain.


As your level increases the equipment pop ups in the shop become rare. The rarest is the Red tier, followed by Orange. Green is on third being medium tier. Then comes Blue and the last very much common is White. The same can be followed for generals.  

App update:

As the game had connection problems since release,turn on the notifications for updating the game or delete and reinstall the app.Also you can wait for update on the appstore.