How to Beat Bloodborne PS4 Rom, the Vacuous Spider in a Completely Safe way

In Bloodborne Rom, the Vacuous Spider is a deadly boss who is proving to be a complete pain for Hunters. Rom can be found in Byrgenwerth if you jump from  the balcony where you find Master Willem.


If you kill Rom you will get  Kin Coldblood (12) and the Moonside Lake Lamp will also become available. Here is a guide on how to Beat Bloodborne PS4 Rom, the Vacuous Spider in a Completely Safe way:

When you see Rom, you will first notice that he is surrounded by a small army of spiders who will not allow you to approach Rom directly. You have to first kill most of them so that you will be able to reach Rom. If you have faced Rom before, you might already know that the lightning weapons are of no use against the Vacuous Spider.

The trick is to use bone marrow ash and then switch to the flamethrower. You will notice that if you attack a specific spot behind his head he will keep turning and you can easily launch into a series of attacks. 

For more information on how to Beat Bloodborne PS4 Rom, the Vacuous Spider in a Completely Safe way watch the following video.