MGSV: The Phantom Pain Tips and Tricks for Beginners

The Phantom Pain is the first Metal Gear game in the series with an open world aspect to it. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is undoubtedly one of the big games of 2015. You play the role of Big Boss (a.k.a. Venom “Punished” Snake) as on a mission of revenge against Cipher and the mysterious Skullface. Here are the Beginners Guide and all that you need to know before you start playing the MGSV: The Phantom Pain.

MGSV: The Phantom Pain 

How to Shoot and Loot?
In MGS5, the player is rewarded and the settlements with players which take more time, such as lower the guard outposts to high-security Soviet prisons. Also has a Major Loot of Materials, Blueprints, and Diamonds to be collected. You should collect as many as you can because these diamonds are used to buy new weapons, and the materials you find are used in making them. You need to keep a steady play for such collection to your Mother Base.

Capturing Outpost
As you reach an outpost, you'll encounter a big antenna(anti-air) and with those are big satellite dishes(backup equipment) which you can easily take down. You need a C4 and grenades to destroy it, then call out for the chopper for extraction. Till the time chopper extras, you need to stop the enemy from calling  the backup. 
Destroying these Outpost in order to capture the base and also to create a passage through Afghanistan and Africa.

How to collect intel?
Interrogating with at least one soldier in every enemy outpost is a bit easier to gather intel. After the interrogation is complete you'll understand what the guards are saying. Now to grab one from behind click R2/RT when close and then hold L1/LB and click 'Spit It Out'. With these, they will start pointing towards the hidden diamonds or expert soldiers which will help to build Mother Base faster.

Hint: Try This when you're at a large camp and you have no positive ID on a target.

Various Platforms and Staffs
It is very important to know your mother base and its Platforms. If you have already unlocked Mother base with its platforms then you should focus on the appropriate way to use it. There are lots of things to be researched from weapon to camps, but you need to know the right way.

The Rocket Launcher:
The Rocket launcher requires the R&D team leave 12 and also one of the recommended weapons in the game since mission 8. Not only the R&D Team but to built one you must also have the required resources and Money. To Gather resources, you must have a right approach to gathering the loot and tranq/Fulton-ing guards and till that time be focused on the R&D stats.

Binoculars in MGSV: The Phantom Pain is equally important as the other weapons. Binoculars help you to find out good soldiers by tagging them as normal and it'll show you their abilities. You must keep the Binoculars up-to-date(Upgraded) because upgrading them will help you find higher-level thugs. With the upgradation, you must also take care of the R&D and intel teams, for example, A Third level Binos can pick out A+ ranking Soldiers and it requires R&D level 16 and Intel level 14.

Hint: While upgrading the weapons and binos also keep a check on the progress of your Mother Base.

Fulton Upgrade:
Fulton is a very useful item in the later stages of the game. For the upgrades, you need the Support Team level 16 and for R&D Team level 18 plus. Fulton works best with the upgraded binos as you know what to do.

Mother Base and Working:
As you unlock the Mother base, Computer will automatically start sorting the troops/staffs in different platforms. If you want to level up quicker then you must start sorting the troops/staffs yourself. For example the Mother Base Cpu sorts A level medical staff to look after the injured troops, likewise the B and C level staffs looks after some other field but, if you try switching them out it'll result in boost the timeframe plus you can get more staffs. There are also some few main characters in the game like Ocelot, Miller and more who handle this very well as they are more talented and knows more about the Mother Base. You can Ask these guys to join the area which need more development and soon the area will boost up and don't forget to keep recruiting troops.

Handling Weapons:
Always remember to switch to a non-lethal weapon as and when you are spotted. You need to react very quickly when spotted so it's very important to have right sets of items. To switch between lethal and non-lethal weapons by pressing Square/X to draw the weapon.

Hint: MGS5's slow-mo 'Reflex' system is a recommended weapon to use.

Missions Objectives:
In the very beginning, you'll be assigned with the Assassination of the High-level Soviet generals or heavily armored enemies. Kaz will inform you about your targets and you'll be asked to kill them but, instead of killing you can try kidnapping the generals(mission 'Red Brass') and start interrogation to know about the intel on Afghanistan as you're also awarded 3 high-skilled soldiers. If you follow this process than soon you'll have an Elite Soldiers Squad back at you Base.

How to control the fights at the Mother Base?
Each troop/staffs you send to your Mother base have some special abilities within them like skills to be used for your own advantage. On the other hand, some staffs have the quality of trouble making as they break out fights where is not comfortable and yet they are assigned. This results in sending soldiers to the medical the bay and downgrading the unit while they recover.

Hint: To stop them fighting is by assigning two troublemakers in the same unit.  


Check out our omni-comprehensive MGS V: The Phantom Pain guide detailing Tips, Tricks and Cheat. We have split this guide into seven parts: General Tips, Advance Tips, Combat Tips, Buddies, Mother Base, FOB and How To Earn GMP.